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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3850488 No.3850488 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having trouble deciding on which art school to attend, here are my options:

(would be starting as a sophomore, I would be receiving 12,500$ in grant money each year, and would graduate when I'm 24; however, the school is still going to cost ~40-45k with living)

>CSU-Long Beach
(still waiting on my admission to the BFA program, but I'll likely get in and if not, I'll still get in as a BA in Studio Art and can switch later, will be starting as a Junior, will graduate when I'm 23, and the school is very affordable including living expenses, so I'll take out minimal loans)

>WDKA/Willem de Kooning Academy
(I will likely have to attend for 4 full years, thus I'd graduate at 25, the school and living expenses are extremely affordable, more so than CSULB even, since I'm an EU citizen, and it's in Europe, which is where I plan to relocate to [from Los Angeles] as money goes much farther there; the major downside though is that I hear the school can be a bit too conceptual, so if you have any knowledge about WDKA or Dutch art schools in general, I'd appreciate your input)

(I'll have to live with my mom, but I won't have to take out any loans, I'll graduate when I'm 23, however, I don't know how good their art program is)

>> No.3850514
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1. Don't you fucking dare go to art school
2. Get a part time job
3. Get an AMB animation academy membership
4. Get a monthly subscription to the "Bitey.com" FX course
5. That's fucking it

Those are both world class shit and will cost you less than like 2k US by the time all's said and done. There's no reason to go to art school in 2015+4; art and animation are an incredibly saturated field and the risk of being in debt up to your ball sack for the rest of your fucking life far outweighs the reward of being some overworked industry drone barely scraping by


>> No.3850524
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>> No.3850527

just build a portfolio by yourself.
making quick money from animations are by making anime/cartoon shorts mock ups for ~30sec/1min commercials, target the instafags. Asking price MUST be min ~300$-500$ (beginner) and 50% upfront payment must be settled before starting the job. Quality over quantity and do not destroy the market by selling yours cheap.

>> No.3850531


Damn, I wish I hear about these a year ago. I’ve been sort of feeling like I’ve already picked up a lot of the fundamentals at community college to where I can effectively learn on my own, so I think I’ll save myself the debt and do this. Thank you so much.

Could you tell me more about marketing? I’ve been researching how it is to work at a studio, and it sounds like literal slave labor, and the pay is pretty awful also, considering I’d have to continue to live in Los Angeles most likely. If you are making over 150k or so here, you are stuck in a horrible area that is at least an hour away(driving) from your work. oosh. Freelance seems like the only way forward.

>> No.3850536

*unless you are making over 150k

>> No.3850538

why dont you go to a community college and get a degree in a STEM related field?

>> No.3850543

>no making a killing in a stock market and using your earnings to fund what you want to make

>> No.3850544

Do stem jobs even pay much? I think the average salary is about 60k for them, unless you go into graduate or postgraduate school, but that’s also very expensive. The only stem field that really interests me also is physical anthropology, but I’m not sure if there are many jobs for that.

>> No.3850563

viral video or shamelessly send your creation to the normalfag webs like boredpanda, youtuber tribute, twitch gamers, jewgle analytic on the trendy keywords and search terms of the day. If you think the English-speaking world are highly competitive, target large countries with massive population like China, Indonesia and India. The Gulf arabs pays much money more than Westerners does if you know how to seal the deal with them.
This is for non-pronographic content.

>> No.3850607

As a side question, what do you guys think about becoming a medical illustrator? And does anyone know the qualifications to become one in Germany?

>> No.3850675

>physical anthropology
I was thinking more engineering or repair technician related, but if youre not into it then dont worry about it.

As far as art schools are concerned, its probably best to call the schools and interview each one to see if it suits you.

>> No.3850713


>> No.3851045

If you can get a scholarship that covers most of the cost or can find a cheap school overseas then it’s not a bad idea. Or if you/your parents got money, then why not.

It’s not the best for pure skills but going to a place where you just focus on that one thing with a punch of peers into the same thing is valuable. Studying alone is great but the “real world” can be a drag especially when your balancing it with a draining job. There’s a lot to be said for going away for a few years to focus.

Definitely don’t do it if you can’t afford it though, it’s not worth it.

>> No.3851075

don't go to art school for this, there's so many resources online these days you can teach yourself for free, when you learn all the basics and you're decent just pay for an animation course that provides feedback so you can find out what you need to work on to continue improving. Paying to learn art is silly since you can do it all at home even while working.

>> No.3851103

True dat, im currently getting a Bachelor in Communication Design so if i dont make it in Art I at least have something which can get me hired in a normal buisness. While doing so you also have plenty of time on your hand to improve your art skills without that much pressure.

>> No.3851443

That’s why I personally want to finish getting a BFA degree, so that even if I don’t make it as an artist, I can still work as a museum curator or something, and not being a minimum wage slave.

>> No.3852145
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>As if there's just museum curator jobs lying around everywhere to begin with-or will be in 4 years when you get your master's degree

It's not worth the risk, fella. Get a part time job delivering pizzas (make no mistake, if you pick the right neighborhood-check real estate websites for local demographic information, you want mostly white and asian-you will make hella money) and will be better off than 95% of college grads by the time you would have earned your bachelor's degree.

Use your late teens and early 20s to self educate; eschew video games and work only enough to purchase the tools and educational material needed. Use google and google maps to see if you have any local one-off classes and figure drawing sessions in your area and go to those instead of college. Go to free public zoos and draw the people and animals there.

By the time you're 22 you will have progressed well in your art and have a very healthy bank account, besides.

>> No.3852509

Only go to art school for connections. I go to a community college and I'm in two clubs and I got to meet a lot of cool people who have been in the industry. Good luck with whatever choice you make OP.

>> No.3852510

based and wholesome

>> No.3852614

>This thread
God dammit. I got accepted into a preparatory animation art school ast week but I didn't officially register yet. But now I feel like I'm going to make a massive mistake by going in. I live in France and am 21. I personally think this is going to help me since I've been neeting for a year and a half to get me back on my feet but I'm having doubts now, even moreso since it's a course that's supposed to make me ready for the besr schools of the country. I'm still pretty /beg/.

>> No.3852618

Also recently 2 premium animation tutorials have been uploaded by the creators themselves on you tube. While it is 3D base, the basic animation principles should still apply. Look up

Keith Largo
Kenny Roy
Jean denis Haas

Combine that with other websites like the 11 second club, animator's island - 51 animation excersice. Animationmentor's blog where they have articles and interviews. That Share thread on /ic/ where you can download some animation books. That is already a huge of amount of learning materials.

The most important thing is to put in the work and show it to people to get feedback

>> No.3852897
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What's the latest age you can go to school? That is likely the age you want to go.

Some art schools will NOT accept applicants older than 24 (I think Gobelins) and that's OK! That gives you time to either fall on your sword and fail on your own or get good enough to earn a scholarship if you want to go later using inexpensive material online like AMB and the Bitey.com fx course

What is the cost of the school? Things are different in Europe, if you're spending around 10,000 EUR a year I'd say that's acceptable-any more than that though and it's getting risky.

All that said, France is pretty cool and the French hybrid animation style is world renowned at this point.

>> No.3852898

>Some art schools will NOT accept applicants older than 24
But why? What's wrong with accepting older adult students?

>> No.3852908
File: 227 KB, 1040x1108, It Puts the BFA on Its Skin or Else It Gets the Hose Again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know for sure but if I had to guess I'd assume it has something to do with the limited amount of openings available. They probably have to turn away a lot of young people every year so if you're some mediocre old fart you won't be shown mercy. Commercial art schools, unlike certain others, often have pretty strict admissions process. They want to make money, but they also want to be reasonably certain the student is capable of bringing prestige to the school.

If someone is trying to get into art school in their late 20s and they still suck worse or are on par with a good portion of the applicants fresh out of highschool the school isn't in the position to be sympathetic, even if the boomer is pretty good for having only been drawing for a year or two.

>> No.3852977

Someone older will smell their bs before the first year is out. Get the youngins in and you might rope them in for 100k before they realize its a waste.

>> No.3852992

The one I got accepted in was Atelier de Sevres and that's almost 9k, and the main objective for now is to pass exams for Gobelins next year and that's just about over 7k a year if I'm correct. From what I see those prices are rather tame compared to the US?
For what it's worth I investigated and visited those schools myself and I wouldn't go balls in if I didn't like them or think they wouldn't help me.

>> No.3854074


>> No.3854245

This thread has been very helpful, I'm one of those boomer faggots who was thinking about going for a uni degree.

I'll still do the application process but not going to invest too much in that plan.

>> No.3854260

If i was in your shoes. I would either pick the collage with the most connections to the industry. That or just start neeting and buying private lessons from tutors.
Dont blindly follow >>3850514 annon's advice as going to collage can be very helpful to getting a leg in the door for future employment in the animation industry. You dont need to graduate it tho. You can neet and grind your fundies until you reach a point where you could be hired and then join collage and someone might see you to reccomend you to a job opening.
>t. someone who has finished diploma in animation and got hired just based from connections from art school

>> No.3854395

A degree in art from a non-art school is probably not worth your time.