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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 411 KB, 1288x1144, 1552463964979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3849896 No.3849896 [Reply] [Original]

Why do artists draw in ugly styles?

>> No.3849897

Because they have shit taste and think their style isn't ugly.

>> No.3849898

show your stuff

>> No.3849905
File: 336 KB, 900x1100, 1552323257844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3849906

Based broccoliposter

>> No.3849912
File: 281 KB, 880x1054, 1551905786438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its "Go vegan" btw ;)

>> No.3849914

Because tumblrfags have horrible taste. The "ugly=diverse and beautiful" mentality also doesn't help.

>> No.3849919

These things don't have anything to do with eachother, but alright. There are some legitimately ugly styles that people who draw them enjoy. Regardless of where they're from.
It honestly makes me scared that my own style might be hideous without me knowing.

>> No.3849920

Americans have a ‘rebel’ culture that attacks traditional forms, and the end result is an inversion of those things

>Femininity bad
>independent stronk women good
>end result = masculine women

in the same vein
>Beauty bad
>”diversity” good
>end result = idealization of Ugliness

>> No.3849923

Or no one draws with any of this in mind and they just have an ugly style and shit taste.
You fags really like to overthink everything.

>> No.3849925

Back to tumblr

>> No.3849928

I honestly just have a vendetta against generalization in general. I see it everywhere and in the smallest things. It reminds me that humans are a bunch of monkeys that are no different from 15,000 years ago.


>> No.3849934

Tumblr tards are broken human beings

>> No.3849937

what is this thread

>> No.3849944
File: 312 KB, 1280x1024, D523984E-254C-415D-AA04-5FDB4CCE09E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or no one draws with any of this in mind
So the person who drew pic related by coincidence just happened to find those features attractive?

>> No.3849956

They've probably drawn all their lives and when they integrated into tumblr they were encouraged to do something like this. Their art style was always ugly, but now they have an excuse to make uglier.
And no I'm not denying that there are people who idealize ugliness. People like that exist, but you're claiming this person made their style ugly on purpose when it's obviously just a generic ugly style, which is weird to me. As if this person did it deliberately.
>>Or no one draws with any of this in mind
Let me rephrase this. I meant that the majority of people don't, not no one. Do you think this ugly styles don't exist outside of this?

The OP is just an ugly style. Clearly nothing like what you're posting here.

>> No.3849957

>but you're claiming this person made their style ugly on purpose when it's obviously just a generic ugly style, which is weird to me. As if this person did it deliberately.
When I say this I'm talking about the OP.

>> No.3849968

Alright, I’m not OP though

>> No.3849969

Nah, I meant the picture in the OP.

>> No.3849977

whatever, art is ugly

>> No.3849983

Oh fuck, I wrote a whole paragraph about the tumblr thing, then I went back and somwhow I thought I saw that you were replying to OP and I deleted everything and changed some of it. So none of this probably makes sense to you.

Oh well, it's a blessing in disguise I guess. I saved myself another long argument that will lead nowhere.
Cheers, man.

>> No.3849986
File: 35 KB, 437x540, 1551316701468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don' get it. Does it cut itself?

>> No.3850030

That's my work you fag. Don't steal my shitposts

>> No.3850039

I don’t know and I don’t care. I don’t know why you care either you tedious spastic.

>> No.3850043

because you keep talking about it

>> No.3850049

No worries anon

>> No.3850118

Those are stretch marks.

>> No.3850192

Leftists hate beauty.

>> No.3850200

I don't really see what's so ugly about it. Nothing to write home about but it's certainly not bad. It's competent enough.

>> No.3850232

because they are ugly from inside

>> No.3850243

I don't draw human beings very much and I'm trying to learn, my faces look bad and people here say they look like the Tumblr style. I think it's just that these people don't draw very well and they see a lot of art that is also not drawn very well so they just think it's OK and don't bother improving.

>> No.3850256

why cant retards here enjoy anything that isnt moe anime garbage?

It's like a person who thinks beer and steak is gross because they only eat chicken nuggets and sprite

>> No.3850268

As a bitter angry robot from /r9k/ it warms the cockles of my cold cold heart to see the grotesque and disgusting.
But it's not like conventional art is bad or anything.

>> No.3850296
File: 450 KB, 1000x1000, 1456876691817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory cuter version

>> No.3850306
File: 29 KB, 144x160, Looks Great!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3850464

ripped stockings maybe?

>> No.3850465


Art is an appeal to an emotional state rather than based in logic and what is considered "ugly" is highly subjective.

>> No.3850624
File: 392 KB, 500x374, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3850636

>have a vendetta against generalization in general
>against generalization in general
>in general
Anon, I...

>> No.3851487

I'm glad something nice came out of it.
Art can be wonderful like that.

>> No.3851495
File: 333 KB, 966x1142, cami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried making an appealing black character but I'm sure that in and of itself is an insult according to progressives. There's just no winning, is there?

>> No.3851765

Wait is pic related supposed to be the appealing black character? oh no no no no

>> No.3851774

Unironically 100 times better than the original, and not only because they're koalas.

>> No.3852513

satsuki is cute if you ignore her hands and odd proportions

>> No.3852514

is that supposed to be black

>> No.3852523
File: 319 KB, 833x692, 461837492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get where this obsession with looking bad for the sake of looking bad stems from exactly. Is it self-loathing?
I once shown the character in pic related to a tumblrite friend of mine and her immediate reaction was to say
>yeah of course she's pretty
... I mean yes? So what? Why would artists want to draw ugly looking things? It was perplexing because the character in question isn't even your typical sexualized anime c@girl.

>> No.3852873
File: 16 KB, 234x216, sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a girl or a guy?

>> No.3852875

Not him, but that anon said the character is a 'she' and reffered to her as a 'c@tgirl'.

>> No.3852879

It's really easy to understand if you were around in the 2000s. Hollywood promotes beauty and "leaves out" everyone else so even ugly characters are played by supermodels, advertising photoshops women to be impossibly good looking, little girls grow up with unrealistic body standards and become bulimic because their parents used TV to raise them, there's one black dude in the movies and he's the first to die, gay people were a joke until a few years ago, etc etc.

Basically it's a counterculture to all these things, coupled with the whole millennial myth of "you can be anything you want". The song "beautiful" by the definitely not ugly Christina Aguilera came out in 2002, tons of obese young girls really liked the idea of being beautiful no matter if they weighted 300 pounds. Gays and blacks and trans people started campaigning too for representation. 20 years later if you don't have ugly ass lesbians as your main characters you're being a backwards evil sexist white man.

>> No.3852880

There's this thing where you draw a girl but call it a boy... Better be sure

>> No.3853056

>I tried making an appealing black character but I'm sure that in and of itself is an insult according to progressives.
No one said anything yet and you're already creating an enemy. Pathetic.

>> No.3853058

>20 years later if you don't have ugly ass lesbians as your main characters you're being a backwards evil sexist white man.
Sure, bud.

>> No.3853059

Tumblr has arrived.

>> No.3853065

Nah, I agree with most of what is said but it's cringy seeing people victimize themselves when nothing is there.

>> No.3853072
File: 213 KB, 1160x683, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a girl of course anon, can't you tell?!
With that explaination it still very much feels like counter-culture for the sake of counter-culture. These days you can represent anything you like in movies, you can make a movie with a gay main character or about being a trans black woman and not having it be laughed off as a joke as it'd have been 15 years prior. It's pointless.
Guess it's mostly screeches for attention.

>> No.3853076

why is this page of a catgirl wolfing down her food so arousing

>> No.3853618

Because they are unskilled but the "you're perfect as you are" mentality they have keeps them from trying to improve. Also they hold on too tightly to having a unique and personal style.

>> No.3853872

>having a """"tumblrite"""" friend
This board is fucking infested with art hoe females that use only it as a means to gossip

>> No.3853909


Exactly, many tumblrinas think ugly and fat = beautiful
its even more dissapointing when they actually have decent art styles, but have to waste it on drawing 45th gender harry potter non binary oc shit