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File: 86 KB, 960x773, 27072506_1048498235287961_8882489851607317451_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3849502 No.3849502 [Reply] [Original]

What's some of the worst/strangest art advice you've heard?

- Never make custom shortcuts in Photoshop or other applications because if you get hired by a studio you will have to use the standard settings (??)

- Not a single professional draws without reference ever. No one can draw without reference

- You get blacklisted in the industry if you draw "sexist" waifu stuff

>> No.3849510

>No one can draw without reference
There are people that actually believe this?

>> No.3849540

Not OP, but yeah. Some people apparently don't know that construction drawing exists.

>> No.3849568

>Don’t shade with black

>> No.3849573

>You get blacklisted in the industry if you draw "sexist" waifu stuff
Only if you were hiding it, and even then it's hardly a blacklist, more of a soft "hey that's a no-no" talking to and maybe it costs you some other jobs later. No boss wants to deal with the fallout of an artist's NSFW work being discovered, so just don't have two twitters and you'll be fine. Be open about who you are and what you draw.

>> No.3849577

Anything beginners say or think. It's all so precious. Also half the shit that comes out the mouth of workshop artists. But those aren't usually weird. This one is weird.

This guy I knew back in like 2006 had no idea how the artistic process worked and was a total poser. He thought digital art wasn't real and you just scanned it and put a filter on it or a machine drew it. Always talked about "real" artists like they were stereotypical hippies with berets and bags of acid. I think he thought acid was like a liquid or something that turned things into cartoons. Anyway, it came to a head with this.
>real artists just make the final thing all at once
I don't know how he said it but he may as well have thought every painting was like the Bob Ross intro where he does the CG giant brush. Wala, art. Weird guy.

>> No.3849582

>grinding from scratch will make your art skills improve faster
>tracing is bad
Meanwhile, there are many artists that started by tracing and they manage to become god-like in less than 2 years.

>> No.3849588

Dont many comics do this and art from darkest dungeon too

>> No.3849591

It wasn't tracing that did it.

>> No.3849593
File: 110 KB, 634x960, IMG_20190312_225314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginners shouldn't shade in black because they always use it wrong.

>> No.3849595

>there are many artists that started by tracing and they manage to become god-like in less than 2 years.
>started by tracing
>god-like in less than 2 years
Post some examples of those many artists?

>> No.3849596

You know it only applies to painting, right? Mixing in black looks like shit because carbon particles blah blah but it turned into "don't do shadows with black". Also it's pretty specific to watercolor.

>> No.3849608

May as well start giving background to bad advice while I have a few minutes.

Carbon pigments are shiny and don't mesh well with watercolor. When they dry, they float to the top and make black specks because they're finer than most pigments. It also desaturates heavily and you have to think about warmth because most of them are pretty gross on their own. And they're opaque. The solution is using a neutral tint like Payne's grey or a dark pigment to darken and neutralize (indanthrone, ultramarine, perylene maroon, umber) that's transparent and has a more controlled color. Or doing a base drawing with India ink and painting over, which is what waterfags did 200 years ago.

Don't use black for shadows.

>> No.3849632

Your story is great, but you might have brain damage.

>> No.3849666

That talent don't exist or isn't important and that everything can be achieved with hard work. Talented people often don't realize they have it easier than others and normally gets offended when pointed that they have some natural inclination towards some subjects that made they learn faster than others, etc. They think that because they're talented if you point it out it's the same as saying they didn't worked hard, which is not the case.
The world would be a better place if people wasn't so full of bs all the time.

>> No.3849670 [DELETED] 

It could also be the case that they don't have any particular case, and that the person pointing it out is just trying to justify his own laziness. I would also get offended.

>> No.3849671
File: 245 KB, 588x602, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling this story because it still remains the worst art advice I got ever:
>be trying to learn to draw fuller human figures instead of the cutesy emo shit I’d been drawing all throughout highschool
>trans friendo who’s published a book and generally likes art and I are talking on a post I made
>I say I’m struggling to draw female bodies because they look too masculine, and struggling with male bodies because they look feminine, exc
>“Anon, there’s no such thing as too masculine or too feminine.”
>”oh... yeah no I wasn’t like, saying anything about people or whatever, I just mean that I’m struggling to draw their bodies the way that they’re supposed to look in my imagination, like-“
>”there’s no such thing as too masculine or feminine.”

Mfw my friend’s personal ideology mattered more than me getting better at drawing. I wasn’t even drawing lewds, I just wanted to draw people that actually looked human instead of like stick figure frogs.

>> No.3849676

It could also be the case that they don't have any particular talent, and that the person pointing it out is just trying to justify his own laziness. I would also get offended.

>> No.3849701

>no one can draw without reference
oh no no no

>> No.3849913

people telling me my art is already good enough when the truth is it's not. Another one is that if you put effort and preferred finished pieces, you're a tryhard.

I never did believe those because I'm often critical of my works, but it did bothered me that people have that mentality.

>> No.3849915

Is that last one kind of fake?

I'm not in US but I would not mind having a studio gig and that hope has kind of put a limit on the NSFW-level of my works

>> No.3849926

I will never understand these fetishes.

>> No.3849953
File: 59 KB, 650x365, 765865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the most dogshit piece of "advice" that gets thrown around all the time

>> No.3849959

It's fake in the sense that you could be blacklisted for any reason and it could be more you than what your content is.

>> No.3850054

I cant see an employer worrying about fetish art unless it was constantly at the forefront and kinda fucked up. Also I don’t believe people swallow the old “all these pictures of children being raped by their dads are 18+ so its ok” at a professional level.

>> No.3850073

>Don't copy others, be original
A line of thinking I've believed until I was a year in and realize my shit sucks. Every piece of art is influenced by others in someway, my orcs back then were influenced by WoW, I was just relying on a faint image in my head rather than studying the thing directly. Your favorite artist, musician, they all started out by copying/leaning from better artists, blink182 wasn't made in a vacuum, they are result of punk bands that came before them, and todays bands are influenced by blink182. Beetles were a cover band before they made their own music.
I wasted a lot of years trying to do my own thing in other pursuits, putting in work but in the wrong direction making very little progress trying to create my own recipe instead of stick to what's tried and true, then I eventually gave up on those pursuits, and I really don't want to waste years again.

>If it's hard it's probably not for you.
This is coming from a brother that doesn't have anything to work on in life. I think it's either him wanting me to be in his situation, lost in life, browsing internet/playing video games aimlessly so he can have someone to relate to, or the fact that my brother dropped out of university when things got hard, he wants me to be on the same level, someone to relate to. I don't talk too much about the art struggle with my family anymore, which is a good thing in a way, I stopped complaining to others and instead just work through my problems. Talking about things can be good stress relief, but complaining is like a psychological bandaid for your problems, you stop looking for answers yourself and try to seek them in others.

The best advice I'd give/taken if I could only give one thing, journal. Write about everything, about your day, life problems, things that make you happy or sad, things you want in life, goals, art notes. You wouldn't solve a math problem in your head so why would you solve real life problems in your head?

>> No.3850077


These people have no common sense, the sooner you learn that the better.

>> No.3850100

>Not a single professional draws without reference ever. No one can draw without reference
biggest meme ever

>> No.3850116

It’s not that they cant, its that they don’t because you can draw more accurately from reference.

>> No.3850275

So shading with black is alright if I do digital

>> No.3850282

You probably shouldn’t, unless doing comics and cartoons. IRL nothing is really true black due to coloured light reflecting all about the place. In comics and cartooning the idea is a bit different due to them both historically coming from a medium that at the time wasn’t reproduced so well. So, artists simplified their drawings into economic line work with simplified light and dark areas that could be reproduced clearly on newsprint or black and white screens. Printing has advanced but the technique has become part of the traditional look.

>> No.3850301

>Also it's pretty specific to watercolor.
I have no idea where this thing with black or white paint came from in watercolor. They both have uses and many old artists used them.

>> No.3850339
File: 640 KB, 800x902, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, the reasons shading with black is bad has absolutely nothing to do with fucking carbon particles or whatever. Shifting the value of your colors downward without adjusting the hue and saturation will make your shading look muddy and gross no matter what medium you're using. That's what shading with black means.

It's easy for a new artist to assume "shadows = dark, so just make the color darker, ezpz", and get shit results, that's why it's cautioned against so often. It doesn't have anything to do with literal black shadows like you'd see in comics

>> No.3850354

>loomis isn't a meme

>> No.3850454


What does gender have to do with biological sex?

>> No.3850457


>identifying as male has nothing to do with having a dick

fuck off

>> No.3850490

Sounds like someone doesn't work hard.

>> No.3850589
File: 771 KB, 2048x1168, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does gender have to do with biological sex?
For 98% of the world population gender correlates to sex. Humans evolved in sexually dimorphic ways that affected our physiology, our way of physically and psychologically contributing to the community/tribe, and we constructed social roles around that sexual dimorphism. That’s what you people call “gender,” that collection of expectations, patterns, mental schema, presentation, way of life, whatever, that makes it easy for people to categorize each other, know one anothers’ needs and capabilities, and how to interact with one another just by looking at them(like how to address each other).
For most people gender is effectively the same thing as sex, and when used in any other way it is used to appease a stupidly small minority of people who are diagnosable with a mental illness that brings harm to them and others.
Dysphoric and ideological individuals are such a minority that allowing them to define the game for the rest of us, to make themselves more comfortable in their mental illness, is insane. So don’t you dare act like this shit’s just a given. You’re the one who has to explain themselves, not us. If you’re going to make demands on other people that they grant you your delusions, you better have something to offer, the least of which being a good explanation.
Let’s bring this back around. What does this have to do with drawing? Easy, artists and people in general shouldn’t have to dance around people like you to get art help, get their point across, draw what they want, or criticize shit like pic related. The situation is so bad that people have to come HERE of all places to get genuine art help and critique, without having ideology smacked in their face for daring to draw the natural human form. Instead of being genuine with one another we’re stuck pretending like gender subversion is a beautiful and good thing, despite the contrary staring us in the face.

>> No.3850592

>tfw it's physically impossible to have a pompadour this awesome IRL

>> No.3850601

Nice effortpost. Well written.

>> No.3850807
File: 2.13 MB, 2995x3011, IMG_20190314_073836966~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Workshops, hearsay, and Victorian era paints. Lead white browns, zinc white causes some pigments to rapidly fade or brown, carbon blacks don't harmonize well as a general rule and should be used carefully. All whites are rather opaque and should be used carefully. The Victorians, bless their hearts, believed in conserving whites on the paper to preserve the uniqueness of watercolor.

One long game of self taught, workshop telephone later and you have dogma. Most watercolor society rules for submissions don't allow white gouache, which only adds to the perception in the layman.

How about this one from an otherwise good book.

>> No.3850810

>"Don't try to copy or trace"

>> No.3850815
File: 95 KB, 541x600, Durer_Young_Hare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most watercolor society rules for submissions don't allow white gouache
this is dumb

>> No.3850827

worst advice: just draw

>> No.3850829

It's the base for all gouache, it's essentially banning mixed media, which is fair considering they're "transparent" watercolor societies. Bodycolor has separate judging categories.

>> No.3850831


>> No.3851129


just start your oWn sOciEty

>> No.3851208

The advice is good, you just have to not be an autist and understand the context of the advice, which is given in naturalistic shading when working in digital. It's a good general rule for begginers because they tend to default to black for shadows even when trying to have realistic shading.
If you really thought you discovered something because you know ink drawings are a thing, you need to reevaluate your level of comprehension when people give you advice.

>> No.3851284
File: 80 KB, 1002x636, guweiz journal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guweiz https://www.deviantart.com/guweiz/gallery/
kronprinz >>/ic/thread/S2336771

Inbetween animators

>> No.3851307
File: 30 KB, 440x498, Blank+_bb5b2ae9ac9a05bbec2cf42544326d31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tracing is useless. Sure, they may have started off by tracing, a lot of kids do that, but I guarantee they didn't get good by tracing.

Tracing teaches you next to nothing, and what it teaches you you could learn a hundred times better and more besides from copying by hand. At least then you can train your hand-eye coordination and your observational skills. So yes, tracing is bad. Stop perpetuating this crap.

>> No.3851310

tl;dr but I wanted to comment on that weird ass image, it looks like someone took a guy, added some "female markers" and called it a woman. Looks like shit.

>> No.3851320

Jesus Christ I cannot believe guweiz got so good this fast and I don't know what to take from this. Either he is extremely talented and we are all fucked or we are all too retarded to know how to actually learn. What he posted in 2014 when he supposedly started looks better than what I do now after years.

>> No.3851324
File: 13 KB, 273x184, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference isn't bad, but if you literally cannot draw anything from imagination and can only make things by mindlessly copying and mashing a bunch of reference together, you are severely lacking as an artist. You may as well just photobash at that point, it's the same thing but faster.
Greg Land is a pretty good example of this sort of thing, his art is incredibly awkward and lifeless.

>> No.3851332

Okay, but does he trace? 'Copying' and 'tracing' are NOT the same thing.

>> No.3851341

>heavily reliant on references and tracing to draw anything

>> No.3851342

I have no idea what his process is like, how do you know that he traces and how much he relies on references?

>> No.3851366

that is not tracing though

>> No.3851381

does it even matter, does all this shit matter
ilya swipes and gets paid and is famous
sakimi is shit and disgusting and and is famous
proko can't draw and is a fraud and and he's famous
greg land gets paid
pangender multiromantic demiqueer transracial hyperfaggots get hired even if they're shit over actual competent artists
does it even fucking matter if you can draw or not, it's literally the least important factor in making it

>> No.3851385

Newflash: the important part is to satisfy demand

>> No.3851423

Could you maybe elaborate bit on what is written in that pic?
I'm in the process of learning watercolor myself and struggle a bit with choosing and mixing colors and pic related seemed like solid advice.

>> No.3851512

It's from Making Colors Sing by Jeanne Dobie. She's suggesting that mixing yellow and magenta makes a more "glowing" color than using burnt sienna, which is true because it's clearly more saturated. The problem is that earth pigments have no blue reflectance. They aren't "tainted" with a third primary, that's just what color they are. Also rose madder genuine is not only fugitive, it's also violet and has a lot of blue reflectance. It's all literally the opposite of what she says.

It's not wrong in practice, but also ignores that your earth pigments become much more saturated as they are diluted and will "glow" in relation to more concentrated versions of themselves. Her whole glowing color schtick is putting a more saturated color in areas of complementary desaturated grey, mixing clean transparent colors and contrasting them with opaque textural areas, setting up warm/cool dichotomies, and thinking about the color of darks. Good book in general, pretty advanced for the most part, also loaded with bits of bullshit you have to pick out.

Know your pigments and their properties, learn what doesn't mix well, and keep your mixes simple. That clears up half of color mixing. The rest doesn't fit into a shitpost.

>> No.3851553
File: 24 KB, 317x284, What+the+hell+am+i+supposed+to+do+my+cards+_4f6a93033e9d2e22306f9e02a74b1d0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? It doesn't make them any better.
If you want quick and easy patreon bux and Twitter likes, go right ahead. Just don't expect any actual respect from anyone in the know, or to make anything you're actually proud of.

>> No.3851570

Everyone in comics does it. It’s about churning out content not having some retarded standards where using no reference is king. You’re stupid and you don’t know what you’re talking about.

>> No.3851632

>using no reference
Which is something I never said, retard. Using reference is fine, being completely unable to do anything without it is not. It's a supplement, not a replacement for your visual library.
Comics work is a profession that you would actually need to be able to draw from imagination 90% or more of the time to be effective at.

Correction on Greg Land, he actually traces/photobashes all of his work, which is actually worse.

>> No.3851633


>> No.3851655

Or they're really poor at it (I speak as one such person). But from what I've learned from experience is that you can get away with drawing SOME simpler things without reference, like leaves, rocks, simple tools like screwdrivers and mallets. You can get away with drawing stuff like humans or more complicated objects with out too much reference, but animals are one of the only things I think I would need a lot of reference for.

O hai Dobson

In all seriousness, it only works when you know what your doing, and very few do.

>> No.3851663

It's just a matter of memorizing stuff.
90% of artists are going to draw humans most of the time, so that's the most obvious thing you learn to draw from memory (though you may still need reference for e hyper realism or more esoteric poses), other common objects, too.
But for example several comic artist drawing serialized cowboy comics (like Tex) were able eventually to draw incredibly realistic horses from memory, just by virtue of drawing them all the time.

>> No.3851686

>trace, it saves time
>its what the client asked for!

>> No.3851688

Using reference, tracing, photo bashing is actually fine. It’s completely fine and you don’t know what you’re talking about. You just have ridiculous standards for something which is essentially pulp.

>> No.3851690

>tracing is fine

youre a retard

>> No.3851695


Still, using reference and tracing is useless if you don't have solid skills in drawing from imagination. Pulling out reference for everything you draw actually takes longer times than just drawing it frmo imagination.

>> No.3851704


This is fine-art advice that became dogma among painting teachers.

It's bizarre to apply it to design, comics, illustration, or animation.

>> No.3851707


Never draw anything you can copy, never copy anything you can trace, never trace anything you can cut out and paste up.

>> No.3851716

Absolutely this. And for a medium like comics, it severely hinders the storytelling too.
Sure, if you're a hack.

>> No.3851717


Anon, you are, essentially, dealing with a religious fanatic here.

They will look past any violation of sense or taste if it bolsters their world-view.

>> No.3851720
File: 350 KB, 900x1304, Wally-Woods-EC-Stories-Artists-Edition-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sure, if you're a hack.

I WISH I was this much of a hack.

>> No.3851722
File: 140 KB, 597x579, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, here’s another piece of bad advice that led to cringe. I had a YouTuber friendo that would pressure me to make fad/trendy art, thinking that it’d make me more popular. That sort of thing didn’t work for me. I tend to get more attention just by following my whims and posting what I think is impressive to me personally. Still not a LOT of attention, but not the same level of disappointment as posting Bowsette to half the return I’d usually get.

>> No.3851727

Don't conflate using a reference with tracing or photobashing. For the last time, I never said using a reference was bad.

>> No.3851730

Tracing and photo bashing are fine as long as there’s a nice result.

>> No.3851738


Since you don't seem to get it, the person I was quoting is the one who drew that cover.

If Wally Wood says tracing is OK, it's OK!

>> No.3851741


And Wally Wood could draw from imagination in his sleep. You can't trace and reference your way into drawing like Wally Wood

>> No.3851745

Yet that was Wally woods advice to others, not Wally woods advice to wally wood.

>> No.3851753

Ultimately, the argument against tracing (or even copying) isn't an ethical one, if you can trace your way to the end, and have your work look amazing and original, be my guest.
The problem with tracing is usually that either it shows vast chasms of quality within the same picture (pitch perfect anatomy and proportions for one part of the body, with horribly flat and "wrong" other parts) or that it hinders your freedom to construct pictures, because you can't improvise anything.
Especially for comics and animation, where you're required to produce a great variety of images from any angle, at great speed, the heavy use of reference and tracing can become problematic.
If you're spending the next 2 months on a painting, that's quite a different proposition.

To me personally though, tracing just removes the joy of drawing, so that's just where i'd come from, but you gotta do what you enjoy.

>> No.3851760

The “joy of drawing” goes out the window when you have to produce 30 pages a month. Most studios back in Woods day had what they called “the morgue” which was a series of filing cabinets full of clippings and photos which they would use to trace or reference. It’s completely normal in comics and always has been. If you need multiple shots of a car just go and take multiple shots of a car and there’s your ref.

>> No.3851763

>never shade with black
>except when you should
So it's bad advice then. Don't use pure black if you're going for realism, sure, but that's obviously not all art is. A beginner experimenting with pure black is better than a photocopier artist who can only draw realism.

>> No.3851776

Its great advice if you know how to use it.

>> No.3851778


And they used that reference with a foundation of being able to draw masterfully from imagination.

>> No.3851798

Reference isn't going to cover 100% ofyour needs, though. Reference is extremely limited, and if you base your work entirely around reference, your work WILL suffer for it. Especially if you can't draw in the first place.

>> No.3851820

You seem to be conflating the tools you pull out to save time and meet a deadline, with one's ability to work without those tools if needed, and especially the ability to work how you most enjoy it, when you're not crushed by a workload.

>> No.3851836

Wood was rejected everywhere until he got a job pencilling in backgrounds, which he copied from photos. He couldn’t draw to begin with and was tracing.

>> No.3851841

I hate tracing cause actually drawing things and even building up perspective is the thing I love the most about drawing, but I have resigned to building 3D assets for comics so I can draw things consistently from panel to panel. I do it for environments that will repeat through the comic, I do it for complicated props. I could do all of this by hand and I even know how to keep things in scale proper but it is simply way too time consuming to do all this construction while checking for consistency.

Worst things about tracing is that you can't adjust things and "break" models for artistic effect. If you draw a car it will always look like a stiff car, you can't do a slight cartoony bend to its muzzle while it's jumping off a cliff or something.

Also bad is the completely flat perspective, if you trace an environment model to be accurate you will lack a certain organic feel that you get if you do it by hand.

So the best thing really is just using the asset as a loose underlay, and just set a few landmarks so you can still be accurate but your drawing will be organic / you can deviate from the asset as needed.
Straight up tracing looks like shit.

>> No.3851862
File: 13 KB, 151x260, PprsTBJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? Your point is? None of that invalidates what we already said. You can't rely on tracing, it's a stopgap measure to save time, that's it. If you can't do anything on your own, your work will be crap, period.

The thing about Wood is that he didn't rely on tracing to do everything, he actually got good and knew how to draw. If he did nothing but trace and couldn't draw a stick figure on his own, yet still be a comic book virtuoso with stunning work, you would have a point; but as it stands, you don't. So just shut up already.

>> No.3851865


I think this is a little bit confusing topic. It's really difficult to construct something unless you have studied it. And to study something you need to draw the subject from life and from reference pictures quite a bunch. That's where you learn the constructing of the said object and to chop it down to manageable pieces.

Then let's say you go in front of a drawing class or something and state "I have never used reference for my art", well you are technically right (you might never show your studies) but it's a little dishonest to say that. Even if the finished pieces are done from imagination.

However pros use a lot of reference because it's quicker to correct your mistakes if you can double check things. Many animation studios go to study references together, and might refer back to their own studies in the studio.

>> No.3851890


What makes you so damn sure he didn't learn anything from tracing?

>> No.3851947

See >>3851307 because I am not typing this out again.

>> No.3851971

no u

>> No.3852211

That's just your belief. It has nothing to do with Wood's own experience.

>> No.3852445

You're making a lot of assumptions on Wood's experience, namely that he used it to learn rather than as a cheat to get work done faster. And if you really think that tracing will teach you more than observational drawing, you're hopelessly retarded and I am officially done with this conversation. There's no more that needs to be said on the subject.

>> No.3852508

>Then let's say you go in front of a drawing class or something and state "I have never used reference for my art", well you are technically right (you might never show your studies) but it's a little dishonest to say that. Even if the finished pieces are done from imagination.

No, not at all. No one is saying you shouldn't study from life, do master studies and use reference. Still having the ability to copy something from reference vs drawing it convincingly from imagination are two different skill sets. I don't see what's confusing about this the least bit.

>> No.3852511

It's not a fetish, it's your go-to "le creepy reddit art", this one is a step above in originality from a mermaid being cut up for sushi which is the prime choice of unoriginal hacks

>> No.3852581
File: 407 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20181219-170503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew something making fun of that once lol

>> No.3852679

it's just a surreal trend
it's almost a cliches now

>> No.3852691

Lets see, Wood himself said he was constantly rejected. He only got into the comic business because he was a failed illustrator. He attended two art schools and dropped out of both. Once he found himself lettering comics he moved onto backgrounds which is the basic pleb work for the failed artists. Eventually he wound up at EC where people like jack davis, John severin and Harvey kurtzman brought his skills up to speed. Some Ed artists, especially Jack Davis were known to reference and take photos of things for their art. Jack Davis had a huge collection of civil war artefacts which he constantly put in his art.
You don’t know what you’re talking about shit down and shut the fuck up and as the authority on EC and comic book art here I am officially using my powers to end this conversation officially. Anyone who replies or disagrees with me from here on in shall be officially recognised as a shit cunt for life.

>> No.3852783
File: 2.64 MB, 3264x2448, 20190315_181551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be upset and draw your feelings to deal with it and leave the drawings around for you parents to find

>> No.3852923

>Erasing is bad, never erase, it will only slow you down. If a line is bad throw the drawing away and begin again.

>Do not ever ctrl+z when digital drawing, just start the entire drawing over, begin again.

>Plan out every drawing, don't even place a pen to a paper unless you've planned out every last detail

>I can draw this exact line and shape and drawing the exact same way every time, so should you *draws how to draw anime tier scribble*

slight paraphrasing

>> No.3852929

I agree with the planning out thing and
>ideally you should be able to trash a drawing and do it again exactly the same

>> No.3852931
File: 121 KB, 500x681, Cn9LqShXYAE0nx8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stand on the shoulders of giants

>> No.3852932 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, gvgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said ' pyw ' and he gave me this

>> No.3852933
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1600, gvgj - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said ' pyw ' and he gave me this

>> No.3852934

dunning-kruger is one hell of a drug
I posted a thing on the webcomic thread on /co/ and some dude who draws worse than your pic tried to redline my drawing

>> No.3852939
File: 115 KB, 925x1038, based anime artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll never truly understand it. this is the same guy

>> No.3852940

I bet this person has more followers than me

>> No.3852945

I don't think anybody can be this delusional

>> No.3852965
File: 287 KB, 960x1280, 20190106_025541_960x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of good advice when not taken to retarded extremes. I use a ballpoint for sketching. It forced me to be both more decisive and accurate, while at the same time being more loose and blase about my work. /beg/s often fall into the trap of painstakingly working and fretting over a crappy sketch for hours, like every sketch is their baby and they're extremely worried about it looking good so in the end it ends up looking stiff and tight and bad. Sometimes it's best to just scrap a bad drawing and start over (though preferably this is in the early stages), and it's good to learn early on that every sketch you fart out on paper isn't precious.

I definitely wouldn't do that for finished work, though. It's good to challenge yourself but you shouldn't be making things harder on yourself to the point of it being a hindrance just to say that you can. Very, very experienced artists can do that sort of thing but that's because they've gotten to a point where they can just do it unconsciously.

Sketching is a part of the planning process, though.

Yep, they're far too big for their britches. That's fairly decent /beg/ work but that bad attitude, Dunning-Kruger effect, and weeaboo autism is going to hold them back severely.

>> No.3852981
File: 1.58 MB, 400x300, e8a5w9s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3853017

>i was in an art class a few weeks ago, where the teacher STRONGLY SUGGESTED to the students use copyright and trademarked images in their work...this is a state sanctioned institution...i am certain that if there was potential any legal liability the practice would have been quashed...why is the practice accepted...? because the students use the copyrighted material as the basis for their own distinct works of art...even though the trademarks, etc, are clear recognizable, they are significantly and creatively altered so that they become unique works of art in and of themselves...which is EXACTLY what i am saying is the case here...
I still have no idea what this guy's point was.

>> No.3853025

Honestly this happens all the time, people swipe shit grabbed from google and that's almost always under some sort of copyright

>> No.3853041


/ic/ is a long game of telephone, where good advice is twisted, bastardized, taken to ridiculous extremes, and repeated out of context by bad artists who are more interested in winning arguments than art. With that in mind, be careful what you choose to dismiss based on the poster's work. Good advice does not become bad just because it's parroted by a bad artist.

>> No.3853105

yeah i think you're right actually

>> No.3853125

>Roguelike, spilling into drawing.

>> No.3853719


>> No.3853972

Not with that attitude

>> No.3853974

Store your digital art on a separate usb-drive so you can trash it the moment you do a mistake

>> No.3854022

What did /ic/ mean by this? This guy is actually good.

>> No.3854026

>the virgin voilà
>the chad wala

>> No.3854050
File: 62 KB, 500x363, DMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just start painting on the blank canvas bro don't even try to draw a sketch

It took me a year to figure out that you could paint over lineart, I had just been slowly rendering each part of the drawing at a time and just assumed that everyone else was doing it that way as well.

>> No.3854215

I think some erasing would do him good.

>> No.3855168

Those are good exercises though.

Eh, I'm pretty sure he's just copying panels from Yotsuba.

>> No.3855184

Yeah, just swallowing your sorrow and repressing your negative emotions is so much better.

>> No.3855187

It's still miles ahead of contemporary art. Why must /ic/ always shit on anything. You guys are insufferable.

>> No.3855247

>drawing from nude models is exploiting them
from a grad student who now teaches life drawing. very conflicted man.

>> No.3855260


They are just adopting a cynical persona to try to position themselves above everyone else, kind of like aloof high school kids.

>> No.3855388

>Why must /ic/ always shit on anything. You guys are insufferable.
That's how it's always been even on other boards

>> No.3855456

Isn't it because black doesn't naturally occur in nature?

>> No.3855620

sounds mormon

>> No.3855631

That the ability to draw is NOT genetic, it obviously is, just like how you cant practice your penis to be bigger or you cant work to make yourself taller, drawing is a waste of time if you don't have the genetic talent.

>> No.3855632

/ic/ has forced me to draw the same pic 5 times without telling me what was wrong and i just end up with different versions of the same crap.

>> No.3855636
File: 153 KB, 500x333, 4230305854_e2b05232c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many insects, fish and fungi off the top of my head.

>> No.3855648

Yeah no sorry dude. That was really dumb of you.

>> No.3855684
File: 60 KB, 300x300, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no anon, it's just her hair that's making you think it's a dude, she'd look perfectly feminine if she had longer hair

That's hat I thought originally, wew lad...

>> No.3855721

What is interesting is that I like that body type (not huge hips/ass, small breasts) and these artists manage to fuck that up and draw it incredibly unappealing for some reason, I don't know how. On top of the fuckugly man faces of course.

>> No.3855725
File: 289 KB, 468x242, 66-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the ugly daughter of Fantozzi, fucking kek

>> No.3855807

>Only share your final pieces and only when you're good
>hide in shame until you are good
This is such bullshit because you'll never be good enough, just share anyway, keep an open mind for critique even when you do feel yourself to be finally good

>>Don't copy others, be original
What a waste of time

>Anime is embarassing
Ok, is it, but also the next generations at artschool after me did loads of 'ironic' anime art and it did really well, and then the years after that it was ok to unironically claim inspiration. I shouldn't have been scared of looking like an uncultured weeb.

holy shit I learned something on /ic/ about watercolour thank you
Black is ok in oils if you're using that kind of old fashioned pallete, Ivory Black is even usable as blue, but I personally hate it even though others make it look good. Like so much in art it just comes down to our opinion.

>> No.3855860

>that pic.
If you want to be transgressive (lol) and do fugly pirate Samus, that's fine with me, but at least try to give her a pose and gesture that reflects her role/personality, don't have her stand around with floppy arms, like a fucking Scooby Doo character, what the fuck.

>> No.3855907

This, I drew once and my art was terrible, so I’m rereading loomis for the 100th time and taking my talent pills (blood from cutting mixed with cum (stored artistic anguish and erotic mana))

>> No.3855955

You can use black even in watercolor, but the type matters a lot. There's a lot of arguing and preference regarding the color of dark neutrals and it's why so many people mix their own. I like iron blue with venetian red. Super dark and slightly towards purple and easy to control. Hellishly opaque though, but makes for nice cover ups and tints out nicely.

>> No.3856132

He's just xeroxing badly from " Yotsubato! "

>> No.3856536

>Just draw what you love
>Art is about beauty

>> No.3857539
File: 32 KB, 274x266, 1547291960892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This guy is actually good.

>> No.3857619

Guy I worked with insisted that we didn't have to have world building in our game and that we can just have character designs be whatever looked cool. He used Overwatch as an example.
The lead staff kept listening to him over me, the game bombed and that company's shut down now.

>> No.3857671

What game was it, anon?

>> No.3857694

he's openly gay and ultra-progressive

>> No.3857732 [DELETED] 

tfw i look sort of like this
i'm female and produce excessive testosterone

>> No.3857825

that bread texture is shit. way too smooth, looks like bread if it was watered down

>> No.3857827

Overwatch literally has trash tier worldbuilding so he's right. 90% of the playerbase wouldn't even know it. Difference is it has god-tier character design, so you have a high standard to match up to. Then you have Apex which is successful because what? I don't fucking know. It sure as hell can't be the character design or the world building.

>> No.3858050

>Difference is it has god-tier character design
lol what
if you remove all the girls being literally made for porn there is nothing appealing in overwatch's designs, it's all generic as fuck.

>> No.3858261

> nothing appealing in overwatch's designs, it's all generic as fuck.

How did you come to the conclusion that appealing equals not generic?

>> No.3858272
File: 159 KB, 350x324, 350px-Reinhardt-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand what you are saying but there is nothing really that cool and interesting in pic related. It could easily belong to some chinese MMO.

>> No.3858275
File: 1.14 MB, 809x1500, Lucio-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the only good male design is Hanzo but even that is not particularly memorable
some are simply hideous, look at this shit

>> No.3859893
File: 2.83 MB, 345x260, 1531751011873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You get blacklisted in the industry if you draw "sexist" waifu stuff
you will get balcklisted everywhere if you start doing any "sexist" stuff
>Not a single professional draws without reference ever. No one can draw without reference
how is that shit advice?
>Never make custom shortcuts in Photoshop or other applications because if you get hired by a studio you will have to use the standard settings (??)
i dont really know about this so i dont have an oppinion

>> No.3859895
File: 623 KB, 1111x597, 1212984848413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.3859901

>Never make custom shortcuts in Photoshop or other applications because if you get hired by a studio you will have to use the standard settings
i don't use photoshop but surely they have export setting to file

>> No.3860744

are waifus even sexist though? Lots of professional artists have done pinups and I don't see how drawing waifus would be much different

>> No.3860826

how the fuck do you think cavemen did to get their black for drawing on the walls

>> No.3860839

Of course they're not that's why there are quotation marks, do you think the kind of person who'd call them that has a single reasonable thought in their skull

>> No.3860843

>don't copy other, be original
>if it's hard it's probably not for you
It's good advice for people who are making it. Bad advice can be just that, coming from the wrong person or given to the wrong person

>> No.3862158

nigga I fucking mean that even though it's black it still gets influenced by other reflected light

>> No.3862516

the colors aren't shaded with black though

>> No.3862766

you seem like a brainlet as the root of those pieces of advice are good. most of the bad advice here is from people who lack cognitive abilities, context, and nuance.

>> No.3863258

Dildos for hair...

>> No.3863936

Which doesn't stop it from being black ? As a matter of fact taking this into account, the black you put on your painting is also going to get influenced by light, so there you go senpai
And if you didn't meant black pigment, I don't know how to tell you that there's places where there is so little light that humans can't see shit, especially during the fucking night, and that you may want to do more than producing a realistic image in your painting ?

>> No.3864299

reference and contruction drawing arent mutually exclusive. on the contrary they are complements.

>> No.3864420

>And they used that reference with a foundation of being able to draw masterfully from imagination.

you do realize imagination is just a blurry version of memories which in turn are a blurry version of reference. when you ´´imagine´´ something you are simply misremembering a reference. might as well get a clear picture.
except with tracing you observe the drawing and get a first hand experience in reproducing which you can later use to copy without tracing.

>> No.3866583

Didn't most people start off tracing?