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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3843014 No.3843014 [Reply] [Original]

I've managed to create 7 pages so far and I have 14 more to go. How do Japanese manga artists put out so much and still not grow to hate art? The world will never know.

>> No.3843017
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When I realized how much work you gotta put on each panel I did the switch to illustration and abandoned my manga dreams. This shit right here would simply be a big panel of a whole page and there'd be other 20 pages.. Yeah no I'd get tired of the concept.

As a kid I didn't get bored, but I ignored flaws and just kept going to fill the chapter.

>> No.3843019
File: 3 KB, 125x114, 1364054626653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not grow to hate art

>> No.3843021

option 1, you hate drawing comics and you should stop.

option 2, you dont completly love your current drawing style and if you had one that you loved 100% you wouldn't grow tired so quickly

option 3, you need to grow drawing stamina, or you are too fuken slow

option 4, you don't really like the story at all

japs are really into what they do.

>> No.3843022

Wait this is true. If you love what you're doing and you're good it's not boring. Let's keep grinding.

>> No.3843026

I don't think you should give up anon. I like your art

>> No.3843027

Well, I personally like drawing, it's just I wish I had the time to pump out more is all.

>> No.3843029

i dunno how quick at darwing you are but learning to draw really really fast is a skill every artist should work on getting asap. You draw more in less time, so that works for you.

>> No.3843055

well for starters you are fucking over doing it with that one page
u have alot of unneccasary panels that dont need ot be there
like why exactly do we need 3 different panels of the girl running?
what menaing are u trying to convey with the huge ass clusterfuck of panels at the top'

>> No.3843060

There's a reason mangakas have assistants

>> No.3843073

you might be burning yourself out. Some people only do like 2-3 pages of comics in a week. If you're trying to finish everything so quickly, the quality will drop, you'll lose interest in your QUALITY comic and become disillusioned that a product of such standard is not worth your time and efforts. Just take it slow and maybe challenge yourself bit by bit by upping the quality or making stuff more interesting.

>> No.3843075

This is a good post

>> No.3843089

what the fuck is that panel setup
are you trying to confuse to reader?
wait, don't tell me you actually are supposed to read this like a manga

if you are that's pure fucking cringe, there is no reason for westerns to imitate that, it's only a thing because japanese read right to left

>> No.3843116

I feel the same sometime but when i see my reader enjoy my work or how they praise me and saying that they look forward to next episode. It's make me feel so good that i can't explain with word and this feeling give me strength to endure any difficulties

>> No.3843121

Those people lazy fucking hacks. A page shouldn’t take you more than 4 hours in most cases.

At my slowest, I can put out 7 pages a week, and that’s if I factor in my wagecuck job and social life.

Given free reign to do whatever, 14+ pages is pretty easy, I’ve done it before.

>> No.3843124


>> No.3843149
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I actually contemplated whether I should or not, but... fuck it. If it'll get people to listen to some good advice on how to go about this, then I guess it's worth something.

This is from last year, so my current output is actually even better, I just haven't produced any finished work since I've been working on refining my skills, and really nailing my stylization down, as well as rewriting the story as I learn the ins and outs of GOOD storytelling more and more.

Anyway, reason why OP is struggling, and many other people do, well for one, your drawing skill simply isn't good enough yet. Master Perspective, Figure Drawing, and Compostion, in that order. They're the building blocks of what you need for comics. Perspective especially. It's not too often you're gonna draw a full figure in most panels. In fact, more often than not, you're gonna be doing a lot of zoom-ins and close-ups, or establishing shots, or non-sequitur transition shots for example (especially if you're dealing in Manga).

>> No.3843150


2nd, poor planning.

Before you've even put pen to paper, you need to have planned, and replanned, and replanned your scenes. This starts in a word document. Detail things out as best you can, scene by scene, shot by shot, in a screenplay. Then you move onto making the storyboard/name. You break down your scenes into pages, and make sure you place each one down with a hikigoma, a sort of slight hook/cliffhanger at the end of each page. Keep it rough at first, the real work really comes in the rewrites. At first, this will be hard, and you'll have to pay close attention to how other people do it, often keeping tons of comics and manga on hand for reference. It also pays to study cinematography btw. The art of comics and sequential art (which includes animation) is the art of storytelling based on how you compose your shots together. What camera angles, what page layouts, etc... Just keep doing this again and again, and reviewing it again and again, until you're satisfied with the layout and composition of your page. Always with ugly loose drawings. Seriously, the actual drawing part here should take you no more than 2 mins at best. The hard and time consuming part comes down to THINKING about how things are gonna flow and connect, and then going back to your screenplay and modifying things. Which, btw, I should go back and add, that before you've even reached this point, you should have already done this exact same thing in WRITING for not just your whole chapter, and the various scenes within it, but also the whole arc or subscection of the story arc you're working on. Planning, tons and tons of planning, and thinking about how things flow. So, before you're setting pen to paper, you need to be going in with absolute clarity of WHAT you're going to draw, and how. The storyboard process is intentionally loose and fast so you can experiment and redo things as much as you need to.

>> No.3843153



Once that's all said and done, then you draw.

And that should be the easy part that takes you no more than 4 hours per page really. It's mechanical and straightforward. You sketch things you, you ink them, you add screentones.

Btw, if you're doing color, then you gotta do a Colorboard after your Name/Storyboard is done, and you need to sit on that and think about how THAT flows too. Look at storyboards and color boards for films as an example.

Anyway, this is wy drawing speed is important. Drawing is literally the easiest part of the whole process. It's the mechanical, techincal skill that comes at the VERY end of it all, not at the start. Too many people think that if they can draw good, they can make a good comic/manga. No, 90% of the work happens in the planning steps, both in writing and storyboarding. As you get better, you'll be able to skip a lot of these steps as your internalize them, but at the start, be METHODICAL about it all till it totally sinks in.

One last thing, to increase drawing speed, timed drawing sessions from reference are good practice. 30 secs, 2mins, 5 mins, 15mins, etc... As a beginner, you should do this a lot. Additionally, make sure you sketchbook every day, take a notebook with you, and in your free time, doodle stuff on it from imagination. Try to make sure you draw a lot of cubes and do stuff in perspective. Push yourself, make it complicated, etc...

>> No.3843157


These are quality advices, but they have no use to OP, who have yet to build his foundations(especially perspective) at all.

>> No.3843177

Yeah, he just needs to build on the core fundamentals more than anything. When you're a rookie, drawing takes a long time, so the idea of making a comic/manga seems super daunting, since a single sketch can take you even up to an hour, and it'll be riddled with mistakes.

Once you get better you just naturally start drawing faster, as you're making less mistakes.

What OP needs to do, is read Scott Robertson, do all the exercises, and draw tons of boxes, cars, airplanes, and citiscapes in perspective for a good 3-4 months, maybe more. It'll do him wonders. Combine that with 1hr figure drawing sessions 2x a week for about as long, and he should improve tons.

>> No.3843180

Based work poster.

>> No.3843190

Not OP but this was actually inspiring to read, I'm saving it and I hope someone else also saves it and reposts it when relevant. Indeed you rarely see full bodies in manga, learning how to make the small panels interesting is a very big part of the appeal

>> No.3843210

I thought you died after what happened, but it seems you're still alive and kicking.

>> No.3843212

If you're serious about this, I recommend this book:


As well as all the books recommended in that book. But that one is especially a good starting point. Oh, also if you wanna make manga, defo pick up Araki's book on how to make manga. I've read people on here say it was "useless" for them as it's very biographical, but honestly, if you've ever tried to make manga yourself, you'll find TONS of nuggets of really useful wisdom in there that you'll go back and reference. Doubly so if you've seen/read Jojo, as then you can UNDERSTAND his thinking process behind various things, and it can't be denied that Jojo is objectively fantastic.

I can't understate the importance of really learning how to screenplay, and write as if you were writing for Hollywood or cinema. A lot of things might seem rather obvious, but the brilliance really shines through when you realize there's a lot of stuff you're probably NOT doing in your story, that you should be, and a lot of those little things really do add up to make a HUGE difference in how captivating your story is. And that's the most important part, you're always wrestling to make sure the reader wants to turn the page again and again, and tune in next week/month. You can't get to the super awesome setpieces if you can't take the reader TO that point through the more "boring" parts, and making those parts equally interesting is where the art of this whole thing lies. It's not exactly difficult, but it is tricky and there's a certain artistry to it.

>> No.3843218
File: 604 KB, 1574x1016, Onigiri redo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to Japan actually. I've been off the radar paying my bills with a wagecuck job, while at the same time working on improving my skills even further and learning as much as I can.

Oh, I've also been learning Japanese. Figured, the biggest obstacle in my way was that my opportunities in the West were too narrow. Industry is too small here. Dunno, I got a chip on my shoulder now. I wanna be the first westerner to have a successful manga in Japan. So I'm setting out to do that. Living there. knowing the language, and continuously improving and putting stuff out there, I'll be able to keep knocking at that door till something happens.

I leave for Tokyo on Tuesday.

>> No.3843234

Go back to /BEG/

>> No.3843238

I'm a newfag but dude you are like a living legend here on /ic/, you should be more popular you might be one of the 20 people on this board who are actually aiming for the sky, congrats. I hope they remember you.

>> No.3843239

What are you talking about, this helps a lot. You guys harp alot about small detail, yet when I show to those outside of 4chan I get relatively positive reviews. The difference is astounding, really. Why can't you all be like the positive poster above?

>> No.3843250


>> No.3843255

based anon, good luck. Don't go for Shonen Jump for obvious reason.

>> No.3843256

He's right, you know. Left to right, or right to left. I also dislike what I see in OP's page. Simply put, it's a mess.

>> No.3843282

I remember you, i also had a story for Jump Universal contest on Medibang but didn't get through like you. I'm glad you're still working and moving to Japan sounds awesome, although it's probably be tough. I'm cheering you on.

I'm also refining my own skills but not producing finished work that much. Got few works on the oven.

>> No.3843287

This page is from the manga contest a while ago, is public, and has been posted here before.

>> No.3843289

I was aware that Medibang had contests, but do they really get the winners to move in to Japan and publish works under their magazine?

>> No.3843293

Can someone screen cap and share this shit. On phone otherwise would imgur it>>3843255

>> No.3843314

this, that page is too big, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3843322

>says all of this
>got beat by another /ic/ artist who just did it for fun
Feels bad man.

>> No.3843325
File: 6 KB, 374x139, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in god's name are you talking about? Don't @ at me next time

>> No.3843326

who was that? I need other IC people who kinda made it, really dislike that spago's vidiagayme shonen.

>> No.3843333

You have to be invested in your story and all, but lots of anons already spoke the truth about that. Also you need to have a goal, you cant do 50 pages without a profit, its just a waste of time. Smaller comics, creating a network of publishers, thats one way of doing it.

>> No.3843334

Good luck to you and thanks for the good advices!

>> No.3843347
File: 593 KB, 857x453, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember an anon saying it from the webtoons thread. If you're in it for the money, but several chapters in and your comics still isn't doing well, then it might be the best to move on to another story. I get that some stories are slowburn, but that anon's correct, too. Don't be like that tapas/webtoon "Lunch Tiiime" guy who spent more or less 2 years, has hired PAID artists to work for him, never took off in either Tapas nor Webtoon, earned only a total of like (IIRC) $45 ad revenue in 2 years, and is still pushing for it. I wish the dreaming guy some luck, too, but after reading his comic, I can see why his work never took off. Poor guy loved his baby project so much, he didn't want to kill it.

>> No.3843349
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>> No.3843350

I think is actually easier to get your work published outside the internet. I mean, if your goal is the library is way easier to get things done and being decently paid. Of course you wont be millionaire but people will be able to read your story and you will pay your rent.

>> No.3843357

first off, manga artists who 'make it' are paid enough to live well, if not due to manga sales, then to the licensing. I don't know how good monthlies pay, but a 30~page monthly is FAR more reasonable then a 16-18 page weekly.

More or less its their job.

Second, Every artist hits burnout, its fucking inevitable. HOWEVER, what separates pros from hobbyists is pros work though burnout while a hobbiest bitches about it till they are done, and pisses away months if not years of skill buildup.

third, once you get big enough, you effectively no longer need to draw most of the material, you will have people who can do backgrounds or characters for you, and you only need to do the main characters, if even that, at some point many fall into just doing story.

Now on your comic, first things first, top 3 panels are worthless, shrink it to 1 panel or 2.
1 panel of huh when they hear the woman running up possibly already turning their head, this would shorten it up to maybe 2 drawings to better flesh out positioning, and if you need to have it show she is running closer, there are other methods rather then drawing the scene 3 times to show she was running up to them.

I have no idea how good you are as an artist, but possibly something that would be a fun change up would be instead of line art, go a bit more painterly with greyscale, change up how you are drawing, because god knows line art, and clean line art, regardless if you are good or bad at doing it, is a bitch and if you aren't feeling it, it digs into you far more then it should.

>> No.3843361

Thanks, first I gotta make it though. It's easy to talk, but this shit ain't easy no matter how you slice it. Plus in Japan, I'll be in direct competition with some of the best and most popular. To be fair, you've technically always been competitive with them, but I'm essentially foregoing the opportunity of carving out a niche market for myself online, where people are more foregiving of mistakes, for the sake of really pushing myself to those standards.

The benefit really, that I'll at least have direct access to pros and proper critics who can tell me what's wrong with my work.

As for Jump, it's not my intention. My goal is to have a successful manga in Japan, not to get published in Jump exactly. I'll still head to Shueshia's offices and present my stuff when the time comes, as well as enter their monthly and semi-annual contests as they're a great way to grow and learn, and even earn some cash if you win, but the kinda stuff I wanna do, I'd rather do it on a monthly release schedule. You can see most shounen manga really suffer in quality from the weekly release, and I wanna make something I can be proud of, critically.

It was naf, but iirc, that deal with Medibang fell through. Kodansha wasn't really up for it from what I understood.

Also, I'm not making a "vidyagame shounen" lol. In fact, even that project doesn't quite qualify as a shounen, not as we've rewritten it. Plus, there's a bunch of other stuff we've got in the works as well.

>> No.3843362

I think so too. Plus, there's something REALLY shady about all those online webcomic/manga platforms. They're trying really hard to make a name for themselves, and establish themselves within the industry, try and draw good talent. But even with the stuff I intered into the contest, hell, just a lot of the stuff you'd see really, you saw people get tons of views, and likes, and Medibang supposedly offers a way for people to buy comics, but I never saw an option to sell anything desu.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were inflating traffic through bots and whatnot desu.

That said, one of the biggest problems with those platforms is the quality control. Like, even if your stuff is good, you're still surrounded by amateur trash, most of it really bad. So while, sure, you might stand out, most people don't really have much of a reason to be going to these places outside of your own content, and even then, it's not that convenient.

Imo, marketing yourself online is one of the hardest things about doing the online comic/manga stuff, and then monetizing it. In a way, I feel that effort is much better spent instead trying to get in with an actual publisher with standards and an entry barrier. Because yeah, getting in might be hard, but they'll market for you, and in many cases, you'll be alongside other GOOD content which will give you a higher change of getting noticed. Plus, being online, surrounded by mediocre peers will give you a bad case of dunning krugger. Where you think you're better than you are, cause you're comparing yourself to amateurs. But if you aim for the pro level, you've got a better measuring stick for yourself to really push yourself to something that's actually good.

Like, competition is good. It's what pushes you to make better stuff. So if the competition is tough, you've got more room for growth than if you try and stick to the kiddie pool and hope to make money off of Patreon or whatever. That's how I see it at least

>> No.3843364

I looked up his work and the first few chapters I looked up is like reading a hentai without porn stuff. No wonder it didn't took off, it doesn't have any hook and the characters sound boring. But it's great for learning how you shouldn't to your first chapter if you want people to keep reading.

>> No.3843368

Instead of learning how you shouldn't do it, you should learn how you SHOULD do it. There's a million and one ways to do it wrong, and only a handful of ways to do it right.

>> No.3843382

I like Webtoons and similar sites like that, not gonna lie, but I always felt that it's a sinking ship. The other artists gave LunchTime some flak for saying those things and for leaving Webtoons/Tapas, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he actually hit the nail on the head. It certainly seems that doing the legwork with publishers + aggressive marketing is still king. Sucks if your country's comic industry is dead, though.

>> No.3843384

what country are you from?

>> No.3843400

True. But I'm the kind of person who thinks you also need to know what doesn't work and why. In my opinion you should only know one or two bad examples and think one minute about why you find it boring and that was what I meant with "learning". More time spend on analyzing a bad chapter is a waste of time and like you said should better spend learning how to tell a story in visual medium.

>> No.3843407

Try animating and then when you go back to comics it wont feel so tedious in comparison

>> No.3843440

So what's your inside knowledge about manga environments? like pulling off a tokyo street as example

>> No.3843458

OwO Hei anon, very nice work.

Can you advice, what learning sources helped you the most, on topics you listed? Perspective and Figure Drawing?

It's not like i can't find any good, i'm going with Steve Huston newish course on NMA right now, and i think it is good. I also know anatomy to some extend from Scott Eaton. But i want to know what you lerned from? So much sources, and opinion of a person of your skill level is super valuable.

>> No.3843463

>not hating everything
>not letting hate fuel your art

>> No.3843476
File: 1.37 MB, 3840x2645, Harmony - Ago #3 (2017).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A page shouldn’t take you more than 4 hours in most cases.

4 hours my ass.
The average is one page a day, and it applies well for comics and manga because there are a lot of medium shots and close ups, hence less backgrounds. But it's still common to hire assistants to draw them, and it's something even western artists do.

But if we talk about bande dessinée for example (more long and full shots, more panels for page) the average time for a page is 2/3 days or even more.

Pic related has backgrounds in almost every panel, the inking alone would take 4 hours, if you're already a professional.

So, different types of comics require different amounts of time.
But 4 hours is unrealistic, maybe if your style is very simple and stylized, if not you're rushing it.

>> No.3843494

Good luck anon

>> No.3843519

I read his opinions, and while I agree on most of them, his 4 hours/7-14 pages is also ehh for me. It's not that it's impossible. Pros CAN do it, afterall. But I don't agree with it because it's not applicable to OP who is wayyy under his skill level, already finding the process tedious and is obviously struggling with even the basic things. Not to mention, even some pros prefer to take it slow, but they do make sure to produce quality works. Would you also call those people hacks?

>> No.3843525

Your comments made me feel smarter and inspired me to finish a drawing, good luck anon

>> No.3843544

You've got a decent head on you shoulders albeit a little stubborn as you never really listened to advice in previous threads about your comic. Hopefully if you respect those "pros" giving you feedback you'll be more inclined to listen instead of making constant excuses.
I hope your goal isn't one that will beat you mentality, given how vapid and ultimately luck based it is to become popular it isn't a real metric for quality nor one that will fill a vessel when it happens. You could say the same for making a good product if you're the perfectionist type however I'd still argue that if someone is doing something because they enjoy it and would be doing it anyway then they're more likely to make it in the end as opposed to someone so concerned with popularity, likes, views, sales and whatever other metric you can drum up to define success.

>> No.3843709

1 page a day =/ 2 pages a week. You gotta be taking the piss at that rate.

>> No.3844151

Knowing someone will read and maybe think about my comic is my motivation.

>> No.3844180

Sure, but 1 page a day, is usually for people doing it as a full time job.

>> No.3845137

Anyone have a pdf for that book?

>> No.3845810

Bro you've got like 1200 panels on one page no wonder you're getting burnt out. Cool down.

>> No.3845825

I hope your image isnt an example of a comicpage that takes 1 day to finish. That piece of shit is 100% traced 3d models. The colirist did more actual (still rushed and shitty) work than the """artist""". The whike piece of shit is from clip studio. Buildings are all convert to lineart or 3d models from free section of the store. Same with interiors.

Despite not drawing anything, the loser cant even into perspective. Look at the size of the adult compared to the room and chair or the child relative the doorknob. One panel, the adukt is near top of door frame or well above 6 feet tall. End panel he is in the weirdest chair possible and a midget that wont even reach the shelf above the tv. The child is full adult proportions and a default model based on muscle structure and shape. Looks fucking weird for his height because hes just shrunk to fit instead of drawn with child proportions. He also grows significantly compared to the doorknob panel to panel and relative height is fucked compafed to adult eyeline.

Those 2 pages are made by a complete shitter that has no idea how to draw, how to layout pages and a fraud that makes greg land look good. Sketchup, clip studio, etc were a mistake. Its as bad as the shitty concept artists photobashing and digital """painters""" undo redo-ing a painting over a referwnce until it looks right. Complete frauds that would fail any in person stduio test to display their talents.

>> No.3845835

>Implying using 3d models makes it bad
It's really clear you know nothing about comics and making them tbqh senpai.

>> No.3845855

Absolute peak /ic/.

Also, pyw.

>> No.3845856

he literally just listed all the reasons why 3d models are not a substitute for skill you stupid nigger. do you people ever think before spouting 'tools not rules'? this is not what vilppu means

>> No.3845871

If he's seriously trying to call that a shitty comic page then he's peak crab, and showing off that he knows jack shit about sequential art. It's not that the page doesn't have issues, but it's not bad at all. The pointless nitpicking only demonstrates that anon has no familiarity with the medium, do you think the average comic book reader looks for that shit while they're reading? No, readers spend a few seconds on each panel. Anon is doing nothing but crabbing, and if he really thinks otherwise, than he should post his comic.

>> No.3845887

You know, the most common Japanese style of doing manga isn't the only style of drawing a comic. Weeklies and monthlies aren't the end-all-be-all. A good few industries and certain companies or artists go with looser schedules that depend on the artist's schedule of output (Miura, Mike Mignola, a number of French comics). Try to slow down until you find a method that works for you so that you can efficiently make a page and work from there.

>> No.3846189

Even if you use sketchup or some other 3D model, it still takes time to build that and convert it over. Doing that and then drawing the characters with it and getting everything as clean lineart is still enough work to take a day.

>> No.3846370
File: 661 KB, 1920x2645, Harmony - Ago #3 (2017).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those 2 pages are made by a complete shitter that has no idea how to draw, how to layout pages and a fraud that makes greg land look good. Sketchup, clip studio, etc were a mistake. Its as bad as the shitty concept artists photobashing and digital """painters""" undo redo-ing a painting over a referwnce until it looks right. Complete frauds that would fail any in person stduio test to display their talents.

Ahah, sure.
Check his instagram.

He does the layout/pencils digitally, then the pages are inked traditionally, then he does half-tones with copics and watercolors.
So, no, it's not "rushed".
He probably use 3d models as a base for interiors, like 90% of comic artists that actually care to draw backgrounds.

And all your rambling about proportions is nonsense. The adult is supposed to be short.

>> No.3846376

>first westerner
Sorry but you got beat. Tony Valente is french and got his manga, Radiant, serialized. Even got an anime adaptation.

>> No.3846388

dont reply to the crab

>> No.3846400

he said first westerner with SUCCESSFUL manga, though. That being said, anon is still beat the "No Game No Life" western Portuguese (?) mangaka.

>> No.3846404

*anon is still beat BY THE "no game no life" mangaka

>> No.3846408

If being serialized for five years and getting an anime adaptation isn't succesful, define what a successful manga is for me then.

>> No.3846409

no game no life is a light novel adaptation, not an original story though.

>> No.3846419
File: 155 KB, 708x1000, 2011425926162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thiago Furukawa Lucas (author of NGNL) has drawn both commercial manga and doujinshi.

>> No.3846428

>Thiago Furukawa Lucas
With a name like that, I'd argue that he may not be totally considered a westerner. He probably got a japanese ancestor not too far away.

>> No.3846431
File: 16 KB, 300x269, 1395142219862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of irrelevant to the thread's topic, but this shit is just bugging me out. There's this incredibly popular webtoon called Lookism by a guy Park Tae Jun. I tried to search for this guy's social media, and what do I find? He is a TV personality known for his good looks, he has a site where he sells his own clothing (not comic merchandise, I mean he really is into fashion/hypebeast(?) clothing), and is often on travels because of his shootings with models and TV actors, and is also often at gatherings in restaurants and clubs. It's so hard to believe he has time to draw his comics and he has so few posts of his comic work unlike 99% of comic artists whose social media are full of art and comic work. Jesus, either this isn't real and he is employing some ghost writer/artist to work for using his name, or he's legit got it all - wealth, good looks, fame, talent, etc.

Lookism info: >https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=118883
Author info:
>clothing store
>What his comics look like

>> No.3846516

fwiw, Valente’s publisher is French, not Japanese.

>> No.3846519

Brazil has the biggest amount of Japanese population outside Japan itself. It also helps that he's not white. Whites cant into anime.

>> No.3846576

shut up, nigger!

>> No.3846768

his face is smooth as fuck and shaped weird my guess is he had some surgeries done, wich probably means he's just some rich kid....

>> No.3846771


thanks for reminding everybody why 4chan is garbage and will always be garbage with idiots like you...

>> No.3846772

who was talking about villpu you racist fuckless shithead

>> No.3846982

>his face is smooth as fuck and shaped weird my guess is he had some surgeries done,
Fuck, for a second i thought you were talking about Putin.

>> No.3846988

The fuck? Radiant isn’t even Japanese?

>> No.3847002

He’s more like the first westerner to make a successful manga that got popular in Japan, rather than the first westerner to make a successful manga IN Japan. As in, get published in Japan, by a Japanese editorial, and make it.

I’m still rooting for anon, it’d be awesome to see someone from here make it.

>> No.3847155

>want to be successful mangaka entire life
>someone from /ic/ is the first westerner to make it
Yikes, hope not.

>> No.3847170

Well, while you’re sitting here dreaming about what you want to do, someone is out there chasing those dreams. So hop to it. Chop chop. You got no time to waste, he’s already got a head start.

>> No.3847225

Because they have a team of about ten people doing the tedious stuff.