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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 180 KB, 699x1004, x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3838734 No.3838734 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, how many of you are like this?

>> No.3838739

Maybe if you've only been on /ic/ for a week. That's pathetic.

>> No.3838749
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More like
>i'll start in an hour
hour later
>i'll start in an hour

>> No.3838756

This describes a good portion of /ic/. Take a look at the "what is the best way to learn to draw" threads we get every so often. It's basically the same shit, wasting time trying to do anything, find any shortcut that isn't actually putting pencil to paper.

>> No.3839119
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Well I draw every day but I still feel like this guy because all the tutorials and studies seem to pass straight through my head.

>> No.3839120
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Same. I'm too low iq for books, but I'll still be trying for anatomy for sculptors and color theory.

>> No.3839139

then tomorrow he is going to start that book and find out its not all he needs

>> No.3839142

sort of, not so much anymore
i'm in art school right now so i can make my weeb shit actually look okay

>tfw learning shadows and lighting this week

>> No.3839150
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>> No.3839157

>ngmi gives up on loomis
What’s this from?

>> No.3839161

Any of you guys save a bunch of images to your computer as reference but never actually use them? I always end up going to Google images for a quick copy paste ref.

>> No.3839164

It's an edit

>> No.3839167

I use my references and inspirations, but I end up saving so much that I can't use them all.

>> No.3839172

it takes practice to actually find what you really need, hoarding thousands of pictures wont help. stick with whats compatible with you, not just whats looks nice.

>> No.3839173
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>> No.3839181

>tfw actually study my references

>> No.3839202
File: 52 KB, 718x176, uuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my not-sorted-yet-ref folder is bigger than yours

no, I dont use more than 1% of my refs but I dont like to google

>> No.3839206


>> No.3839212

I like to Google whatever I'm currently needing because chances are, I won't have what I'm looking for in my shitty ref collection. I also don't like saving shit constantly.

>> No.3839237

thats why you use your ref for learning, and your visual memory for drawing. googling thru a sea of shit breaks the flow
>I also don't like saving shit
then you dont. the reason why I started hoarding was so I can filter it
do you think I do? I save the links when I see something I like, and once a few months spend half a day to go thru them with downloading programs. Stuff I save constantly is the occasional pic I see when lurking, but they are a small part of my collection

>> No.3839607

>start taking practice seriously
>improve a lot over a couple of months
>suddently drop it and do nothing but play videogames, watch youtube and eat mcdonalds dollar menu items
rise and repeat

>> No.3839610

reminder that you have to get your mental health in order first before you try to accomplish anything in life

>> No.3839633

dont fucking call me out like this

>> No.3839638

>not using art as a way to get your mental health in order

>> No.3839746

I have like a month of extreme productivity where I draw 10 hours a day and post work online everywhere, nobody gives a fuck and I go through a week of depression where I just sleep and I ask myself why the fuck I even draw. Then I become productive again and the cycle repeats until I completely lose my enthusiasm and delete all my social media and disappear for a year.

>> No.3839768

You're like me
You're drawing for attention
Draw for yourself

>> No.3839779

I was like this a few months ago. In the last few weeks I actually started to work on learning to draw. I've actually made some real progress. For lent I'm giving up vidya to focus on drawing.

>> No.3839848
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But there is a best way to draw. You're probably a 'just draw' fag who parrots the phrase and when the person you told it to comes back complaining about not improving ONLY THEN do you make fun of them and explain that you need to study properly.
Fuck, this place is garbage. It's crazy how many ""good artists"" are oblivious to the learning process and are dumbfounded when their garbage advice didn't work, so they damage control by placing the blame on someone who was already showing they want to understand how to improve properly because they asked a question you didn't like. If you understand someone won't likely put 2 and 2 together of what you consider common sense then maybe it's time to revise the information you relay to others.

If it weren't for the other artists here who know of this, this place would be completely useless aside from the artbook thread. There are too many dumb fucks on this site when it comes to teaching others.

>> No.3839850

I just take up random requests in /a/ drawthreads, but then I take like 10 years to finally deliver.

>> No.3839851

I horde a shit ton but I definitely use a fair amount. Of course I won't be able to use them all. I have a lot of folders that are essentially the same thing. But I don't feel like they're wasted. I feel I'll use them all eventually with a few exceptions.

>> No.3839902

You are fucking delusional. Just draw is not a meme you dumbass. If you want to be good you literally just have to draw. Idiots like yourself are just looking for a quick cheat to get better faster cause you don't want to put in the hard work. Enjoy being NGMI

>> No.3839914
File: 40 KB, 640x695, ypzfa1j (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Can you explain to me those that just draw and never improve? Are they just untalented? What about when they get taught how to learn properly later on and they improve ten fold?
That's what happened to me. Been 'just drawing' for years and always stayed the same. Then someone informed me on how to improve and I've gotten better.

You may 'just draw' but there is a lot more too it that the phrase 'just draw' doesn't cover. Some people draw mindfully and some draw mindlessly when they're beginners. If you teach them not to do that, there won't a problem. That's why 'just draw' is the most useless advice you can say to someone wanting to improve.

Maybe if the person is hesitating to draw due to some retarded reason it's good advice. Otherwise it's garbage that stupid fucks who can't self-reflect parrot.

>> No.3839929

>are they just untalented?

>> No.3839932

Sure, either way it's irrelevant to the topic. Considering we're trying to teach others to improve as best they can. The improvement alone is enough to show the uselessness of 'just draw'. As there is way more to it than just drawing.

>> No.3840098

Holy shit this is the most "NGMI" thing I've ever read on this board. Stop trying to find excuses to why you aren't improving and keep drawing.
Yes, bozo. It really is that fucking easy.

>> No.3840101

I have improved. That's literally one of my points, if you actually read what I said and didn't mindlessly reply.

>> No.3840110

Well what did they tell you anon that helped you improve some much besides "just draw"

>> No.3840112

I've been just drawing for years, hours on end. I didn't improve. Because I was copying pictures and drawing disfigured characters. I just drew. Your point is?
If I did it wrong then that's not 'just drawing'. So stop using that garbage phrase.

>> No.3840117

Can you post some of your work? I admit I was abrasive with my first comment but I could shed some light into what you should be working on if "just drawing" isn't helping you improve enough. How often are you drawing?

>> No.3840130
File: 22 KB, 570x510, Screenshot_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well before then I'd just been drawing pretty bad characters just by sight. I read Loomis and searched up tutorials. Asked on /ic/ how to properly study, etc.
I learned about construction and thinking in boxes and cylinders to build the body from Alphonso Dunn's mannequin tutorial. I eventually learned how to construct them and from then on I learned anatomy and built onto that.
The key I found was learning how to observe an object and not just copy it. You use it as reference and then draw without looking. That really helped me ground everything into my mind. Experimenting, iterative drawing from Sycra, teaching myself to think in 3D with Mark's Art Tutorials especially (If you take anything from this, please check it out, it helped me a shit ton.) The tutorial I watched was called 'getting better at art with brute force. I found it here.

Also looking at every style, even the ones I don't like and taking a shape or piece you like from it and incorporating that into your library. Also try visualizing. Learn to see things properly in your mind and use that as a source instead of scribbling. But that's something I learned recently with the kim thread. It has helped me tremendously.

Not him but this was one of my drawings when I was beginning in 2018. I wouldn't say I improved to /ic/s standards but I improved way above what I would have, had I continued to just draw mindlessly like I did in the first place.
I'll level with you and say 'just draw' isn't bad advice. It's just used incorrectly with beginners. It should only be towards those that struggle with beginning or are hesitant. It's used too universally to be useful. I've encountered several people who were given this advice and came back a year later talking about how they never improved. Then after being told how to 'just draw' properly, they improved faster than they have with all of the previous time they took added together.

>> No.3840133

>This is what the guys at the artbook thread actually believe

>> No.3840134
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It's been around 8 months since that last picture was taken I think. This isn't my latest. I've posted it before.
Again, my improvement may not be much to the standards of /ic/ but I really have come a long way compared to my lifetime of drawing. Talent or not.

>> No.3840141

Props, keep going man

>> No.3840150
File: 720 KB, 784x1000, whut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made zero sense.

>> No.3840152


>> No.3840167

I at least read it as soon as I get home.
Looking at a blank canvas does give me anxiety though. I never know where to start and fear I won’t live up to my imagination.

>> No.3840170

That's why you draw something shit then be like
>that looks like shit, I've got to fix it
If you are a capable person, you'll fix that shit and it'll get better than whatever crap imagination you have.

>> No.3840212

I know that feel anon, I was in the same spot as you, except your 2018 was my 2014. Fuck, it took me a long time to get on the right track

I believe theres 3 reasons for this problem. Reason number 1, some ppl didnt have to be taught this thing, they just had the right idea of what drawing is, maybe from having parents working in other creative fields or whatever. Reason 2 is once you realize those things and practice on them, they become second nature and you can even forget them, but still be good at drawing. At these point, for those ppl "just draw" its the single thing they still have to say themself to keep the ball rolling so that is what they teach. And the 3rd reason, those like us who need a step by step explanation of how and what to think when practicing, either drop out of this activity out of frustration, or draw long enough to become reason 2.

I believe the single reason I still remember those lessons is because I pick up drawing also so I can teach others after I learned myself. But whenever I try to explain those kind of things to anons I get drowned in the sea of "just draw" "ngmi" "loomis". The fact that I am not that amazing yet doesnt help eithe.. Its harder to give a longer explanation, so a "draw from memory" usually gets ignored. And dont even get me started on trying to explain how you should properly trace, because any little mention of that word will wake up an army of crabs ready to tell you why tracing is bad.

>> No.3840225

>And dont even get me started on trying to explain how you should properly trace
God I hate that. So many people hate stuff just because everyone around them told them to. With that said, how DO you properly trace? Wanted to try it to practice getting a specific shape down but extra information wouldn't hurt.

>> No.3840240

I like telling people to stop drawing what they see. Doubt they get it but meh

>> No.3840254

well, a lightbox for start its mandatory. then print out sketches of your artists of choose, I recommend animators. Get a paper holder or something to hold the pages onto the lightbox, so what you trace and your page doesnt shift. And then you can start tracing. A few things to keep in mind:
>draw the shapes going into one another, not side by side until they touch (a little more advance, I put it first because you are not a total beg)
also good to remember when doing regular drawings
>dont chicken stretch, you can rush yourself to get used avoiding that, but practicing a slower pace its good too
>remember that drawing from memory its your main learning form, by drawing from memory you learn the shapes of things
>tracing helps you (atleast it did for me) recognize shapes faster, almost instantly, no words needed to describe them for yourself
and that inturn helps you when looking at something before drawing it from memory. Before tracing I had to study an object by going with the eyes slowly along the lines and notice where and how they bend.
>for tracing, millage its more important than for other forms of practicing. When drawing from memory sometimes you might have to redraw a objects 100 times until you learned it, other times 2 or 3 times, maybe even once. But tracing its more of a muscle memory thing, if you trace a page or 2 might aswell not had started. Do it for a week, atleast 10 pages a day to make a difference, even if you will feel it from day 1.
>after a while your hand will start to hurt, you might think to use a softer pencil (6B+), DONT. it will make it worst in the long run because it forces you to grip the pencil tight for stability. instead use a harder pencil (2B-3B), hold it as light as possible, but try to make the pencil push as hard as possible on the paper, you will have to find the balance. learning this its good for making nice lines and not fucking up your hand.

>> No.3840260

forgot to add
>another important thing tracing helps with, its learning to draw the shapes you have in your brain, helps learn hand (eye)mind coordination
having a simple shape in your mind, then having to draw it a few times until you get it right its frustrating. tracing does not teach you what shapes to draw, thats what memory drawing is for, tracing teaches you how to put the shapes in your mind on paper accurately

thing is you have to draw from memory, but to have something in your memory you have to look at it. Telling ppl to stop drawing what they see its a good advice when they are looking at an object trying to burn the image in their brain so they can trace it on paper, like I used to do. It teaches them to stop doing that, but they (you) still have to look at stuff eventually. In conclusion, you have to draw what you see, but you have to learn to see, and you do that by not drawing what you see. "Drawing what you see" can get 2 meanings and, drawing line by line, or analyzing what you see and drawing that, here lies the confusion.

Its funny how tracing its a good way of practicing, but begs avoid it because it looks like cheating, and then when they try to draw something they see, instead of analyzing what shapes its made up and memorizing that, they try to remember the whole picture so they can trace that from memory

oh, for so long I was guilty of that

>> No.3840571
File: 106 KB, 800x351, tumblr_osqs59NO6P1qhze5no2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never because I'm not retarded

>> No.3840575

where do you find these senpai? i sometimes struggle finding good reffies

>> No.3840607

mostly here, dA (search "reference" or "stock" also explore the rest of the accounts), some random savings, /s/...
I don't know, there's a lot. Maybe your definition of "good" is too strict

>> No.3840622

Holy fuck, I've never seen this links before. Thank you so much, anon. I love you.

>> No.3840714

Buddy... If Those are the best pictures you can share then you certainly aren't drawing enough. You honestly should be more focusing more on just drawing everyday then trying to do the advance stuff you listed before. Like you talk a big game about your learning techniques but show very little progress... 8 months is a long time and I'll can see you've done is one Loomis fun with pencil drawing to (Needs heavy work) anatomy. Do you have anything else to share? Maybe a finished piece? Cause I'm not getting very much from those two pictures, except that you need to just draw more.

>> No.3840716

No, I don't care as much as you think I do.

>> No.3840719

Meant for this.

You can judge these doodles for all I care. I'm not willing to share anything to let anyone know I browse this site. I'll let your imagination run wild with how much progress you think I've made with these two pictures.
You can jerk yourself off about it if you want.

>> No.3840721

God, stop being such a whinny little baby anon. You'll never go anywhere with that kind of shitty attitude.

>> No.3840722

The micro emotional outbursts on this website sustain me

>> No.3840723

It's fine. I draw for fun.

>> No.3840731


>> No.3840739

Not him but your response doesn’t make sense

>> No.3840740

Fair enough. Just annoyed me that he comes in claiming I'm talking a big game when I even clarified that I probably didn't make progress to /ic/s standards.

>> No.3840741
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>> No.3840742

Just a crab who wanted to talk shit so he completely ignored that you never claimed to have knowledge on everything and instead just stated what helped you.

>> No.3840745

You're the one who stated first that "Just draw" is bad advice first soooo.....

>> No.3840747

Not the guy you think I am but it is bad advice. Generally speaking. It should only be meant for people who hesitate to draw. Not for people who want to learn as properly as possible.

>> No.3840750

Is this zoomer drama

>> No.3840753

Good deflection. Enjoy never improving.
And nah, it's excellent advice. Probably the best advice you could ever give to an artists.

>> No.3840755

Based zoomer

>> No.3840759

It is bad advice. I was literally explaining why it was bad advice because it's advice that I took for years from my drawing friends. I finally looked up /ic/, made a few threads and asked around about how to study in a better way. I instantly improved.
I don't see how anything I said is talking big game, as I've objectively improved compared to my previous years, as I said.

But if it makes you feel better, sure, if I'm not a god at doodling stuff that I didn't prepare for a duel on ic, then my point is irrelevant I guess?
You're missing the point. It could be excellent advice, but people throw it willy nilly. It means absolutely nothing. Just draw is about as useless to a beginner as them never coming here at all. They come in with nothing and they leave with nothing. They are uninformed about the proper ways of learning when they come and when they leave.
Just draw can work as advice but the way it's used here for everything without exception makes it terrible advice.

Hesitating to draw because you're afraid of failing?
Just draw!
You're a beginner and you don't know how to begin?
Just draw!
It works for these. What it doesn't work for is beginners who want to learn beyond what little information they have. They literally come here for information.
People need to learn to learn. That isn't possible with 'just draw'.
Just draw could be mindlessly drawing like I used to. I stayed the same level for years. Why? Because I just drew, without thinking. Because I didn't think about thinking and it was just for fun for me.

>> No.3840762

To add to this since I forgot.
Point is, just draw is never used in context and is always something people throw around because they want to feel better about themselves. Otherwise it does nothing for neither party.

>> No.3840781
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>And nah, it's excellent advice. Probably the best advice you could ever give to an artists.
It's the most simple advice you can ever give to anyone. It's essentially meaningless. It's just there to make people who can't actually give any worthwhile advice feel better about themselves.
It's about as useful as telling a depressed person to just be happy and getting mad when he doesn't react positively to it. If he wasn't going to draw, he won't. If he is going to draw, he will. There's no you convincing someone to 'just draw'. That's some hero fantasy weirdos here have where they think they've done a good days work by saying those two words.

No one who is genuinely stressing or debilitated looks at 'just draw' and says 'wow great advice! I guess I'll do that!!!'
It's mostly just people who are looking for advice that were going to draw anyway. Indecisive people who want to know what the best way to pick up a pencil is. Otherwise it's useless drivel, spun by people who have no idea how the human mind works or are completely oblivious to how incompetent beginners actually are.

>> No.3841286

I draw for myself, I draw pretty obscure shit and I have an unusual style. But I really want to make a living off my art and it's just impossible.