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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.04 MB, 1500x825, low moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3838074 No.3838074 [Reply] [Original]

why does low quality moe art get popular just because it's moe?

>> No.3838077

all high iq's know that most people are not intellagent enough

>> No.3838106 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 2048x1152, 43124703912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mistake low quality and having a simple artstyle. I'm not saying it's on par with KJG renders or god-tier sketches but there's still a lot that goes into it. Most of this board wouldn't be able to reproduce that oekaki anime shit if they wanted to.

>> No.3838110
File: 225 KB, 2048x1152, 43124703912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mistake low quality and having a simple artstyle. There's still a lot that goes into it. Most of this board wouldn't be able to reproduce that oekaki anime shit if they wanted to.

>> No.3838116

it honestly doesn't look to hard to replicate especially since the designs are bare bones, it feels really flat, and the line art is not even clean.

>> No.3838119

Then try it anon? No offense, but see for yourself. I've never seen this board do it well.
And if you're good at it, you could post it online and surf on that trend.

>> No.3838130

I think you just answered your own question

>> No.3838132
File: 40 KB, 297x510, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surf on that trend.
i want to make it but, i have some dignity. i would never make low quality art for the sake of jumping on a trend.

i also gave it a quick go and it's honestly not that hard.

>> No.3838144

tkmiz is an awful example for this because theyre actually talented as fuck. look at some of the spreads from their manga & then go cry about your lack of skill

>> No.3838154

The characters really dont mean shit. Add a background

>> No.3838156

>tkmiz talented

>> No.3838158

But I suck so much Anon!
Praise me! Tell me my shitty drawings mean something!

>> No.3838160

his backgrounds are also flat most of the time, they also don't mean shit, the anime fixed it by getting the skilled pros in to draw them.

>> No.3838161
File: 90 KB, 1000x600, HA HA HA HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have some dignity
Yeah, right.

>> No.3838162
File: 15 KB, 423x409, lowfunc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i call it "low func"
low functioning anime characters, quite cute but i wouldnt advise ppl to become tkmiz knockoffs or whatever. obviously they know what theyre doing and fucking around, and people will eat up anything with enough polish or detail. way worse art gets really big. not calling him bad but honestly its probably a tenth of their skill at work.

>> No.3838163

>hoping on trends = dignity
gmi as a sell out

>> No.3838166

It's not low quality, it's just simple. Anybody above absolute /beg/ can easily tell that OP artist understands appeal and 3d.

>i also gave it a quick go and it's honestly not that hard.
What does "it" mean to you? You don't get it.

>why does low quality moe art get popular just because it's moe?
It doesn't. Drawings >>3838132 would never get popular although they aim for the same impression.

>> No.3838182
File: 469 KB, 918x636, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tkmiz understands 3d

>> No.3838191


>> No.3838197


>> No.3838202

>just look at that chair
>look at her ear
>look how paper thin that girl next to the big worm looks in the environment

>> No.3838205

they are both soulless
if you want to see good moe art with soul just read the made in abyss manga

>> No.3838218
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, 463184731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're soulless

>> No.3838221

didnt that artist get arrested for CP

>> No.3838223

that never happened

>> No.3838224

Looked at the chair and ear.

The girl doesn't look paper thin.

It's not as good as OP but it's not enough to say that the artist barely understands 3d. It seems to be from a comic and comics contain many failures, even from celebrated artists, especially in less important panels. That doesn't mean that they don't understand 3d. You can't call it low quality either unless you simply have bad taste and place the work in the wrong context.

>> No.3838226

How do I learn to put soul into my art /ic/?

>> No.3838233

yeah it did it was a huge thing a year ago.

>> No.3838238

link me some proof anon.

>> No.3838240

that was rurouni kenshin’s artist i think

>> No.3838243

Is he okay now?

>> No.3838244
File: 301 KB, 1041x562, anon please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i quickly threw this together to show that drawing the character at a slightly better angel would have fixed it from looking so paper thin

>> No.3838246

yeah the manga got put on hiatus for a bit then eventually returned

>> No.3838248
File: 384 KB, 800x600, 718918921087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to draw something you're really into with every bit of passion you can muster, tirelessly, retentlessly, until yourself and your art reach a soulful state.

>> No.3838256

What part about "keep it simple, stupid" don't you understand, op? Why don't you get your head out of your ass and realize there's more to art than muh Loomis muh fundies and that the intent and meaning behind it is far more important.

>> No.3838258

yeah woops. it was just speculation that tsukushi would fall along with kenshin.

>> No.3838261

The original doesn't look paper thin and your drawing doesn't fix anything, she's just facing another direction. Your awful line quality and pointless form lines just weaken this thread even more.

>> No.3838266
File: 326 KB, 417x480, 1548913635949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointless form lines
top kek

>> No.3838271

Kekking it up with the reaction images but still a dunning kruger. Enjoy your future realizations I guess

>> No.3838280


if you think they are pointless i'm pretty sure you don't know what good 3d looking drawings are

>> No.3838291

those hands really make it look like you don't know what you're talking about. not to mention the shape design.
grind out 3000 more boxes and try again

>> No.3838295
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, 20A45918-B0C0-44A9-BB02-5C48E865F946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tkmiz is great, I don’t understand all the hate, especially since the work they put on their twitter is just what they do for fun. Fundies are important, but deviating from reality is fine as well. We learn the rules so we can break them. Tkmiz clearly knows their shit, but it’s also entirely fine to say that you don’t like certain design decisions they’ve made. A piece only needs to follow it’s internal logic.

>> No.3838303


>tkmiz knows their shit

anon they are intermediate level at best.

>> No.3838310

Form lines are not pointless. Your form lines on that image are pointless and also wrong

>> No.3838311

I dissagree, their work on the Girl’s Last Tour ed shows that their fairly competent.


>> No.3838331

>most of the shots look flat with the buildings, pipes and, background objects
>i'm not counting the shots with the girls and the car as that's most likely traced from a 3d model like the one they use in the show
>the snow ball fighting shot looks good
>the campfire shot background looks good as well, i hope he didn't trace that.
>house shots toward the end look intermediate tier
>and the camera breaking i'm pretty sure is traced from a 3d model.

>> No.3838334

but it has soul

>> No.3838339
File: 5 KB, 210x212, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3838340

that art it's self doesn't have soul but the story and the setting does. the art has appeal but it's pretty soulless as it's the pure definition of moe blob. i think if the heads of the characters were slightly altered to be less overly moe it would have helped a lot to give it more soul.

>> No.3838346


>> No.3838350

fucking kek i'm saving this.
thanks for making me laugh at how bad this meme is.

>> No.3838354


>> No.3838358
File: 159 KB, 299x322, 1548035191247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3838364


>> No.3838384

Dunning Kruger

>> No.3838386


>> No.3838409

This looks like it was made in ms paint.

>> No.3838414

edit 1: haha can't believe my top rated post is a single word!
edit 2: wow I'm just getting flooded in gold! thanks guys!!

>> No.3838425


>> No.3838427

Based this guy is

>> No.3838428

But unironically

>> No.3838430

haha why are you so mad at a single word lol, based boi kek
edit 1: thank you so much, my first platinum

>> No.3838432

Unironically based and kino post, gets the soul
Doesn't get the meme, souless (unkino and uncopable)

>> No.3838433

>Sarcasm is my default state, aren't i so quirky xd?
>if u dont like me ay my best then u cant have me at my worse
>I hide behind sarcasm because I have no personality and or humor of my own it's the easiest and lowest form of being 'witty' so it's not a problem for the things I'm compensating for.

>> No.3838441
File: 333 KB, 640x495, 56483902_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being retarded enough to spout dumb memes like a child
>being retarded enough to get triggered and cry at dumb memes
Stop being so fucking pathetic and think about what you're doing with your lives. Stop derailing the thread, retards.

I personally love oekaki, there's something so clean and satisfying about it. I notice that most artists who do it well also have a strong understanding of art already, like tkmiz or disgaea's illustrator. Just because it's easy to emulate doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.3838447
File: 356 KB, 500x500, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because it's easy to emulate doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.3838451

>not considering that people who don't even draw often come from shitty boards like /b/ and /pol/ just to shitpost
Why are you wasting your time, realize that you're over-analyzing bait and move on. Or at least contribute to the thread..

>> No.3838452
File: 260 KB, 580x607, Screenshot_2017-10-25-21-21-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point. Fair enough. I'll stop because you asked nicely.

>> No.3838459

tkmiz doesn't have a strong understanding of art though, oekaki is all he ever does, and it's always so unclean and messy. don't compare tkmiz to the soulful clean art of disgaea.

>> No.3838468
File: 1.47 MB, 709x500, tkmz-glted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just one (unfortunate) example. I guess what's easy to emulate is subjective though, but that comes with skill experience. Something like pic related is easy for me to emulate because I spend a lot of time doing studies of specific styles of artists I like, but it would probably be difficult for someone who is just getting into drawing. Also not going to post my work because fuck being associated with ic.
Fair enough, just goes to show that you can be highly successful even if your art isn't top notch. That should be encouraging if anything. I still love her art and animation though.

>> No.3838471
File: 354 KB, 640x495, 56483617_p13_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something like pic related is easy for me to emulate because
meant this pic related

>> No.3838497

>Fair enough, just goes to show that you can be highly successful even if your art isn't top notch. That should be encouraging if anything. I still love her art and animation though.

not going to argue there, though their art is not the best it's still amazing what they have managed to accomplish, though sometimes i do wish it was less moe as it can be kind of jarring when taken to the extreme. i do still have lots of respect for what they have accomplished and the story they told through girls last tour.

>> No.3838916

Just because something is simple doesn't mean it's low quality.
PSG's style is very minimalistic, yet in the decade since it's air I've only seen one person outside the production team manage to successfully capture the style.

this all the way

>> No.3839048
File: 115 KB, 1684x1191, DfQ8Wa5UYAAkBZs.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is messy art not soulful?
if anything, i prefer messy art to shiny clean lineart

>> No.3839063

The lady got a point, you know.

>> No.3839068
File: 712 KB, 1604x1152, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows my tkmiz copy guys

>> No.3839072

too much details, you missed at capturing the essence

>> No.3839074

Messy does not always make something soulful just as clean crispness does not make something soulless, this shit is a matter of feel and creativity behind it, generic animu girls with no real purpose for existing tend to be soulless because you dont feel connected to the peice "ah its generic girl 154 nice" when are has soul that means you can feel something that goes along with it, of couse this is just what i belive so take this with a grain of salt.p

>> No.3839076

huh you're right

>> No.3839077


>> No.3839080

>didn't even align the grid to the floor, so it just floats there
based dunning kruger

>> No.3839082

I think the anime continuation got canceled

>> No.3839152
File: 2.46 MB, 1528x2142, 0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3839156

lines are too messy

>> No.3839407
File: 705 KB, 3503x2476, tkmiz gakkogurashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3839413


>> No.3839468
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1321543765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his life
>his drawings
>his redlines

>> No.3839532

its story quality. idc how bad art is, if the story is good, it can pull viewers in np.

>> No.3839655

>high ig

haha no

>> No.3840957
File: 336 KB, 2048x1536, DagMvNkUwAA04JN.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3841183
File: 391 KB, 2048x1536, DSBysgrUEAEeQxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tkmiz a girl? I've heard some people say they're a girl and some say it's some 40 year old married guy with kids

>> No.3841191


>> No.3841214

No guy would ever draw like this.

>> No.3841244

there was some clip of him imitating a dog, he has a guys voice. so, a guy
and no hes not a tranny, this is japan we're talking about

>> No.3841248
File: 595 KB, 385x10000, 1551367046055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure tkmiz is a girl, that's how every artist I know refers to her at least. And she does a lot of yuri works, which is pretty indicative

>> No.3841253
File: 251 KB, 645x520, 1541990095042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats pussy
>an heroes
That escalated quickly.

>> No.3841266


>> No.3841267

literal shit-eater

>> No.3841455
File: 1.75 MB, 4608x3456, oc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only brainlets hate tkmiz

>> No.3841478

this board always makes me laugh

>> No.3841500
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, DbT1mctVwAE8tB4.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something extremely appealing about her art, despite the roughness.

>> No.3841501

>Tsukumizu is a Japanese mangaka. Male.

>> No.3841505

>first time seeing tkmiz
>then that ending
I, what?

>> No.3841508

>tkmiz lewds
Damn you.

>> No.3841638

I dont hate him, but as Im far from being depressed I just cant relate to his art
Also, if his art is anything but lolis I will hardly get interested

>> No.3841770

Brainlet response, thanks for proving him right.

>> No.3841788

Don't samefag loser

>> No.3841791

actual brainlet

>> No.3841807

Not surprising at all. Women get into yaoi, men get into yuri. It's why both genres are very, very bad at depicting homo lewd shit.

>> No.3842081

3D homosexuality is disgusting, so you can't really blame them for not depicting it realistically.

>> No.3842088

>draws anime
>>i have some dignity
OK, retard.

>> No.3842154

he actually can't draw at all. neither do you. you're that kind of /beg/ pest that turned this board to shit

>> No.3842315
File: 229 KB, 1200x1200, 1552067029488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3842329

I thought tkmiz was a girl, then I found:
I wonder how many people ejaculate at the precise moment a new year arrives
Things I want to do when I become a loli: That heel roller thing
When you jizz on the iPad, sometimes it goes crazy and switches apps
I wish I could stop just licking my fingers instead of actually washing my hands after masturbating
Are we at the future where middle aged men can pretend to be little girls in VR and cuddle eachother yet
I used to attend class wearing little girl underwear
It was my dream to post a cross dressing masturbation video on FC2...
All I dreamed about was having sex with pervy middle aged men as I turned into a bishoujo doujin artist.
I puke when I see naked adult women

>> No.3842351
File: 594 KB, 798x634, 3975397539443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wowee wow wow yet another trans "woman" turns out to be a crossdressing pervert who has a lesbian fetish color me surprised

>> No.3842356

I don't think he ever tried to hide it, it's just a large portion of the yuri community try to argue that he's a girl because they hate men, and anything to do with men. See /u/.

>> No.3842393

oh my god what the fuck.. so hes some kind of pedo? god fucking damn it, what else could i have expected. ffs

>> No.3842411

(s)he's transloli you bigot

>> No.3842412

>I puke when I see naked adult women
everything was ok till here, he needs help

>> No.3842480
File: 78 KB, 1920x1080, DfSNmraVMAA5jJO.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3842488
File: 140 KB, 360x360, about_to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you jizz on the iPad, sometimes it goes crazy and switches apps

>> No.3842553

tkmz animated the ED of the anime by himself, he is more talented than everyone in this thread.

>> No.3842571

How do I get a soul /ic/?
What do they have that I don’t?

>> No.3842575

Whats your point. The only person insulting his work is OP

>> No.3842576


>> No.3843030
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 1504825559579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I puke when I see naked adult women
>I used to attend class wearing little girl underwear
All the more reason to like him.

>> No.3843198

based and redpilled

>> No.3843214
File: 371 KB, 888x720, 0189606980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucks sake I believed him not to be a full blown degenerate

>> No.3843217
File: 258 KB, 960x1280, 1523974027801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about fundies, forget about Loomis, forget about /ic/, just draw what your mind wants to project on the paper. You can't have soul if you restrain it by putting too much technical thought into it. That's why it's so hard to do it. You need to have a style and/or fundies acquired down to muscle memory so they don't hinder your creative flow.

>> No.3843222

Too detailed in the wrong places. Too messy in the wrong places. Shit like this takes some design sense to properly know which part you should reduce to very simple lines and where you should sparingly put small details.

>> No.3843236

I recognize that guro lesbian loli rape artist

>> No.3843842
File: 331 KB, 1920x1920, DenKVHeU0AA9XFO.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His first work was a loli yuri 2hu doujin.

>> No.3843926

I don't care about what he draws, loli yuri are fine in my book as are most fetishes... I meant the person himself being borderline troon with obvious issues.

>> No.3843933

i don't care as long as he's not around real children

>> No.3844096

can't a man ejaculate on his own iPad? can't a man lick his fingers after masturbating? You do much more disgusting stuff during real sex, anyway. Even his dreams of being fucked by middle aged men or posting crossdressing porn is mild tier.

>> No.3844117

That except he's a ~woman~ now.

>> No.3844121

oh wow, okay. I take it back.

>> No.3844469

It must feel great masturbating with the feeling that your IQ is rising just for looking at simplified moe doodles on dark tones

>> No.3844477

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.3844586

holy shit based

>> No.3844611

I mean listen anon, I don't care about what fantasies people have. We all have at least some degen shit on the back ouf or minds and there's nothing wrong with it. There's a difference between thinking things, saying them out loud and acting on them.
It does bother me a bit to see people-and a successful artist at that! talking about how they like jizzing on Ipads, went to school in girls underwear, want to be a troon or hate the sight of grown women so much that it makes them want to puke... I find that quite degenerate. Mildly degenerate, but degenerate nonetheless. You can't do that outside of an anonymous board.

>> No.3844895

Why does shit music gets popular?

>> No.3845002

tkmiz is still not that good and nothing in this thread has convinced me, if you want to see someone who adds more appeal to the style just look at the work of funamusea

>> No.3845089
File: 764 KB, 639x963, DqSFV79UUAAT9ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least tkmiz does something different with his art, e.i. genuinely interesting themes and ideas - it's very experimental. Funamusea is just generic 13 year old deviantart girl's cutsey style trash.

>> No.3845157

people should realize that drawing isnt about just correctness or cleaniness of a drawing also style,composition,mood and colors come into role of an art. and imo i like how messy his lines are it just shows its really an art. i can guarantee you that the last attributes are more appealing than correctness or cleanliness of a drawing.

>> No.3845166

>Funamusea is just generic 13 year old deviantart girl's cutsey style trash.
Honestly I think that's why I like funamusea so much. Part of me still likes that type of style a lot, it makes me feel a little nostalgic. Funamusea is just a very nicely refined version of that style.

>> No.3845236

Those huge feet and tiny bodies reminds me of og Bleedman, god dammit.

>> No.3845314

it gives me digimon adventure vibes

>> No.3845508
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, __chito_and_yuuri_shoujo_shuumatsu_ryokou_drawn_by_tsukumizu_yuu__7eadbd965e1ed2da2e7049d9899cfe66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3845515

What separates it from typical amateur scribbles? It has such soul.

>> No.3845550


>> No.3845706
File: 481 KB, 1920x1080, tyjtfjyf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave simple moe drawing a shot

>> No.3845748

What are fundamentals then because you're not using that word like /ic/ does

>> No.3845749

I love it. Got a blog where I can see more?

>> No.3845756

it's popular because it currently has anime and popular comics. The comics got popular because the story is interesting. The story has a market and people are willing to disregard the art. His art, on the other hand, is just mediocre. Muh soul, my ass. If he posted his art here without any of his following, /ic/ wouldn't go "muh soul", shit on him and push him to /beg/. lmaoing at beg people trying out for his low effort artstyle because they can't do any better.

>> No.3845759
File: 435 KB, 600x718, 1548515514426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3845760


it really doesn't it just looks like a poorly drawn hidamari sketch. you can't just justify something with having soul without saying why.

because to me it just looks like souless poorly drawn moe. as i have seen better moe, like made in abyss for an example.

>> No.3845762

I never joined your shitty discord anyway

>> No.3845765

>thinking Japari Park is from that shitty discord server
Oh anon...

>> No.3845766


if he didn't have an anime people on /ic/ would constantly say he is beg tier.

it's only because he has an anime people think he ascended it when he never did, as most of the anime was drawn by actually top tier people and the ending he did you can tell was rotoscoped from the 3d models they use apart from a few scenes like the snowball fight and the camera breaking.

>> No.3845769
File: 41 KB, 380x453, 2652095w380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know, but there's art who is horribly ugly and bad done and is still popular.

>> No.3845772

people are trying to grasp at something. We're /ic/, but you'd be shocked at how many begs are in the anime groups and how bad (even for a beg) they are. I've seen many who went the way of of this artist. They couldn't improve so they just stylized the shit out of their art, and 99% of their art are chicken scratches with half-assed colors. Muh soul, amirite?

>> No.3845902

well i have an IG but i don't have much stuff like this. I enjoy experimenting with lots of stuff so im not too consistent. thanks for the interest tho, anon.

>> No.3845945

You should continue to do the style more and better yourself with it. You're quite good at it.

>> No.3845963

thanks, i think i will

>> No.3846253
File: 231 KB, 1616x1080, tpc2t2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3846254
File: 143 KB, 1200x675, C74mTjCVwAExb8M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3846261

Holy fucking kek, based

>> No.3846337
File: 32 KB, 281x346, 1538299676450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think sh-I mean....he? was that fucked in the head.

>> No.3846339

Japanese people have a specific word for this kind of drawing that means "good bad art" or something

>> No.3846413

>I used to attend class wearing little girl underwear

>> No.3846531

It's cute and puts me in a good mood.

>> No.3846536

Yes replicate. Creating these designs, backgrounds, colors and storytelling from scratch is something else. dumbass.

>> No.3846539

give someone a box of crayola markers or ms paint and they could do the same

>> No.3846547

then do it faggot

>> No.3846558

>purposely make bad art when you could use that time to make good art
no, because i'm not retarded and i don't want any of his bad habbits rubbing off onto me even trying to replicate his stuff

>> No.3846577

>imagine every character he draws is actually his self insert as a little girl

>> No.3846591
File: 72 KB, 302x371, 1527805381463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Is that weird? Is that not what we're supposed to do?

>> No.3846598

Are lolifags secretly homo and trans?

>> No.3846608

Not sure about homo, but mentally ill people flock to trans shit. You get lolicon, furries, nu males and speedrunners all turning trans as a way to feel accepted as part of a tribe that validates their lives until they end up killing themselves as soon as they realize that it's not that simple and the after-care of the transition procedure is hellish.

>> No.3846679


>> No.3846786

it probably most likely is the case

>> No.3846828

B-But what do you mean that with enough estrogen my old man dick wont turn into an eeny little girl pussy?
What do you mean irreparable damage??

>> No.3846846


>> No.3847502

It has soul

>> No.3847505

>muh soul

>> No.3847508

Sorry you lack the soul necessary to make good art. Why don't you go play with the other NPC's on /pol/ and /tv/

>> No.3847511

i don't think someone who wears little girls panties and vomits at the sight of real women but still draws women doing lewd stuff has a soul. if they had a soul they already sold it to the moe devil.

>> No.3847514
File: 1.29 MB, 4096x2304, Better than anything OP will make in his life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, there's still soul. Tortured and twisted, but you can still see it in the work, or rather, feel it.

>> No.3847517
File: 68 KB, 499x720, 1527538244866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they just become an hero?

>> No.3847523

Yeah, what the hell is going on? tkmiz's style seems to be moeblob but with a dark twist without you even knowing it.

>> No.3847526
File: 166 KB, 418x483, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is so much about this that is jarring to even look at. fuck me even redlining this would be such a pain to point out everything wrong with it.

there is no soul in it, you just think it has one because the girls all have moe blob faces so you feel a sense of attachment and protection to it because that's how are ape brains work with cute things with big eyes and stuff.

i have seen better things with more soul in the alternative threads on this board than this empty husk.

>> No.3847529

>thinking in terms of right and wrong
Truly kanekibrained.

>> No.3847532
File: 499 KB, 3518x2476, It's a sureal type of moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, they left their shoes behind. I'm sure they'll come back for them
Drawn by one poor sad fuck

>> No.3847538
File: 116 KB, 763x192, moeblob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all art is subjective to each individual but that's genuinely how the brain works and this art is just using cheap tactics to make you like it on an emotional level without the actual substance of actually being drawn that well on a technical level.

>> No.3847542

>the girl in the pink jacket thats probably regretting her decision
this hurts to look at

>> No.3847543
File: 23 KB, 404x391, moeblobs=autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear moe attracts autism there is nothing that sureal about it.

i rather be ngmi then be gmi as a moeblob sellout

>> No.3847550

Nice b8.

>> No.3847551

This style seems familiar.

>> No.3847561

fucking kek, imagine being this dense

it's called leh soullessian and is a style first invented in japan by hack pixiv and twitter artists. who watched anime growing up and want to replicate what they watched but are to lazy to actually put effort into getting good.

the western equivalent of this is the kids and edgy teenagers on deviant art that draw bright neon coloured cats and cartoon characters and say it's muh style.

>> No.3847565

Post your work. All you've done so far is shitpost with your ironic "this is you" pieces. You're so talented and underrated? Show us

>> No.3847566
File: 225 KB, 1100x1000, IMG_20190312_121259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the appeal
Also pic related. This guy has some nice cute stuff but with really dark tones

>> No.3847568
File: 149 KB, 1200x1000, IMG_20190312_121250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3847570
File: 5 KB, 212x204, 1545063607292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just getting really fucking annoying now, why won't the artist just kill themselves already if that's all they fucking think about.

>> No.3847573

This is like the opposite of tkmiz's style. Really dark but with a moeblob touch. It drains me to actually see this guy's art though, so I'm not going to look at anymore.

>> No.3847578

i would but, i know you lot are all just crabs and would be jealous of my actually well put together technical drawing skills in anime. i can already see the seafoam frothing from your mouth from your posts ready to go into extreme crab snapping mode.

because i actually studied the fundamentals, and other mangaka and can draw on the level of that of a professional mangaka.

>> No.3847579

The dopamine hit from thinking about it is like crack to them. It's the same as any other addiction.

>> No.3847580

Then do it.
>"You'll get angry so why bother"
Well for one, we'll no you're not a limp dick faggot who can only shovel shit, but can't take it.
Show us your work and prove us wrong. Oh wait, you won't, because you don't need to show us all the work and effort in your art, you can just tell us. It's Dan's Game the post

>> No.3847581


they are a degenerate, that makes mediocre art that only is popular due to moe, and has a fetish for yuri and little girl panties.

>> No.3847594

i can take shit but their work is worse than shit so if it's between saying their work is good or taking shit. i will take the shit firmly in both of my hands as it smells less.

of course i'm not going to show you i'm actually a pro that made it, i draw at a professional manga and doujin level. to show you my work would be outing my identity and linking it to this thread and even worse tkmiz

>> No.3847600

>Dan's Game the post

>> No.3847608

bruh, i don't give a fuck if you think it's dan's game the post. being a professional mangaka i know when there is actual passion into the work.

dragon maid goes for a similar style as tkmiz but if you look at that mangaka's art you will notice how much more refined, soul, and passion they put into their drawings even if they are in a moeblob style over tkmiz, that shits out a half bake drawing most of the time knowing people will like it just because it's moe.

>> No.3847615

>"It's shit, but I'm better. Not like I can whip up a drawing independant of anything I normally do. Nah, drawing don't grow on trees. Just take my word for it bro"

>> No.3847626

>that's some nice b8, i was almost tempted to pick up the pen and prove you wrong, but i'm not even going to risk ruining my career by linking it to some 4chan thread just to prove some rando wrong about how bad tkmiz is.

though even if they viewed the the most technical well drawn manga in existence they would still call it mechanical and soulless and proclaim tkmiz has soul with his few scribbles and half done works.

>> No.3847628

>jealous of my actually well put together technical drawing skills in anime.
>to show you my work would be outing my identity
lel pussy

>> No.3847630

As the best artist on /ic/, I dub you the crab knight.

>> No.3847634

Why is it so difficult for you faggots to post work?

>> No.3847636

>if not wanting to ruin my career to prove some internet rando wrong makes me a pussy

then i'm the biggest pussy in the world and it feels a whole lot better than being a tkmiz dickhead.

>> No.3847638

why don't you start with yours and have it be linked to this thread then?

>> No.3847645
File: 97 KB, 756x575, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are my posts, and I can draw a half assed depressed moe blob and claim to be a yurifag too for sympathy points. May I have a fucking circlejerk now?

>> No.3847647

was meant for >>3847638

>> No.3847662

Is that all you got? One head? How many (you)'s before you draw chest? Or a leg? Is it really too easy to draw that you don't bother drawing a whole picture.

>> No.3847665

I have drawn the entire picture but since we have a normal fag infestation I don't want to get banned again.

>> No.3847667

Mods are banning loli's
Since when?
Why is >>3842556 still up then?

>> No.3847668

A simple flat chest is not indicative to a loli, but the tumblrtards in that thread say otherwise.

>> No.3847671

its almost like context > technicality huh

>> No.3847676


>> No.3847677

whats wrong with speedrunning?

>> No.3847685

the delusion is strong with this one

>> No.3847711

Dunning Kruger: the thread.

>> No.3847828
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1522985937693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come it made me feel, then?

>> No.3847831

>consistent, attractive style
>shows clear experience with color palettes and/or hatching in many works
>but he's a /beg/ because its messy jittery linework sometimes

he's only /beg/ to other /beg/s

>> No.3847832
File: 113 KB, 500x669, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not directly related but when DA wasn't yet completely overrun by retarded fetish crap I used to take a peek at the new entries and leave something encouraging on those, I looked at this really amateurish art just to take a break from the unreachable mindblowing pro tier stuff on my feed, I have insanely high standard and seeing amateur art kept me grounded, and the ideas sometimes are strangely fresh?

I love ThomasInTokyo btw, he's some French guy working in the anime industry who redraws things made by his kids and puts the images side to side, some of the most inspiring stuff I've ever seen

>> No.3847837

Wait he isn’t Japanese? How are the Frenchies so good at this whole Japanese thing? First it’s Radiant and now this? The color their skin would seem to indicate otherwise, but they somehow pull through? Anime and manga was supposed to be tied to the East and yet the French can learn its powers?

>> No.3847840


>dont have soul
>steal soul from your kid
Did he beat the system?

>> No.3847841

what book is that?

>> No.3847842

Well if you move into a country and go full immersion and work in the actual industry you probably have an easier time learning to do the thing.

>> No.3847844

no idea, I have found this on this page >3846846
I don't really believe this 100%, I think technical skill is important even if you want to do simple shit, just like you can tell an amazing guitarist playing 3 chords from some guy strumming at the beach.

>> No.3847846

*but it's a good thing to keep in mind anyway

>> No.3847852

>it's his style so you can't critize it xDDDDDDDDDDDDddDDDD ecksdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

ah, yes, my favorite weeb "argument"

>> No.3847879

Anon, you have to have at least someone dying or about to die in that picture. Otherwise, it wouldn't have SOUL, and it won't pander to "this is literally my feels" doomers.

>> No.3848255
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 1527798533736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny thinks about suicide
Oh boy oh boy

>> No.3848257


reminds me of the kids on deviantart that make the same excuse of muh style

>> No.3848262


>> No.3848270
File: 49 KB, 298x363, 4361287413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregard the idea that a good color palette and irregular linework can create appealing artwork
>disregard how consistent the linework and hatching are
>disregard the competent compositions
literally ngmi

>> No.3848283
File: 12 KB, 202x126, 1551431743439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good color palette
where i can't see it? it's just all soft pastel tumblr shit most of the time.

>consistent line work
hahahaha, it's as consistent as my ass crack.

>competent composition
i give tkmiz that

they are a gmi muh style moe blob sellout

>> No.3848305

i want to lure tkmiz into visiting /ic/ and make her cry!

>> No.3848311


>> No.3848313

alright, her(male)

>> No.3848317


>> No.3848323

We've just read about how he had his cummies all over his cellphone making the touchscreen spazz out

>> No.3848334

I want tkmiz to cum on the /ic/ catalog

>> No.3848351

So this is what makes you autists start orbiting someone? An effeminate male pretending to be a sexually confused girl with suicidal thoughts conveyed in drawings of little girls while blogging about the times he wore panties in public?

>> No.3848375

I don't care about any of that weird stuff I just think this board should be cummed on.

>> No.3848385

nothings stopping you anon

>> No.3848388

Take a screenshot of what's on the /ic/ catalog and give a fap offering for /ic/. Be a hero.

>> No.3848411

I dont have an ipad and I dont have a printer and I'm in the same room as my roommate who would probably stop talking to me if I just started ejaculating on my monitor so I cant really see this working out

>> No.3848417

you're a 4chan user, your roommate is a normie who cares what they think just do it. it's not like you are a normie anyway

>> No.3848420

yo, where are my orbiters at?

>> No.3848438

i wonder if tkmiz is an incel...

>> No.3848439

Post your work.

>> No.3848511

This thread is a perfect example of soul vs soulless being more than just a meme, there's the world of arguments about what's wrong with tkmiz here yet not one anon has successfully stepped up to the plate and produced satisfactory work that can compete. You can hat anime and you can hate messy styles but when you try to bring objective arguments to the table you're gonna need to back yourself up somehow.

>> No.3848520

the arguments exist to prove the point, i don't need to show you my work to prove i'm correct if i can give you examples of other peoples work that already do it. again dumb anon check out the dragon maid manga for moe art with soul and passion and a care for the craft.

and the reason people think soul vs soulless is a meme is people apply soul to work like tkmiz, with little to no context as to why it has it. which can be assumed by most people is just because it's some generic cute moeblobs that are all the same design just swapped out with new clothes and hair.

>> No.3848560

>i don't need to show you my work to prove
You are wrong and with what you've just said you have nullified your entire post.

>> No.3848570

imagine being this much of a retard.

sure next thing your going to asking is that i need to show you my body to prove i'm human.

or that i need to show you my pc to prove i'm using one to post this.

fucking retard learn common sense, learn to take on facts and examples to people provide if they logically make sense.

>> No.3848575

So you would blindly listen to just anyone who talks straight out from their ass with no merit? You bring a whole new level of the blind leading the blind.

>> No.3848585
File: 28 KB, 454x284, 7927850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take on facts and examples if they logically make sense

fuck sake, tkmiz fans are so dumb i have never seen any other fans for other types of moe be this dumb. even when constantly proven wrong.

instead of just admitting "hey tkmiz is stuff is kind of shit and soulless as it is just moeblobs but i still kind of like it, what can i say"

but that is so hard so fuck tkmiz and fuck their pathetic fans that empower their mediocrity.

>> No.3848596

The point everyone's trying to make here is that if the content from the OP is so shit and unoriginal why can't those who objectively criticize not only recreate but enhance it to meet whatever tier of appeal that is deemed competent under the fundamentals? I am playing the devil's advocate here I am not even that other Anon who you initially replied to but what I am stating is either put up or shut up there's a lot of shit flinging ITT with no merit whatsoever to back any claims up.

>> No.3848604

Therefore any argument against the content from the OP is entirely subjective to one's tastes and preferences what it boils down to is another "you're waifu a shit" tug o war between who has better tastes than who it's pointless.

>> No.3848619
File: 199 KB, 724x651, Tsugumomo+_40b71af394d8ef05bc794380aefd5800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that hard to do to in hence it, it's as simple as toning down the moe, adding in extra detail, correct none broken anatomy, ect
just look at something like tsugumomo that goes for a moe type of style but with all the fundamental craft.

again i don't have to show you my work to prove the point of tkmiz is not that good even by moe standards, and moe is the only thing that draws people to there art.

a film reviewer doesn't need to have directed a film to know it's bad if they give examples how it is

someone doesn't need to have a helicopter licence to know it's bad and someone fucked up when they see a helicopter crashed into a tree

a game developer doesn't need to show what
games they have made to prove that something like bubsy 3d plays like shit

it's the same for this situation.

>> No.3848625
File: 698 KB, 640x640, 1540871015794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't have to show you my work
We really appreciate you telling us this that way we would know exactly where to stop reading.

>> No.3848630

lol devil's proof

>> No.3848631

fine go suck on tkmiz's shitty art see if i care. empower more shitty low effort art. because it has muh moe soul.

i'm going to go spend my time actually looking at well put together moe art and studying from that over moe scribbles and half done works

>> No.3848635

Of course you don't need to have a helicopter license, directed a move, or made a game to state the obvious.
But sometimes, an expert opinion is more valuable when the situation isn't as black and white.

>> No.3848641

what is so not black and white about tkmiz's art fitting

>the definition of moe blob
>having uncompleted messy line work
>broken anatomy
> looking flat in a lot of places, lacking a more better understanding of 3d form

they have good composition skills and a decent understanding of 3d environments but it's just all so poorly executed for it be of anything really good.

>> No.3848642

Just so you know I believe it is shit and personally detest the artist since /ic/ has painted them as an edgy little brat who uses dark humor to attention whore. Call it the Shadman of moeblobs if you like, I honestly just wanted to see your work. Is it really that difficult to post work?

>> No.3848655

>redpilled anon

nah it honestly is not but i just don't want to be linked with anything to do with tkmiz regarding my work. i'm a pro i have a few friends in some of the doujin circles i am in that also agree that tkmiz just takes moe to a very low effort level.

which is all fine and dandy at the start but they show zero effort of ever trying to improve or change as they are stuck in their own style as it got them and anime so they think they don't ever need to improve and can just keep making the same type of drawings and stagnate in the same spot forever.

a little more anatomy in his work would go a very long way.

also shadman is a very good point of comparison to tkmiz. they are not hopeless you can see the potential but they get stuck in their style that got them money and fame and never improve past it.

>> No.3848663

>i just don't want to be linked with anything to do with tkmiz
It would be easier if you just admit that you don't want your shitposts be connected with you and have your work be regarded as inferior to what's on the OP. Maybe it's because most of us are so used to remaining an Anon with no name outside from here that may jeopardize you from remaining inside a social circle so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I still think you're full of shit.

>> No.3848668

>my work inferior to op
haha that would be a hard one for anyone to pull off you would literally have to be super beg tier or just chris-chan.

thanks for the benefit of the doubt, also sure think what you want of me. i have already stated most of my key points with proof as to why they are true.

so i'm cool if people want to continue to like tkmiz after everything i have proven that's up to them. i don't care if anyone believes me or not and i'm not risking my anonymity over it.

any way i have said my peace think i am going to stop responding to this thread as it's eating out time i could be make pages.

>> No.3848672
File: 274 KB, 1000x1000, 1547707047751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one who comes even close to Tkmiz feel (on the board) it's Madotsuki-bro

>> No.3848675

Please stop shilling your own work.

>> No.3848676

madotsuki-bro is cool you can tell they put more effort into learning the fundamentals than tkmiz

>> No.3848682

Madotsuki-bro would never do that, how new are you?

>> No.3848684

Confirmed for being madofag. We like you, please stop while you are ahead.

>> No.3848737

what in the god damn is this thread

>> No.3848741

tkmiz hell scape

>> No.3848892

Autist causes a shitstorm and won't post his work to back up any of his claims.

>> No.3848928

muh soul the thread

>> No.3848937

Personally i love the themes he brings up in his works, and because he also seems to share a few similar interests with me
Y'all can talk shit about his imperfect artwork and perverted fantasies all you want, but unironically these flaws are what gives artworks a human touch (or "soul" if you like to put it that way)

And ultimately he's the one who got his manga animated, not the one bitterly slaving away to chase technical perfection while not producing anything notable at all

>> No.3848939

This is quite an elaborate way to state muh style.

>> No.3848942


>> No.3848984
File: 64 KB, 682x682, 1528162386274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
