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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 741 KB, 2048x1398, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3837137 No.3837137 [Reply] [Original]

How do I draw like this?


Before anyone asks

>> No.3837143

Learn perspective. Learn nude and clothed figure drawing. Learn design. Learn to create a good story with strong characters and believable sets. Use lots of reference and draw from life. And practice all of that consistently.
Study your favorite artist, learn what you like about their work and why.

>> No.3837148

I was going to type up another answer, but just do this and just follow her twitter closely. Close /ic/. Never come back again. And you will forever be happy that you can draw like that.

>> No.3837171

go from simple shapes to small details
obviously you have to go decent first

>> No.3837176

Unironically give your soul to the Robertsonomicon
You can find a copy in the artbook thread

>> No.3837178

I like how free the lines are, not sure why, maybe because it makes it more lively that some super cleanly constructed heavy perspective stuff

>> No.3837182

By the way, can you get such results by just eyeballing stuff?
I'm /beg/ but I feel like this might not be fully accurate (not that it matters anyway) and that the lines and kind of rough and wobbly look in some places might help hide this.
Like if you're trying to be 100% accurate with super clean lineart and you make one mistake it's disturbing, but it you draw like her or, even more rough, like Q Hayashida (Doroherodo manga), it gives more freedom in not having to stick to maths.

>> No.3837183

Yes, you can get such results by just eyeballing stuff.

>> No.3837185

>not having to stick to maths.
most people eyeballing VP not just a selected few

>> No.3837189

Also, you will never be able to draw like this unless you enjoy drawing itself. This is very much a "I love drawing" kind of style.

>> No.3837197

This seems deep but I'm not sure I _get_ it.
Do you mean it just takes so much time that you have to love drawing? Or something else?

>> No.3837200

You will never do it unless you love drawing. You won't learn how, you want take the time you need to do do it, you won't polish it to perfection. There's a reason so many of us paint.

>> No.3837232

It's strange you say this. I feel like I fucking love drawing and when I start I can't stop, but for some reason I've also slacked my whole life and never really learned or spent much time. I feel conflicted. Anyway, I guess actually starting and shutting down everything else to work the most hours you cna everyday is part of "the job", so I should probably learn discipline if I want to get anywhere close to this one day.
(sorry for the off topic and broken english)

>> No.3837283

Not him but what happens to most people is they start the learning process and it kills them, they feel like they making no progress and start to wonder if they still like drawing, but by all means start learning.
From looking at the picture the "I love drawing" kind of style that other poster mentioned is probably refering to the hobbyist aesthetic of it, the wobbly lines, uncolored graphite and fetails look like it was done in a therapeutic manner to have fun rather than trying to make something refined ( all the details look like the artist probably had the same fun feeling of doodling around a page whilst someone that would be doing it professionally might not enjoy doing all that detail)

>> No.3837489

Happy cat

>> No.3837695
File: 19 KB, 400x400, njYbFUkO_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is super accurate
>faces are toddler tier trash
this person is an autistic savant, 100%

>> No.3837713

literally just keep trying to copy them until it works

>> No.3837718

I'm also still beg but as far as I know people are eyeballing stuff. You've to practice it to be accurate.

>> No.3838135

this. if your mind can stand roberts mind blast of boredrom you have the neccessary patience to reach your goal

>> No.3838228

use a pencil. easy

>> No.3839002

shit is not perfect perspective for you beginners to feel better, but at the same time shit is good enough relative to other shit. Eyeballing requires going in and out when comparing objects relationships to each other. When you get to a certain point you just can feel when shit you put down is tilted or off kilter and draw to accommodate it just enough so the whole thing will stay "good enough". Once you draw the lines for the bottom of a box object you can kinda work how everything else has to sit in relationship to it and then eyeball how far back other things sit because once you have certain objects you should know how to multiply and measure distance based on objects in perspective, ect ect ect. At a certain point forcing things into true perspective fucks shit up since it all wasn't made with that intention but using guides to check stuff can help stop you from drawing sideways trees and flat people all of a sudden.

>> No.3839008

I call this "memory vomiting", if you look closely nothing is terribly detailed, she's just vomiting everything she can remember about each form.

It works in reverse too, don't try to sketch details, TAKE NOTES, DON'T DRAW.

I'll repeat. TAKE NOTES INSTEAD OF "DRAWING" about what you're looking at.

>> No.3841612
File: 722 KB, 2048x1404, IMG_20190308_064759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn why doesn't she have a trillion followers

>> No.3841622

it's black and white and doesn't look good as a thumbnail. Also it looks cluttered, putting a ton of shit into a single image doesn't automatically make it good.

she clearly eyeballs stuff, there are no construction lines so she doesn't work with the Robertson method

>> No.3841689

Robertson method, as most others, needed to teach you to eyeball it all and to be able to do construction in your head. You use construction lines only as long as you still need them but the further you go the less you will use them.

>> No.3841713

robertson's whole point is using landmarks so you can just mirror shit without error, he uses the landmarks in his regular drawings, you can see them. Federici uses the same method with X grids and shit, the whole point of that stuff is not eyeballing.

>> No.3841714

She is only seventeen. No wonder she doesn't have many followers.

>> No.3841722
File: 582 KB, 2048x1454, DyvGa-kVsAAov9R.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This twitter seems to contain more of her drawings of human characters instead of focusing mainly on backgrounds.


She seems to be EXTREMELY passionate for drawing. If you scroll through her twitter accounts, she appears to be uploading something every other day. It's like she spends almost every free moment drawing. I admire her passion for it.

Glad this thread introduced me to this artist.

I would say 12k followers to 418 following ratio is pretty damn good for twitter. She even has Kuvshinov and Guweiz following her.

>> No.3841724
File: 3.01 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is only seventeen

>> No.3841725

I legit want to kill myself rn

>> No.3841726


>> No.3841729

Great environments but the shitty anime faces completely ruin the art.

>> No.3841741
File: 278 KB, 1280x692, tumblr_pky72yDEsa1sjxci7o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems to draw even when she goes out to eat with people


If you're really feeling suicidal, check out this artist, pic related. According to her, she just graduated high school recently ;_;


Do these teen savant artists spend so much time in high school doing art that they become nearly professional level by the time they're 18. I wish I used all my free time in high school as well.

I know I'm making excuses for myself but I feel like there wasn't as many good art resources back then (even like almost 10 years ago) as there is now.

If she's just 17, she has tons of time to improve her faces. It looks like backgrounds is more of a strong point for her.

>> No.3841742
File: 120 KB, 1242x808, 1549418971553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one reason why I shouldn't delete my art blogs and fucking give up right fucking now
I am DOUBLE her age and I'm not even a tenth as good
Holy fucking shit just kill me right now

>> No.3841745

>She seems to draw even when she goes out to eat with people
I draw all the fucking time too, why am I not this good

>> No.3841746

do it

>> No.3841751

Maybe talent does exist

>> No.3841755

Yeah, maybe. Just maybe.

>> No.3841758

Nah, she’s probably clocked in over 10000 hours easy. What’s worrying is I doubt I would have the patience to draw out environments the way she does. Drawing every cup on a display stand...

>> No.3841764
File: 1.26 MB, 800x1236, tumblr_phox0glTAb1rjinaso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More suicide fuel. The artist was just 18 when this was made


Also special mention to Vetyr who used to be on /ic/ a lot

Does anyone ever wish that they could have spent their time in high school grinding more? But it feels like a lot of these good teen artists drew what they liked AND studied fundamentals at the same time.

I remember just wanting to draw sonic the hedgehog OCs and doodle all the time. It feels like high school is the perfect time to become good at art with all the free time and lack of responsibility a lot of high school students have.

Probably because of this >>3841751

That just means you have to work even harder to make up for the lack of it ;_;

>> No.3841767

Pic related sucks though

>> No.3841774

I think it's time for me to throw in the towel. I tried my best for years. Fuck this shit, fuck my talentless self, fuck the time I wasted in my teens fucking around. Maybe I can still find work at McDonald's like I was meant to all along until I find the courage to jump against a train.

>> No.3841776

where did you get the info she's 17?

>> No.3841794

I just smoked pot, got shitfaced drunk and had sex as a teen, didn't care about drawing till mid 20s
now it's literally too fucking late, I wasted my fucking life

>> No.3841795

Pretty weird that that cringe finally made you give up

>> No.3841796

don't feel too bad. i studied art super backbreakingly hard throughout highschool and i still suck really hard anyways. and i knew /ic/ by then.
the road to getting gud is insanely complex and nuanced, with hundreds of factors that can make or break your chances of artistic success.
intense study in your teen years can definitely help a lot, but don't fool yourself into thinking that it will seal your deal to gitgud express or even anywhere near that.

>> No.3841806

The pic in >>3841764 is shit but >>3841741 and OP are beyond anything I will ever achieve and it's made by literal kids. I have lived twice their years and I'm fucking shit. I look at my art stuff and I realize that I'm delusional for even daring to post it online, it doesn't even look like an actual presentable portfolio while these children have an absolutely professional look to everything they do. I should just accept that I wasted all my best years having dumb fun instead of working and now I'm fucked.

>> No.3841828

Pyw, Photoshop jank can bring acceptable stuff up to a pro level

>> No.3841832

I do what OP does but shitty

>> No.3841834

Oh in that case check out the ‘stealing art gains’ thread, I’ve heard there’s something you can do with her poop

>> No.3841837

>tfw will never get to stuff a qt female art prodigy's frozen poop up my ass

>> No.3841841

I just lose all my motivation to draw. I would've been drawing for 3 hours now but I had to read this stupid thread during breakfast so why the fuck should I even try. I hate this board so much.

>> No.3841859
File: 128 KB, 933x920, 1508790139975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to find something motivational to stop wanting to kms
>find videos / articles
>"don't compare yourself to younger and better artists, it's toxic!"
>"they might be already pros with 300k followers and 10 years younger than you but it's your voice that is important!"
>"you are unique and nobody is better than you at being you!"
>look up the speaker's art
>it's fucking garbage

>> No.3841882

This, even just flat colours would make her much more popular with Normies and at least double her followers. Mochiipanko's environments are much simpler than this but have appealing colours that people eat right up. Shilling yourself constantly with hashtags like visiblewomen etc also helps but nips seem to have too much self respect for that, bless them.

>> No.3841932
File: 116 KB, 453x423, aya_third‐year high school student.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From her profile:
あや 高3 絵 メタリカを愛する 原画売ってます
"Aya, third‐year high school student, love Metallica, original picture on sale"

>> No.3841938

living the dream, the perfect human specimen

>> No.3841941
File: 287 KB, 650x682, brass_band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also found out she is a member of brass band and not art major. She is a fuckin' trombone player. Jeez...

>> No.3841944

>tfw no qt gf art genius will play my trombone

>> No.3841953

Now I really hope that she keeps doing her hobbies

>> No.3841954
File: 321 KB, 561x279, oN7aT07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it always turns out that these people not only are insanely good at the thing you obsessively do all day but also have a nice healthy social life and do other activities and probably excel at those too because they're just made of better genetic material so why the fuck not

>> No.3841956

>tfw will never be a qt japanese schoolgirl doing everything you like while excelling at them and also having a healthy social life

>> No.3842040

"Made of better genetic material"

Shut the fuck up and fuck off with your excuses

>> No.3842099

This would be so perfect without these animu faces

>> No.3842100

She probably drew from an early age, theres nothing wrong with that

>> No.3842112

I've been drawing 8 to 10 hours a day for 7 years, I've given up on everything else, friends study jobs, just to draw and I'm not a tenth as good. Nobody gives a shit about my work. I'm just a useless retard who started way too late. I deleted everything I have online and I took a fuckload of Valium. I hope I don't wake up. I hate myself so fucking much.

>> No.3842114

see you tomorrow

>> No.3842116

Teen art qt with boomer musical tastes, perfect gf

>> No.3843541

it is truly the blackest of all pills

>> No.3843542

Another one down

>> No.3843548
File: 1.38 MB, 3759x5359, tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3843565

This level of detail makes me physically sick. Why would anyone ever want to do this

>> No.3843570

i think it looks cool.

>> No.3843573

we're not gonna make it bros

>> No.3843969

>She seems to draw even when she goes out to eat with people
Is this love that I feel?
I want an autistic qt japanese drawfag gf now, how can I live without this aaaaaaaaah

Because being good at pure technical aspects doesn't mean being successful or being able to convey what you want to you retardatron

>> No.3843972

It's not too late holy shit, just fucking draw, your fucking pussy.
Maybe it's too late for _some_ goals like becoming KJG, but is this what you want? Do you only admire KJG level?

>> No.3843980

Because many artists find it enjoyable to draw tons of detail and clutter

>> No.3844012

i wanna see your work anon. it's possible you're grinding too much & not as effectively as you could be.
if you're a kid who likes art & takes it semi seriously say from 12 years old onwards then you'd easily have 6 years of study by 18. that doesn't take a savant especially when you consider that's the same age if not older than when most apprentice artists would've started working when art was an actual trade. the biggest problem now is that kids (many of you probably experienced this too) are actively discouraged from pursuing art & fed all kinds of misinformation so that they can waste all their time on a generalized education that they'll largely never use.
these kids have much better resources at their disposal. remember what it was like trying to learn how to draw 10+ years ago? there was very little in the way of professional tutorials or process videos, you pretty much had dimestore how to draw anime books & maybe hogarth if you were really lucky. not to mention the software options were far more limited & expensive too
>She seems to draw even when she goes out to eat with people
and you should too.

>> No.3844018

case and point, look through her gallery from the very beginning. there's nothing particularly extraordinary about getting gradually really good at something you enjoy if you've been doing it for 7 years. she might be 18 but draws like a veteran illustrator because she is one.

>> No.3844021

I have been drawing a lot for more than 7 years

>> No.3844025

I haven't really made any grinding for the sake of grinding, I have always drawn things with a purpose.
Either way it doesn't matter now

>> No.3844031

what does your study routine look like?

>> No.3844036

I have personal projects, I make sketches for those projects and take what I like and do some research to refine them into a better picture. That's really all. I have improved a lot in these years, I have taken courses etc., my improvement was good considering I started so late. It's just that I'll never catch up to these people, it's just too late for me. I haven't built an audience at all and I'm so old, I simply can't go on like this. This whole art career dream is just delusional.

>> No.3844051

artistic choice, buddyo

>> No.3844052 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 1032x581, WhatsApp Image 2019-03-09 at 19.14.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im also 17 and this is a wip i'm doing ( inspired by one of the images in this thread ) as you can see this person is way better than me. Does it hurt? Yes. But i'm not giving up my dream and let someone outclass me this bad, you know what i'm saying? Don't give up your dreams. Also stop watching porn.

>> No.3844057
File: 14 KB, 320x239, otsuka_joy01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you shitpost on an imageboard, it's highly unlikely you're over 30. have you ever seen yasuo otsuka's joy in motion anon? it's really worth watching if you're having these kinds of doubts in yourself. art isn't like a sport or something where you have your prime years and then just go downhill from there, it's something you build over a lifetime and it just keeps getting better the longer you go on. but you do really have to think about the long game and cultivate learning into lifestyle you can happily sustain instead of just frantically grinding to git gud while you become more and more miserable and resentful of yourself. your process sounds pretty good but there are still a lot of areas you could be handling inefficiently. recently i've been painting in 32 15 minute intervals with breaks in between and it's made to whole process much more focused and decisive. treating everything like a speedpainting has actually made it a lot easier to make good decisions.
>I'll never catch up to these people/I haven't built an audience at all
do you paint for other people or do you paint for yourself? as far as an audience is concerned, you don't really need one to have a good career. just work on building a healthy client base & it wont matter if anyone has even heard of you.

>> No.3844058

I dont feel bad about your suicide fuel because I dont like her art.

>> No.3844078

You'd actually be a lot closer if you just kept the perspective simpler and more consistent. they're kind of rotated around a barrel animal crossing style erratically at the moment.

>> No.3844082
File: 577 KB, 558x552, Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 23-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic is done in near-isometric perspective, like pic related. makes things a little easier, fun to play around with

>> No.3844088

This site is 18+ you zoomer scum. Fucking kinds, thinking they know shit.

>> No.3844089

I screwed the perspective a bit but i'll see what i can do. When i finish the page, i'll post here

>> No.3844093 [DELETED] 

Hey no need to be hostile, i mean no harm. Also i'm almost 18, so..

>> No.3844095

ur mums 18+

>> No.3844104

>>She seems to draw even when she goes out to eat with people
>and you should too.
It's beautiful dedication but I don't know if you should. Unless your friends are drawfags or you can multitask af, you should be present in the moment, otherwise it's the same as people that are on their smartphone all the fucking time.

>> No.3844109

Wow, who stole your lunch?

>> No.3844113
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, 57c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless your friends

>> No.3844135

There there, it's gonna be ok /a/non, you can still make friends, I evolved socially very, very late, when I thought all hope was lost.

>> No.3844142
File: 869 KB, 2048x2047, Dx1N4E9UwAAIOu0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's her finished work lol

>> No.3844165

I haven't drawn anything since I saw this stupid thread. I just hope my depression won't relapse in full and I'll completely quit drawing again.

>> No.3844189

Go draw a circle now.
Or just let your hand draw whatever.

>> No.3844929
File: 134 KB, 800x600, 1452504371592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok I'm the same as you