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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3829473 No.3829473 [Reply] [Original]

People throw phrases like "just draw" and "draw every day" around on here like confetti but what does it actually mean? Do you draw without any outside influence at all? Are you supposed to follow a book or course? How many hours a day? How many pages of paper? Pencil or pen? Sitting or standing? Inside or outside?

>> No.3829478

Just draw means just draw. Stop procrastinating on drawing by making threads like this and go draw.

>> No.3829483

Draw from life(preferably) or reference as much as you can.

>> No.3829486

Terrible advice. "Just draw" is probably the worst advice you could give. You'll make much more progress if you actually make a study plan and stick to it. Want to learn perspective? Create a bunch of exercises (or take them from a book) and fit them into a schedule. Read up on information on the side. 'Just drawing' for 10 days will yield less results than studying smart for 5 days, and will burn you out much faster because there's no direction. People who say "just draw" obviously don't know how to study properly.

>> No.3829489

"Just draw" is what retarded NGMI say. You don't just draw, you study and then draw. Theory begets practice, and practice begets theory.

Read, don't just stare at pictures. Don't copy pictures because they are not intended to be copied(unless it's a workbook), they are there to demonstrate the principles that are explained in words.

When you read a book, keep a pencil and a paper in front of you, write down every idea you have, test every thesis yourself. Study as if you just spend 100k on a college degree in math.

That's how you make it even without any talent. Everything else is just a waste of time. A person can build a house by building a million houses until something works, but they also can fucking study and build a normal house in a fraction of that time. You see what I'm saying?

>> No.3829493


Pick a book or a lecture (Loomis, Hampton, Vilppu, Huston, whaterver) and study it, but also take some time to draw from life or reference and apply what you'ver leaned. Don't just draw mindlessly.

I don't think it's wrong to copy those pictures, the problem is if you just do it and nothing more.

>> No.3829501

Yeah, you can and should draw some illustrations because they demonstrate specific approaches, like in the books of Bammes, where some things aren't explained, but shown. Again, you study the illustrations first to determine their usefulness and try to get something out of them.

Copying is just that, copying. You're not gonna learn much if you do it mindlessly.

>> No.3829509

If you want to learn to draw, trace. It teaches you everything you need to know, builds muscle memory for lines and curves and shapes and is fast and easy. Theres a reason every animation company has new members sit and trace character sheets over and over - its the quickest and easiest way to learn to draw the characters and other key assets and how they master the proportions and defining features of the characters.

Buy a roll of tracing paper. Print off or buy a magazine for fashion or sports. Trace poses. Youll identify the shapes and basic forms and create mannequins over and over and over until the curvature and lines of the body and pose are second nature and muscle memory.

Once you have a series of mannequins on a page, you can place tracing paper over them and draw hair or clothes or armor other details over the mannequin. I recommend putting the mannequins on the far left of a page and fold the page over them over and over, adding different details to each layer. You can do multiple hair or clothing just drawing over the mannequin. You can flip the page and trace on the back side too if you want. Transfer anything you like to better paper or scan and tidy up on computer.

You can develop your own style this way too. Fashion will use 10 to 12 head proportions and they typically trace a pose and adjust it as they trace to make their croquis. You can do the same for comics or manga or whatever style you use. But youll be building the foundation from tracing first. Then repetition for muscle memory and folding over the mannequin to apply clothes or hair styles etc.

If tracing isnt your main source of learning, you are wasting your time. Itd be like building a house without a blueprint and never measuring or levelling anything and just eyeballing it - youll eventually get a functional house but jesus christ will it take you a long time to get there.

Look up zoe hong on youtube for example of this.

>> No.3829514
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>If you want to learn to draw, trace
How to waste your time typing a wall of text only for people to stop reading after the first line, nice lol

>> No.3829516
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>> No.3829518

But anon, the people who make these threads and post constantly on this board aren't going to practice in the first place. They have almost everything they need right there in the sticky. They're just so afraid of failure and demanding of immediate results that they won't draw at all.
You can't practice if you don't draw. They need to start drawing consistently before they even think of intentionally practicing, something that requires self critique and being critical of your in work while drawing something that may not be fun in order to get results

>> No.3829522

So tell them what to draw then, instead of just saying "just draw".

>> No.3829710


>> No.3829711

It makes you think. What if someone actually did this for years? How good would they be?

>> No.3829712
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>> No.3829778


>> No.3829783

Just draw means nothing unless you have clear goals in art, can think critically about how you could get better and put effort in. just drawing =/ effort otherwise you'll end up like this >>3829712. If you can think critically like a normal functioning adult and have goals in mind then just drawing is the best advice you could get.

>> No.3829791

The ngmi's final form...

>> No.3829810

>what does it actually mean?
It means draw everyday. Doesn't matter if it's studies, observations, or imagination drawing. Just do something everyday.
>Do you draw without any outside influence at all?
Yes and no. You should emulate your influences, but at the same time, you need to practice how to draw/capture things objectively. The best way to go about this is to have a balance of observational/life/study drawing where you draw as objectively as possible, and your actual practice drawings where you're just emulating what inspires you. A blend of objective skill and a diverse array of inluences certainly can't hurt you as an artist.
>Are you supposed to follow a book or course?
You can if you want, but it's not necessary unless you want to learn certain techniques or follow specfic approaches. Just drawing from life as accurately as you can and comparing your rendering to real life can help learn a great deal.
>How many hours a day?
As many hours as you can. Don't push yourself too hard and take breaks. It's not really about how many hours you draw but how wisely you spend your hours. If you can do 6 hours in a day, great, but if you can only manage an hour or two (perhaps even less) after your work/school, that's fine too. Just be persistent. Make drawing a daily habit.
>How many pages of paper?
Depends on how much you can do in a day. Aim for a page/day average, but don't stop yourself from doing more.
Pencil or pen?
Pen will help you gain better line confidence since it forces you to economize you linework, but pencil is fine too as long as you're not erasing a shitton.
Sitting or standing?
Might get some cool persepctives while standing but it literally doesn't matter.
Inside or outside
Again, it doesn't matter. Both if you really need a concrete answer.

Now go draw you paralyzed noob

>> No.3829811

has that guy draw every bodypart separately and now just put them together?

>> No.3829831

Where do you go to find cute female poses that aren't asian online?

>> No.3829837

> Do you draw without any outside influence at all?
Of course.
>Are you supposed to follow a book or course?
Past the beginning stages, no.
>How many hours a day?
However long you want. Are you studying? More is better.
>How many pages of paper?
>Pencil or pen?
>Sitting or standing?
>Inside or outside?

You're worrying about things that don't matter. Put pen or pencil to paper. Win.

>> No.3829846
File: 59 KB, 662x752, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you supposed to follow a book or course?
>Past the beginning stages, no.
Yep, let's just stop learning and going back to those fundamentals after we've passed those beginning stages huh
>How many hours a day?
>However long you want. Are you studying? More is better.
And water is wet
>You're worrying about things that don't matter. Put pen or pencil to paper. Win.
Just bad really

>> No.3829847


imo all great artists are "just draw" guys in some sense. While they have studied the basics their main motivation has always been drawing because they enjoy the process. If you have the slightest analytical ability, you can figure out a LOT by just getting great sketch mileage under your belt. I think this might be the reason why grind boxes type of guys seem to struggle with drawing from imagination; they do well as long as they can be told what to study but they don't have enough "me time" with their sketchbooks so they haven't developed their own voice and their problem solving abilities are lacking.

>> No.3829854

>slightest analytical ability
Are you saying engineers and architects can make it as well?

>> No.3829859

They can't actually because they have already realized engineering and architecture are of much higher value than drawing and so they should never do drawing unless they want to waste time.

>> No.3829861

Cry more. And post more dumb graphics because someone said something you don't like.

Back into the bucket, crab.

>> No.3829862

t. STEM major
You fell for the meme didn't you?

>> No.3829864

That has nothing to do with it. People who choose engineering and architecture have a completely different mindset than people who choose art.

I would fail utterly at either, because I don't think like an engineer or architect. I looked into architecture, in college. There's some creativity involved, but it's overwhelmingly technical. There's some overlap, but it's very small, and it's not a shared talent pool.

>> No.3829866

In my country for instance, it is believed that architects are slightly more technical breed of artists and if you cannot express your thoughts in drawing, your buildings will be shit and you won't be accepted as architect. So architects HAVE to know how to draw on par(and actually better) than traditional art academy graduates, despite modern CADs being huge part of their work, traditional art is large part of their curriculum in architectural universities.

>> No.3829867
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Yikes, just draw and cope I guess lol

>> No.3829868

Engineers are unironically too smart for art.

>> No.3829870

But you sound more upset than anyone else?

>> No.3829872

I know some engineers and they can't draw for shit

>> No.3829894

Wrong, you misleading and purposefully dense faggot. I made one of these threads a year ago and have literally been practicing every day since with only one or two days that I missed due to forgetting.
You know what you're doing. You're eother being completely obnoxious on purpose or you're one of those retards who takes this shit way too seriously and and attempt to weed out future competition by giving useless advice and masking it. Or I'll go with the most likely option and say you're just dumb.

Let's give the benefit of the doubt and say what you're claiming is true and it isn't something you made up to feel better about parroting bad advice and platitudes. Just draw is terrible advice, especially when someone asks about the proper way to practice. They'll draw mindlessly because even after asking hpw to do it properly they were told to just do it. Then they do it and never improve.

Then, like clockwork, people reply 'well u shouldnt draw mindlessly, thats commun since! U eediot'
ESPECIALLY when they're the people parroting this shit.

Even when we address this analysis paralysis issue in beginners, what happens when they get past the 'just draw' phase you're using to excuse shit advice? They continue just drawing and waste hours and hours of time then come here to see why and are met with smug dumbasses who gave them the empty and useless advice telling them another thing after they've already wasted more time than they should.

If someone doesn't do something that is 'common sense' (its not since its a common problem) and we know for a fact that this will happen, what's the point in appealing to common sense? It's just an excuse for losers who don't know what they're talking about to give shit advice without backlash.

>> No.3829902
File: 76 KB, 579x400, volen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"just draw" and you will end up like this guy

>> No.3829903

>I made one of these threads a year ago and have literally been practicing every day since with only one or two days that I missed due to forgetting.
I am curious to see your progress to assess whether practice was good bargain or not thanks

>> No.3829953
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Don't judge the progress as a monolith for all people who have been at it for a year. There are much better examples and I never claimed my progress was anything to brag about. I have a long way to go and I'm happy about that. My only goal was to draw SOMETHING everyday because I was attempting to get into the habit. It worked.

One thing that happened as I improved is I actually wanted to draw. I hated drawing at first but I'm coming to love the process of learning anatomy, solving problems, etc.
So anyone wondering if they just don't like art, or it 'isnt' for them, there is potential in your ability to enjoy it. The fact that you even consider it as an option is a huge indicator of that.

Regardless of whether anyone thinks my improvement is sufficoent enough for how long I've been at it, I've learned to love it.

>> No.3829983

Skin color explains a lot desu.

>> No.3829989

Fair enough, any critique.

>> No.3829994


>> No.3830001

Also I'm aware of the lot of mistakes, I just avoid erasing to force myself to think before I draw. Ran out of pens.

The poses are pretty bad too but that's me studying to improve my animations. My problem area and what I've avoided up until then is posing. So just practicing.
Speaking of that, I've been looking for resources on action poses but that include actions like running, jumping and picking up heavy objects. Any good ones?

And just a heads up, if you're trying to hurt my feelings, you failed you failed to realize that I understand that I'm a beginner and am trying to improve, knowing I'll make mistakes. Nice try though, nigger.

>> No.3830003

True. I just hate how common the advice is and how commonly people don't take responsibility for their shit advice when it doesn't work. It's annoying as fuck.

>> No.3830013

All action pose resources seem to avoid stuff like running for some reason. Kind of frustrating.

>> No.3830017

luckily you have millions of video references of people running, jogging, walking online which you can pick apart frame by frame

>> No.3830020

>t. One year into drawing and worse than OP
You're both obviously garbage but you seem mad.

>> No.3830022

Fair enough. I have my internet turned off to focus on being productive. All I have is my mobile phone and you can't go frame by frame on it. Even then I could google some, which I know, but it's just weird to me that these resources still don't include those things.

>> No.3830024

If you go for the construction route:
Draw from reference but set the reference aside after looking at it. Work from memory and construction until you find an obstacle and fix that with reference, but don't thoughtlessly copy the reference, that way you just learn to copy. Compare the drawings you make from your head with reference and understand what is different and what you did wrong. That's how I learned the most so far. I work traditionally but digital tools let you do so much shit for analysis, you can superimpose your drawing on top of someone else's drawing and see the difference in proportions, you can reverse engineer the construction, you can turn images into greyscale to check the use of values, I do lots of that stuff.

Also don't be a passive consumer. By all means look at other art and movies but do it analytically, if you are a consumer you can't be a maker, you gotta exclusively look at stuff to analyze it, you can't waste time to be entertained. I don't think I can even willingly watch something passively anymore, I have to analyze the designs, what makes them work, the types of shots used, etc.

Just draw is shit advice, if you draw mechanically without thinking you won't improve. I've drawn tons of heads with bad proportions and only now I'm learning to draw them better.

>> No.3830032

>I have my internet turned off to focus on being productive
well now you hopefully see for yourself that this is a rather silly choice of mental restraint

if at some point you can't find required reference online, film yourself or others running\walking\doing whatevers or use mirror, but latter only as a last resort because capturing performance via mirror is bad idea, especially if you know what pose or expression you have to perform beforehand, never rely on mirrors, they(your body) lie when they know about it

>> No.3830042

It has actually worked really well for me. I've been drawing and animating for hours when I usually would have browsed the internet all day. I have no idea how you see it as dumb. It's a great method for me and forces me to do other things, as I have an addiction.
The drawings I posted are bad but regardless of that I have been practicing my ass off and focusing on my weaknesses specifically.

I don't have the mental fortitude to stay offline, seeong as I'm on 4chan now. It's pretty helpful.

Also thanks for the advice.

>> No.3830064

Can you explain what's so bad about it? I'm new to /ic/ so I'm having trouble understanding.

>> No.3830065

nothing, that anon is baiting

>> No.3830071
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>You'll make much more progress if you actually make a study plan and stick to it.
No. Fuck off, cunt. Plans don't work. Schedules don't work. Exercises are procrastination. Look at VolenCK. He even has a fucking schedule spreadsheet on his wall on background in his recent video. Youre mom gay btw.

>> No.3830073

I should really have a schedule but I just work as much as I can until I solve a problem. Maybe I spend a few hours looking at movie scenes for reference on camera shots and shit. Or sometimes I feel sleepy and I take a nap. When there are issues I can't solve I just don't know what the fuck to do, grinding has never helped me in these cases.

>> No.3830077

find another way to fight procrastination.
internet is treasury.
there are swamps of attention like 4chan or social media sure.
but even if you find silly cat video to slurp on, you can pick apart the movement of cat.
you need to start looking. everything that moves is fair game. cartoon. sports. films. even talk show is all right for picking out phonemes and expressions into your library.
you can't avoid this.

>> No.3830080

As long as you know what you want to study and stick to it for a reasonable amount of time every week, you get results. Some of my best progress was when I didn't have time and just fucked around according to what I wanted to do for a month. Just drawing some warmup shit is good enough some days and usually leads into unfinished bullshit that you work through in other pieces.

>> No.3830085

Yeah but it's just damn hard to actually get things done. I'm making a comic right now and every little thing is a challenge. I don't know how to find a convincing opening so I'm scrapping dozens of storyboards. The character designs don't convince me and I wish I had better anatomy. I don't know how to write certain parts. Some days I'm so swamped in issues everywhere I look that it's paralyzing. But I don't want to wait another year to make it, I want to make it now.

>> No.3830086

It really hurts but I genuinely can't stay on without mindlessly browsing. Though that's true I do the things you mentioned a lot. I love going frame by frame on videos. Got a few epiphanies from doing that with both animation and art. I always study facial features.
And keep in mind I have a 60 to 70 gb folder of art resources and to add to that, animation resources. So finding reference is not a problem. Specifically when I was asking for a running reference resource I was hoping to add it to that collection so I'd have everything I need without worry.

But you're right, there are tons of videos I can get online too and study, so thanks for giving me the idea. Forgot video was an option.
If I'm online I'm constantly checking to see if people reply, like roght now, which is what I hate the most.
You're 100% right about needing the internet and my next goal is to learn how to browse without getting caught up and spending 6 hours refreshing 4chan. I understand me and you see these things differently but you probably don't have as much of an addiction as I do. I'd spend my entire waking day on the internet watching videos and not being productive because why would I do that when I have dopamine at my fingertips. It's an easy choice for me since humans like the path of least resistance.

>> No.3830103

A long time ago I used to have Cornell's bird cams in fullscreen while drawing and I'd sketch the birbs that came on screen.
I should do that again, it gave me so much joy.

Main link. All cameras are off or inactive right now, but during the day it gets pretty lively.
I followed a nest of barn owls for a while and they'd go back and forth a lot to feed the young.

>> No.3830118

Oh, you're a different kind of fucked. Writing is one of the easiest and most time consuming disciplines and that's where your problem is. Good narrative makes good character designs. Sit and refine your shit for a while and it will come together, if the script isn't good, the rest is shit. Once you understand writing, the rest doesn't matter so much in a comic.

It's usually about starting in media res, at the last possible moment into wherever it starts. You have to remember no one knows all the shit and don't need to unless it's pertinent. It's not even about making a statement, just a confident start that leads into the first action.

>> No.3830125

Fuck you just gave me a good idea. I can pull up a livestream and draw people. You're beautifulm

>> No.3830155

I love artisan videos where they do things with their hands.

>> No.3830173

>For running and jumping I guess watching free running/parkour videos and drawing the frames could be a shout, as for picking up objects. Weight lifters? Body builders? Worlds strongest man? I dunno, hope this helps.

>> No.3830227

Repetition is the only way to achieve greatness

>> No.3830266

Oh this is perfect. Need to remind myself to grab a bunch of these. Humans move a lot faster than I thought. I honestly assumed every movement needed to be eased but had an epiphany looking at a dance frame by frame. That shit actually rocked my world and gave me a reality check. Now I'm undoing all of that learning of that idea. Hand movements are the epitome of examples.
Yeah even better than a still image honestly. You get to see it in motion and have it carried out. Great examples.

>> No.3830480

The Japanese have so many traditions, it's chock full of these things if you look around.

I also love raw animal footage but it's drowned in le ebin animal fights and other gruesome stuff I hate, YouTube for some reason thinks I love hunting and mouse traps and puppies getting eaten.

>> No.3830598

Everyone is different but i find making plans and over analyzing what im doing just makes me not want to draw and sucks the fun out of it. "Just draw" is actually good advice, keep it simple, we're not robots nobody is going to only draw 9 billion straight lines and never progress you naturally get bored of that and start experimenting and drawing new things or looking up reference when you forget what something looks like. Its an organic process

>> No.3830623 [DELETED] 

Schedules and plans have always worked for me, but then again I've always been a pretty organised person. My notes from college look like clown vomit from highlighing and postit notes. I guess some people just don't have the commitment and determination to make schedules work, or maybe they're just too lazy? Not sure what to say to you desu, I can't give any advice to someone who just doesn't want to put the work in.

>> No.3830627

Schedules and plans have always worked for me, but then again I've always been a pretty organised person. My notes from college look like clown vomit from highlighing and postit notes. I guess some people just don't have the commitment and determination to make schedules work, or maybe they're just too lazy? Not sure what to say to you desu, I can't give any advice to someone who just doesn't want to put the work in.
That's fair enough, different methods work for different people I guess. Still, "just draw" is not good advice. At least give them some idea of "how" to just draw. Just draw by following a certain topic for a week? Just draw by having a daily topic every day for a month? Sure, I guess that might be decent advice, but saying "Just draw" and nothing else is lazy and shit. Try to put some effort into the advice you're giving, typing two words without explanation is as lazy and irresponsible as you can get.

>> No.3830823

There is more than one topic to draw? Like what?

>> No.3830832

For example, studying a certain aspect of feet for a week (anatomy, construction, posing?), or something like inktober when you have a daily prompt and draw according to that.

>> No.3830906
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>My only goal was to draw SOMETHING everyday because I was attempting to get into the habit. It worked.

>> No.3830923

Architect here, that's not really correct, architecture like so many other branches of art have been stripped off its traditions in favor of more modernist views lately. Most teachers nowadays don't really know much about traditional style designs at all. It's all Frank and frazeta for them.

>> No.3830932

Are you saying I didn't build a habit? What do you prefer to call forming a new tendency? I went from not drawing at all to drawing everyday, even if it was one drawing. Recently that evolved into drawing an hour or more a day at least.
I think that's enough to call it forming a new habit. You don't think that?

>> No.3830958

You literally just drew.

>> No.3830966

Yes, and many times I didn't want to. In order to build the habit I drew whatever. That's like saying someone who starts an exercise routine is just exercizing. Well obviously, but what's your point if whatever the activity is is integrated into your daily life to the point of normalcy. A habit if you will.

>> No.3830980

So building habits is something that doesn't exist because it's just someone doing something. Wow.
You didn't acheive a goal, you just did a thing. Crazy.

>> No.3830985

>About to write huge wall of text refuting everything you said
>notices hand


>> No.3830987

still write why not

>> No.3830988


>> No.3830991

What on earth are you even trying to say.

>> No.3830993

I put it in there to trigger NPC responses. Like clockwork. Hilarious seeing people worked up over skin. Grow up.

>> No.3830994

I was saying that categorizing something as 'just drawing' is ridiculous because you can do that with literally any achievement.

>> No.3830997

"Xddd im 13 n this is funniiii owo whats dis? A nigger?"
I hate niggers too, but kill yourself you cringy faggot.

>> No.3831002
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fucking based

>> No.3831003

What's wrong with Frank Frazetta?

>> No.3831004
File: 14 KB, 335x266, Le Monkey Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KodyBoy555 is most well known for his bizarre DevianTART gallery which features hundreds upon hundreds of shitty MS Paint drawings of his various oddly proportioned furry OCs sporting Scuba gear.

>> No.3831018

Nothing at all, anon's just being a crab.

>> No.3831022

Ah, I see what you mean now. I forgot the context of this thread was 'just draw'ing. In a bunch of threads so I lost track.
I didn't just draw. I asked questions on ic daily and asked for proper ways of learning which actually helped me a shit ton.
But that isn't what the context of just draw carries. It can be applied to everyone who draws so it's completely meaningless to make that distinction in my case.

In the case that we're talking about, this is advice given to beginners who have no prior experience. Which I didn't but I knew to seek out information, only because I've had previous experiences with learning new things. I was also at the right place at the right time.
Some people don't know of this, and if they have no experience with drawing or anything that requires learning, when they hear 'just draw and you'll improve' its only right for them to assume just drawing will help. Even if it's the same mindless, repetitive, comfort zone heavy drawing you've ever seen. They have no frame of reference for that. That's my point.

>> No.3831026
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>Are you supposed to follow a book or course?

>> No.3831091

While I want to make comics eventually so I need to learn all the fundamentals, I really just wanna draw characters (females mainly) so i recently picked up Jack Hamm's Drawing the Head and Figure.

Current plan is to go through the book and then check out different lessons from my other books when needed, such as when in get to eyes, id look up the sections of the eye from other sources. The plan is to get a decent handle of drawing people so I have something fun to draw while working on my boring but needed studying.

Oh and doing observational drawing on the side as well. Just hope this work out cause I'm looking forward to do this plan.

>> No.3831095

Actually useful. Thanks.

>> No.3831096

Please define "just draw" for me. You seem to be taking "just draw" very literal.

>> No.3831118

I'll be honest, I'm not exactly sure where to go with drawing. I just wanna make cool art, fanart, and comics. There's a few different artists I like but I'm not sure who to emulate, what's the best path for me to grind in, and when is a good time to develop ones own style after getting fundies down. Not sure if I should just keep going through fun with a pencil like a robot or if I should be doing more life work

I'm not sure of my goals, not sure how to get there , and where to go with drawing.

>> No.3831229

looks pretty solid guideline

>> No.3831278

>There's a few different artists I like but I'm not sure who to emulate
How do you emulate an artist?

>> No.3831353
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I honestly don't know how to do it deliberately, but if you like one artist for many many years you inevitably pick up the style.
Shitty drawing from like 3 years ago

>> No.3831447

I'm using the definition people give to beginners without anything to supplement it. Of course they'll take it literally. Many have, and as long as it stays common on this site, many will. If people keep saying it without providing context about what just draw means. People assume beginners will know any of it without stepping foot into the art world or any learning properly beforehand.

EACH and every time I see someone take that advoce, come back and explain how they didn't improve, only then do they provide context to damage control for advice that should only be applied to a subset of people and even then the person should have it explained. The advice is useless otherwise. It's supposed to be for beginners but we're giving it like they're not beginners.
If they're stupid for not being able to use common sense we should make sure the advice is full-proof, because people will always make that mistake. If that's the excuse for knowingly giving bad advice aimed at a group who is literally supposed to be unknowledgeable on this topic then the person giving it is doing it to feel better about themselves and should stop giving advice entirely.

>> No.3832250

You sound like you don't draw

>> No.3833272

This will sound very much against the 'Just Draw' mentality, but I find it very important to just wait...wait for a certain wanting feeling. Much like being aware and waiting for that sleepy time feeling at night, that chemical timer telling me it's the 20 minute window of time where my body is willing to readily fall into deep sleep. I try to stay very aware and wait for that wanting feeling, wanting to make.

If I start during a window of wanting, I can make and learn and do for hours and hours continuously, excellent use of time.

If I try to start repeatedly, randomly, just force myself to do it in spite of whatever, in spite of not wanting, I much more often waste time and get nothing very good done. Entire days or weeks can be wasted in the act of trying to hard to do.