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3826265 No.3826265 [Reply] [Original]

Do you visualize the drawing actually on the paper before putting a mark down with the pencil?

>> No.3826275

no. I visualize it in my mind, but trying to overlay my mind visualization with the paper feel like a very bad shaky parallex problem, so I treat drawing more like drawing from ref, just that the ref is in my mind

>> No.3826281

I usually scribble out the raw shapes I have in my mind then define the ones I want with slightly darker pencil lines, ain't too crazy. This works too if you are without an idea, scribbling random shapes down until you spot something in there and darkening over it.

>> No.3826292

My problem is when I try to visualize something, I can't actually see it with my eyes. It's just an idea of what someone or something looks like. I don't know what that's called but that's my biggest issue with drawing from memory.

>> No.3826307

if I want to have good(not total shit) results yes
but it's not easy, requires fair bit of practice and concentration, sort of like singing when you sing in a choir, you need to keep your melodic line in mind and follow it despite what you hear from the others

>> No.3826308
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Funny I was just about to make a thread about this.
Bernie Wrightson talks about it here, and says he has the image fully done in his mind and simply "projects' it onto the page

As a side note, while his plates in Frankenstein are incredible, I feel the comic he did "Frankenstein: Alive, Alive!" is severly underrated

>> No.3826325

Fucking collective unconscious, dude. I'll check him out.
>but it's not easy, requires fair bit of practice and concentration
I know, man. I'm actively trying to see it on the paper and I can't focus for more than 5 minutes because of brain fatigue or something lol

>> No.3826344

I tried yesterday to draw my mom but i couldn't visualise her face. I can't even see her eyes. Is it possible to change that like doing exercices to train my brain?

>> No.3827783

I try to ,but it doesn't work for me. Categorizing ideas works far better for me. Drawing from reference and categorizing into words poses, clothing, accesoires, expression, etc. Before I start the drawing I recall the categories from memory and fill in the gaps with experience. The more things I categorize before starting the better visualization becomes. I also google reference images. Drawing from imagination alone is a fucking meme. Use reference.

>> No.3827784
File: 29 KB, 144x160, 2868C557-3E24-4F5D-B198-A4F487623549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I can visualise her just fine

>> No.3829440


>> No.3829919

Wow, I didn't know this was actually a thing. So most people can actually SEE images they're trying to visualize? My mind is blown right now.

>> No.3829936

Its an acquired skill. Actual aphantasia is not common

>> No.3830051

Oh, right. I was confused. So what do you call people who can visualize things as if they were seeing them with their actual eyes?

>> No.3830068

noting because that's not a real thing, what you think people visual is exactly how you visualize things. They just trained is more, like you can

>> No.3830177

Found the term for it: closed-eye hallucinations.

>> No.3830763

I feel like mental sounds are easier to produce than mental imagery. When I'm recalling a song in my head, it's almost as if I'm actually hearing it. My ability to visualize is much weaker. Strange.

>> No.3830797

To some degree yes, but mileagereally comes into play. And I think you should try your best either way. You can figure it out while doing a rough sketch and clean it up later. You need to at least have a gesture down imo

>> No.3830799

People can’t project shit into their visual field you retard. It’s called the ‘minds eye’ for a reason, it’s a different thing.

>> No.3830808

>People can’t project shit into their visual field you retard. It’s called the ‘minds eye’ for a reason, it’s a different thing.
Rude. But there are a handful of people who claim they can project images on the back of their eyelids as if they're physically see them. Obviously that would be extremely powerful for an artist.

>> No.3830921

so this is like shadow boxing but for drawing?

>> No.3830927

only basic primitives they are comprised from in space, rarely step further with overlapping organic forms.
I'm not even sure if it helps... barely I guess. the best drawings I did were when I didn't invoke images in my mind at all and just went with the flow.

>> No.3833263

I don't always, but I've found my drawings generally turn out better if I have well thought out idea of what I want beforehand.
For me it's the difference between just doodling and starting a piece with the intention of finalizing.

>> No.3833298

I draw
Visualize what I should have done
Then draw again
Then visualize what I REALLY should have drawn
Draw again
Repeat ad nauseam

>> No.3833327

Yes. Visualization is part of the process. That's what sketching and studies are for, to help you visualize what the final will be. Did you think the masters stood in front of a blank canvas, not knowing what it would end up as?

>> No.3833346

Been doing it all day yesterday but I keep forgetting to during.

>> No.3834033

Do you even Keys to Drawing? Chicken-scratching actually helps visualization on paper.

Look at how Travis Charest draws his stuff on YT.

>> No.3834911

>Do you even Keys to Drawing?
His drawings are terrible. Why would I take drawing tips from a bad artist?

>> No.3835394

Yes I can, it's not a literal hallucination but it sort of looks like an afterimage

>> No.3835757

You're so fucking lucky. I can't visualize at all on demand, not even simple colors. I don't know how I'm going to make it

>> No.3835792

I counter with Kim Jung Gi

>> No.3835930

I think I have aphantasia. It's hard for me to visualize anything in my mind. Can someone who can explain to me if they can visualize these nuts in their mouth?

>> No.3835938

pretty good

>> No.3836146

The mind's eye is kind of crazy. It's really hard to describe.

>> No.3836811

Some people claim to have cured aphantasia with psilocybin mushrooms.

>> No.3837288

I had something really similar to synthesia on mushrooms so I believe it.

>> No.3837569
File: 133 KB, 900x444, creating_ourselves_zzz_by_jeremeyprickles-d6pxgel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I sketch randomly, I have only a vague idea of what I want to draw. The pen and hand explore the undiscovered country of the blank paper,and I am surprised as anyone watching me about what appears. But then I draw bits again,and define the imagery until it is refined enough to be incorporated into the larger work.

>> No.3837742

I've been really trying to, I just can't at all unless there's at least something on the paper to help me root myself