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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 260 KB, 663x813, womeninart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3819789 No.3819789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well? Are they right?

>> No.3819792

If they do it for recognition they might as well quit desu.

>> No.3819795 [DELETED] 

Women are, IN GENERAL, worst at art, yes.

>> No.3819797

Lets see their art

I bet 30 (you)s that the girls art is shit and the guys art is good

>> No.3819799
File: 28 KB, 152x168, 1550651585592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should stop whining, maybe she's just not good enough.

>> No.3819800

Women are, IN GENERAL, worst at art, yes.
Much like they are, IN GENERAL, worst at science;
Much like they are, IN GENERAL, worst at philosophy and math;
Much like they are, IN GENERAL, worst at engineering;
And so on...

Such is life when you evolve to be coddled by men.

>> No.3819801

A simple way to figure it out is to have them submit art anonymously or under a gender neutral pseudonym.
That way they can't complain that they're being shunned for being females.

>> No.3819802

Recognition, fame, reputation, awards, wealth, all of these are just modern social constructions of success, they literally don't matter - just like it does not matter how many likes or followers you have, which is something I see on /ic/s basing their self-worth on.

>> No.3819805

Of course they matter, you fucking commie, what do you mean? How does fame and recognition not matter? Are you braindead?

>> No.3819807

>Much like they are, IN GENERAL, worst at science
Depends 100% on the field. Women are close to parity or actually the majority population in biology and the life/health sciences.

>> No.3819810

How did you arrive at the conclusion I am a "fucking commie"?

>> No.3819811

>I'm just a bit tired of working hard when I don't get as many ass pats as people who are better than me

There are a couple female comic artists that I look up to and you'd never in a million years hear them say anything like this, probably because they keep their mouths shut and ego in check and work hard just like the men do

>> No.3819816

By that logic nothing matters because no man-made concept has intrinsic value. You should try to shed off this nihilistic bullshit and try to understand why people like the things they do.

>> No.3819818

Are people ITT purposefully misreading the posts or something?

>> No.3819820

I was clearly talking about quality, not quantity, so I don't understand your point.

There are way more females that cook, but there are way more male chefs.

>> No.3819822

That's true, nothing has intrinsic value, except for other people.

>> No.3819823

>just modern social constructions of success
Yeah, I guess people were trading shells up to the Industrial Revolution.

>> No.3819824


>> No.3819825

Oh now I see, you're retarded.

>> No.3819830

I wish one courageous knight commented on her post "bitch ur oils looks like someones diarrhea how u want ppl to think you're the next sargant and shiet when u blend like a toddler noone cares about ur postcolonial case for the racism in white wall in brooklyn"

>> No.3819831

If one courageous knight does this I'll be happy, I'm too much of a pussy

>> No.3819833

based xD

>> No.3819834

Women should shut the fuck up. Giving them a voice has been the biggest mistake mankind has ever made.

>> No.3819838

kys cretin

>> No.3819846


>> No.3819847

I'm 100% right.

>> No.3819868

spot looking in the mirror when posting woman

>> No.3819884

Care to elaborate?
There's a reason why a big percentage of advances in every field (including health and biology, to cite your examples), are the products of a male mind.

>> No.3819906


How do you get a black theme on facebook?

>> No.3819915
File: 20 KB, 214x400, negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Reader, Chrome extension

>> No.3819916

Every single female artist I’ve met irl has been significantly worse than me.

>> No.3819918
File: 385 KB, 1024x1343, astri-lohne-imogen-final-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about online then? Hm?

>> No.3819923

If you look at the professional art world, it's far more common to see women nowadays because women are more open to the humanities than men on average. However, you still have all these fairly norma 40+ year olds who broke into the art world when it was still mostly dominated by men, so they feel a bit astray today when a majority of young apsiring artists are women. so, when these older guys do find a young male who is exclusively interested in the fine arts (and isn't a flaming feminine gay), then they tend to give them preferential treatment because they're so rare. really; 90% of art schools are filled with anything but straight or even bi men. even more rare is a straight african american man. it has nothing to do with sexism or misogyny than it has to do with feeling more comfortable around people who are like you. don't worry, once womxn dominate leadership positions and men become a even smaller minority, the polarities will turn.

>> No.3819924

What ABOUT online?

It’d be foolish to measure myself up to people with decades of experience. Now we’re stacking up to the whole world, OFC there’s gonna be females who are much better than me. But how about we compare them to male artists with equal experience?

I’m speaking in anecdotes, but every single girl I’ve met irl who was an artist, was more concerned with socializing and getting likes and comments on Facebook than actually improving.

Deal with art is, that it takes a lot of self-criticism, something most women aren’t particularly good at cause it doesn’t FEEL good, and most women are slaves to their emotions. Women who can oust their emotions aside and just focusing on working hard are more of an exception than the rule. That’s why there are more talented and successful male artists. You tell a dude, “your shit sucks, get better” and if he’s worth anything as a man, he’ll do just that. You tell that to a girl, and she’ll likely go cry about it and stir up drama for pity and attention so she can vent her emotions, and never heed the lesson in the advice.

Again, generalizations, but even the ones that worked “hard” in art school, only worked a couple hours a day at best, and were more concerned in posting on Instagram about how they were making art, rather than making art and seeking to improve it.

>> No.3819927

This is your mind on affirmative action.

Question: wouldn’t it be better to hire someone based on merit and talent rather than their sex or race? I mean, is it any wonder the quality of art has dropped significantly in the west? Ever since women entered the work force, shits really started to go down. Long gone are the days of Fantasia and Snow White. Now we get trash like Steven Universe and Thundercats.

>> No.3819931

Moving goalposts.

>> No.3819932

there are more women than men both in art schools and in the industry as a whole. so obviously that means your lack of success isn't because art is a fucking hard and competitive field stuffed to the brim with talent & people who have been establishing themselves for decades, no you're a marginalized genius and we're all covertly seeking to undermine you by not giving you enough compliments at parties. take that bitch.

>> No.3819937

What goalposts retard? You’re the one that asked about online you dumb bitch.

>> No.3820009

Ok, her oils are not bad, but it still sounds like a lot of whining about probably half true anecdotes. complaining is just easier for most people, men included.

>> No.3820101

post one

>> No.3820119


>> No.3820121

his original post said irl too anon

>> No.3820122

i mean as a guy my interests usually align more with other guys. you can't usually have a fun chat about video games and whiskey with women so id naturally get along with the guy more.

>> No.3820136
File: 130 KB, 1280x892, 1511961788367not a Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is this artist then? How are we meant to care if we can't redline her work? and then claim she'll NGMI??
I'm female, and she sounds like a needy limpet.

>> No.3820188

Yeah, because since the beginning of humanity, men were given more opportunity than woman. Ever since domesticiaty became a thing, women were the ones that had to stay at the home, take care of it/children, while men hunted and what not. This evolved over time, yet remained largely the same up until only quite recently when looking at how long human history has been recorded. Just say you hate women and move on.

>> No.3820214

Not him but I hate women and even I understand this. Some people are just too retarded to understand their own biases.

>> No.3820217

Humans are just genuinely retarded.

>> No.3820221
File: 33 KB, 720x795, 1540092277369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are women so self centered and always talk about themselves? Is she so far up her own ass that she doesn't see the wave of beta orbiters that practically pay E-Thots for attention? Being an Artist is a plus if you have a Bagina the problem is that some have their head up so far gone they have a selective perception and disregard the feedback from the minority that do notice them.

>> No.3820222

Women are weak, what good are they on the hunt? Don't blame men for your physiology.

>> No.3820225

I often find that if you’re a woman artist it’s more cool and interesting? And you even get loads of followers online if you make it obvious you’re a woman

>> No.3820226
File: 365 KB, 904x851, 4bff32ef1291f6a609b51833e4309ebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.
The "2% of successful women artists" isn't because there's some secret conspiracy to keep women down, but because there aren't enough women passionate enough about art to develop their skills (despite what the stereotypes tell you). Women like to draw and paint, but most of them aren't interested in pursuing a career in arts, because they know it's a huge gamble, so why not pursue a "safe" career instead of risking your livelihood as an starving artist?

So yeah, stop bitching. lol

>> No.3820233

>going into /beg/ and still having this opinion
the absolute state of ic

>> No.3820240
File: 127 KB, 902x1200, 1528553138114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasing losers pointing fingers at statistics and sexism to cope with their lack of skill and success is oddly comforting.

>> No.3820243

These are not the things I'm arguing. I'm not a cuck who spends my time thinking "if only..." I'm a person who lives in the real world. If you actually understood all this you would know I'm right.

Notice how this went:
>Tell people facts;
>People don't like facts, proceed to call me retarded;
>I ask to clarify;
>You logically extrapolate the exact thing I said from a simple evolutionary analysis, and still act like a douchebag to me because you don't like facts (or something, I don't even know).

I'm not saying I hate women either, I'm saying they're generally much worst than men at dealing with high stress situations because they've, historically, never had to deal with them in the first place. I personally find it really funny how women were the ones who got to stay at home instead of spending their whole lives thinking about how to actually get food for their family, and they STILL did fuck all with the time they had in their hands. On the other hand, men got to risk their lives during hunts and wars and what have you, and they STILL managed to come up with (nearly) everything you see around you. None of this is because men are superior to women, it's because they are different from one another.

Out of curiosity, did you know a big amount of women didn't want the right to vote?

>> No.3820270


Not in animation. There are loads of women in animation.

Concept art still seems to be dominated by men.

Fine art has plenty of women in it.

Anyway 2% is absurd. There are far more female artists than that.

>> No.3820282

it's like /r9k/ incels complaining when they think they're not getting their due. Nothing is due in life, you have to fight and earn everything. Some have it easier than you, and many others have it much harder. You can complain all you want about it, it won't change the fact.

>> No.3820301
File: 43 KB, 493x430, 1537671755435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw. My fiance is also a streamer. If we go somewhere where no one knows us and we say we're streamers she gets drooled over straight away ("omg, you're a streamer? What do you play?!") and I get a "oh, that's nice" reaction and zero questions about what I play.
>I'm just a bit tired of doing twice the work for half the recognition.
oooh nooo my gender is saturated and worthless in this industry and I can no longer leverage my sex appeal for success
what the fuck, I'm not successful when I stand on my own merits?? this has to be the other gender's fault!

>> No.3820305

>take care of children
big fucking point right there. literally were raising the next generations. women had and still have way more influence over children's development than men, but we choose to blame men?

>> No.3820325

Every single artist I've met irl has been significantly worse than me. Not because I'm particularly good, but because the majority of them are REALLY bad. The good ones are rare, so you'll probably not meet them, regardless of sex.
What's your point?

>> No.3820334

well did she mean 2% artist in general or just oilpainting?

>> No.3820337


>> No.3820373
File: 184 KB, 694x312, you_need_to_grow_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boyfriend is a streamer
>"Waah! Why I'm less popular than my boyfriend!?"