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3813197 No.3813197 [Reply] [Original]

Today I spent five HUNDRED dollars on oil paint stuff. However, I've spent hours online trying to find lessons and tutorials for beginners, and I find absolutely no good videos for helping teach noobies how to begin. Where the hell do I start? I have absolutely no idea of what to even begin with other than to gesso my canvas.

>> No.3813202

Watts atelier teaches that. Enjoy!

>> No.3813206

>I spent five HUNDRED dollars
I did the same but it was for a prostitute

>> No.3813209

You can do underpaintings with paints thinned out with Gamsol/mineral spirits, then start working in with paint mixed with your preferred mediums. Use an old, raggy shirt to wipe away mistakes or to thin out layers by dabbing it with some turpentine/turpenoid/whatever-gum-spirit.

If you care about your paintings' archival qualities, try to work from lean to fattier layers.

Also, never put acrylic or gesso on top of oil paint because the oil paint beneath will never dry. Oil paint on top of those mediums is perfectly fine, though.

>> No.3813211

eghh but I want to follow a tutorial how to actually paint. I have no idea where to even start putting the brush to the canvas

>> No.3813215

You probably should have researched before spending the 500, idiot.

>> No.3813218

Should've spent the 500 bucks like >>3813206
if you need someone to hold your hand for you.

>> No.3813219

wish I could afford 500 usd whores

>> No.3813221


>> No.3813223

Pirate watts atelier in cgpeers. Enjoy!

>> No.3813228

free pls

>> No.3813235

>paying for a tutorial

>> No.3813237

You do know it's free on cgpeers right?

>> No.3813259

Bob ross

>> No.3813269

read paint labels they have qualities if its transparent, semi transparent or opaque. paint with opaque and you will be fine. or look the up the name of the color they usually have specific qualities.
this is too advance even for masters. a noobie is not gonna worry about thinning paint and you only thin paint if its opaque thats why there is premade ones. and youre suppsoe to paint over mistake not wipe them lol

>> No.3813278

Honestly when I make my periodic 200 eurobucks order of watercolor shit from Jackson's and the package gets home it feels like fucking Christmas

>> No.3813326

did you spend 100 on gesso to thin that shit out?

>> No.3813371

>this is too advance even for master
Stop spreading BS if you don’t paint, it’s a basic technique.

>> No.3813396

you do like 2 things with solvents, affects its longevity and thinning so it doesnt have as much pigment. and someone who has experience would need to use solvents. a beginner shouldnt fuck with them because they dont know shit about glazing(thinning). so no you dumb faggot, you dont need that shit to start oil painting, you can start with a fucking brush and the pigment, its like with waterbased pigments. you use water to thin the pigment with gouache. same concepts its just oil gives you more leeway, but again tis advanced techniques.

>> No.3813399

forgot to say with oil you can also not only thin the paint but make it thicker, but again concepts that a beginner doesnt need to fuck with.

>> No.3813400

more bs.

>> No.3813409

So is adding water to gouache advanced technique? Fucking retard.

>> No.3813415 [DELETED] 

trying to sound smart? adding water to these pigments thins them out, which with thin paint you use glaze with, and theres different amounts of glazing that can be applied which are advance techniques, fucking tard.
you be me a /beg/

>> No.3813418

trying to sound smart? adding water to these pigments thins them out, which with thin paint you use glaze with, and theres different amounts of glazing that can be applied which are advance techniques, fucking tard.
you must be a /beg/

>> No.3813510

its pretty easy to tell when you use too much solvent. the pigments will start to granulate and it can easily be wiped off when dry.

>> No.3813701

In oil painting, glazing should never be done with straight solvent, it breaks down the oil and will destroy the adhesion of the paint and the proper drying process.

A transparent glaze should be mixed with a glazing medium, which is usually a 1:1:1 mixture of linseed/stand oil, turpentine/turpenoid, and a varnish (I use Damar).

Glazing is NOT thinning, the goal is to keep the consistency the same butmake the paint layer transparent, and sit on the paint as a cohesive layer, and not destroy the drying oils in the paint, which solvent alone will do.

So drop the attitude and give real advice, not the shit advice you just gave.

>> No.3813703

Check out DrawMixPaint on Youtube, for classical oil painting technique. It's not the only way to paint, but it's a good place to start.

>> No.3813817


Mutt bog monkey.

>> No.3813851

what the hell

>> No.3813852

>too advance even for masters

...you do know why they are called masters right?

>> No.3813964

>Glazing is NOT thinning
thats literally the essence of thinning lol, you thin paint so you have less color and more transparency, i did't specify which solvents you use and ESPECIALLY did't say anything about turp because that will destroy the pigment binder, so stop projecting retard.


educate yourself.

again you dont paint.

>> No.3813976

again OP, just grab literally any canvas can be fucking wood for the sake of it, and just paint with opaque colors to get used to oil, when you feel ready enough you look into the specific colors that have transparency qualities and learn how to mix it with the opaque ones so you can glaze. you dont even need to touch oils to give them a transparent effect, dont worry about that shit.

>> No.3814202

You're a child. Get out of the art world until you can act like an adult.

>> No.3814210

>gets BTFO
>waaah wwwaaaah youre a child wwaaaaah

>> No.3814215

You know oils and some of the chemicals can be toxic? I hope you do some research and have a proper ventilation system. Don't follow Bob Ross because he was splashing turpentine around everywhere. You also shouldn't be pouring chemicals down the drain, look for hazardous material removal dropoff locations in your area.

draw mix paint is a good channel for a lot of beginner resources. you should probably pick up alla prima too and some other painting books like stern's how to see color and paint it. still lifes still lifes still lifes

>> No.3814217

forgot some links

>> No.3814415

thanks lad

>> No.3814433

USE odorless turpentine or turpinoid.
Unless you like the odor which can be very strong. Do not paint in a enclose tiny area. Make sure you know how to properly disposed of the stuff and rags. Do not machine wash or dry.
I feel like gesso is optional, it fills the texture on your canvas making it more smooth. I do it depending on the quality of the canvas and how I want the painting to look like. Some people like to sketch on canvas with pencil/charcoal or with diluted oil paint. A lot of people like to do a monochromatic underpinning to plan all of the values. I'm told some people do the under painting with acrylic and then once it's dry, paint over it with oils.
Rough canvases will eat away at your paintbrush.
And I like to use a hair blow dryer sometimes to make the paint dry faster.

>> No.3814559

>don't use turps

What is this is baby Lefty arsewipe shit?
I use turps everyday.
Grow up.

>> No.3814842
