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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 114 KB, 570x772, il_570xN.1728642385_hpyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3807766 No.3807766 [Reply] [Original]

If you think digital spatterings and digital "works" are impressive, just know that the old masters would be puking if they saw the absolute crap that is classified as "art" nowadays. Digital is everything wrong, and it is soulless, deprived of true love, and is the hollow shell that makes an empty peanut seem attractive. Buying digital art is shit because it doesn't even exist.

>> No.3807769

okay fag

>> No.3807776

>Buying digital art is shit because it doesn't even exist.
If digital art doesn't exist, your words also don't exist, since they're also digital. Therefore either what you said it's true but doesn't exist or it's false and digital art does exist.

>> No.3807780


>> No.3807784

>old <blank> would be rolling in their graves if they ever saw <blank> now
keep applying your thoughts to those better than you NPC

>> No.3807787

They wouldn't be the same person today as they were in the past. You couldn't possibly know what they'd think about digital.

>> No.3807798

If we were to take their minds and bodies from the past and teleport them to today without harming their reserved cultured views, they would be quite ashamed I'm sure.

>> No.3807801

you're too old to be here, with that "back in my day" bullshit.

>> No.3807804

lol if DaVinci, Miguel Angelo and Tiziano were alive they would be using Blender, ZBrush, photobashing to hell and back while painting on the side.

>> No.3807806

they literally made insane fucking tools to cheat at art, having a computer with millions of information available to them and the fact there are thousands of different art styles now is going to make them ashamed?

>> No.3807812

If they knew how to use it and the computers didn't scare them, they'd take advantage of the technology

>> No.3807828

Did you really expect that millenials would understand?

>> No.3807856
File: 111 KB, 836x543, NOIDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solar flare
>sweeps by earth
>all of your digital paintings, waifu collections and furry porn are forever wiped

Heh, nothin personal kid.

>> No.3807861

not OP, but what tools did they use to cheat at art?

>> No.3807862


>> No.3807865
File: 129 KB, 867x1078, 1407793420898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up pencil
>make contact with paper
>move pencil in specific pattern to produce drawing
>"Aw wow such high art so beautiful!"

>pick up tablet pen
>make contact with tablet
>move tablet pen in exact same pattern as before
>"it's shit, no soul"

I agree that alot of digital art is shit, but that's because it's only existed for a few decades, traditional art has over a thousand years of history behind it, of course there's plenty of amazing traditional art.
Give digital time and there were be beauty, it's not the tools that matter but the artist

>> No.3807867

They used a projector to project an image on the canvas and then traced it.

>> No.3807870

old masters didn’t have elctricity though

>> No.3807874

>keeping art in a house made of wood rather than having your entire house made out of stone and marble

>> No.3807876

Their shit was boring and even the worst anime waifu is a thousand times more interesting in terms of design

>> No.3807897


>> No.3807908

what the fuck? what is a rational comment doing on fucking /ic/???

>> No.3807910

The funny thing is that I just pulled that out of my ass lol wtf

>> No.3807913

we get it dad, Pink Floyd is better than any of today's music

>> No.3807961


>> No.3808051

fucking kek

>> No.3808056

Like I give two flying shits

>> No.3808058

>digital spatterings
>hollow shell that makes an empty peanut
Fuck off

>> No.3808059
File: 26 KB, 949x647, 67645D20-F198-4F2B-B92F-DE40A285576D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600 years ago some brainlet like you was probably complaining that oil paints were “soulless” compared to egg tempera.

>> No.3808066

if a solar flare sweeps by earth, we would be fucking dead lol what

>> No.3808070

here i give you a situation thats far more likely


time stamp 1:44

nothing personnel kid

>> No.3808077

>someone finds your hard drive in the future with all your work on it
>it gets sold and you become famous despite being dead
>get no taste of that fame and suffered mental illness to the end

>> No.3808091

Preach it nigga

>> No.3808249

not necessarily. depending on the magnitude, it'd likely cause a significant electrical blackout, as well as some pretty stellar light shows.

>> No.3808266

sage and report this comment

>> No.3808268
File: 689 KB, 725x1000, 1536686810743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least digital is one of the last bastions of figurative art. If anything I think they would be glad their tradition still survives through the digital medium

>> No.3808270

Not that guy but I think his scenario is far more likely than me ever moving to russia

>> No.3808275

Who gives a fuck. If you aren't making art for yourself what's the point

>> No.3808277

what does russia have to do with anything? you think assholes are specific to russia?

>> No.3808293

Lol are you retarded? I’m sure they loved licking paint brushes and spending 1000 years waiting for a layer of paint to dry. So many painters were geniuses, so why wouldn’t they embrace the future?

>> No.3808301

Tradition needs to be preserved

>> No.3808307

not an argument

>> No.3808348

I guess "soulless" is the new meme, replacing symbol drawing as the insult de jour?

>> No.3808351

It's a completely different concept altogether though. It's more like "my style" vs "fundies".

>> No.3808358

You mean the money laundering crap in museums?
>Buying digital art is shit because it doesn't even exist.
Ever heard of comic books and illustrations? Mass produced shit? The whole goddamn point of digital art on a business medium?

>> No.3808364

>no one actually supports people on patreon
>yfw it's all just very well disguised money laundering

>> No.3808372
File: 103 KB, 88x128, 1542439712698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make some custom brushes in photoshop
>make something
>add some subtle filters
>print it out on a poster
>tape it to a canvas
>photograph it
>edit the photo a bit
>post it on twitter that it's traditional

>> No.3808375

What about other shit?

>not recording your music with tape
>not filming your movies with film
>not writing your stories with paper/typewriter

>> No.3808377

Well, unlike drawing. You can edit music by directly manipulating their sound waves now. Movies still use film as far as I'm aware. Writers still use paper and a keyboard is just an upgraded typewriter.

>> No.3808387


You could also just photoshop it onto a blank canvas, y'know.

>> No.3808390

>being chinese

>> No.3808392

I guess but it's to make it look more genuine, especially the lighting shining on the paper

>> No.3808398


super easy to shop friendo

>> No.3808408

>and is the hollow shell that makes an empty peanut seem attractive

>> No.3808491

true old masters would eager to learn how to do digital art if they ever see them. just like true doctors would learn modern medicine if they are really a true devoted doctor. change my mind.

>> No.3808497


>> No.3808503
File: 22 KB, 406x379, domination sound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixel art
digital 3d art

>> No.3808872
File: 191 KB, 666x905, dadavinci#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its digital, it very VERY susceptiple to becomign corrupted from computer errors or degrading in quality from its usage and consistent transfers.
Unlike traditional formats, where its possible to keep them preserved for generations as long as its given the proper care and treatment, and in some ways, aging plays a part in how appealing they look after a while

>> No.3808874
File: 761 KB, 1920x1080, mimic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doctors might be getting replaced with robots that might do a better job than them, and AI is evolving to a point where 2D can be coloured in automatically by a computer, not to mention the leaps in self-generating art becoming a thing lately.

how do you think the old masters would think about all that?

>> No.3808901

Jesus fucking Christ. You know that digital ink doesn't crack, right?

>> No.3808910

I'm aware of that. You don't have to worry too much about it happening but like I said before, the piece of art is susceptible to getting corrupted from data handlings and even if you were to print the piece out, the textures you applied onto it will not be physically apparent compared to physical paints.

Not sure why you have to be throwing a shitfit, its only a discussion.

>> No.3808913


>> No.3809022

I find digital artists to be lazier and less invested in their art overall. The fact they don't use actual materials and can essentially save and ctrl+z anytime distances them from the work

>> No.3809029

You are lazier and less invested in your work than the cave men who had to paint with mud and reeds and draw with dirt and sticks

>> No.3809080


>> No.3809164

>what is a camera obscura?

>> No.3809252

The old masters would be in awe of a simple electric bulb allowing them to draw/study with good light late after sunset. They would sell their souls for the ability to experiment with virtually unlimited canvases and colors. They would puke at the thought of faggots having all this at their fingertips and wasting their time with shitposting and games and a million ways to procrastinate.

>> No.3809927

In a sense, digital art is an antidote to the commercialisation of art, where artistic value is stripped and replaced with a monetary figure. Digital art is infinitely reproducible, and so it is completely worthless apart from its artistic merit. It's a way to inject some true sincerity into art.
I think that most truly revered digital artists are ones who actually make art that people like, rather than just being a name brand for investors to latch on to.
It's not perfect, but it's one aspect I find endearing with the medium.