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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 513 KB, 1136x1514, Inklikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3800672 No.3800672 [Reply] [Original]

I hate inking, not because I'm lazy, but because it always makes my drawings look worse.

So I've noticed that many pro artists make a sketch with rough lines and then they ink it like this:


and some that get lines great first try (They do clean up and erase things but they don't need an under drawing). Like this


They are advanced artists though...Is it possible to get clean lines on your first try like on the pic? Or do you need to master inking first?

>> No.3800676

>no ankles
>no soles
>that is not how toes work
everything about that OP is yikes

>> No.3800679

Your opinion is typical jelly /beg bullshit, but it's not my art so whatever.

>> No.3800683

Inking isn't even the right term though. It's line weight. And that plays from light and shadow.

>> No.3800684

but i know you like it, so therefor you have shit taste.

>> No.3800709

Much better than your shitty /beg anime shit

Post your work

>> No.3800711

Stop being lazy anon and learn how to ink.

>> No.3802946
File: 485 KB, 1587x2048, 1549395230449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inking isn't even the right term though. It's line weight.
No he's talking about this
>turn your sketch into properly lined inkwork

>> No.3802953

inked linework*

>> No.3803040
File: 26 KB, 522x728, BRAINLET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im in the same boat, I've been forcing myself to practice inking and a big help has been just making less messy sketches but if I really want to finish somthing I skip lines all together and just paint on top of my sketches but inking is a skill and personally I feel like my work is weaker than it should be because I've been avoiding it. I know sinix just draws clean lines and so does chris glib (but he works from reference only) so it depends on how you feel comfortable. A second option I've been expirmenting with is making my sketch loose and vaigue enough to just give me landmarks like proportion and doing all the actual line work in one pass. Which works better but a lot of the time I end up realizing too far into it that the idea was flawed in some fundamental way I didn't work out in the sketch portion

>> No.3803198

But in the last image the shadows are gray. Are there additional steps after this?

>> No.3803209

kill yuolrself op

>> No.3803221

Hoe are these layers composited?

>> No.3803303


>> No.3803315


"line art clean up stuff"
Why was that section blurred out? Hiding something?

>> No.3803581

I think the colors and grey shadows are a separate layer which you later combine? I never thought of something like that before but I guess it makes sense

>> No.3803582
File: 227 KB, 930x1200, 1549395269183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3803583
File: 434 KB, 1587x2048, 1549395318478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3803587

She is, but I'm not sharing. It took me a literal decade to figure it out.

>> No.3803856

>implying you could teach it in less than a decade anyways

>> No.3803870
File: 429 KB, 1451x2048, 4chin retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maker of pic related streams: https://www.twitch.tv/ato1004fs

He has full vods where you can see his whole process in real time how he made the piece that I posted. Pro tip: even when you see how it's done you won't be able to replicate it, you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.3803875

>Pro tip: even when you see how it's done you won't be able to replicate it, you lazy sack of shit.
Why not?

>> No.3803885
File: 142 KB, 528x720, __kazama_asuka_tekken_and_tekken_5_drawn_by_kawano_takuji__388572d06e46a89853d788d553ee6951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't really need to ink per say if you're gonna paint over everything. kawano gets really nice texture in his work by just coloring over the sketch instead of doing a cleaner line first

>> No.3804450
File: 193 KB, 1280x960, 1535420040575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. I simply don't.

Clearly OP isn't talking about physical ink, right?
So what the fuck is "quotes-inking-quotes" supposed to mean?
How is that picture any different from any other sort of "quotes-inking-quotes"? Aren't the videos supposed to look different, like a "quotes-shorcut-quotes"?

Or are you trying to achieve that result without achieving that result? Do you think this person did something called "quotes-inking-quotes" that you can't do?

I'm genuinely confused, please explain your "quotes-thinking-quotes"

>> No.3804628


Inking digitally = making clean lineart

>> No.3804632

>Why not?
You know he's right If you're asking this question instead of why you're lazy sack of shit

>> No.3804634

Not impossible.

>> No.3804671

wow a piece of anime art that doesn't look like cancer. impressive

>> No.3804675


>is it possible to get clean lines without inking?
>posts video of drawing with scratchy lines


>> No.3804693

>thats scratching

>> No.3804695


It's a nice drawing but I wouldn't call it clean

>> No.3804732


Maybe, but 90% of the reason most people's likework looks shit is because the line weight isn't good.

If you remove your sketch layer and it magically looks 'flat' it's almost certainly a line weight problem. Not that I can offer an easy solution because it's my problem too.

>> No.3805351

typical footfag

>> No.3805376

this, I needed this comment to realize this but its true, all my drawings I like have a nice line weight, while everything else its messy and I did not know why and blamed on my limited knowledge of the subject

I would say those are the 2 main elements of a good drawing, line weight and knowledge. Bad line weight will make a drawing look stiff and messy, bad knowledge will make a drawing uninteresting, but atleast good to look at.

>> No.3805383

nah, the feet really are mostly wrong. It's a nice picture otherwise, though. I'll post my art if it somehow makes my opinion more valid for you.

>> No.3805385

>tfw think drawing is hard enough with all the knowledge you need
>now you need to think about every single line you make with line weight too
Basically made drawing exponentially more difficult while at the same time creating a bridge to more appealing drawings.

>> No.3805403

OP understands how to draw feet and in a interesting way however, how the feet are portrayed in the 3d space makes it look like hooves without considering the heels ankle and the metatarsal

>> No.3805500

Is this a honest way of rendering?

>> No.3805501

What the fuck does honest mean

>> No.3805504

I'm sorry, what I'm trying to say is I want solid knowledge and practice guidilines for rendering so I'm wondering if should use that tutorial now or later.

>> No.3805512

no, you are looking for reasons to procrastinate on this when you know you should start studying it