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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3795705 No.3795705 [Reply] [Original]

How can we revive /ic/?
(and all the other art forums out there that once had such a wealth of quality posters)

I myself could post more in the drawthreads and offer critique, that would be a great service to /ic/ but it's not worth it if I'm the only one.
I want to be part of a larger community where many artists are doing the same thing.

I want to enjoy coming to /ic/ and see quality threads pushing the frontiers of art skill on the internet

hundreds of good artists can't just come out of the woodwork over night, but I'm sure they're there in the same boat as many of us, just demotivated to post.
How can we revive this place and make it into a place where budding artists congregate
(and if not possible, how can we make our own site that will succeed)

>> No.3795714

In hundreds of years from now, I'm sure our ancestors will be looking through the /ic/ archives to find the masterpieces of today.

>> No.3795715
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Art doesn't have to be dictated by galleries who only wish to showcase installation art.
Digital artists are a niche community that have the passion to produce comparable to masters of the past

But we are all so separated nowadays only coming together in small groups and conventions, barely a decade ago there were thriving forums where the top artists on the internet called home, where they shared their knowledge and philosophies of art

How has it all fallen apart so quickly, can it be rebuilt?

>> No.3795723
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Laugh all you like at me comparing todays digital artists to traditional masters of the past but you cannot deny their exceptional skill and passion, they are the best artists alive and it would be incredible to see them enjoy a place to share their knowledge

Many top artists admit to secretely browsing /ic/

>> No.3795731

The biggest issue I see is /pol/, it has turned 4chan into a niche website that nobody really knew about into a mainstream site that could send you out of a job if anyone found out you go here

In that case what can be done about the other sites?

ConceptArt is a ghost town that crashes everyday
CrimsonDaggers is a ghost town
Permanoobs is dead
cghub is dead

Why have they all died?

>> No.3795734

gotta hope this will be like the CA.org golden days.

>> No.3795735

I would make my own forum, bring a few friends in and spam it all over the internet but I don't know the first thing about building a website

>> No.3795747
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The internet basically used to be a place where talented visionaries could flock to when their locality and society rejected them. They could have an amazing vision and would only look to collaborate and have an audience with similar people, and they wouldnt always be lynched for their views, no matter how small.
Internet right now is a cyber-schizophrenic mess now where everyone is suspicious of each other and everyone is afraid of being found out for the things they value. It used to be a haven for talent and a good forum for exchanging ideas and philosophy, but its been overrrun with amateurs and normies who don't value these things. Their only escape is the monotony of their day jobs and looking at the latest memes and trailers for the next Disney blockbuster and exchanging nudes over Snapchat. Thats how they see the internet currently. Not as a digital library with scholars looking to showcase history and daring opinions. If you did the things normies despised at one point in time you could turn to underground groups or secluded internet sectors to get away from them, but instead now its all online for the normie world to see, which kills momentum and daring expressive personalities.

>> No.3795767

seems cool

>> No.3795848

there needs to be a forum where you have to take a test of sorts, whether it be a skill test or a knowledge test, but you have to know about art at least a little bit to have access. it would also be nice if that forum had a sjw board where they wouldnt bother other people actually trying to improve and/or push their art into unfound territories. kind of like how /vp/ or /v/ is here.

>> No.3795852

now that is actually a really cool piece. Any story behind it?

>> No.3795871

when is it gonna open?

>> No.3795890

By helping people in /beg/ get better.
You know it's true

>> No.3795992


>> No.3796002

I think that the golden age is being held strong slowly and come back in /ic/. We have a great “show me oil on canvas” thread and anons are learning how to inspect paintings on threads like >>3795736

In time we will master all forms of art, but preserve the past as well

>> No.3796052

/ic will never be accepted, because it's 4chan. You have to understand that outside of people who read and post here, this site is considered pure cancer, and for good reason.

Art forums just aren't in demand. No idea why.

>> No.3796088
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As i love these art forums i must agree that they are certainly worsening on the social aspect.
I look forward to some alternative to this methodology of webpage, creating and learning more akin to sites like flockmod, which i spend a lot of time on because its easier to grind long hours there with the dynamic socializing of a network. I think that technology could be leveraged toward a higher focus of aesthetics and artwork critique.

Holy fuck, this REYKAT chick has blown me away

>> No.3796089

there's 2 main problems for such a site:
>if you set the bar too low you get invaded by normies (ic v2.0), if you set the bar too high only those which can work on professional level projects can enter, at which point
>why should those already good enough, come to such a site, they can just start working on a project which requires high skilled artists and form a community with their colleges

if you are to form a center of art education you need a way to keep around those good enough to teach, get freshblood, AND have a way of weeding out those which mud up the place

question is, how do you do that?

>> No.3796106

Be extremely hostile and cryptic in regards to helping new people so only those who care enough about improving will remain

>> No.3796111

we are on 4chan, you can see how that well works

and that's because that method of filtering leaves you with those which are really willing to learn, and shackass which are immune to that kind of thing.

my idea is that those which are good enough would come only for 2 reasons, one is to teach and the other is to hire. you have to give those kind of ppl the power to moderate the community, because only they know what to look for into the newbs, 4chan is a case of the blind leading the blind

>> No.3796133

Like >>3795723 said there are actually some decent artists who browse and if you search through all the shit you can find a lot of good advice and critique, just gotta be able to tell when someone is talking shit.

As shit as this place is, it's still the best site for art and critique at the moment. The great thing about art is that you can teach yourself then just post here and have someone tell you how shit it is, then when you are ready you will know it is time to leave.

>> No.3796295

Contribute more to threads (posting work, providing critique), and don't skip the beg thread. Don't let beg be a containment zone for bad art, help them out.
Take the time to redline stuff, at least in construction (almost no one does this anymore).
Promote threads that are on topic for the board, sage and ignore "blogposting", threads with just a complaint, and generally threads that start with a pepe as OP.
Report and sage poltards.
Don't be a "pyw" fag unless it's warranted, e.g. if someone posts about their work/method without supplying their work. Don't ask for pyw as a shield or negation of critique.
Anything I missed? Make /ic/ great (again). I believe in you guys.

>> No.3796315

>Many top artists admit to secretely browsing /ic/
Sinix isn't a 'top artist'.

>> No.3796389

a few pros giving some advice for it to be buried in shit and be seen by only 100 anons from which only 2 or 3 will recognize it as what it is does not make for a good ed. system

those which have the skill should have the power and respect too, their advice to last and be in a easy to see place, so that even the most obnoxious not be able to deny it

>> No.3796414

It isn't the pros responsibility to teach as many anons as possible, if the people reading decent advice couldn't see it's value it probably means they aren't at the level to even apply it to their own work at all. If you're an anon who is at least decent at art you should be thinking about participating in ways like >>3796295
to actually improve /ic/

>> No.3796440

We should first try to analyze why this happened, why online art communities are in decline. Does it have something to do with social networks?

As for how to improve /ic/, reply to good quality threads, don't reply to shitty threads. That's it, you don't even need to be a pro to do this.

Also, if you aren't a good artist yourself yet, please refrain from providing critique. You might think that you know what's wrong with the picture, that you clearly see the issues and know what to do, but in reality, your advice might be bad just because you lack the experience. It might be tempting, but just don't do it, you don't gain anything from it.

>> No.3796525

too bad she is a furry

>> No.3796666

Either teach yourself or if you're unable to do that, take an art course. Like >>3796414 and >>3796295 have suggested, just contribute to threads if you have some advice but it's no ones job to teach anyone else here. No one owes you a critique.

>> No.3796729

My observation is that online art communities have changed into “twitter circles” of the same art friends sending memes and gifts, or “discord circles” of the same art friends sending memes and gifts. The standard has changed where instead of “improving” via fundies, the way to be commercially and mainstream successful is to copy what works and stylize it to be bright and colorful.

>> No.3797008

Only a fool pans for gold in an open sewer.

>> No.3797024

The golden age never existed in the way you think it did.

>> No.3797026

everyone could stop being cunts, that would help

>> No.3797041

wonderful, another wasteland to wander in

>> No.3797060

It's been about a year since I've browsed or posted anything on /ic/, and it's like I didn't miss a day. I used to provide critique and genuinely tried to help people, but it just felt like pointless work.

Quality threads and posts require work. Before asking people to put in this work, there should be some way that this work is acknowledged. not that I need my ego stroked, but if I spend an hour or more on detailed feedback, i'd like to know if OP actually saw it, instead of watching it slowly disappear.

>> No.3797085

Plenty of great points raised so far.
I think it has become exhausting for those who are more skilled/professional to redline/critique/ect because as others have pointed out, there are far too many noobs and normies saturating forums.
I'm increasingly finding that too many unskilled people are offering advice/critique with no actual understanding of what they're talking about. Bad advice is swamping posts. It's harder to filter what is actually good advice and what is not.
I don't mind the idea of a basic test in terms of membership to a forum, but I'm finding as an admin on an artist group on fb, it's ridiculous trying to filter through things and other admins at times allow things that I wouldn't. Unfortunately, it becomes subjective as admins can't follow the rules we've all set and agreed upon, which is a big part of me wanting to ditch that community which is all I have besides /ic/. And man, /ic/ kicked my ass ten years ago on plenty of my posts but I grew so much from the advice, now I see so much shitposting and so many people feeding trolls on so many irrelevant things, I find it hard to contribute and give back. Plus the responses of >even though I asked for CC, I actually went to ART SCHOOL so I don't need ur advice lol
People literally ask for critiques but don't want them, I guess to sound like they're open-minded?

>> No.3797541

from where did you get the "own me a critique" thing out? I swear, you guys always manage to turn everything into a dick contest. And I was speaking about the perfect environment for teaching drawing here, not how to change /ic/ into the perfect environment, I am not that delusional

>> No.3798055

The problem isn't /pol/, it's women. Women are petty cunts, and I recently learned that /ic/ has one if the highest female populations on 4chan. Right up there with /a/ /soc/ and /cgl/, which sure as hell explains a lot. We also got a ton of crabby /a/ crossposters who don't draw at all. /pol/ is hardly a problem on /ic/ considering there's so little to get political about, and I rarely ever, if at all, see /pol/bait threads.

>> No.3798114

Show me on the doll where a woman didn't let you touch her.

>> No.3798150
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For a niche board this one is more alive than vr. It might have been in a better shape in the past, that I don't know.

Maybe we could try bullying anime posters.

>> No.3798169

>It might have been in a better shape in the past, that I don't know.
So why voice an opinion, based newfag?
Irony is that what /ic/ really needs is an oldfag mod with free reins and vengeance to nuke you cancerous newfags away from this place.

>> No.3798183

really? since when is anime dominated by women?

>> No.3798221
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>Maybe we could try bullying anime posters.
that would help out a lot. it would also cause a war though. there seems to be more anime posters than anybody else. you got anime posters in the /beg/ thread, the /draw/ thread, the info graph thread, /las/, questions thread, plus they have the /alt/ thread basically filled up. they are like fucking cockroaches.

>> No.3798251

i personally think anime posters aren't the problem here. It's beg anime posters that are the problem. They start out wanting to do art drawing in a manga style because that's what they know. that's what is appealing to them (wanting to draw their waifus or some shit). But they don't understand that it requires a basic understanding of fundamentals etc. They are the ones that make threads like ''how do i draw anime'' and shit wich shits up the board, starting arguments with people about western vs eastern.

>> No.3798263

Came here to post this and you beat me to it. Facebook and discord groups is what I know and all of the people from there draw in a very Tumblr way. Not exactly bad, many of them are better than me, but I can see it's one big circlejerking sakimichsn-style where they all are one trick ponies and teach each other how to draw more pretty things. Honestly this site is much better than that, even if they produce more artists no one should want to be like that, doing pseudo anime because they fail at the real thing.

>> No.3798271

Nothing wrong with newfags as long as they contribute positively.

>> No.3798274

>contribute positively.
Key word. Those who have hot opinions and big heads even though they can't really draw don't belong to that group, they're just annoying tourists

>> No.3798280

The anon you replied to suggested bullying anime posters. That's already a positive contribution.

>> No.3798282

>That's already a positive contribution.

>> No.3798284

>starting arguments with people about western vs eastern
this is the true cancer. i agree that beg animu posters are horrible, but i think that there are too many anime posters in general. kind of like how /vr/ has to many nintendor posters, it just gums up the works and they will not accept fair critique. its really tiresome after a while, expecially when you get comments like "might as well use a camera" or " thats just overrenderd boring trash", but they are the ones whos art looks mostly the same, there is rarely a time when i see anime that is not same face, same pose, same "epic battle", same eyes. the eyes are so similar, fuck. sorry for the rant, but it gets to me when im trying to get critique and im skipped over, but the waifu crap gets 5 or six replies.

>> No.3798287

I think our sticky needs to be updated more to cover more of the common questions that get asked here that just piss everyone off to answer over and over.

Be constructive in your criticism. I'm not saying don't point out what's bad, I'm saying you should point out what's bad and what's good. If there's nothing good about it then fine, but be able to back up what you're saying with evidence, books, lectures, maybe a redline. Critique is time for teaching, not shitting all over everything.

If you see a critique that's giving terrible advice instead of just saying "wow u suck" build on it and say why the advice is wrong and what to do instead. Yes, sometimes shitposters and Dunning Kruger noobs give bad advice, it's hard to tell them apart. If they start trying to argue just ignore them and let the person receiving critique decide what they want to take from it. Not everything has to be a fucking crusade.

If someone doesn't want critiques tell them to fuck off to deviantart or tumblr or something, then ignore them. If you're too attached to your work and you are thin-skinned you do not belong here.

Ignore the people you know are here for asspats or trolling. Just starve them of attention. Put your efforts elsewhere.

And jesus christ /ic/ get a handle on your insecurities, you guys are vicious when you see someone better than you and end up driving them away, rather than trying to learn industry secrets from them. Your idols could come visit this board and I'd bet they'd be out of here within an hour because of you toxic jealous little shits.

Keep anime in the fucking anime threads.

It would be nice to see regular collab threads again, I haven't seen them in a while but that was something fun we all used to do together. Seemed to help with board morale.

>> No.3798290

No one is better than me

>> No.3798295

Reeeeee! Someone better than me?? Post your work!

Hahahahaha nice joke

>> No.3798385

Since forever...? Have you not looked into SJs more recent statistics? Why do you think so many Shounen threads are usually about shipping? It's not mostly dudes dominating those discussions.

>> No.3798387
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>I think our sticky needs to be updated

>> No.3798389

what that?

>> No.3798394

>its really tiresome after a while, expecially when you get comments like "might as well use a camera" or " thats just overrenderd boring trash", but they are the ones whos art looks mostly the same, there is rarely a time when i see anime that is not same face, same pose, same "epic battle", same eyes. the eyes are so similar, fuck.
Seems like simple jealousy of people getting (You)s and frustration that people shit on things you like. Works well though, you can justify your attack the object of envy by pretending they're the ones being mean to you.

I agree that people making cookie cutter "how do I draw anime" threads need to be banned but that's not a problem with anime. It's just because we're on an anime website (at least it used to be until people like you reached critical mass, speaking of cockroaches. The fucking irony) and people refuse to lurk. You can see this with all kinds of stylization, new posters come to post their cartoon drawings all the time.

Lowercase posting is for low powerlevel retards and children by the way, fixing that would instantly get you more (You)s. I'm probably not the only anon who avoids giving lowercase posters help since you're almost always low caliber troglodytes. It's just learned behavior from observation.

>> No.3798397

I know its never gonna happen but a man can dream

>> No.3798425

Also, to address the OP: /ic/ can't really be revived, not that I'm sure it was ever really alive. You'd need a handpicked janitor death squad to keep this place in check since it's so full of gossiping shitposters and people trying to pick fights with each other (just take a look at the porn thread and the frequent e-drama threads). /ic/ is utterly incapable of self moderation and good netiquette despite being the one board that needs it most of all

I often try to help beginners out and tell them to have fun with their art. I hope they can pass it forward later.

>> No.3798947

Shounen Jump

>> No.3798964

>shit on things you like
nobody even gives my stuff critique, but you can keep making stuff up.
>your attack the object of envy by pretending they're the ones being mean to you.
i never said anybody was being mean to me, more or less just shitposting with reckless abandon. i dont know why you are attacking me over wanting a better /ic/, its really petty.

>> No.3798966

>majority of ic shat up by anime porn artists
>its the wamen!

>> No.3798970

As long as its like /ic/ I'll join it.
I had my fucking fair share of hugboxes and I'm not going back there

>> No.3798975

The median age here is early 20’s, it’ll never be what you want it to be

>> No.3799238

Anime poster detected

>> No.3799243

What do you mean petty? Fucking hypocrite. Kill yourself.

>> No.3799637
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Ohh, thats helpfull. Thanks for being the cancer thats killing /ic/.

>> No.3802041

Is /ic/ golden yet?

>> No.3802045

/ic/ was never golden and it never will be

>> No.3802060

Literally just be the change you want to see. Ignore or embarrass for behavior you don't like. Give attention to behavior you do like.

>> No.3802101

More like chemo. People like you who refuse to lurk should be fucking ban on sight. Jesus christ