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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 10 KB, 236x282, 9b866964b27cbe9dcad130cbef32aaca--internet-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3792745 No.3792745 [Reply] [Original]

is drawing for girls and pussies anons? i feel like a pussy drawing as a male instead of lifting and joining the military or some shit. anyone wanna chime in?

>> No.3792750

>is drawing for girls and pussies anons?
Nah, you feel like a faggot because you are a faggot.

>> No.3792752

You can still draw while lifting and playing sports Anon. No matter what actions you take your body will remain a male. Just balance all the good shit in your life.

>> No.3792754
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I'm a woman and I lift and draw. There's nothing wrong with enjoying things outside of societies expectations

>> No.3792757
File: 21 KB, 272x365, frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think frazetta was a pussy?

start lifting anon, it's a fact that art gains correlate with muscle gains

>> No.3792760

Kill yourself

>> No.3792761

>you can't lift and draw
also don't glorify the military you fucking autist, there's nothing glorifying about that shit

>> No.3792762

You're right, you should enlist to get shot.
A basedboy like me making 500$ a month on Patreon and interacting with fans isn't a future you want.

>> No.3792771
File: 32 KB, 340x451, andrew_loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Loomis fought in WWI and beat the shit out of anybody looking for trouble with him.
If drawing is for girls, then I don't see it, OP.
Maybe you're just a pussy.

>> No.3792775
File: 157 KB, 848x1199, 1545126675520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please date me i need a buff art gf to dominate me

>> No.3792781

>not doing both
>not drawing your chiseled naked body

>> No.3792782
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>> No.3792807

I enlisted into the Marines in 07 and did a tour to Afghanistan before I got out in 2013. Tbh learning to draw was a lot harder than a lot of what I did in the military mostly because you have to create a framework and a curriculum to work with completely on your own and the only person that really cares about it is yourself. Of course now after stumbling with it I can fit lifting, work and art into the same day but it's not like it was easy to do and it's hardly a pussy thing to pursue if it's what you want to do either as a hobby or professionally.

>> No.3792814
File: 281 KB, 599x780, 1548419324314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fight you for her if she is not a catfish, I will die for a /fit/ artist gf

>> No.3792815

drawing has always been a male activity

while more women have been picking it up, it doesn't really change anything.

if you feel like a pussy then you just have no spine, yet. youre still a mommas boy.

>> No.3792837
File: 92 KB, 333x250, smug_metalbending_cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"to dominate me"
>not pretending to be a submissive dork just so you could surprise-dominate her in bed.
>not wanting for her to wet her gym shorts every time she hears your name and everybody wondering why when you're pretending to be a beta loser.
step it up, anon.

>> No.3792888
File: 277 KB, 370x699, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do anything she wants, as long as she becomes my gf and weight lifts and draws with me. i'll be a good little submissive boyfriend to please her.

>> No.3792901
File: 359 KB, 800x450, thumb (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll go along with anything she wants and morph into the piece of the puzzle that fits her, so long as I can give her a title.

>> No.3792913

Go for it anons! Ask her for her email.
Just promise not to cry if she turns out to be a 12-year old who catfished you for re-ddit upvotes.

>> No.3792917

My three favorite activities are raising my son, making art, and wrenching on my car. I think I’m pretty manly.

>> No.3792922

Why do you care? Thats why everyone picks on you, because you’re an isecure ngmi

>> No.3792924

b-but i'm a boy.... uwu

>> No.3792933
File: 77 KB, 1366x768, bakuman-s2-ep-7-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm just lonely and I just like muscle girls, and girls that can draw I know it's pathetic but it's what I like

>> No.3792935

Holy shit. I hope you’re just pretending

>> No.3792936
File: 126 KB, 736x602, 1546875392894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This so much! If you're so insecure about things you enjoy then you're going to have trouble with it anyway. Art in general is about telling stories, and if you're too afraid to tell yours then maybe it's not for you.

>> No.3792950

They're just ramping up their lonely desperateness online for comedic effect.

>> No.3792955
File: 571 KB, 512x288, 1468956043875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, what if I want to tell a story about cute yet sexy lolis?

>> No.3792958
File: 587 KB, 547x690, 53452255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when you are not ramping up your lonely desperateness online for comedic effect and would actually like a /fit/ artist gf

>> No.3792974

There’s no way Orenji is a woman.

>> No.3792991

If you feel like a pussy drawing you are probably a pussy regardless.
Reasonable to assume seeing how you only "consider" lifting or joining the army and writing about it on a damn messageboard instead of just going for it.

Drawing's been a man's man craft for millennia
King David and Solomon both did art many great artists were warriors and fighters, the 21st century brought some god documentation too.
>>3792757 this
>>3792771 this
Bob Ross was a drill sargent tin the airforce and drew whenever he could in any place he gettn the chance and further developed and revolutionized wet on wet to be able to draw fully flashed out landscaped in minutes.
Kim jung gi was in the military for 2 years
My grandpa was a doc in the soviet union the dude nursed bears back to health, wrote, and drew.

Grow some balls

(To make perfectly clear I'm not claiming girls don't draw, but lets face it, the ones that draw real good got some balls on em, which is how I like em)

>> No.3793061

You're insecure in your masculinity. It's pathetic.

>> No.3793068

Please be my art gf

>> No.3793080

It can be a pussy activity, but it can also be supremely masculine. Masculinity is about creation, manifesting ideas into reality. Are you an artist or an illustrator? Big difference. Also, two thoughts:

1. About lifting, if you pay someone or a gym to go lift weights, you’re an idiot. Lifting weights is a form of work. Why don’t you instead find someone’s yard that needs trees cut down or car parts moved out the way, or help someone move out their house, and have them PAY YOU to “lift weights”?

2. On the military, I was in the military. It’s not manly, it’s not worth it. You aren’t fighting for freedoms anymore. You’re going to be a pawn on the rich man’s chessboard. You’re nothing to them. No, spend your life serving God, or at the very least your ideals. Not men in suits far away that you have nothing to do with.

>> No.3793087

its only a pussy activity if you aren't confident in your own manhood

>> No.3793102

You know, I’ve heard that phrase my entire life, about being “confident in your manhood”, and honestly that idea is pretty effeminate. You’re either a man or you’re not. It has nothing to do with feelings, that is how women think. When I said it can be a pussy activity, I’m talking about if you’re whoring yourself for money. A lot of guys hate being a commission artist because they rightly feel themselves selling themselves short, they feel like pussies. Women are supposed to serve, men are supposed to lead. When a man is serving in a submissive way, he feels like a pussy. If you’re drawing because you’re whoring for cash, you might feel like a pussy, it might be a pussy activity.

>> No.3793112

The idea that serving makes you feel like a pussy is the effeminate idea, especially since that is about feelings. Being confident in your manhood means doing things that might be considered feminine does not bother you because you know you are a man in every other aspect. Doing commission work is no different than being a fisherman who traded fish for goods or money and that has been a man's job for a long time. A carpenter is also much the same type of thing and has been a man's job as well.

>> No.3793220
File: 55 KB, 550x645, cheek buster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mine and I'm going to split your motherfucking wig.

>> No.3793232

op just admit youre gay. its not art making you a pussy, you were a pussy all along

>> No.3793236

I bet OP's anogenital distance is tiny