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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3791104 No.3791104 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to get my art work noticed online but I dont like drawing fanart. is it a necessary evil or am I wrong ?

>> No.3791109

The world isn’t a meritocracy

>> No.3791126

If you don't care about it, why should other people?

Fanart will give you a few more views when starting out, but if it's soulless people will not stick around for your original stuff.

It's really hard to get into the algorythm if you just started your blog, so my suggestion would be to just upload quality art and be patient. When I started my blog I had almost zero traction for months. Just be patient and appreciate the people who care about your art.

>> No.3791132

You have to draw meme. No, not "Loomis is a meme" that like of meme, but meme by the original definition.

>> No.3791146
File: 163 KB, 1000x1500, __blonde_girl_original_drawn_by_itou_onsoku_tassha__4e106013b80920deb0721e1869036fc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make OC

preferably something gun based

>> No.3791152

The cruel reality is, people aren't going to really care about any OCs you come up with (unless they're anime pin-up girls).
The OCs people care about the most are their own. So unless it's a character in an established IP, whether that be a popular webcomic with a huge following or a TV show, most people will just glance over your creation and go back to obsessing over their own.
And that's fine, most of us are guilty of it, and it's a sign of a healthy relationship with your own work, however you can't just assume everyone else is going to care about it as much as you do.
People are more fond of character's that they can recognise, hence why your own OCs will always feel more special to you, and (this is important) why fan-art gives you a lot more exposure as an artist.
If you do fan art and also have an appealing and vivid artstyle that separates itself from the crowd, people will have an incentive to follow you on social media to see more of your artstyle used on other characters that they recognise.
Also it's good to put yourself on the same level as the people liking your art and feeding positive comments. Don't have this 'Artist-Viewer' relationship with your followers, don't alienate yourself. Let your personality and voice have a presence online, don't be afraid of communicating. There's a better chance of your name spreading around through word of mouth when people not only like your art, but they also like YOU.
I can't talk too much because I don't exactly have a huge following anywhere so I run the risk of talking out of my ass. Personally I don't care about internet recognition and just upload my work leisurely, and yes my original artwork all gets around 5 - 15 notes while a single stickfigure drawing of a video game character has gotten me 1,700, but you will find that those few likes/notes you get on those original works feel the most valuable.

>> No.3791157

nigga why you talking sense on /ic/?

>> No.3791160

desu unless you are exceptionally good it is going to be very hard to get views thru purely original art

my own experience - fan art work is around 4x more sucessful (im only in the double digits meh tier so dont take this as a definite multiplier)

posting more frequently helps actually

but this doesnt mean im telling you to draw fan art.Do it if you like it, if you dont,just draw more and slowly build your own following by advertising,sociallizing and posting more

>> No.3791169

You guys expect people to care about your OCs when there’s no media attached to them? Fucking hell.

>> No.3791179

The only thing you need to do is post regularly and be reasonably sociable online. If you are in a social platform be active there with your favorite people and. Artwise just keep creating and posting new art regularly. Consistent work production is way more important than skill if you want to build a following. Quality/Skill is most important if you want to get hired for big jobs. Ideally both are important but quality will slowly grow from consistency if you work at it.

As for fanart or original art, it doesn't matter what you post and as long as you keep posting consistently and what you post is not absolute trash. It is not a "necessary evil" the point is to draw you do what you want the most because that is the only thing you will be able to do consistently over long periods of time, believe me it is not easy.

If you want to commissions tough then fanart is unavoidable.

>> No.3791182

This is what I never understood. It’s always just some ambiguous anime thing with no backstory, comic or anything.

>> No.3791208

You should always pursue your personal vision. It's easy to pander and draw porn or fanart, but if you really want to be an artist you need a voice that is unique. I really hope you don't draw anime, OP

>> No.3791213

yes, always have in mind that you are creating art for the basic normies, they fucking love fan art and their nintendo shit..if you really want followers stick only on creating fanart stuff it gets triple the views or more.

>> No.3791219

Le true artiste wit

>> No.3791260

>Be /beg/
>Have Deviantart account where I post my shitty art
>My OCs and reference studies get no views, comments or anything.
>Everytime I post "fan art" of equal quality I get upboats and new Watchs.
Imagine if I had talent.

>> No.3791306
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>BUT...! but... mine's special! an-and different! and n-not like the rest........
We had this thread before (and actually it was really good, can we make this a continuation of that?)

>> No.3791308
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I can barely even come up with anything original. I only do fanart.

>> No.3791604
File: 35 KB, 432x445, 1543858616025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you got more followers than us OC only scrubs

>> No.3791616

I wanna be your friend.

>> No.3791619

You're too conservative. Fanart pieces are my only pieces that have gotten dozens of thousands of likes, while OC has gotten nowhere near that ballpark.

>> No.3791790

the problem is that you can't just do a little fanart
you either follow every single trend and fandom like a fucking slut and make 90% of your work fanart, or you won't get any views.
I made a few fanarts of popular things I genuinely liked and I got like 500 notes on those, but since my gallery was mostly original content I got no followers.

>> No.3791796
File: 52 KB, 1000x563, power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dozens of thousands of likes
how? was it porn?

>> No.3791805
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I'm gonna have to say a little something on that;

its true that people like seeing fan-art more and that is a reality, but its better to see it as more of a thing where you can showcase what you can do with an established property.
Take for example some guy on the street asks you to draw Homer Simpson. Are you able to do that? Cool. Can you do it with a twist and still make it look good? Even better.
And its not always a bad thing. You could always see it as good practice but I genuinely think people like seeing original stuff on their social media feeds.
If you want to show it, do it drip by drip, like a weird sort of bird that pops up every now and then. You have to be able to make a picture of your OC that tells 1000 words and you'll then be able to get their attention.

So I would have to say..
thats bullshit but true at the same time.
See fan-art as a means to bringing in new fans and showcasing your skill, but don't always rely on it. People DO get tired of it sometimes and would be happy to see you do your own thing as well.

>> No.3791810
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The most important thing is your vision, most of all. And not you repliacting the style exactly as it is, because you're attracting the wrong kinds of people to your work.
I would much rather have money coming from people that care for my ability to showcase decent artwork of things I like, whether it be fan-art, environments or whatever and telling them that "Thats cool, but here's my vision of how cool it can look while still retaining its own vision".

A twist.
Its cruel to brainwash people into thinking the way some people in this thread want you to believe, because I'm coming across normies that fucking hate the same thing the whole time. They like established properties and stories but they need a break from it as well, so its up to you to be their answer. I'm not buying this rhetoric that you can only make it as /ic wants you to believe because that isn't the only path.
Do your thing, but make sure you do it well and in a clever manner.

>> No.3791819

fan art is pretty much necessary
it doesn't have to be evil though if you can draw fan art of something fairly popular that you genuinely enjoy

>> No.3791820

Just make your own art OP and don't worry about followers. They will come in time.

>> No.3791877

This. Or I turn my studies into "realism" fanart of animu characters.

>> No.3792381

I'd love to know what ratio of fan art is made out of genuine passion versus how much is cynical sakimi-chan style bandwagoning a la Bowsette?

>> No.3793372
File: 37 KB, 509x600, 001 - JK0Ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% genuine passion of sakimi chan style bandwagoning a la Bowsette.