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3788056 No.3788056 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3788059

That's a good question desu.
Speaking of, which name do people like more: Captain Gloom or Cleanup Crew?

>> No.3788065

just go to a random username generator like spinxo

>> No.3788069

It’s not that hard
Cleanup Crew

>> No.3788074

I just went for the dumbest handle imaginable but everything else I tried was taken. @dailymonstress, because I will post monster girls every day. You can't go wrong with what's in the tin, no?

>> No.3788078

Use your Fursona's name.

>> No.3788087

That's a question i've been trying to figure out for the last 3 months. I'd give someone 1 BTC if they could find a name I could stick with at this point..

>> No.3788090

1. Take some things' name you like
2. Mix and match them together until it sounds good
3. Search google for said name to see if it's taken or not, or has meaning/connection to something you don't like to be correlated
4. If fail go to step 1, otherwise you are all set

>> No.3788097 [DELETED] 

delucionalbegfag, how about that?

>> No.3788098

delusionalbegfag, how about that?

>> No.3788100
File: 31 KB, 201x199, eheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up some foreign name. Then add a typo.

>> No.3788108


>> No.3788109


>> No.3788113


>> No.3788126
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, native-american-sepia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lock yourself in the bathroom, turn on an audio recording device and then get high on some bath salts. Later listen back to your incoherant rambling and screaching, your true art name is hidden in there somwhere. When you hear it, you will know.
Good luck brave warrior.

>> No.3788128

you pay people to do that, man
I give you a hint, the person who demand the highest payment usually the best at creating name

>> No.3788133

Probably kind of lame, but puns, rhymes, and alliteration are a go-to for me because they're catchy and/or easy to remember. As for what, like the other anon said, just come up with something from things you like or that hold meaning to you.

>> No.3788190


>> No.3788200

>pick favorite food item
>word it to sound like japanese or german or some shit
just pick anything, it won't matter

>> No.3788201
File: 422 KB, 2000x1500, E8F49358-A2E0-4716-8F9F-5DA1C551AC7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up a word processor
>take out your dick
>get a mild to severe chub going
>give the keyboard three quick whacks with your weiner making sure to distribute them evenly across the keyboard
>insert vowels between every second to third letter if not already present
There you go lad, the secret of the pros.

>> No.3788218

1) Pick something without too many syllables, no numbers/weird characters, and especially no phonetic confusion/easy potential for misspellings (two vs too, words with doubled-up consonants,etc).

Examples of bad ones: BareMississippi_, CellMaid, Bee_Cerial

2) Make the name invoke the senses or be easily visualized, usually the more ridiculous the better. Don't pick something generic and weeblike if you can. Too many of those around.

3) Make sure it'll google up if ppl search it. Plus if you can buy web domains with it easily.

Of course though, if you become famous none of this really matters after the fact.

>> No.3788220

Stick a brush up your ass and the first word that comes out of your mouth equals your new artist name.

>> No.3788223


>> No.3788227


>> No.3788232


>> No.3788233

furenco furies

not bad

>> No.3788236 [DELETED] 

holy fuck thank u

>> No.3788238

Make a big list of things you like, mix those things together... there you go.

>> No.3788272


>> No.3788592

Based and spiritanimalpilled

>> No.3788594

Sounds like a porn art nick

>> No.3788595

Well, what's your niche, you fucking retard?

>> No.3788613

Search up a french dish ez

>> No.3788619

Just use your own damn name

>> No.3788648


>> No.3788715


>> No.3788717

I'm pretty sure that's Mandarin for teaspoon

>> No.3788761

b-but my name is the name of a famous football player and has no search engine optimization

>> No.3788766

Adjective + Noun + last 2 digits of your date of birth

>> No.3788781

than use your initials or a combination of syllables that's short and memorable and sound nice.

>> No.3789697

Should I use my last name only? As my artist name? I noticed that the giants of the world are known by their last names alone, and their business and brand is their last name. Trump, Versace, Ralph Lauren, Clinton, etc. The problem is the domain of my last name is taken and so is the instagram, but it’s just sitting there not being used for anything. Maybe I can buy it from them in the future.

>> No.3789705

Oh no
Waaait a minute...

>> No.3789707

There's no way I can attach my real name to the things I draw

>> No.3789709

There is a comic artist called Tonči Zonjić. He makes a joke on his bio about his name being hard to pronounce. It really doesn't matter what your name is if your art is good. Trying to find a pattern is mostly useless.

>> No.3789718


>> No.3789724

Bagahreich works.

>> No.3789734

Op I feel for you. I am so bad at coming up with names in general. Every user name I've ever used I would feel embarrassed if someone referred to me by it.

>> No.3789783

Trips and its
Big Chungus

>> No.3789788

Try something obscure like reference to a long forgotten anime or song lyric, short and sweet but not generic enough to be lumped in with all the -chans and -samas

You’ll know when you find it. Good luck cause it is really hard.

>> No.3789823

My "artist name" is just my usual screen name which, itself, is just an old Xbox live gamertag. My nsfw alias is anime base though

>> No.3789878

Thanks for this comment. I had indeed also been concerned about the difficulty of the name, trying to make something memorable that goes along with my first or last name, but all of it doesn’t emcompass me properly so I’m stuck with just using my name. What you said makes sense though.

I didn’t understand what you meant by finding patterns though? Can you explain?

>> No.3790015

Smash your keyboard until something cool comes up. That's how the band Autechre came up with their name and how they come up with song titles to this day.

>> No.3790107 [DELETED] 

Trips decide OP's artist name
I'll go first


>> No.3790112 [DELETED] 

Tenacious Z

>> No.3790131 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790136 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790137

why do you need an artist name

>> No.3790140 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790148 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790293 [DELETED] 

Dr. Gravelfang

>> No.3790300 [DELETED] 

smarthe the dick fungus

>> No.3790302

My names Brandon. Seems kinda fuckin LAME though, maybe I should go with Bran? The fuck do I add to it? Like some letters or some shit? HOW DO ALL THE TWITTER NORMIES COME UP WITH THIS SHIT SO EASILY

>> No.3790310

quality underrated post

>> No.3790323

dranbon, b.don, brandom, suki_B, branflakes, hobbibidybon, B rad G, cooltrainer brandon, milky toastman, fickle dickly, don the ank god, cordial bork, bephisent, baphometbrandon, corkglue,

>> No.3790353

Brandon is the perfect Golden Retriever name

>> No.3790365


>> No.3790374 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790385 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790438 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790480

just invert the letters or something, brondan nodnarb

>> No.3790511 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790516 [DELETED] 

Suckus Dickus

>> No.3790533
File: 9 KB, 286x290, 1528246683030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This website is hilarious, thanks for hindering my productivity.

>> No.3790536

I picked a random character from an anime who I thought had a cool-sounding name, and I put "ga" at the end

>> No.3790568

Easy, do what I did: spend 6 years thinking hard and stressing yourself about it and ultimately go with your real name.

>> No.3790621

Your username is XxxGreasy_Cumsucker1991xxX, now close this thread.

>> No.3790627 [DELETED] 

Big Chingus

>> No.3790633

that is my profile pic in the discord faggot

>> No.3790637

Speaking of usernames, why do most Japanese artists just say fuck it and go with a few letters and numbers like it's nothing special? Seems like a pretty simple solution to the whole ID thing

>> No.3790657 [DELETED] 


>> No.3790667

the letters and numbers usually mean something phonetically in japanese

>> No.3790668 [DELETED] 

mechanical poop simulator

>> No.3791975

you should use Painsaw thats a cool name

>> No.3791992

tfw i unintentionally did this

>> No.3792006

I just picked a native american pic from my ref library, I got it of google images

>> No.3792328

I always forget the names of japanese artists who choose names like

>> No.3792658

>youtube: taken

>> No.3792662
File: 181 KB, 1758x1963, DaKAP7TUQAELH7j.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me of key999
thanks couldn't remember

>> No.3792670

what's a good language to find neat-sounding but not corny names?

>> No.3792835
File: 47 KB, 197x226, ump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used a mayan expression that my mother used to say a lot. It sounds kind of silly but the fellow bros that recognize it have told me "cool name"

>> No.3792842

japanese desu

>> No.3792868

They actually have their pen name in there too, it just seems like a mess of characters and letters. I believe it's an indication of their artist circle for search reference.

>> No.3793093

think of some kind of slang, action, or something relating to work
google translate it to korean and chinesse then back to the native language.

>> No.3793390


>> No.3793392

HYPER PRO TIP: use two names instead of one
basically like a first and last name but they're both made up

>> No.3793400

I just took mine from a song I liked and thought the name sounded cool

>> No.3793568

Anything that doesn't show up on Google.

>> No.3793587
File: 27 KB, 500x363, 4586E065-CF9D-4B26-B8F4-4460017CB9BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came up with mine by searching the scientific name of the plant that shares my name. kinda specific but really if you search the scientific names of plants/animals you like you can come up with some cool ones.

>> No.3793589
File: 107 KB, 697x1214, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real hero doesn't choose his name.
Be great and people will give you one.

>> No.3793752

Use you middleschool nickname
Faggot works great for me

>> No.3793799


>> No.3795666

brandon's alimony.

>> No.3795667

i hope you get banned along with jimmy. we are fine with chun, illastrat, and bricom.

>> No.3795677

too bad yours fucking sucks ahah loser

>> No.3795768

Well, I came

>> No.3795813

what site is this?
Looks useful

>> No.3795909

You know what else is useful? Not being clinically retard.

>> No.3796098

Use the name of some ancient myth or god and some kind of noun. Something like Amanojakubread

>> No.3796198

>nut in the sink
>stick your hand in there
>wipe that shit with your bare hand
>wait 24 hours. It's important no one uses the sink during that time.
>return to the scene of the crime
>look to see if your dried nut streaks spell something cool or eye catching.
>Rinse (not literally) and repeat until you have a name you like.
>Add feces for added effect.

>> No.3796313


>> No.3796334

some ideas


(also bran_draws, brandon_paints etc)
(also concept@, design@, animation@, depending on your field)

>> No.3796336

i dunno

>> No.3796475
File: 324 KB, 750x515, 1543875337556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SPENT MORE THAN 6 COMING UP WITH A NAME: having a cool one is mostly for your benefit, you can become someone important even with a shit name. Zdzisław Beksiński is the face of surreal horror, even in countries that refuse to believe that's an actual name. Sycra has interviewed someone who calls herself 'Loish'. Fucking 'Loish'.
There's also been two threads on the topic recently, with some suggested names and guidelines if you need help coming up with one of your own

>My names Brandon. Seems kinda fuckin LAME though,
1, you have my sympathies, fellow Brandon.
2, why not just go with Brendan?

>> No.3796478
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>> No.3796611


>> No.3796998

>be you
>take notes of what you like, do, aspire to be, want to be identified with (the same goes for your art.
People will be refering you to that. It is your identity. Something that people want to know you for. This can be your own name or something that makes you, you.
>mix and mash by writing them down or by thinking of funny ways to remember it.
Names need to be remembered. If your name is too similar to another person's name, it'll be overshadowed. I recommend putting some of those names on instagram or twitter just in case.
>approach other people about your findings and see if they have anything to say.
Maybe you're bad at names, but maybe someone can help you with that. Who knows.
>Be a fucking retard and put ''art''/''artsy'' in your name because that is original.
If OP goes with this route, he'll be catching the back of my hand. Be original and yourself, if you think your art is worth looking into and people need to call you by some name, then by all means ALLOW YOURSELF TO HAVE A CREATIVE NAME.

>> No.3797096


>> No.3797100

its not that hard

>> No.3797131
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Or use it to your advantage.

>> No.3797444
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>> No.3797477

My name is one letter away from a minor game of thrones character but I came up with it when I was young and too lazy to bother changing it and rebranding. Now I have a decent following and my blog and art are the first things that appear when the name gets googled. The only issue is that google keeps saying “did you mean: [GoT character]” and the images tab shows the character first with my username under “search instead for”. Only one random person has actually associated me with the show though, and that was years ago. Should I just leave it that way?

>> No.3797519
File: 68 KB, 500x283, 99e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and ava

>> No.3797617

>come up with awesome artist name
>ends up never drawing anything because can't match the awesome
RIP me

>> No.3797700
File: 141 KB, 1000x563, 1550249567255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fallen Hero,

>> No.3797716

U can be kweabo

>> No.3797796


>> No.3797797

Bran the man
Brandon the mandon
Bray may

>> No.3799134

Quenya(LOTR Elvish), Latin, presumably the various Norse languages

>> No.3799137

actually Pikuru
which doesn't sound bad

>> No.3799140

>Make long name
>Cut it to three letters

>> No.3799272
File: 211 KB, 1200x1094, DoXmKBOWsAAs4nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpeedoSausage changed his name to speedoru. so going with something you like and adding syllabes like "oru, suke, ro" and shit like that would produce something nice like >>3799137

>> No.3799304

Put in pasta for things I like and it gave me PastaMasta. I love it. I already have a nickname though.

>> No.3799310


>> No.3799312

Boring and generic. Also I can't stand X_draws / X_artist names.

>> No.3799322

God I fucking hate his disgusting hook noses

>> No.3799343

Do you have a nice middle name?
I just use mine

>> No.3799361

Fucking christ..

>> No.3799362

Lmao these replies

>> No.3799367

To be fair because theyre so bland I have a hard time remembering them

>> No.3799370

i just thought of names that sound cool. I liked how Jennova in FF is pronounced and Geneva. Cbined them into Genova which can be shortened to Gen. Turns out its a city in italy and people ask me if im italian all the time

>> No.3799372

A color + Firstname backwards + ligma

>> No.3799377
File: 619 KB, 1920x1080, thong thugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ThinWhite or AccrueBlue are alright

>> No.3799387

clamu chowdasaki

>> No.3799408

All genuinely good names

>> No.3799409
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>> No.3799531
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Easy, take your first name and last name and scramble the letters around

For instance Daniel Matthews can be Mtn.Dew or something

>> No.3800130


>> No.3802050

My name is Vitor. Rhymes with nothing, no nicknames and shit anagrams

>> No.3802062


>> No.3802131

You don't.
It's not 2008 anymore

>> No.3802137


>> No.3802139

Go for one of them rapper names. Lil Intuos or sumthing

>> No.3802146

this anon just gave all of you a good fucking name - someone better take it and be thankful

>> No.3802147

you're welcome

>> No.3802149

>Lil Intuos
Only if you do art and make albums on SoundCloud called "beats to draw to: now that's what I call chill hop!" Or whatever your genre is

>> No.3803761

I took my Waifu's name and made a wordplay out of it

>> No.3803785


I think ill go with ngmi1992

>> No.3804874

underrated post

>> No.3805181

what about really short ones like doxy/onta, full one was something like doxydoo but everybody knows him as that

I got a longer name thats shortened to 4 letters of which 2 are vowels too

>> No.3805193

made me lose my shit wasnt that the cornflakes on spongebob

>> No.3805228


>> No.3807667

Cleanup Crew.

>> No.3808636

>Seems kinda fuckin LAME though
Then use Brand-ON or Don Bran

>> No.3808765

I've been thinking about this shit for the last 6 months.
everytime I have a cool name, some spastics have hogged the name on social that they don't even use. fuck

>> No.3808772

Stop trying to become an "Artist", all the great artists of the past were craftsmen and were godlike because they honed their craft, they did not worry about shitty aliases.

>> No.3809674

just name yourself Picasso 2,0

>> No.3811931

I pissed off a professor. He wrote an email to the whole class calling me out via a corny nick name. For some reason I kinda found it funny and have been using that.

>> No.3812400
File: 2.43 MB, 320x240, do_you_think_love_can_bloom_even_on_a_battlefield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about your full name, then take only either a few letters or a syllable from your first name, middle name and surname. With the few letters (or syllables) you've taken from your name, build yourself a cool sounding and unique username. It worked for me and the best part is that I don't have to fight people for it. Mine isn't taken in any other sites.

>> No.3812618
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>wanna post names i came up with to see if they're any good
>if they're any good they will get stolen
>most names will be eaten up merely out of spite

>> No.3812637

Step 1. Take picture of cock
Step 2. Send to all girls you can find on Facebook
Step 3. First one that sends back adjective is your new artist name