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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 354 KB, 571x758, urtc2u3yruyuiyro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3780902 No.3780902 [Reply] [Original]

>what do you think about Hiramoto's new webcomic?

friendly reminder that your webcomic needs to be at this level if you want to make it.

>> No.3780906


I usually hate webcomic / webtoons, like the way the Koreans does it. A single frame / panel per page, with barely any background art. It's cheap and lazy.

Not to forget the shady ways the ranking / popularity system works on some of those sites. Hugely influenced by bots and viewer preference. If the majority of your viewer are fucking disgusting Yaoi readers, then most of the top ranking works are only Yaoi comics.

>> No.3780909

>Not to forget the shady ways the ranking / popularity system works on some of those sites. Hugely influenced by bots and viewer preference
>Popularity is influenced by viewer preference
Who would have known.
I've spent a lot of time on webtoons sites and I've never heard of any bots, or seen anything that seems to come from them.

>> No.3780913


>> No.3780922
File: 180 KB, 600x866, 6832096e2916b3bf925700d3bab94362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan, the land were women still know they place and still there for naturally be a pleasure for men. Hope Japan will stay based.

>> No.3780927

Women in Japan act dumb in the presence of men because being intelligent is offputting to autistic beta Jap men.

>> No.3780929


>> No.3780932
File: 41 KB, 800x419, 1h9v7o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When people discuss porn artists like they're Hollywood celebrities and you know they're talking about really perverted and masturbating just from associating the names with lewd drawings of lolis and shit

>> No.3780953

Based newfag

>> No.3780963

Women in japan act "dumb" because it is perceived as innocent and feminine.
Japan is one of the few countries that isn't afraid of enforcing traditional gender roles.
Maybe it's "dumb" to you because of your retarded western attitude of projecting western values into everything, just like those twitter losers who get mad at anime because it's portrayal of women isn't "correct".

Maybe you didn't knew, but there's a whole world outside the American continent, with ideas, rules and values different than yours.

>> No.3780975

translations when

>> No.3780980
File: 619 KB, 540x750, 78a7bb41931628d78f7640db73297b91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy who did prison school
Why doesn't he just draw some hentai doujins already?

>> No.3780982

don't kid yourself he's not a porn artist lmao, just one of the best mangaka out there. His works do have a lot of nudity, but that's that.

>> No.3780988

He literally posted a link in the post you’re replying to.

>> No.3780993

I'm European. My values are different but also much better, you can suck my big white dick once you're done sucking Japs' little autistic noodles.
I'll take intelligent women over some passive Asian insectoid

>> No.3781004
File: 70 KB, 374x454, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intelligent women
>Better values
Talk about a fucking oxymoron. lol

>> No.3781012


>> No.3781015

>says anon while mashing it to moeblob
weebs belong on a cross

>> No.3781020

because his work has class and is well respected. Straight out porn throws you into an artistic hole in Japan, and doujinshi are considered kinda trash, something you steep down to when you have no other ideas (kinda like tumblr fanart). Also getting a serialization for porn manga is just so niche that it wouldn't make sense for publication (it would need to be sold in r18 sex shops, and nobody goes there to buy manga, nor does a renowned mangaka want his work to be displayed there) so most of that doujinshi stuff is just privately sold at comic markets 2-3 times a year by low tier artists.

>> No.3781026

is this a manga? wtf? are you GAY?

>> No.3781027

every japanese girl that traveled back have told me how they fucking hate having to be more submissive in japan because men literally wont give them the time of day.

its backwards. give it a rest.

>> No.3781034
File: 94 KB, 482x700, 39d22c91-ce72-4ce9-a6f6-8c5bb4c53d78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno why you so bitter, i totally love the classic gender roles that are still active in Japan. Hate the faggotery here in the west.

>> No.3781037

acting dumb because men are intimidated by intelligent women is not "gender roles", it's retarded

>> No.3781040
File: 447 KB, 1280x964, 1280px-Kiyonaga_bathhouse_women-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are spoiled brats, let them get fucked by white males. It makes me proud of Japan that they still are based as fuck, i hope they keep they natural order.

>> No.3781042

>>says anon while mashing it to moeblob
>implying I'm a weeb
Nice assumption.
Stay mad, yurofag. But wait! Don't get *too* mad, or the EU will spank your pasty ass and forbid you from using your computer for a week!

>> No.3781046

haha, i too enjoy creative writing. great hobby.

>> No.3781047
File: 74 KB, 638x960, 20479624_1395824650514230_6804515913742435889_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friendly reminder that your webcomic needs to be at this level if you want to make it.
friendly reminder Hiramoto never draws without 3D models

>> No.3781049

>literally a country where you work till you fukken die
>they don't have children because they're too busy playing videogames
>can't stand women displaying any form of intelligence because they're too autistic for social interaction
>fucking soulless insects
>mass produce shit media made for autistic losers

>> No.3781056
File: 444 KB, 715x1024, 23934645674_3df8be7055_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't stand women displaying any form of intelligence because they're too autistic for social interaction
>they're too busy playing videogames
>too busy drawing, trying to achieve the pinacle in art
>while drawing your women is submissive to you

I would instantly burn my gay european citizenship for getting in a country were this is rule there.

>> No.3781060
File: 91 KB, 473x650, suck_itself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every japanese girl that traveled back have told me how they fucking hate having to be more submissive in japan because men literally wont give them the time of day.
You sure like to play pretend, don't you.
Alright anon, whatever you say. Superior white savior and shit. Go ride your white horse to save those asian damsels from the verry evir oppressive yellow gooks.

>> No.3781061

>thread about quality in webcomics
>devolves into cultural dick measuring contest
Thanks /ic/

>> No.3781062

Welcome to post-2014 4chan.

>> No.3781065
File: 331 KB, 517x768, laugh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too busy drawing, trying to achieve the pinacle in art

>pinnacle of art
HOLY FUCKING KEK you weebs are the gift that keeps on giving and by that I mean that you should be gassed

>> No.3781074
File: 132 KB, 800x1052, 1499096424377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon never mentioned anime, if I recall correctly.
Yuros on the other half...

>> No.3781093

it turns out that people don't like the rampaging persona that 'feminists' tried to encourage women to have back in 2012 or so.

it ruined a lot of relationships, including all of mine, caused me to turn into some awful psychological monster that only spoke in symbolism about destroying people's minds, to get vengeance. i consider myself to be essentially a Japanese spirit, like something that Miyazaki would depict in one of his movies. although it would be too wild for him probably.

japanese girls *like* to be cute, it's kind of blaringly obvious if you've been exposed to Japanese culture a little bit. that means you have no pretensions and are essentially taken care of, even if you're in high school, or a super advanced cyborg from a fictional series for that matter.

nobody really likes this rampaging persona at all because it essentially says "I do everything for myself, now like it!" it's the pinnacle of narcissism. if you really did do everything for yourself, then you'd be just fine having no contact with others whatsoever, and having no relationships, and having no spiritual beliefs.

>> No.3781104

>cherrypicking some literal who the fuck that is to prove a non existent point
I'm blackpilled too but you're just retarded

>> No.3781113
File: 6 KB, 230x219, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ome awful psychological monster that only spoke in symbolism about destroying people's minds, to get vengeance. i consider myself to be essentially a Japanese spirit, like something that Miyazaki would depict in one of his movies. although it would be too wild for him probably.

>> No.3781116

>by low-tier artists
You have no clue what you're talking about. Some of the best artists exist only in the hentai scene. Let's also not forget that many good artists come from making hentai too.

>> No.3781123

>it ruined a lot of relationships, including all of mine
That's what happens when you let a woman walk all over you.
People like to babble about "respecting women" and whatnot without realizing it goes BOTH ways.
This is how relationship works: with respect for each other.
If the woman you choose turns out to be a cunt who has zero respect for you, then you either teach her some or just bail out of the relationship (and the same applies for women with shitty boyfriends too).

This is why pussywhipped men and male feminists get no respect. If somebody walks over you, then everybody will want to walk all over you as well.

>> No.3781138

>lumping all of europe in with france's weirdo comic culture

>> No.3781145


you know I don't care about your issues with reality and people's spiritual and religious beliefs. what is your alternative belief, that you're a brain prisoner who gets knocked about in a billiard ball universe and then falls into your grave?

sounds like something someone would come up with from listening to a parody of science, that was inspired by Lord English, frankly.

>> No.3781150 [DELETED] 


can't wait to perfectly ruin people's science immersion by perfectly socketing together the lord english facts again and again, by the way, until they permanently stop quoting a line of text from my comment like it means something.

yes I wrote a comment, you're supposed to either read it or respond. Shut your damn mouth, >>3781113

>> No.3781174


>> No.3781180

i am japanese if that helps you believe me

>> No.3781187
File: 44 KB, 332x278, 121212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I found out he used 3D models my respect for him took a hit, I know "NO RULES, JUST TOOLS" but it still sucked the magic out of his work a little bit, Hana is still toppest waifu though.

>> No.3781188

Post pic or didn't happen.

>> No.3781194

I feel you man. I was always shocked by the crazy perspective stuff he pulled off and learning he used models was a disappointment but also kind of encouraging as a "pulling back of the curtain" moment. Makes him seem more reachable now

>> No.3781343
File: 170 KB, 500x730, B73778D7-3C4E-4527-B708-250E8DB0ECCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone want to draw like this? I understand if you were born/raised in Japan and grew up with the culture but it looks like every other manga/doujin out there. His writing is entertaining and I really enjoy his work but the art could be done by any other doujin artist and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. It’s a soulless industry style and I don’t understand why anyone would aspire to it. It’s the equivalent of those people who in the US who draw the cutesy Disney style or mimic the super-hero style of Jim Lee. Obviously it’s well done from a technical stand point but other than that it’s boring and lifeless.

>> No.3781356

epic mobile post faggot

>> No.3781399

He’s right tho...

>> No.3781553

Why is the samurai wearing dad sandals?

>> No.3781560

I read the first few chapters when it came out but it was honestly lackluster, boring, and wasn't making sense to me. He should just draw a hentai doujin and get on with it. Btw does this get better? What's happening right now?

>> No.3781578

lame desu