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3779359 No.3779359 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it?

>> No.3779619

what the hell else are you gonna study if not that?

>> No.3779627

it sound ok imo
train your autism and work 70-100 hours per week
only take 1 year so it won't drag around with useless classes and your time
help you build up portfolio and connection after finish

>> No.3779629

Let me work it

>> No.3779662
File: 109 KB, 720x495, 1548172443013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay tons of money to a chinese jew to be told to draw a lot of perspective and rocks

>> No.3779699

There are cheaper school's out there and even than there are so many great online alternatives. IMO you're better off teaching yourself unless you're not discipled enough and you need the scare of wasting 100k

>> No.3779708

someone posted all the exercises/programs etc a few months ago is on warosu.org/ic

>> No.3779732

Iris went to it and uploaded all the notes.

>> No.3779736

ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tuP

>> No.3779946

The links to the google drive no longer works anymore.

>> No.3779949

think about it like this: if youre willing to move out to another country and drop a shitload of money on your education you're gonna take it seriously vs the average NGMI NEET that sits around fapping and eating tendies and thinks that getting good is gonna fall onto his hairy snack-crumb littered dick

>> No.3780099

It's less for the upskilling, and more for the contacts. Says 90% of their graduates get into the industry. Starting pay for professionals in proper studios is $45,000 a year. They also teach you a lot more than how to draw, but prepare you for working in the design pipeline of a studio, so you're ready to work.

That's why I'm considering saving up, and doing it. It seems like the most secure path in. I know you can self teach, but there seems to be a higher chance of getting hired if go here than if you just gitgud and start knocking on doors.

>> No.3780131

links are down anyone have other?

>> No.3780321
File: 59 KB, 750x750, 1542273977496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon pays stupid amounts of money and grinds for a year and gets a job at a taco stand
>Feng Zhu speaking we now have 91% employment rate

>> No.3780381
File: 160 KB, 1500x530, 43326471_2148353011889847_1366246298201620480_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was
not anymore. FZD is a joke now IMHO.

>> No.3780391


>> No.3780405

That's why I'm asking. Is it worth it still?

>> No.3780412

It isn't.
First, the guy is a scammer
Second, whatever you might learn there will make you no more than the husk of a concept artist that can only design stuff idential to any other no name asian.

>> No.3780435

There's nothing wrong with FZD, Feng is legit but it's a waste of money because you can learn all of that at home. If you can't do it at home you're not gonna make it at the school either. And you can use all that money for art materials.

>> No.3780437

Only links for it on there I can find are dead. Any mirrors?

>> No.3780438

As far as I know this teacher says that you have to draw 26 hours a day or you'll ngmi as an excuse for teaching fuck all, he just picks students that have insane drive and talent as proof of his school's success and ignores everyone else.

>> No.3780440

It kills the lazy american bastard.

>> No.3780449

>he just picks students that have insane drive and talent as proof of his school's success and ignores everyone else.
but that's good, if he can choose to just take people who excel and turn them into polished artists, that's good
it's just not for everyone

>> No.3780455

What's the point of going to a school if you have to be so good that you could make it on your own? He leaves all the students that are not geniuses behind, that's a shit teacher if normal people can't benefit from his school

>> No.3780458

please share links to all their lessons
is there a torrent?

>> No.3780464

>What's the point of going to a school if you have to be so good that you could make it on your own?
Some people need instruction to move forward at a good pace regardless of how competent/"talented" they might be. That's why ateliers are a thing.

>He leaves all the students that are not geniuses behind, that's a shit teacher if normal people can't benefit from his school
Alternatively, it's an excellent school for geniuses/elite. Like I said, it's not for everyone, as many prestige colleges aren't. So you're not one of the chosen few, big deal. It's not the teacher's fault if you need a different course.

>> No.3780500

>as many prestige colleges aren't
Sure, but prestige colleges won't take your money if you don't qualify

>> No.3780528

how can you be both competent/talented and a brainlet at the same time?

dave rapoza made it at home he was a brainlet, FZD and ateliers are nice for networking/competing with like minded individuals, it's not really something a competent/talented person would need

>> No.3780532

Does Yale return your tuition if you fail the year?

People learn differently. Some people have the discipline to pick things up from a book. Others might struggle with a concept unless it's shown to them by someone else. Pacing and structure for learning are also advantages to going to a school.

>> No.3780584
File: 83 KB, 640x640, smug bebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon spends his parents' retirement fund to move to Singapore and grind his wrists off in a state of delirium trying to learn bare fundies from Chinese hacks on 4 hours of sleep per day and ramen diet so he can be spat out into the concept art grinder of some big game or animation corp that owns anything you create at any point in your life while under their contract and will financially ruin you if you're perceived to have slighted them at any point during or after your employment
>I sit at home in my room spending a tiny fraction of my parents' money on my bare necessities while studying six hours/day with a clear, focused and well-nourished mind and rounding out my education familiarizing myself with the relevant creative works and histories of mankind
Imagine not having the self-control to git gud on your own. Just draw, dude. I bet you all spend more than a weekly allotted twenty (20) minutes on 4chan.org.

>> No.3780717

got good in 2 years, professional at 18, successful in everything he does, funny, thinks before he speaks, why is he a brainlet?

>> No.3780733 [DELETED] 
File: 1.73 MB, 2998x1061, fzd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can taste the despair of #2

>> No.3780737
File: 1.73 MB, 2998x1061, fzd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3780762

It's not about learning it. I know you can do it at home. It's about getting my foot in the industry. FDZ has contacts, and promises employment afterwards. I just want a proper job nigga, at a proper studio, not to slave away for pennies with inconsistent indiefaggots who don't wanna pay me on time.

I want the networking, the contacts. That's what I'm referring to when I say "is it worth it?"

I've actually picked up a job with as a Uni professor assistant and it's paying me 3k a month, for just editing some videos and traveling the world. I was considering continuing to build my art over 3 years, saving up for FDZ, and doing their year-long terms with the expectation of getting into the industry as a concept artist right after. I've already been drawing professionally for 2 years, ofc there's room to improve, but I'm tired for working freelance, I want a well-paid studio job, and FZD seems to be the door into that. So, is it worth it?

>> No.3780779

thats better than most people here

>> No.3780786

If you just want into the industry, then yeah, it's as solid as anything. Just be sure to thoroughly research any job offers in places their shills shouldn't have influence. The biggest names are often the most stressful and draconian to work for.

>> No.3780809

>That's what I'm referring to when I say "is it worth it?"
Even Feng says in his videos the only thing that matters is your portfolio but if you really wanna go for then just go for it. Just remember that it's a lot of money you won't ever get back.

>> No.3780811
File: 215 KB, 1200x1824, 5AWcRPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, can't wait to get my bigmacs made by woke self educated artist!

>> No.3780840

They're going to draw on your latte for a tip at Starbucks.

>> No.3780853

Holy fuck what were they trying to accomplish with this picture

>> No.3780876
File: 11 KB, 200x202, main-raw-316075644-veavveekwpusjkdcgwkkntawvriebnqc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did nobody mirror the google drive, somebody has got to have it right???

>> No.3780914

It's kind of dumb to spend 45k in the hope of getting an in-house job. You don't know what kind of job it is, it could be some bullshit freelance, something unrelated like painting assets, you might get fired for incompetence, or you may not get a 2nd job after. I know of someone that worked at a studio but they couldn't get a job after and now they've been freelancing for years while trying to find another studio job.

If you really want to go for the sake of getting a job, the best thing you could do is talk to the students, especially the ones that were at the bottom ask how their career has been after, is it worth it ect.

>> No.3780925

He clearly benefits by taking your money if you are not good enough then that is your problem not his. :^)

>> No.3780939
File: 358 KB, 1408x1174, 1359248423154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do it if I could. And I can't, so I'll not be bragging in a ib to make me feel better with my shit life and then crying for attention on /beg/.
The idea of trading one year of your life for such a jump in your career sounds amazing.
But what can I do? I'm doing his exercise scheme in my home since the beginning of this year, then I do my freelance work in the afternoon. Well, the exercise and the routine, something I never had, is helping me a lot. Let me see what will happen by the end of this year and when I start posting concept art.
Sometimes we have to stick to the plan and stop jumping idea from idea. If anyone got anything better right now I'm listening. Everything else I've tried was shit or too short and didn't take me anywhere.
So I'm giving his method a shot, and it's helping already. Found my way, you have to find yours. And I would kill for the network and having all the industry putting their eyes in your work there.

>> No.3780952

I dunno, I think I can lazy slap a few paintings i did onto a lackluster backdrop without putting in any effort and get the same effect. Any company that accepts this is embarrassing and hopefully this fuck failed the class

>> No.3781081

You would think. I can't fucking find anything though.

>> No.3781089

the students are still the main reason whether they end up good or not
not to mention the skill they have at the beginning is also another great the factor

>> No.3781110

Its only good if you want to be a concept art cuck for the rest of your life

>> No.3781125

No it's not. You can always reskill. Fundies are fundies asstard.

>> No.3781131

>average neet can practice and become any kind of artist they want
>somehow skilled concept artist can't

>> No.3781134

the only thing a school can do is make you apply yourself and get contacts

you can do both of them for free if you had some more fucking motIvation OP

>> No.3781323

>I'm tired for working freelance, I want a well-paid studio job, and FZD seems to be the door into that. So, is it worth it?
lol you're full of shit
if you're a real pro and have freelance contracts, why haven't you contacted any studios on your own yet?

>> No.3781584

>but I'm tired for working freelance, I want a well-paid studio job, and FZD seems to be the door into that. So, is it worth it?

What the fuck are you even talking about? Feng was a freelancer before he found FZDSchool.

>> No.3781915

>I'm doing his exercise scheme
can you share this scheme?

>> No.3782108

>shitty rim lighting
>totally inconsistent, lazy lighting
>muddy as fuck
>tiny details rendered in unimportant parts, important parts are quick sketches
>2D and incredibly lame composition
>no characters interacting
>generic "kooky animals in ethnic clothing" hack shit
>that fucking boar and bird lmao
>dude, what about that turtlelion from avatar but it's a boar
>deviantart tier rendering

>> No.3782664


Guys we need to find these fucking notes