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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3772996 No.3772996 [Reply] [Original]

What keeps you going after realizing 99% of anons who have browsed /ic/ haven't made it?
>Ib4u "i enjoy drawing"
Developing taste, getting out of the dunning-kruger phase and slow progress eventually kill the Enjoyment.

>> No.3772997

who are the 1%??

>> No.3773004

I can't name them but I'm assuming it can't be 100%. There must be some occasional lurkers who have managed to live off their art.

>> No.3773007

I live off of my art and I am worse than most /ic/ artists who are considered to be good.
Living off of your art is not hard, living off of anything is not hard as long as you know how to sell it.
The problem with most people on /ic/ is that you are autists, not bad artists.

>> No.3773013

Can you elaborate more? Traditional? Digital? Patreon? Commission? In house job?...

>> No.3773018

I live on hope and grit.

>> No.3773019

I don't draw right now but desu when I did I've already made it. I worked a full time job( security) while working on a webcomic that had over 1k followers on tapastic. After "making it" i lost interest in art.

>> No.3773024
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I choose to believe in my fantasies and keep going because the truth hurts too much.

>> No.3773030

I’m not part of the ‘99%’ (more like 70%)

>> No.3773035

not that guy but i get commissioned by small design studios all the time. I'm not making millions but a decent living and i'm also a lot worse than the decent artists in /ic/. Probably below the average of the draw thread actually

>> No.3773042

I can name several but im not going to

t. very old fag

>> No.3773044

Teach your secrets, oh, master.

>> No.3773060

is 21 very old?

>> No.3773067

following your dad's advice is all it takes desu
>eat healthy
>go to the gym
>sleep well
>plan your week
>brush your teeth
>groom your hair
All so that you look professional and likeable. You don't need to go full 1950s clean cut all american. Just don't dress like a sperg.
After that, just put your work out there - not on deviantart or whatever, but actually sending cv's and porfolios to design studios - and be ready to start working for peanuts before you make decent enough hourly wage. Also be proactive and make schedules estimates and suggestions whenever you get a commission enquiry, people love that.

>> No.3773072

Wait, can I actually send my portfolio to studios around the globe?

>> No.3773082

I don't see why not but that's not what i do because, as i said, i'm not a really good artist. I look for medium-sized to small studios in my city, look into what they do and after i'm informed i write them ( most studios actually have some work with us tab/email/etc on their websites ).
Very rarely do they offer me work right there and then but more often than not they do reply and a contact line is stablished for the future.

It's actually a good thing that graphic designers can barely draw a stickman nowadays, because they need to delegate illustrations most of the time

>> No.3773083

sure, what's stopping you?
just don't expect an answer

>> No.3773090

Shit, lemme finish up 6 more pieces and I'll do that. Fuck it.

>> No.3773093
File: 98 KB, 640x640, Super_sad_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michelangelo was 22 when he carved La Pietà

>> No.3773108

Based boomer poster

>> No.3773132

Who cares?

>> No.3773142

Take the gritpill, brother.

>> No.3773161


What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.3773177
File: 75 KB, 750x710, 1520411496614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3773232

The journey matters more than the destination. Even if I never make it, I've improved along the way, learnt about myself and the world around me. I'll have been introduced to many new artists and people who've helped me grow as a person.

>> No.3773240

>99% of anons who have browsed /ic/ haven't made it?
I would like to inquire the source of your statistics!

>> No.3773358

>he thinks making it is living off your art

stay in the bucket crab

>> No.3773366

>Developing taste, getting out of the dunning-kruger phase and slow progress eventually kill the Enjoyment.
But then you get to a point where the process is engaging, and you look forward to it

>> No.3774430
File: 107 KB, 234x255, jumbled up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it or not "it" will end eventually

>> No.3774443

I work as an art director for a new game Dev run by a rich kid fuck son of an apothecary chain.
I guess I'm alright for my country but I'm shit for USA.
Still, I get 1.5k$ a month which is like 5 times the average salary.

>> No.3774453
File: 895 KB, 673x1000, 1547341609655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by "making it" though? If it's being good at drawing then I'm already there, and I don't plan on living off from it 'cause I'm about to graduate from college. I've been drawing for a while and I still enjoy it, maybe you shouldn't be so cynical anon.

>> No.3774465

can you post a sample of your work? or something comparable? Curious what you do style wise.

>> No.3774487

I quit and come back everytime because I know its what I love doing more than anything else and I hate myself for it.

>> No.3774491

why would you draw if you don't enjoy it I don't understand. I don't gauge myself compared to others because I want to try my best not someone elses.

>> No.3774512

Hire me, motherfucker.

>> No.3774559

Depends on the definition of "making it". People do these things for different reasons.

If you mean "make a living off of art", well, the first step is to live where the work is. People that do this >>377306 already have a edge. If you couple that with the ability to physically drop by the studio and ask to drop off a portfolio, you have a even bigger edge. Add charisma and easy to get along with nature etc bigger edge. Pretty much like any job. Going to /ic/ is more like fishing for crabs than anything else. People come here to shitpost, mostly.

>> No.3774579

i think he means suck it up
in a sense it's true. but continuing to improve at art just by sheer willpower because everything you make angers and depresses you... it sucks. i live with that. but i hope one day i'll just accept my art for what it is
also, don't mess around with these type of feelings if you're already depressed or something. it will make it that much worse in every way

>> No.3774587

only because 75% of /ic/ never makes anything.
getting paid to do art isn't really that difficult.