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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 73 KB, 960x640, question-mark-2110767_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3772950 No.3772950 [Reply] [Original]

How do you organize layers? I mean, each artist as its own way to do it, but is there any example of "best practice" for beginners like me?

>> No.3773891

What size of screen tablet do you prefer? 13, 16 or more?

>> No.3773896 [DELETED] 

How do I get this egg out my ass?

>> No.3773898

How do I get a boiled egg out my ass? female btw

>> No.3773913
File: 367 KB, 1146x1600, guido_reni_san_sebastiano2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can looking at too many nude men and start drawing male nudes from life reference make you gay?

>> No.3773925

Only if you make eye contact

>> No.3773926

whats some good books to git gud at photoshop and all its tools

>> No.3773972

It won't make you gay, it will only make you appreciate male beauty. You might have thoughts like "I can see why girls would be into this" or "Hey, this guy has a pretty big dick" but don't worry, they're only thoughts.

>> No.3773981

How to avoid eye contact?
what's the difference between appreciating male beauty and the grooming of gay thoughts to one's mind? I'm comparing the case of drawn female with dick.

>> No.3774045

>what's the difference between appreciating male beauty and the grooming of gay thoughts to one's mind?
Well you can't make someone gay, I can appreciate male beauty and can spot attractive features in men, but I wouldn't kiss, suck dick or butt-fuck a man. As far a futa, I can only get off to it if only one girl has a dick and the other girl doesn't. Though that only works in anime, I'd never jerk it to a real trannie fucking a women. Some things only work in fantasy.

>> No.3774074

a case study
>be me the painter
>ask my buddy to be my nude model
>agrees without hesitation
>we've been naked together occasion back in hs and dorm life
>he got a fit body because a sporty person
>the usual me doing my routine
>noticed my buddy's boy got harden but disregard it as me being hallucinated
>he often dismissed that by giving excuses such as wanted to take a break or puff smoke
>continue where we left act as nothing
>more session makes him seems uncomfortable, not because of the pose
>so ask him to bring along his gf for next session for coupled pose
>whenever their eyes met he just the usual state
>when the pose requires him to look at my way, somehow the boy stiffen
what does it mean?

>> No.3774082
File: 330 KB, 255x255, 1534112715355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pirated photoshop CC 2017 is suddenly giving me a "not authentic" notice.

It's literally never done this in the year or 2 I've had it. I can still use it but I get the feeling it's eventually going to lock up on me.

Is this a new thing? Anyone else run into something similar and is there a fix besides not having the internet on or something.

>> No.3774085

If you have enough memory, use as many layers as you want.

I personally will use a new layer to try something out, if it works I merge down. I try to use as few layers as possible and at some point I always force myself to merge down so that I don't wade in indecision for the entire piece.

Another method is just to duplicate. You work on basically 1 layer, and then duplicate it when you're about to refine. Refine that, and if you mess up you always have the blocking/underwork in the previous layer. If you're happy/satisfied with what you've done, you can delete the first layer and now your new layer that is refined is your 'fall back' layer. Duplicate it and repeat.

Obviously this is a very personal thing. If I'm drawing, its' way simpler.

If doing an underdrawing, that's one layer. Inks are a second layer. It's only when I do painting that I do the other stuff. On extremely rare occassions I will ink something twice.

So one layer is the first inks, second layer is me inking it again to see if I like it better. I think it's super rare for me to like the second ink or any subsequent ink better than the first one.

I very rarely do the above.

>> No.3774092

why so many people are into that gay futanari trend?, ive noticed a lot more recently

>> No.3774094

I think he might be into you, or there's something really erotic behind you.

>> No.3774103

>gay futanari trend

Aint nothing gay about chicks with dicks. Unless they're fucking manly men.

>> No.3774107

Behind me? Just a window that faces the north with the garden and light source for me to draw on my canvas. Maybe I should not overthinking this.

>> No.3774112

My current place doesn't have any commercial atelier for me to attend, but I need to draw human figure from life. Anyone has experience on how to hire models for drawing? How much do you pay to hire a nude model? Is it based on hour or session? What do you state in your contract? Is it possible to hire toddlers and young kids and how to pay them?

>> No.3774149
File: 461 KB, 1668x2388, 25611180-A1A5-4A66-90FE-B6D94709FCB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good pose library ya’ll use for reference? When posing is up to me it’s always garbage. Pic related.
Things I have to pose myself also end up being garbage. 3D models and such.

>> No.3774160

>what's the difference between appreciating male beauty and the grooming of gay thoughts to one's mind?
you can appreciate the beauty of a car, book, animal, painting without wanting to fuck them

>> No.3774172

If you have a camera just pose yourself and take a picture. That's what I do when I can't find the reference I want. It's kinda awkward at first especially when you're doing a sexy pose.

>> No.3774236

buy a large mirror, 2 set of them angled at 90 degree or 3 mirrors angled at 135 degree

>> No.3774792

Delete the bloatware off your computer. Open task manager and go to the file source, rename the .exe files. Then kill the processes, then delete files + empty recycle bin.

You'll mostly want to get rid of genuine software integrity service and ipc broker, as well as the updater. I went through and deleted all the cc application files just to be thorough.

>> No.3774794

Should have specified; go to services in the task manager and keep it open. gsis and icpb will automatically restart and prevent you from being able to delete them if you don't rename them before killing them.

>> No.3774818

Isn’t there a lifedrawing class where you are? Models are around $30-$50 an hour in Aus.

>> No.3774821

This is going to sound horrible but... taking secret photos of random strangers. XD Or if you need a really special pose/angle you may want to try a family member and ask them to pose for you.

You can always adjust the drawing to suit your character.

When going out in public try for interesting angles, like being up high in a mall or something and photographing people who are down below, that sort of thing can be cool.

Don't do it to be a creep, but technically the photos will be YOURS and unless you're copying that persons exact likeness, you're not doing anything wrong... I mean, I guess that's up to your conscience.

I figure if I change the person enough it won't matter and they'll never know. I mean what are the odds. "I swear that's me in that comic book! I sit like that! I eat like that! There was an artist hiding a few seats away eating noodles and drawing. I knew it! I knew it!"

>> No.3774845

are copic markers worth it for a total beginner? or should i stick to cheaper brands like tinge?
also, for lineart i was told to buy "sakura pigma micron black 0.3/0.5", is it good?
finally, i also need a white gel pen. any recommendations?

>> No.3775012


arond 3"39

I understand the cylinder on top of this one, but not the way he draws the grid on the bottom one. How do those lines work?

>> No.3775199

Which one would you choose between a wacom cintiq 16 or a cintiq pro 13?

>> No.3775368
File: 403 KB, 1675x849, material studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to the board.
What is /ic/'s opinion on material studies, the way they are usually presented? It seems to me like they are more useful as showcases than to study, but then again it's probably better than nothing. I dunno. What's the best way to study materials?

>> No.3775378
File: 421 KB, 1000x667, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a varnishing dilemma:

I have an unvarnished oil painting (with a black acrylic background). I want to make it glossier and darken the black, but I want to maintain the work's blurry low contrast aesthetic.

Is there a type of (glossy) varnish I can use that will darken colors without effecting contrast?

Or should I scumble over the whole thing in a wash of black,white or grey beforehand, in order to counteract the saturation / contrast that will come when applying a glossy varnish?

>> No.3775426

Buy some watercolour instead

>> No.3775448

What is the best posture while drawing? How much do I need to think about my arm movement?
Do I need to know if I'm doing something more with my elbow, wrist or fingers or is just building the muscle memory that comes with technique and not analyzing it too much good enough?

>> No.3775461
File: 91 KB, 618x413, correctstature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3775464

So like sword fighting?

>> No.3775467

Its all about the lunge.

also bump

>> No.3775471
File: 56 KB, 237x197, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop asking questions about details that dont matter. youre using it to avoid drawing- which is what you SHOULD be doing

the order of your layers doesnt matter. JUST DRAW

>> No.3775477

I think my question >>3775448 is probably something I should know while I'm drawing. It is something about the learning process.

>> No.3775500

Draw what you see, study the texture and write notes.

>> No.3775625

>lifedrawing class
I wish. but they aren't nude even if they're available. so I need to do my own initiative.

>> No.3775979

Is the 13hd cintiq big enough or should I just get a little larger intuos.

>> No.3775986

just experimentation and playing around, that's basically how I learned it
also i recommend checking out the digital painting class with craig mullins

>> No.3776113
File: 36 KB, 376x405, 1545948822748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of line weight if all lines get removed when you paint?

>> No.3776221

If I have commissioned an artist and they show me a sketch of my commission, is it rude or will they be bothered if I ask them to change a small detail on it for the finished drawing?

>> No.3776243

No, that's the point of showing you the sketch. So you can request any changes before they really begin filling in the details. The sketch phase is just to give you an idea of the finished product, if it's not what you wanted that's where you change it. And most people prefer you speak up now rather than complain to people after they finish without ever telling them it was wrong from the start.

>> No.3776253

>posting an image with lines
>g-geeze why both with lines :^)

>> No.3776273

Where to share and get feedback from? Deviant art, IG, FB, tumblr? I figure I'd be more constant if I had somewhere to keep track, I don't expect a big following or anything just stick to drawing would be good enough for now.

>> No.3776274

you don't really need feedback esp when starting out and if you know your fundamentals you can critique your own work

>> No.3776286

I see, thanks. One more question, is there some kind of policy about how many times I can commission a certain artist I like? As long as I am paying for the drawings and they are open for commissions, is it okay to request a few of them and not just one?

>> No.3776304

of course you can, what kind of question is this?
being an artist is having a business. they will (or should) only be glad they are getting work.

>> No.3776309

Its up to the artist, most won't have a problem with it though.
I know a few artists get annoyed when the same guy requests weird shit all the time and they're constantly drawing for him, but at the end of the day you're the one paying for it.

But they also might like what you're commissioning so they'll be glad you're coming back and paying, depends on the person and artist. There's no "rules" on it though.

>> No.3776319

No point at all if you're painting over it. Line weight applies mostly to inking

>> No.3776327

Drawing from your shoulder is not a meme. It's going to give you cleaner lines. Anything goes as long as you have a light hand.
For brushwork I don't really know, I've been doing inks and watercolors and I sawed off all my brush handles to carry them in a pencil case. It doesn't really make a difference except with rigger brushes that need to be held by the very tip of the handle for best results

>> No.3776334

It's okay as long as you don't blend the dick. Confident strokes, the bare necessary to convey the forms. If you find yourself blending it's over, you're gay.

>> No.3776338

I mean, more than feedback which usually consist of "pretty cool" or "u suck" I want something that would help me be a little more constant and keep track of progress.

>> No.3776341

>Aint nothing gay about chicks with dicks
Sorry but futa is gay. Any actual straight person will find futa hideous.

>> No.3776348

Post in the drawthread / sketchbook thread and explicitly request for feedback. You will receive nothing on social media, people will just ignore your work.

>> No.3776368

How is it that gay people are less than 1 percent of the population and yet every one of you faggots is a raging homo?

>> No.3776373

more people have bi/gay tendencies than want to admit.

the only futa i enjoy is futa on female, i'll never understand futa on male literal fags.

>> No.3776400

straight are a tease

>> No.3776420

I feel like my line work with pens/pencils is okay, but when I do digital work everything looks super jittery. Is it my tablet? Do any drawing programs have a setting or something that can help with that?

>> No.3776422

most programs have stabilizers for the small tablet jitters, but most likely you just don't have the muscle memory required for tablets yet. the feeling is different than drawing traditionally so it does need getting used to.

>> No.3776426

Should I just do the same exercises I would do for pencil work?

>> No.3776433

basically, it just takes awhile to build up the coordination.

i would turn on mild stabilization if your program has it, all the big ones do. I have csp's turned on half way because it will jitter some regardless.

>> No.3776448


>> No.3776460

t-thanks, y-you too

>> No.3776716

transexuality is gay, doesn't marer if is futa on female, still a faggot shit, lesbian is also gay.

>> No.3776749

go copic or go home. other alcohol markers don't compare. a ciao set or individual/loose set based on videos or recommendations are a good start. they're cheaper than sketch and the only real drawback is no labels on the caps (they're round but don't roll because of a stud they have )on one end. watercolor as someone else mentioned is also a good cheap alternative.

you don't need microns, they were just recommending fineliners. i personally find 0.5 too thick and lean toward 0.1 and 0.3, you can go over a line to get it thicker. not sure of your location but a combination of dick blick and amazon is usually the cheapest place to find supplies like copics and microns. single copics in my experience are cheaper at blick.

>> No.3776762
File: 356 KB, 1242x1656, 1B908C3A-C0FA-4DF4-AAE3-B7CA1EE37B7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your favorite way to draw breasts. I’m never happy with the way mine turn out

>> No.3776867

Look at real breasts. Fucking. Now. Is this whzt you drew? No. Draw what you see and feel the volumes. Wht's in front, what's behind, weight, where they attach/rest etc.

>> No.3776893

Good information. But do I need I really analyze what I am doing or just feel my way through it?

>> No.3777095

thanks for the advice

>> No.3777229

How the fuck do you deal with reflected light when you're painting digitally?

>> No.3777295

I want to build a portfolio cause I think it's a good exercise even at a shitty level (forces me to finish stuff which I basically never do, plus some people actually sell on some communities with beg level I could produce if I commited to it and started finishing and polishing stuff).
Thing is, I don't know where to start. My mindset has always been try everything, work in short spikes of energy, so I never commit to finish something.
I need a frame and my brain's to retarded and keeps picking different things to learn all over the place and draw doodles from imagination.

tl;dr : I want a frame to make finished stuff so my idea is asking something like : give me suggestions about 3 or 5 (to start with) finished types of pieces to do so I can make a very basic jack of all trade portfolio.

Or any other advices regarding my situation I guess, but I figured I have to admit my brain can't do it alone (at least not right now) and I work better when prompted (I actually like brainstorming over stuff, just not coming up with basic ideas)

>> No.3777366

try doing a series of drawings which each illustrate a chapter from your favourite book

>> No.3777624

forgot to say, uni signo is a good gel pen

>> No.3777631
File: 11 KB, 298x292, 1547348574572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you manage both the SFW and the NSFW production/posting/study...?
In case you do both...?
Under a pseudonym under different styles.

>> No.3777639
File: 547 KB, 918x615, 2019-01-21_19-16-34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the saturation slider do nothing when you're modifying a color with 100% or near-100% Value (even when the color's saturation level is pretty low)

>> No.3777717

Pure whites and pure black are usually just background or line colors and arnt supposed to be decreased. If you're using pure white or black for shading or coloring you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3777781

Bookmark this website and draw inspiration for them and sell it on Etsy

>> No.3778170

Is it weird that my pen nib isn't wearing out?

>> No.3778364

Why is /ic/ so obsessed with FiRez? Why dont they shut up about that dude ever, I dont get why he became such a meme on this board.

>> No.3778562

>tfw only read comics and manga

Thanks, looks useful.

>> No.3778610

Say you want to color gold in flat colors but with one value. How the hell do you do that? Is there a specific kind of hue I could pick? Or any trick to make it look goldish compared to other colors?

>> No.3778611

How do you do gradients inside one specific color/value of the picture in CSP?

>> No.3778619

Select Color Gamut

>> No.3778622

If any of those things had holes it'd be a different story.

>> No.3778628

Control Paint.

>> No.3778633

They aren't pure white or black. They still have some level of saturation in them. (The value slider in HSV doesn't determine the real value of a color)

>> No.3778698

I'm not sure why but saturation only changes after you've adjusted the lightness. It has more affect the lightness is negative. When you increase lightness it tries to preserve the original color as much as it can.

>> No.3778727

Huh, that's interesting. Yeah, the saturation started to change once I dropped the Lightness slider into the negatives.

It seems that the Sat and Lightness sliders of the H/S/V filter modifies both the Saturation and Value component of HSV altogether.
So if a color component (the Value in my example) is already maxed out, the filters will fail to increase the Saturation when needed, since the filter wants to increase both components (Saturation and Value) altogether.

So by decreasing the Lightness first, it gives the filter a little bit of "breathing room" for it to actually increase the Saturation.
At least, that's my theory.

>> No.3778806

Whats a good alternative to Ritmo brand charcoal pencils?

>> No.3778812

Where can I found other artists who have similar goals as mine? Where we can challenge each other and expand on creative ideas. I manage to find amateur people with beginner level, but never folks at a mid or expert.

>> No.3779077
File: 161 KB, 755x585, 1543312732705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you join this server?

>> No.3779078

You can't just "become" gay.
You have to be born gay.

>> No.3779125


>> No.3779129

This post made me gay.

>> No.3779341

What do you mean, it's easier than in traditional. You can put down a screen, overlay, or addition layer in the hue of the reflected light, and value/saturation that makes it look right.

>> No.3779463

Why is it that gays have a higher instance of childhood sexual trauma then normies?

>> No.3779480

Gay kids seek the wrong kind of attention.

>> No.3779795

The line should be bolder in the shadow part and extra bold where the object touches the ground, but where is this exactly? Just the very tip where it touches? A bit more than that? The entire shadow area?

>> No.3780181

That technique is a shorthand of real lighting property called "ambient occlusion".
Study how the real thing work, and you'll be able to invent your own shorthand intuitively.
Look up Marco Bucci's video for an explanation.

>> No.3780198

Question for digital painters-
Do you have a workflow? Is your painting process dependent on the software you use? I'm wondering since I'm new to painting. Photoshop is hard as fuck, CSP and SAI are pretty easy but still different, so I've been trying to make a workflow that'd fit all.

>> No.3780298

watch the digital painting class with craig mullins

>> No.3780311

I'm currently working on a project, which has a cartoony style, but a very dark/serious (and edgy, yes, don't judge me) story.
I am at a total loss where to get inspiration from in term of backgrounds. Can I have suggestions?

>> No.3780650
File: 225 KB, 800x1111, 33d0a32de45df3660372c9c8921ea673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a inspiration thread a while back about 80-90's anime art but I can't fine it in the archive or Warosu
Anyone know where it is?

>> No.3780838

>Photoshop is hard as fuck, CSP and SAI are pretty easy but still different
they're all the fucking same. watch ctrl paint and you can do that shit anywhere

>> No.3780841


>> No.3780848
File: 97 KB, 960x720, DxnPAwxUYAAOphi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for this type art style? Not so much the Japanese influence but the cartoonish line art

>> No.3780850 [DELETED] 

oekaki, or "the good shit"

>> No.3780872

Is it normal to basically have no following on your blog even if you're decent?

I've been uploading my art to a blog for almost half a year now and no one besides a few friends seems to even know about it. I don't really mind it and I'm NOT looking for ways to gain followers; I'm just curious if that's normal.

btw I only upload once a week and never post fanart (only original stuff and commissions); I don't engage with other artist, beside following/liking them and I never shill my blog on other sites

>> No.3780890

Can I use indian ink with a brush?

>> No.3780917


Yes, that's fine.

>> No.3780930

Are there quality tiers for crayons such as student, artist and professional, or are they all shit and considered to be a child's medium?

>> No.3780933

adult crayons are called pastels

>> No.3780945

look up caran d'ache and similar

>> No.3781184
File: 319 KB, 610x458, 1532861922402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best paint to start with? Acrylic or oil?

>> No.3781219

gouache probably. you can rework it after it wets and it's pretty matte. it's what illustrators used before digital was a thing. you can even dilute it enough and it behaves like watercolor.

acrylic dries really fast and just feels shitty to me. it's cheap enough where you can get both. you really shouldn't be oil painting unless you learn from someone because a lot of it can be toxic. you need ventilation and to be careful with some of the things like gamsol or the oils themselves.

>> No.3781516

How dark should the cast shadow be? As dark as the core shadow?

>> No.3781537

no. halfway between black and the material

>> No.3781545


>> No.3781607

is there any way to watch this without buying the schoolism course?

>> No.3781723

>get idea for lewd drawing
>suddenly motivated to draw
>bust nut instead
>lose motivation to draw

what do?

>> No.3781727

skip step 2.5 3 and 4

>> No.3781749

>great idea for busting a nut
>suddenly motivated to check for lewds
>study figure drawings instead
>lost motivation to bust nut

>> No.3781773

Keep em few and be confident in your work. Usually 600 layers comes from being indecisive.
Sometimes if you are working on a project that demands lots of layers folders and color coding(if your program allows) is very useful. Other than that make a pattern that makes sense logically and name your damn layers.

>> No.3781776

This is my study library if you want. Mostly poses I collected from models on twitter since most professional pose models are ugly as hell NSFW view at your own risk,

>> No.3781782

jack off and then be an adult and make yourself draw anyway

>> No.3781801

It depends on the amount of bounce light, if you're talking about how light actually works. Otherwise just use whatever amount you like aesthetically.

>> No.3781814

>Have clear and defined shapes
>Don't have too much contrast in the lights and the darks, have details in the mid-range
>Hue, Saturation and Value are different, for example each color has a different value so you'll have to adjust.
>Some studies of classical paintings, 19th century paintings, and modern HDR paintings
>Color choice mostly doesn't matter if shapes of the lights and the darks have a clear shape and(but a bit less importantly) the values are the same.
and most importantly,
>Do whatever that looks aesthetic to you

>> No.3782002

What're some good ways to construct legs/pelvis aside from basic stick figures and boxes?

>> No.3782013

cylinders, really easy to place in space

>> No.3782232

Does anyone have good references for adductors and thighs? I'm having a hard time mentally putting together the underlying muscle and the surface anatomy.

>> No.3782299

When people say "felt-tip pen" while referring to fineliners, does it mean the same felt from marker tips? I thought fineliners used something different.

>> No.3782372
File: 1.21 MB, 938x1250, ELEKTRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What materials does Bill Sienkiewicz use? Is this gouache, watercolors?

>> No.3782400

Which free drawing software should i learn? or just look for a pirated copy of photoshop?

>> No.3782437

Krita is free and seems fine. Not fantastic, but fine.

>> No.3782463

Its the one that locks more like photoshop right

>> No.3782467

Yep, that's the one.

>> No.3782468


>> No.3782538
File: 63 KB, 563x445, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a link to this series?

>> No.3782592

Warning, this pack is dog shit. He made a thread of it and I downloaded it there. Really shitty pictures and really shitty "reference" of things that make his pee pee hard.

>> No.3782690

Such as?

>> No.3782839

thank you anon, i love and cherish you

>> No.3782842

So he just called his porn folder “reference”?

>> No.3782845

Its mostly instathots taking selfies infront of a mirror, gook cosplay, and chicks working out.

>> No.3782855
File: 321 KB, 884x911, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. they're not even labeled or anything. it's 36 retarded "packs" of some tiny images, playboy photoshoots, retarded bad reference selfies and dumb shit

>> No.3782904

Probably 0033 on pixiv. Link in /alt/ op.

>> No.3782997

What sort of name "Dick Blick" is?

>> No.3783036

named for the founder over 100 years ago. fucking google it, esl

>> No.3783062
File: 11 KB, 500x374, 24CACF08-9FF3-4B10-810D-48CCA4E9443F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... oh no.

I suggest you study real life anatomy. Please, oh please just study real life anatomy. It’ll help you more than you could possibly imagine. If you’re particularly sold with just improving the breasts, Nsio on DeviantArt has a really good breast drawing tutorial.

>> No.3783072

How the fuck do you blend in Sai? The default watercolor tool sucks ass and I don't want to rely on airbrushing too much. Should I just apply the ctrlpaint method of blending to my artwork and see how it goes?

>> No.3783075

Don't bust your nut keep it stoked and draw energy from it.

>> No.3783137

thanks a lot anon

>> No.3783229
File: 129 KB, 673x900, agibsongirlc1902charlesdanagibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that Tumblr is dead where do people post their art
There's Twitter I guess and Instagram, is that it or did people adopt anything else?

>> No.3783292

Newgrounds tried to grab part of the exodus but ultimately failed and any other site that lauds itself on freeze peach is pretty much an alt right shithole so Twitter and Furaffinity for porn and instagram for regular stuff.

>> No.3783295

Any drills you'd recommend for foreshortening?

>> No.3783300

Is it okay to use 3d models to create poses for reference or is it a crutch?
I'm kind of a beginner and I was wondering if it's better to try and draw poses from imagination or use references

>> No.3783308

As long as you're not directly tracing shit your good and should use reference as often as possible when learning.

Drawing from imagination is the result of working with so much reference and having a thorough understanding of shapes to the point where you can imagine it in your head.

>> No.3783369

I hadnt drawn observationally for like a year and now I feel worse at it than when I started. Is this normal or do I have a brain tumor?

>> No.3783370

It comes back pretty quickly. A week or two doing trees and you're good enough for figures again.

>> No.3783376

Alright good to know. Feels weird as fuck having the same line confidence but everything is wrong.

>> No.3783569

A friend thinks it's pathetic that I'm learning how to draw simply because I want to draw porn. It's not that unusual right?

>> No.3783574

It's pathetic that you need /ic/ to validate your opinion.

>> No.3783581

Yes, it's pathetic. You should kill your friend and then yourself.

>> No.3783590

Fuck off don't judge me

I can't, homicide was just made illegal in my province.

>> No.3783603

>Fuck off don't judge me
That's better. Now say it to your friend.

>> No.3783656

tumblr is only dead if you are a cumbrain

>> No.3783670

Tumblr is dead

>> No.3783698

anything specific I need to study to start painting canvas?
currently studying
studying all this on paper, have read that moving on to painting before getting at least decent on paper is pointless. Also how do I get good with colors on paper? any specific exercises or something? I have a big problem interpreting colors and putting it on paper as it is

>> No.3783764

Can't you fill bucket on CSP vector layers?

>> No.3783787

At what follower count do you start regularly have people interacting with your posts that aren't fanart?

>> No.3783797
File: 73 KB, 800x800, rdtg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy this?

>> No.3783799

Just cut a hole in a sock. You get 2 for the price of one. Easy.

>> No.3783818

Will the stabilizer make my traditional drawing skill worse?
I've been using Sai with the stabilizer on 15 since it's really easy to do smooth lineart with it but i think i got a lot more shaky with my ballpoint pen line traditionally.
Also what's a good stabilizer setting in Sai, i can't use 0 since my lines will come out straight and weird looking, like i did them with a mouse

>> No.3783830

The glove thing is very useful yes.

>> No.3783942

My program (Krita) is installed on my SSD together with Windows so it uses the SSD to speed it up. But my project files are on a normal HDD. Would putting them also on the SSD change anything besides the opening and saving speed of the files?

>> No.3783957

From a physical therapist view, fixed postures tend to create a negative impact on your health, specially in the low back and shoulder area.
The "good" posture is always the next, don't create a posture to stay 1, 2 or even 3 hours.
Now, about how a posture would help to you draw better, it's different for everyone, because it envolves about motor skills development.
This starts when you are a child and it modifies in your entire life.

>> No.3783966

>don't create a posture to stay 1, 2 or even 3 hours.
Holy shit I'm so fucked. Baically spent my whole life in front of computers and consoles

So then you say switch postures like every hour or so? But there isn't many good postures for drawing, right?

>> No.3784113

Just discovered CSP blend too, I'm beg so I don't know much, but it looks like it can simulate manual blending pretty well?

Do people usually use this? And is the gain of time worth it or will I lose skills using this instead of blending back and forth?

(is bending even the only/better method to get smooth stuff digitally?)

>> No.3784152

>Alright good to know. Feels weird as fuck having the same line confidence but everything is wrong.
Do the work and it feels less bad. I can play whole songs from memory without picking up an instrument for years. It feels about the same, you can halfway do something but you don't know why and it isn't good. Back to nature, back to basics. After my last break from art I had a similar feeling until I noticed I continued exactly where I left off but better in most ways.

>> No.3784460

Recently been having trouble switching between drawing what I see and using construction. Any rules for figuring out when to use what?

>> No.3784464

No. You can use dialogue bubbles as a substitute if you're desperate for 2D vector shapes but you can't automatically fill stuff and it's awkward af to use.

>> No.3784473


>> No.3784478

Nah. There's gays that are born gay, and will always be gay, and there are gays (or more accurately bisexuals I guess) that drift into it because of the culture they inhabit. Think Greeks and Romans.

That's the direction we're heading in. There are already plenty of guys who dabble 8n bisexuality who would never have even considered it in the 80s.

>> No.3784479

Sketch, line cleanups, flats, shades, highlights, texture pass, detail pass, final cleanup, then maybe some color dodge or screen layers to make things pop.

>> No.3784482

Pogo or Calvin and Hobbes.

>> No.3784484

Yeah. Lots of good artists with little online presence.

>> No.3784486

There are professional

>> No.3784488

Yes. Those exist, and no, they're not exactly the same as pastels.

>> No.3784489

Acrylic is cheap, but oils are more forgiving.

>> No.3784491

It's fine if you need it.

>> No.3784492

I don't use them but lots of other professionals do.

>> No.3784507

You learn to *see* the construction of the reference, and once you have it placed down, you can then start applying the superficial information you see like value, texture, and color.
Though honestly everything besides construction is open to subjective interpretation and can be heavily distorted without the piece being ruined. Focus on form, everything else is secondary.

>> No.3784534

The important is to not stay too long in a position/posture, take a break within 1 hour and half or less.
It's important to take a break, it's better for your health and it's better for to stop and see what you're drawing. This way you see what you doing wrong with your work, at least it works for me.
If you exercise everyday, it's even better, you will lead a healthy life style and you can take some visual references from the gym.

>> No.3784589

There was this image that said something like how to get good fast, and had the book covers for all the books you should read in order to supposedly get good. I used to have it but I lost it. Thanks

>> No.3784875

The stabilizer probably has a minor effect but I'd bet it's more so that your more adapted to the tactile feel of your tablet then your traditional pen and paper. Just practice with both.

>> No.3785156

Can india ink rot?

>> No.3785653
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, 1511057294585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.3785657

you got the digital version
the one with ctrl paint stuff?

>> No.3785707

What do I use to fill in large areas? A permanent marker?

>> No.3785740

>how to improve
shit guide, shit board, this is why everyone on /ic/ sucks.

>> No.3785787
File: 354 KB, 1120x1556, 1544983458828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much better guide. make sure to take in parts at a time and do your own work during it instead of getting stuck in a grinding hole.

>> No.3785807

>how do i improve?
>you have to draw a lot man
>ok fine, try reading these books then
absolute state

>> No.3785828

>all that bullshit just to get to anatomy

>> No.3785829

steve huston is in the very first picture

>> No.3785841

Thanks for the tip. Did you know that that isn't an anatomy book and only provides a brief introduction to some basic forms in the second half, and that it's a very short book?

>> No.3785851

How can i find a job as concept artist without experience?

Im close to finish my portfolio, but im confused what to do next. What if i land a job in diffrent country?

Do studio will pay for my imigration and help with that? Anybody with experience in that field?

>> No.3786168

So what should I do after Keys to Drawing? Bargue Plates or Perspective Made Easy?

>> No.3786178

get into human: Figure -> head/face/ -> anatomy

>> No.3786187

Vilppu drawing manual. Then draw everything in anatomy for sculptors a bunch of times, then go through Gottfried Bammes anatomy for artists and illustrators, then use the knowledge gained to deconstruct the forms of nude models

>> No.3786193

Do any of you guys draw teeth at all? If so, how do you do it?

>> No.3786254
File: 65 KB, 640x360, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you dicks got an infograph on how to draw teeth? How to draw expressions and mouths are also cool.

>> No.3786283

Uuuh fuck this, first time cps disapoints me. Photoshop does this? Or any free program maybe?

>> No.3786286

>Did you know that that isn't an anatomy book and only provides a brief introduction to some basic forms in the second half, and that it's a very short book?
Yes I'm aware but it's a much better place to get started. I didn't learn in that order but I think it's a friendlier course for newer artists. I have no problem with studying perspective and anatomy but I know a lot of artists are retards with no attention span who give up the first sign that something takes time. My order of learning was Dodson, Vilppu, How To Draw, some Bargue, Scott Eaton anatomy, then Hampton and Bridgman. I did more things along the way like ctrl paint for digital, studies, some Watts and assorted jp books but I'd recommend that progression to newcomers.

>> No.3786287

I don't have any problems with 3-point perspective. Why do people hate and avoid it so much?

>> No.3786292

The best rule for drawing teeth is don't draw teeth. You want to draw or paint in tones and work on the negative space around the teeth. Teeth really aren't common in portraiture as they tend to look unnatural and models don't pose holding expressions very long. There are exceptions though.

>> No.3786298
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1333, draewings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel as though I've "plateau'd ", I know I could be a lot better than I currently am and I feel it, but I have no idea where to go or where I should focus my attention. There's just so many more things to learn I feel overwhelmed and intimidated. The work I make almost always involves me working at what feels like 20% of my focus and ability. I don't want to sound egotistical or all knowing but I KNOW I could doing a lot better, even now. It's a mental block or some shit; I just don't know how to go about pushing myself. I need some direction / advice, tell me how you overcame this feeling

Pic related is just some of my work (oh yeah, and I rarely make finished things, because I can never come up with something that feels "finish worthy")

>> No.3786301

Try drawing something you don't usually draw. Why don't you take a shot at environments or even anime?

>> No.3786303

It's time to suck it up and paint. Changes the whole game.

>inb4 excuses

>> No.3786308

I'll try environments out, now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever drawn an environment before; i usually draw things in empty space
I'll give this a shot, what kind of paint would be good for a complete beginner while still being very affordable?

>> No.3786315

Digital if you want to learn an entirely new paradigm, watercolor if you're a masochist, acrylic if you can't afford oil and don't mind going back to technique before oil existed it dries so fast. I'm all for spending 30 bucks on a cheap pan set, some decent brushes and okay paper but what you want to do is up to you.

tl:dr define affordable

>> No.3786321
File: 344 KB, 800x1062, Skull Study 9.15.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll go back to trying it digital, I did do digital painting a while ago but i fell off that horse, time to get back on

are there any artists you'd recommend for beginner studies?

>> No.3786326

Old dead guys, your favorite porn artist, and some contemporary you like. Trad is an investment. Watercolor is affordable, you just have to like the results and consider "under 200 bucks" affordable. I'd just stick with digital, everything is easier once you can actually draw.

Also go out and sketch rocks and trees.

>> No.3786330

What about gouache?

>> No.3786332

I forget it exists it's been dead for so long. Probably the best choice.

>> No.3786437

Instead of buying a pen brush, can I just buy india ink and use a brush? Any differences other than having to dip the brush in the ink?

>> No.3786440

Yes. Just clean the brush and don't expect it to last long. Brush pens are worse because they clog with india ink. it's mostly shellac.

>> No.3786449

Now that tumblr is dead, what's the best sites for nsfw artists? I'm thinking Hentai Foundry, Twitter and possibly Newsgrounds. My style is markedly western and not a good fit for pixiv, I think.

>> No.3786452


>> No.3786454

very nice
how did you learn to draw what resource you recommend
if I was at your level I would probably go to coloring

>> No.3786457

Yes. Brush pens are for portability or immediacy. Brush and ink is superior in the studio because you can control the load and dilution of the ink so you can get washes. They're both good to have but you typically use technical pen ink for the brush pen and india or sumi ink with brush.

>> No.3786461

Don't come to newgrounds we're full

>> No.3786498


Related question. I'm thinking of posting under two handles, my real name and a pseudonym. I want to post regular fantasy/sci-fi/horror type illustrations (i.e. artstation safe stuff) under my real name and nsfw art with my pseudonym. The idea is that if someone google searches either handle the respective art should show up.

However, I don't actually care for the privacy aspect, and I'd like to be able to cross post some of my more mildly nsfw cheesecake stuff under my real name aswell. Would this be confusing? Should I just post everything under my real name? Ideally I'd like to be a Frazetta type of artist with a mix of epic fantasy paintings and pin-ups.

>> No.3786511

If it's just tiddy, I don't see the problem. And I mean only tiddy. Like really tasteful tiddy. You can just do an alt account to keep them vaguely separate and not offend...whoever. it's going over the line that causes problems.

>> No.3786538

Does tilt really matter on a stylus?
I'm getting a laptop that has a touchscreen that I can flip - I don't want the 2in1s since they're not good on my lap in laptop mode.

The only good choices, the pens have no tilt which I'm wondering how bad is it needed, particularly since I'd like to stick to shading too

>> No.3786556

personally tilt is a meme but i can see why people would want more parameters to mess with. that said i can't draw the lines i want and use tilt in digital, it would completely mess up my stroke.

>> No.3786561

This. It's a meme for the most part. Some people are trained in it and make good use of it, most don't even know what it would be used for.

>> No.3786570


That's what I was thinking. Actual pencil and paper it makes sense but I figured with Krita or something, I could set up pens myself for shading

>> No.3786576

yea, i find it's better to make specific tools for settings you want even if it means duplicating a brush. changing brush size always beats out size jitter for me as well, aside from some inking instances where the tip doesn't change that drastically but still tapers.

>> No.3786588

Why not use a pseudonym for everything?

>> No.3786597

Thanks, Anon. I'll stick with that.

>> No.3786600


Already have a artstation under my real name.

>> No.3786777

Ok that's fair, but I think that if someone impatiently wants to learn how to draw people, their impatience won't be satiated by having more hurdles put in front of them before they're even really able to start. But I agree that trying to learn something difficult like anatomy from the start will also cause enough frustration to cause a lot to quit really early if they aren't helped by previous, more fundamental ideas. I guess that there's not really 1 universal path. I think that NMA has been talking about drawing up such a path for years but even they can't figure out how to go about doing so.

>> No.3786994

When you use a reference, is it better to print it or it doesn't matter if it's just on your pc screen?

>> No.3786995

It makes 0 difference

>> No.3787037

As far as I know, no.
Why do you need to do that anyways? Just set your vector layers as reference layers, create a raster layer, then fill with a bucket tool targeted to reference layers.

>> No.3787048


There are plenty of artists that have an erotica account and a normal account. Everyone knows they're the same person. It's just so that they can separate their work for their audience.

>> No.3787079

paste it into the photoshop file on a seperate layer for ease of viewing

>> No.3787092
File: 37 KB, 555x274, tig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How important is it to take notes when studying? I'd much rather do rapid fire 10 minute studies of RL or artwork to cram as much manual work as possible. I know it's important to think through the study material, but as long as I'm working it through in my mind is it really necessary to take the time and write shit down?
Also I never look back at my studies other than to quickly glance and gauge my progress. Is it better to spend time reviewing your studies or use that time to draw some more instead?

>> No.3787164


Just have a running diary in a simple txt file and write a entry (remember to put the date) every now and then whenever you feel like you have some new insights and ideas or you feel stuck etc. It doesn't have to take longer than posting on /ic/. Sorting out your thoughts in text is one of the best things you can do. By the way, a tip that works for me - write as if you are communicating with another person. If you have an idea, write that as if you have are trying to explain it to someone else. I've previously made the mistake of writing cryptic notes that made sense at the time but were proven to be incrompehensible to me at a later date.

>> No.3787239

Say I want to do an art raffle on twitter for when I reach X followers. What's the best way of organizing that?

>> No.3787357


>> No.3788753

If I want to practice at drawing heads, would it be a good idea to go on quickposes and just focus on drawing the heads instead of the rest of the figure?

>> No.3788763

Yeah that should work fine for heads, as they arent too hard to attach to the body. This piecemeal approach would only start to break down if you did it for say, each part of a limb, as attaching them together would start to look unnatural.

>> No.3788768

how many followers are we talking about? how many actually care about your tweets?

when the time comes you could tweet something about the raffle and make it so liking that tweet grants an entry (maybe retweeting grants another, thats up to you). then you open the notepad and add each entry and number it. then go to random.org and generate a number between 1 and the total number of entries. the number that it generates wins.

but if your following is big it might be alot of trouble writing down each entry

the "easiest" one that comes to mind. im sure there are a bunch of websites for that but those usually require creating an account to enter

>> No.3788770
File: 1.04 MB, 903x909, Nikolaos_Gyzis_-_Historia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations on learning art history?

>> No.3788792
File: 469 KB, 1207x1600, IMG_20190128_124502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of tablets. Why would you need more expensive one? Not taking in consideration screen as I think this is more of a preference. Personally I have old Wacom one m and it's enough for my skill lvl I guess

>> No.3788836

Size, pressure levels, driver stability, buttons, touch, battery-free stylus, tilt functionality.
desu I think size is the only significant thing, but even that as you said, it still works well. Everything else is frills or a non-issue.

>> No.3789086

The one thing I don't like about traditional is how my hand/tool covers my view. Does it get better in digital?

>> No.3789093

You don't have that problem with screenless tablets, but there's a greater disconnect between your eyes and your hand. It's not bad though, it's just something you get used to.
That said, after having used a screenless tablet for 1000k hours and now using a screen one, I'm a bit happier with my screen tablet.

>> No.3789094


>> No.3789095

Good free animation software for those just wanting to try it out? Alternatively not a huge investment?

>> No.3789123



The newer versions of Blender are getting deeper into 2D animation. Might be worth a s shot.

People continue to develop Opentoonz, but I haven't tried it lately. Was confusing as hell when I first tried it, but apparently it's been much improved.


Newest version of Flash has some decent improvements that people have been waiting a long time for.

>> No.3789127


>> No.3789183

Yay or nay to posting commission WiPs to to your social media? Obviously you want to shoot them to the client first, but what's the rule of thumb for posting them online either to add to your public gallery or for critique?

>> No.3789472

Which has a more intuitive animation UI, CSP or Krita? Which is more accessible and simple to use?

>> No.3789480

I want to do really good scientific botanical drawings / scientific drawing in general. Where do I start? I can't draw at all

>> No.3789484

You need to practice linework and construction. Use drawabox potentially. Focus on achieving things in one lines, not a million.
But there's no point just grinding. Go find some scientific illustrations and just copy them, understand them. They're just symmetrical doodles with the keenest eye applied to anatomy, not composition.
And nevah give up.

>> No.3789487

Do you ever feel like no matter what or how you draw, you'll just be an imitation of someone else?
This idea has been plaguing me for a while. I think I make it obvious in my work, and I'm ashamed of it.

>> No.3789491

Spend a few days drawing what you love to draw, and draw it all from imagination. You'll invariably develop some trademarks.
However, you should nonetheless start with fundamentals, as I trust you have. Nearly everyone has the same-looking fundamentals, everyone's got lightly-drawn ovals and cubes under their work. It's what you lay on top of your fundamentals that defines you as an artist.

>> No.3789562

Is there a book that I can use to learn these things? Scientific drawing from 0?

>> No.3789659
File: 12 KB, 246x138, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where i could get something like these ancient photoshop star brushes? you know the ones.

>> No.3789660

Not that I've heard of. Again, scientific drawings are just decent drawings with no composition, they lay the subject flat and symmetrically.

>> No.3789667

What's the best drawing program on Android?
I don't want to buy an iPad because fuck the file system

>> No.3789677

What are some sites or resources to draw gesture but of moving people instead of posing models?
Granted I could just go outside but I have social anxiety

>> No.3789688

>They're just symmetrical doodles with the keenest eye applied to anatomy, not composition.

Holy fuck the "advice" on this board

>> No.3789789

Why don't you make one?

>> No.3789884


It's been a while since I used PS, but aren't those default shapes, rather than brushes?

>> No.3789930

So you're saying I should give up? I don't know where to go!!

>> No.3789982

You'd have to be a very good draftsman. I'd look into copying plates from Bargue, Richer, and Struttura Uomo, and whatever botanical books you like. I don't know much about the plants but I assume study from scientific books about the subjects you want. Guptill Pen and Ink would also be very good, you'll want to be able to render a variety of textures and planes with just lines.

>> No.3789998

Why don't you start by learning how to draw in general like everyone else here?

>> No.3790002
File: 10 KB, 300x258, twitter-logo_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I make a single post on Twitter that is marked as sensitive? I can do it just fine via Twidere on Android but there's no option on the website?

>> No.3790271

If an india ink says nothing, should I assume that it does or does not have lacquer/shellac in it?

>> No.3790295

if it's india ink it most certainly is shellac based
only acrylic ink doesn't have shellac

>> No.3790439

Tell him to die
Cus it's different t

>> No.3790472
File: 3.05 MB, 2478x3293, fe18bee00b8622b2f64cbc612468cf96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a good comprehensive muscle cheat sheet, something I can quickly check while studying, preferably with separate sections for medial and lateral views of limbs. I feel like it's really slow having to bring up Peck every time I want to check an origin/insertion.
Found this on google, it's okay, but maybe some anon has something better.

>> No.3790561

There is no cheat sheet. Make one yourself.

>> No.3790606
File: 141 KB, 600x545, 1542058648520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you break out of bad habits/instinctively trying to draw a certain way?

When I was a kid I would draw a lot of Sonic, and now it's stuck and now everything I do looks relatively sonic-like unless I really force myself to avoid it as hard as possible.

>> No.3790615

You have to restart life to fix that one.

>> No.3790638

I've been struggling with bad habits too. I think you just have to force yourself to do things properly until you gain an appreciation for the proper way of doing things. The more you do it the more success you have and the easier it get to say to yourself 'I will be happier doing it this way.' It's all about overcoming that initial hurdle though.

Another take on it: If you do a lot of Sonic then you have a lot of Sonic influences and little else. You need to diversify your influences. I think most artists study a lot of other artists and from that soup arises a personal style. So start studying many different artists, and also from real life. You don't have to take apart your Sonic influences, but drown it out a little with other insights.

>> No.3790654

Well I'd like to be able to draw more than just Sonic. It's been years since I did it, so I was surprised that it still had such an influence on how I draw. Anyway your advice makes sense, thanks Anon.

>> No.3790758

Grinding an artist does some interesting things to your work. I have residual bits from fuck knows what floating around in mine, I think it's Regis Loisel. Took a lot of master studies and doujin to level it out and clean it up. There used to be this advice floating around, "don't copy shitty artists" that reminds me of what happens.

>> No.3790858

2 ways
1)Fight it as hard as possible. erase when it's too sonic, work really hard to do the most antisonic you can


2)You'll get better as you improve and eventually nobody will see the style through and you be good enough to just replace the style.

>> No.3790861

Look around in your settings. if you are relatively new start a new twitter with a new email maybe, there's a chance you just ended up in their naughty list and now they block all your stuff as " sensitive"

>> No.3790863

>Watch a youtube video where you can see the whole person at once moving like a cheesy 80s workout video
>face your fears and go outside

>> No.3790867

autodesk has a drawing program on there and there are a few good pixel art programs but procreate is something pretty much unheard of. It's so good that it made people switch to apple based on that program alone, you probably won't find anything close to it around non pc drawing apps

>> No.3790868


>> No.3790869

Attempt drawing from life or peaking up a different style. might sound counter productive to pick up another style but sometimes the problem is that your'e toolset is too narrow and you need to see the world through more people's eyes.

>> No.3790876

>simple and accesible
flashcs3 hands down, nobody has the timeline and features down like it, but on the other hand it's vector and the brush isn't for everyone. It also exports swfs that need to be converted outside to mp4 using swivel but it's the tool I'm most comfortable with.
I'd say try krita and open toonz cause free software and free software that's used by Miyazaki

>> No.3790878

No one rule, you have to either disclose in your conditions prior that you want to post wips or ask then if it's okay. ask them if the commission is private or not. Some artists stream their commissions. It all depends.

>> No.3790883


>> No.3790885

not unless you use screenless tablets but you have to consider the fact the registration and input are never perfect. However you should still get a digital tablet. Having both is the best. Being able to make a quick line fix here and there is fantastic. Even junji ito has one to make edits to his drawings.

>> No.3790890

the better the tablet the finer the details you can produce and the more control you have. the grid is smaller, finer, and more responsive. Can you use a crappy tablet, yes, I do too, but a better tablet could potentially cut you a lot of time and help take off some of the limitations that digital can have to some degree.
nice drawing btw

>> No.3790891

More about your organic followers and interaction than your follower count. If you have 9000 followers but usually 5 of them like tweets you won't get much out of it, but if you have 700 but you get 50 likes on a single post every post you'd blow up with a raffle.

>> No.3790893

It's all good as long as you are actually improving and it works for you. You can tweak the studying method to your own benefit as long as you know how you study best.

>> No.3790895

Tilt can do some interesting things but I personally never used it. I think as long as you have proper pressure sensitivity you will be good.

>> No.3790897

Newgrounds is a really good choice as long as you can actually get scouted. You'll have lots of eyes on your works as long as they are good enough for someone who's already scouted to scout you into the portal. Your images are kept at full res which is huge
twitter is always good too

>> No.3790903

Your grasp on the fundamental's alright but your faces are atrocious In general your work is incredibly ugly and stiff. Work on some caricature or cartoony faces to really loosen your idea of the human structure up you are thinking about it too rigidly.

>> No.3790906

draw where the landmarks will land in the situation (possibly even exaggerate their position) and then build the muscle around them.
have a solid understanding on the detail distribution of your style. you don't draw every hair or folicle so you shouldn't draw every tooth. no infograph I know of, just practice a lot of open and expressive mouths.

>> No.3790908

You wouldn't draw individual hairs or skin follicles same with teeth, you need to know how to group em properly.
other than that they wrap around the jaws

>> No.3790910

I would assume if they want you in another country they pay some of your expenses but I don't know the specifics. There are some concept artists on youtube, look into their channels or social media see if you can find anything, that's all I can help with.

>> No.3790913

Yeah, I really hate the Flash vector brush. Couldn't deal with it if I tried. I'll give open toonz a shot, thanks for the heads up. Tried Krita today, but my lines aren't rendering correctly (come out segmented), probably won't use it because of that

>> No.3790916

Some guy decided to make a really good drawing app for apple. why he didn't me it for pc or android? I couldn't tell ya, but it seemed to have worked in his favor.

>> No.3790924

Makes sense goodlcuk... although... There are still 2 things I could recommend from my own experience
1) Put the flash brush on 30 or 20 or 10 and put it on the second lowest size settings
2) draw traditionally and alias your work. I personally do that. screw animating digitally, if you do go down the animation rabbit hole I wholeheartedly recommend trying to do that. The aliasing function is under threshold.

>> No.3790937

But what makes it so good?

>> No.3790960

I don't know, but the fact it has people ditching photoshop and their 3000 dollar tablets and get a useless piece of junk apple product just so they could use the damn app.
They managed to make an app into an actual competitor with real drawing programs.

Oh by the way I just remembered, there is that one japanese program on android. I think it's called ibispaint x Pretty solid.

>> No.3791036

Define "scientific drawing". I think you might be more interested in technical drawing- like orthographic and isometric projections, etc.

>> No.3791155
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1548797618619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone help me with this?

ive learned online that u need to change the hue when doing shadows and stuff, so i did this with the face, but have no idea how to do it wih the other colors to keep it consistent.

trying to stop using multipy everytime

>> No.3791272

Consider the hue of your object and the hue of your light source.
If your light source is yellow, everything in light will hue shift towards yellow and everything in shadow will hue shift away from yellow (to blue). The shift is stronger the further apart the hues are. The shift is also stronger when the light is stronger.
You can use cold lights like blue too, which create something like gloomy neon lit scenes.


>> No.3791431

Artistic choice is the #1 priority, in my opinion. But you might be thinking of color temperatures and color theory:
or the fact that hue and value are tied together:

>> No.3791792

What sort of animation is "tweening"? What does it look like and how is it done?

>> No.3792060
File: 243 KB, 1228x868, 1548890358328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, plz answer.
What brush is this in the linework and how can I get it in Krita.

>> No.3792063

Additionally, what's the brush used for the painting as well.

>> No.3792129

I want to replace video games with digital art

>can i draw while talking to friends
>can you draw while tired or do you need full effort every time to get better

>> No.3792148

1. You can but it will be worse.
2. Without full effort it'll take much longer to get good, if you ever do.

>> No.3792235

tnx anons, gonna check these out as soon as possible

>> No.3792528

Animation is drawing keyframes and putting them in a series. Tweening is when instead of redrawing each keyframe, you arrange parts of the image in separate graphics and move/warp those graphics around between frames.

It looks like a standard round brush with size linked to pressure and opacity. The painting was also done with the same linework brush and an additional squareish brush, but it has the same properties. It's very basic. Additionally there's a texture on top.

>> No.3792576
File: 7 KB, 334x172, IMG_20190201_154438~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What font is this? Anyone know?

>> No.3792801

What do you guys do when you get to a boring part of a drawing? I'm drawing a fence right now for part of a bigger illustration and it just feels lame, not to mention visually uninteresting. Do you guys enjoy every part of the drawing or do you just have to power through the boring parts?

>> No.3792808

Theres parts that everyone struggles with. It's probably a good time to put on some chill music or a podcast and zone out.

Good on you for actually doing a background instead of just putting in a mountain or a five line house and calling it a day

>> No.3792910

I wanted to start an anonymous blog.
Thinking about making one detailing my weekly or daily journey trying to get better in art.

I couldn't even draw bad sonic fan fiction if I wanted too.

The appealing idea is that it would be cool to look back in 5 years and have my progress documented and maybe would be able to have some fans. Is this an awful idea

>> No.3792919

Its a good idea, but if you keep it up for five years would it really be that anonymous?

>> No.3792923

I'm not really sure anon.

I could just go with a pseudonym. The main purpose is that I wouldn't want it to effect my real life so I could draw whatever I wanted. Also I'd like to write about what I drew too.

>> No.3792940

Yeah guess it was just a semantic question. I'd say go for it as I've seen a lot of progress come from them, but there is a lot of survivorship bias going on there. Either way, you may find it motivating or habit forming which is the biggest takeaway.

>> No.3792944

Is this a popular idea anon?
Also thanks man

>> No.3792959

Thanks for the advice man, appreciate it

And believe me, I'm usually inclined to be lazy but since I've started seriously trying to improve I realize that I've got to bite the bullet and learn how to do backgrounds well lol

>> No.3792969

I'd said its more popular to just put shit on twitter periodically, but I have seen the blog idea done a fair bit of times yes.

>> No.3793184

Thanks for the basic rundown on the brushing. I appreciate.