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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3761750 No.3761750 [Reply] [Original]

I am too lazy and too stupid to learn, my ideas are worthless dogshit and I've wasted 4 years doing fucking nothing.
I can't believe I honestly thought I could MAKE A LIVING out of this, or that I was a "creative" when all I've been doing is mental masturbation and nothing more, pure fucking escapism.
I've been living a fucking a lie, in denial of the truth: I simply wasn't cut out for this.
Everything I create disgusts me, I got nothing of worth or value to offer the world, I am shit, and it's time I just accepted it and forgot about drawing or creating anything at all.

Who else is ready to give up?

>> No.3761756

I can’t give up now. I have no other real skills, as bad as I’m at drawing.
I got two illuatration gigs for some boomer design studios tho so there’s that. Thankfully most western art schools are awful so you’re probably the top dog of your area even if you’re shit

>> No.3761757

>i'm wasting my time
if you give up you will have been. Or you could double down on your misanthropy and hatred for humanity and just get good.

>> No.3761769

man at least you have a clue. you've gotten over your delusions, so just think about how you can make money now, not off of art obviously. thats your goal. also please post your best ever work, id like to see what we're talking about here.

>> No.3761770


>> No.3761771

I don’t get the double down logic at all desu
>it’s better to lose 10 years than 4!
If he genuinely feels he’s wasting time why should it be any different the more he wastes

>> No.3761795

The less of you crabs the more sweet commission money there will be for me once i make it

>> No.3761797

cant blame you, brainlets have a tendency to not learn basic shit.

>> No.3761798

haha ha ha hahahaha hahahaha ha
fucking stupid ass

>> No.3761802

Cope harder crab. Ill be smiling @ u from my 200k $ mc mansion in a rural community working throug the internet

>> No.3761804

I laughed at your post more than I should. Good work.

>> No.3761810

Stupid NGMIer.

>> No.3761865

what the fucking jesus h holy fucking shit

>> No.3762510

>wwww-what OMG
come on crab that's all you got?

>> No.3762557

>200k from commissions

>> No.3762569

Good, now you're mentally ready to study seriously and put effort.

It takes around two years of proper study and fundalmentals to reach a level you would make money off.

Look up Volen CK videos.

>> No.3762579

commissions doesn't only mean furfags and weebs paying 20 for OC's. You can get commissioned by newspapers, small offices, schools and even town halls.

>> No.3762581

thanks for the recommendation

>> No.3762594

Volen CK is all that's wrong with /ic/
he thinks grinding and fundies is all it takes. Meanwhile his sense of style, composition and creativity is comparable to a 15 years old edgelord whose only exposure to art is trough magic the gathering cards and anime. To make it in art you have to live, eat and breath art.
Aesthetics and theoretical background are only unimportant if all you want to do is some dead end job as a corporate printer

>> No.3762617

better than ic
better than ic

can't be taugh, just like IQ can't be taugh.
creativity is genetics.

>> No.3762628

>creativity can't be taugh
So that's why whitey can't into anime

>> No.3762637

have you made it or are you talking out of your ass?

>> No.3762639

what do you want to draw? in what style? in what medium? what is the amount of effort you put into it?

>> No.3762649

You're neither of those things. You just really like making excuses for yourself.

>> No.3762659
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