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3756894 No.3756894 [Reply] [Original]

1 week into the new year and I already failed my resolution. how is everyone else doing so far?

>> No.3756896

i didn't even have a resolution

>> No.3756897

Don’t beat yourself up about it and just draw.

>> No.3756908 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1024x613, Dv9BXX5U8AUIad0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i genuely belive in you anon!! come here! *gives you a hug* you can still do it!

>> No.3756909

I didn't have a resolution.
I'm in bed and I can't sleep
My teeth ache
I feel like shit, depressed
I just don't have it in me to draw

>> No.3756911

What was your resolution?

>> No.3756912
File: 82 KB, 1024x613, Dv9BXX5U8AUIad0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i genuinely belive in you!!! come here anon! *gives you a hug* you can still do it! prove everyone wrong and make it for me.

>> No.3756921
File: 77 KB, 500x576, 1546617981112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You failed? Bah, restart it. Who decides when your year begins anyways? Why aren't there birthday resolutions? You could take a January 8th resolution. Do that, and try not failing again.

>> No.3756922

today I learned the anatomy of the knees and legs for around 5-6 hours

feels good but I barely improved my drawing per se, only focused on theory meaning my technique deteriorated or stayed the same

>> No.3756923

I just signed a contract to return to work at my old studio. No more warehouse work for me.

>> No.3756927
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, 1539492295123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good anon. Take care of your back. Mind your wrist too.

>> No.3756968
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x2448, 20181216_164643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh if only you knew the things that this job has done to my hands.

But thank you. 2018 was a miserable year. 2019 is already looking better.

>> No.3756980

jesus anon, you needed to get good gloves

>> No.3756982
File: 13 KB, 332x332, 1537662614654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck were you handling there

>> No.3756983

draw your depression

>> No.3756990

Seems like you're gripping the pen too hard. Don't push yourself too much anon

>> No.3756995

calm down on the touching yourself

>> No.3757006

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.3757024
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, 20181216_164558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gloves did nothing. I was scrupulous about wearing them too, since it had happened before.
Chemical primers designed to make ink adhere to plastic and metal. Apparently I am VIOLENTLY allergic to them.


Oh, sorry, THIS was the pic I meant to send.

>> No.3757033

If it doesn't hurt, could you post a video of you peeling off the white bits. It would make for a good animation study.

>> No.3757034

Pretty well actually. I've been reaching out more to other artist and making art friends, and collaborating with them. I also have been maintaining a good relationship with art, and it really starting to feel fun again. I also started a character design/ world building project that I'm really quite excited about, and 2 more on the back burner.These were my only three solid resolutions I had. Things are looking up guys.

>> No.3757084

I'm afraid I've already peeled off all the dead skin, and it was extremely painful. The worst was my thumb. I've just finished regrowing my fingerprints.

Nothing like trying to draw with my hand all wrapped up in bandages like an 18th century gout victim.

I am so happy to be back doing art for a living.

>> No.3757090

I've been getting up early, drawing every day, and writing personal affirmations to improve my self image

>> No.3757096

good post

>> No.3757103

Go to the dentist
Hope you feel better

>> No.3757118

anon that's great, hope your hands stay healthy for the rest of your life.

>> No.3757242

Aw thanks. So long as I don't touch any more weird chemicals I should be fine.

>> No.3757259

if that was me I'd bathe in lotion until the hands had grown back.

>> No.3757260

Basically what I did, except it was cortisone cream.

>> No.3757261

Slowly fucking up anon. My poster of Ruan Jia’s painting is laughing at me. Totally ngmi.

>> No.3757272

I've kept my promise to draw at least half an hour everyday. It's not much but i'm trying to slowly build up my discipline. Also I promised myself three things: finishing studying all of Hyperangle, charles Bargue, and Perspective made easy.

>> No.3757275

>making a resolution
Why not constantly better yourself instead of putting it off until January, failing, then putting it off until next January?
You fail one day, do better starting the next day. Fuck new year’s resolutions.

>> No.3757295

You sound like a faggot

>> No.3757296

it's okay i'm here for you too anon

>> No.3757405

Join DAD anon. It made it easier for me.

>> No.3757410

I don't wanna go to the dentist, he'll give me a root canal and it hurts
I'm trying to put it off for as long as possible

>> No.3757420

I just had 2 root canals simultaneously, the process itself doesn't hurt aside from the initial anesthetic injection. get a second/third opinion before going through root canal though. and don't go putting it off for months/years the pus from infection will eat your jaw bones.

>> No.3757423

I just had a cavity medicated but it keeps hurting especially when I eat something hot. The doc told me I'd have to get a root canal if it hurt, so I know already.

>> No.3757426

how long was that cavity filling? if it's just a week or so then let it heal first, don't eat hot/cold on it and use the other side of your mouth. I used to have a filling that is very sensitive for about 2 months before it heals. you can also get an x-ray to see if the canal are infected.

>> No.3757433

Something like a week ago, yeah. I really hope it will stop hurting.

>> No.3757444

just don't think and dwell too much on it, it actually amplifies the pain. find something to amuse yourself even like games. and you also take painkillers like ibuprofen if it really hurts and you can't sleep at night just don't abuse it too much.

>> No.3757455

this is how i imagine every chink and specifically Ruan Jia admirers.

>> No.3757629

2019 and i have wrist pain already.

>> No.3757633

oof RIP

>> No.3757635

Jesus fucking hell, what the fuck man?

>> No.3758179

The best part was seeing the little strings of sticky viscous bodily fluids between the raw flesh on either finger.

Or maybe it was when my hand was so swollen I could barely hold a pencil and had to put my hand in ice for two hours just so I could draw.

>> No.3758563

do you wash trucks or something ???

>> No.3758567

My resolution is basicly just work harder than last year.

So far so good.

>> No.3758572

that's a good resolution anon, Im gonna steal it

>> No.3758587

not bad, got more motivation. every winter all my old girlfriends check up on me at once, its pretty hilarious how consistent it is. they reminded me that they loved my art and if theres one thing i should never give up on, its drawing.

>> No.3758623

It's not from wear and tear.

>> No.3758700

Loomis is not to be used for evil deeds, use it for good. Use Loomis for TRUTH.

>> No.3758770

Strange to be on such good terms with all your exes.

>> No.3758774

357/365 says isn't too bad. Start now.

>> No.3758781

a few do have me blocked, those bridges were burnt with thermite

>> No.3758981


Well that's to be expected I suppose.

For the others though, it's nice to think that even if a romance didn't work out, the other person still cares about you in some regard.