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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 10 KB, 320x310, 1492722593441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3751618 No.3751618 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be real: You want to draw because you have an idea for a story you want to tell and you don't trust anyone else to draw your characters for you. But you're stuck so far down your depression hole that you can't even be bothered to doodle.

There's no point in keeping that idea locked up inside your head. Share it with the rest of us.

>> No.3751625


>> No.3751642


>> No.3751646

i draw because im going to be better than you, because i know i am. im going to rub it in your face in the sheer fact that you cant use my skills to create your shitty "stories". not all artists are story tellers you mongoloid, some people just want to draw shit they like when they come across such an object.

>> No.3751649

>you have an idea for a story
Nope, no way

>> No.3751650

my goal is to make a comic, but to be honest, i draw a lot because i can't come up with a story. when i was younger, i had this story about a ghost with social anxiety that makes friends with some kids and they have adventures, but 10 pages in my ex bullied me about how my writing is shit and i'll never become anything with it. ever since then i've just been really afraid to even make up a story or come up with ideas for one. recently i had another idea, but it's weirdly specific and the only one that could ever understand or care about it is me. i want to make comics but i don't think i'll ever learn how to make a story that doesn't suck.

>> No.3751655
File: 236 KB, 542x636, OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have an idea for a story you want to tell and you don't trust anyone else to draw your characters for you.
Not at all. I actually have a couple of original characters and paid my artist friend to concept and draw them. Now I am learning to draw myself so I can be as good as him. Pic related, the bottom is the one he drew originally and the ones on top are the ones I drew.

>> No.3751656

ok ill spill the beans
my masterpiece:
op is a massive faggot

>> No.3751686
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1546359137704s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw comics
>think it is pretty cool
>share it with others
>no one cares
A humbling experience

>> No.3751728
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>> No.3751732
File: 61 KB, 625x685, wtf (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-how did you know...

although my ideas are mostly shit anyway. I have a vague idea that I want to make a webcomic, but most of the shit i come up with reeks of the stench of cliches. I can't even get a cohesive story or narrative or anything like that together, its just a bunch of one-dimensional characters, most of which I haven't even drawn or figured out designs for, and some events I feel should happen for no reason other than I think they're cool or "make sense". It's strange, too, because you'd think someone with such a powerfully critical eye for other people's work as me would be able to incorporate that knowledge into creative process, but it just doesn't happen. Makes me feel like I lack all semblance of creativity.

>> No.3752214
File: 20 KB, 400x300, 1529807883351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your ex senpai, sounds like a cunt. Go to /lit/ for those story telling tips, and practice your writing. You can get there bud.

>> No.3752217
File: 752 KB, 1060x1408, 1546480988471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw yuri

>> No.3752219

you're gonna make it

>> No.3752224

your ex is a piece of shit and you should keep practising your drawing and writing anon. if you come up with a story btw there's undoubtedly more than one person out there that would be able to relate to it. pretty sure there's plenty of people out there that would love to consume a comic with the ideas you wanna convey.

>> No.3752242
File: 237 KB, 938x1407, 51065160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this, save for the depression part. I'm drawing every day and improving. It's also not a single story but plenty of shit that I want to get out before I die.
Practice makes perfect, and if you have a good critical eye, writing comes way more easily than drawing, at least I feel it does. Read a lot and watch a lot of things you like and know aren't trash, write down ideas you may get now and then... It help. All stories don't need to have super deep characters and an intricate plot, also, everyone can enjoy simpler things, as long as it's well done, if you put effort into it... Have fun anon.

>> No.3752270

I'd like to see how the ghost story turns out. You should get good, write it and get a Nocturnal Animals kinda vengeance on your ex.

>> No.3752300

I have an idea for a feeling I want to evoke, but not sure how to get there yet.

Honestly I think working on a comic is probably one of the hardest things to do, it's gotta push you pretty hard. I'm just gonna fuckin do it, who cares if the story is bad if it's practice??

>> No.3752305

Post it, I wanna see.

>> No.3752472


It's not what they are, it's how they're executed.

>Lack of cohesiveness

Worldbuilding and making characters interact should help with that.

People are products of their environment. You don't need a big dramatic backstory to act the way you do. It's just that tragedy is the easiest vehicle for sympathy so lots of people choose it when designing their peeps.

The dimensions of a character don't come from their personality traits. It comes from the nuance with with they act with them. For example: One would think a good person would give money to a hobo on the side of the road, but most people won't because they think they guy'll spend it on drugs. But some people will do it anyway because they care about people and don't want a guy to suffer for what someone else did.

And making characters interact should help fuel that nuance. If you put a character in a situation that their archetype doesn't normally go in, that means there won't be any guidelines for how they should react to it. And adding another person will also change it since your character may or may not care about appearances and no one lives in a vacuum.

>> No.3753069

i just wanted to draw my waifu, freud

>> No.3753322

you'll never steal my shit

>> No.3753739
File: 26 KB, 320x480, HellothereTheMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's all my ideas:

>> No.3753742

I wanna draw the embodiments of my fetishes in a combination of cute/badass situations because I'm a vain, shameless pervert. I used to think I was a special snowflake over this but as it turns out most capeshit/manga characters are created this way. Or at least they were before the corporate takeover.

>> No.3753845

I've got 12 individual stories (9 in the same universe with loosely tied plots).
The first one is about two friends, a boy and a girl that go to a different country to start high school. Everythings normal at the start but after a few months people are getting murdered in the town they go to school. It is revealed that they met under dire circumstances 1.5 years ago. They wore both kidnapped separately by a serial killer and imprisoned in his house. But they use their wits to kill the killer and free themselves. But the boy and the police have a very good reason to believe that there were actually 2 serial killers and the 2nd one is on the loose. So the 2nd killer goes to the other country to initially scare them and then maybe finish the job the 1st killer started. There is more to it but I won't spoil it. Kind of a mystery and adventure comic with some sci-fi sprinkled on it.

>> No.3753848

Im learning to draw so I can draw porn

>> No.3753878

I have some stories that I like, but have no intention of drawing any characters. I also draw for ~4 hours a day. I just find it fun.

>> No.3753881

In the 4th grade my teacher told me I should write a book and draw the pictures for it.

The problem I have is I lack the technical skill to draw my story, and time I should spend practicing is spent writing more stories.

>> No.3753886

Getting prepared to actually start my comic in the next few months, holy shit a lot of design work goes into original worlds. I had no idea how much prep work there would be. (Story takes place in a low-realism, synthwave inspired retrofuture.)

>> No.3753888

Nah it's really just "well the story tellers I look up to didn't produce their first work until they were X years old and I'm still only X so I've still got another X amount of years until I can start".

>> No.3753926

no not really.

>> No.3753930
File: 330 KB, 1024x885, 10 - qpivwlJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, what's your story?

>> No.3753969
File: 494 KB, 1299x1175, wendy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of characters cus I like designing them, but writing is hard and scary. I don't have the time or the decisiveness to actually make anything out of my ideas so I just draw my characters posing naked instead. easy life

>> No.3753982

I can't speak for everyone but this is my experience from putting together some shorts in uni.
The thing about actually making the story is that it's quite labor intensive and more of a chore.
People have more fun just jumping straight to the pin-ups of characters and renders of certain scenes they've planned out in their head. But when you put an actual story together, you spend a lot of time drawing very standard and generic poses/expressions, and when it comes to the fun and flashy moments, you're already experiencing fatigue from drawing so much.
Putting yourself under a deadline and adhering to a schedule sucks all the fun out of creative work but the end result is worth it because you made something way cooler than just a gallery of OC drawings, you made a fully fledged story and now people actually care about your OCs.

>> No.3753987
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>now people actually care about your OCs

>> No.3753993
File: 27 KB, 500x214, untitled_drawing_by_sansychara1112-db2qop3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they have a reason to, at least. That's what I meant to say.
But then again, the internet has it's fair share of amateur writers who just can't for the life of them create appealing characters even with backstory, development and everything.
Well... Actually... I forgot that's pretty much the majority of the internet...
Disregard my previous post.

>> No.3755000

She's cute, I'd want her to haunt me

>> No.3755127


hi angstrom

i hope you can power through your frustration and keep practicing what interests you rather than getting hung up on even starting the process

just accept that you must fail many times over in order to achieve your goals and suddenly it gets more manageable

>> No.3755163


>> No.3755214

True. I have been wanting to make this manga idea i had for over 3 years but am always feeling like shit and cant (go into the zone) unless im super drunk or stoned. and even then I got just problems i have to deal with that i just end up doing something else like playing video games. or something unproductive instead.

>> No.3758335

What's it about?

>> No.3758347 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 186x156, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, i just feel awfully demotivated when i can't draw. Just draw, mate. Relax.

>> No.3758379

Not neccesarily- many people draw for aesthetic purposes, or to convey feelings, emotions, or concepts. When it comes to artists that are writers, what you’re saying is accurate. However, not all people who like to draw make stories. I draw, but I don’t really make stories of the characters I draw. I’m trying to convey a feeling. I’m too nervous to share my drawings lol

>> No.3758400

I've had a story clattering around inside my empty skull for years. The only thing that got me to start actually drawing it was a cocktail of antidepressants. So it goes.
I've got the first few pages up on my website. Feels good, but also terrifying.

>> No.3758709
File: 95 KB, 486x330, im-projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3759994

Post link.

>> No.3760806

My goal is to work for foreign companies to get paid in dollars and escape the third world hellhole I live in.

>> No.3761464

Close, but no cigar.

I initially wanted to do film, but at the time, I didn't have the kind of money nor social inclination to buy a camera, hire people to be actors in my film, etc.

I started drawing thinking that I was going to do animation rather than straight film, but animation was limiting in the sheer amount of time it takes to create anything longer than 30 seconds of film.

Now I draw because I enjoy it and want to get better. I'm letting the story come out of my drawings, rather than trying to force story in.

>> No.3761473

Sounds like a you issue
If your'e depressed seek help
if you draw just to make 1 story come to life whatcha gonna do after you are finished?
>tell me your story
Start a writing club you brainlet, go to /lit/

>> No.3761868
File: 450 KB, 655x940, tzu's intro comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason i wanted to draw is when i explain things....it bores people to death. so decide just to explain stuff visually to get people invested in my work.

>> No.3761890

Excellent thought. A picture is worth a thousand words.

>> No.3764448
File: 337 KB, 495x469, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write all day everyday
>Learned to program and can make basic games
>Can't make good art of fast enough art to accent all the other skills

It's not


>> No.3764453
File: 944 KB, 1920x1080, practicegif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna preface this with..
I usually hang out on /x/

I bought a tablet 2 days ago, and have been drawing nonstop after drawing basically nothing for 3-4 years. I used to draw all the time.

I experienced a lot of crazy supernatural shit, especially some crazy situations with demons, and I want to create it
I've tried drawing it before, but it doesn't capture the feel properly

So I'm trying to learn animation.

I've made like 3 animations with my tablet so far, and this is the only one I feel like I could post without 10,000% hating myself.

>> No.3764455

I just wanna draw pleasing things for myself and other people on the internet, never gonna make money off this nonsense

>> No.3766456

You may be a schizophenic, anon.

>> No.3766477

I have no idea or story I want to draw, I just like drawing.
80% of the time I’m just doing life drawing or quickposes