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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3747951 No.3747951 [Reply] [Original]

Wacom drivers

>> No.3747958

you should be more thankful.

>> No.3747963

How does the standard company for drawing tablets still have such utter shite drivers? What the fuck are the monkeys doing in their offices?

>> No.3747965

No. I'm paying for this shit. I at least want my purchase to work correctly.

>> No.3747971

download the right driver retard. holy shit. read the instructions?

>> No.3747974

Not sure if bait or retarded or ignorant or non-artist or normie or whatever, but wacom is infamous for their bad drivers.

>> No.3747977

outsourced chinese programmers

>> No.3747978

why does mine work fine?

think again. download the right driver.

>> No.3747979

It's funny because the "right ones" from the instructions literally don't work on most current sold tablets. You need to download the 2017 driver from an asian website for it to work.

>> No.3747981

didn't know wacom employees browsed this board

>> No.3747983


yeah you're a special one.

>> No.3747986

looks like someone can't even afford a tablet kek

>> No.3748004

>restart computer
>tablet works great
>shut lid
>open lid later
>pressure sensitivity gone
>try a dozen different drivers, power settings, etc.
>still keeps happening
>it's windows 10 so it takes roughly a year to restart

It's hard enough to be a wageslave and have time to draw and this shit just cuts more and more into your time spent learning/working

>> No.3748007

I feel you, OP
I had to buy a new tablet because wacom wouldn't keep updating the drivers for my perfectly fine old tablet when I upgraded to a new windows version

>> No.3748008

You clearly havent used any other companies products, Wacom is a dream compared to other crap.

>> No.3748016

If you're serious I don't want to even imagine how bad it is with other stuff

>> No.3748030

>connect grapic tablet to computer tablet
>if keyboard on display is activated or changed into non window mode while graphic tablet is connected, touch on tablet and graphic tablet stops working

>> No.3748037

u just gave yourself away. 3/10 trolling.

>> No.3748044

objectively wrong. Wacom drivers always shit out on me but my boi huion has never given me problems

>> No.3748049

not entirely sure what you mean but have a nice day kek

>> No.3748060

can't believe someone still doesn't know how to restart shitty wacom drivers

>> No.3748062

>Windows search
>Type "Services"
>Click in "View local services"
>Look for "Wacom" in the service list
>Highlight it or right click it, then choose the "restart" option

>> No.3748066

>how to kill your ssd

>> No.3748070

nevermind ignore this >>3748066 I'm retarded and read >>3748062 wrong

>> No.3748073

imagine being this retarded. sorry, if you can't figure out wacom products, and on top of that create a thread about tablets, and troll everybody. you're a god damned retard son.

>> No.3748075

imagine sucking corporate cock for free

>> No.3748076

point made. fuck off. back to /b

>> No.3748077
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>> No.3748080

I never had issues with drivers? I don't have win10, maybe it's that? And if you're an artist, why would you use win10? It's pretty infamous for causing problems with tablet drivers and art programs

>> No.3748083

i use windows. its 100% compatible. dont listen to everything you hear. if you download the wrong model driver, its going to be fucked.

>> No.3748084
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itt dumb dumbs who cant install a simple driver correctly

>> No.3748086
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>why would you use win10?

I never made that choice

>> No.3748092

because it was a viable option for me? and millions of other people.

>> No.3748101

Yeah I do have a wacom cintiq and it's quite annoying.
sometimes I won't be able to disable the tactil touch so I will have to restart my computer.
Sometimes the cintiq won't work as a drawing tablet but only as a third monitor so I will have to restart my computer

>> No.3748108

what I wrote was after doing what you wrote 5-10 times.

>> No.3748183

I spent more time tying to fix my issues than drawing this morning. I wish these retards would quit trying to solve gender inequality and make a driver that was stable.

>> No.3748189

They're utter shit.

>> No.3748222

>The you want to quickly draw a meme
>Open csp
>Sensitivity doesn't work
>Open wacom options
>Some shit like "there is no device plugged in"
>Have to open task manager and kill all Wacom processes
>This works like 70% of the time
>Have to fiddle with input settings so that it recognizes wintab again
>This process takes like 10 minutes

>> No.3748225
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>don't feel like drawing anymore

>> No.3748228

Most of the time I say fuck it and draw on paper

>> No.3748232

Nice. This is more Wacom support than I normally get. Your input is appreciated.

>> No.3748330
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Linux doesn't have this problem. Flawless Wacom drivers come preinstalled.

Based satania poster

>> No.3748430


I end up just rebooting my PC, takes a minute and is a pain in the ass but it works pretty consistently.

>> No.3748433


>> No.3748438

I have nothing to contribute to this thread other than the fact that I just came from /o/, and as such misread the op as saying “woman drivers”. I wholly agreed with the sentiment implied with the accompanying pic, and when I realized that op actually typed “Wacom drivers” I found that I still agreed.

>> No.3748643
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>> No.3748669

Stop installing all that bloatware and all those games and maybe you won't have any problems.
I have 0.

>> No.3748798

Switched from Wacom this Christmas :) xp-pen my new friend

>> No.3748809

I have to wonder what you were thinking when typing this. Like, genuinely, I would love to see someone's face as they sit in front of their [WACOM TABLET], looking up at their monitor, typing something like this. Out of curiosity, can you tell me how you feel after typing this?

>> No.3748908


>> No.3748913

>haven't updated the driver for a little while
>randomly a bunch of software crashes right at startup
>start shutting off services one-by-one to find the bastard because safe mode works just fine
>only used it on that device to have their remote work

how on this ungodly earth did they manage to do that with just one semi-old driver (mid 2018)

>> No.3748915


still butt hurt from yesterday.

>> No.3748916

Let me guess. Windows?
Never had a problem with Wacom drivers. I have only ever used Linux or macOS. Windows is notoriously shit with drivers.

>> No.3748932

fucking kek, top-tier pasta

>> No.3749207

No need to be butthurt anon. Instead make a clean install of your OS and start using it as a working machine. Then maybe you wont have all those driver related problems anymore.

You're like a hobo living in a dumpster complaining about the smell.

>> No.3749217 [DELETED] 

>replying to pasta

>> No.3749224 [DELETED] 

>replying to template pasta

>> No.3749231

>replying to template pasta

I hate it when this happens. It takes forever to restart my computer and by the time it does, I don't feel like doing anything anymore. Shit sucks.

>> No.3749282

>>replying to template pasta
So what? That anon used it cause they are arguing back.

>> No.3749322
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dude who even cares jus calm and lif some waits... just a internet comment...

>> No.3749375

yeah, bout that... using intuos4 on arch with gnome / wayland ain't exactly smooth experience, utilities are broken and I get 2 pointers: one for mouse one for pen, also some weird, weird behavior.

Though, not to shit on developers, on debian 6 I had never (not once) had any reason to complain. It was golden out of the box.

>> No.3749810

>2 pointers
As someone who uses my left hand to draw and my right hand for the mouse, it sounds like a dream come true feature.

>> No.3750723

So muh this

>> No.3750726

So much this*

>> No.3753814
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>Huion drivers

Getting my GT-195 to fucking work with dual monitors was the biggest pain in the ass.

>> No.3753829

>women drivers

>> No.3753830

>Asian drivers

>> No.3753847

Thats just wayland still being shoddy.
Fallback to x until its more mature.
also reeeeeeee stop using gnome

That's probably trivial to enable as a setting (at least on linucks)

>> No.3754171

Wacom is so good to me idk how you guys have fucked up tablets

>> No.3754557

Sometimes going to "wacom tablet preference file utility" and clicking "remove" under all user preferences helps for me. Don't know if that would work but it couldn't hurt to give it a shot.

>> No.3755418

What most japanese companies do. They sit around pretending to work until they're boss is ready to leave, then go drinking with coworkers (it's rude to refuse an invitation from your boss), then pretend to have fun until your boss is ready to leave, then come home late at night. Honestly this wouldn't even be that bad if those in charge were actually competent, but no they're just old people who are only in charge because their fathers were.

Also keep in mind the only reason Wacom is THE company to get drawing tablets from is because they had a monopoly due to patent laws. No competition means no alternatives for tablets, either get fucked by Wacom or don't use tablets. Expect Wacom to die out in a decade or so, once current artists get older and start recommending other tablets to the younger generation.

>> No.3755571


>> No.3758171

I've used W7 until november 2018, my wacom drivers would fail every motherfucking day of their lives.

>> No.3758177

i updated my computer to mojave cause i'm a sick fuck.

now my intuous3 isn't supported by that OS and so fuck me right?
guess i have a new table mat.

>> No.3759981

>doing this once every hour during your work day
based wacom
Lucky I guess. My experience has been awful on everything since XP.