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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 774 KB, 929x848, IC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3735827 No.3735827 [Reply] [Original]

>these are the people giving "crits" and redlining on /ic/
what a joke of a board.

>> No.3735829

More importantly, both are shit.

>> No.3735831

i bet you its a woman who made that. A sexless woman with black rimmed glaseses and a dyke haircut but calls herself "queer". And she doesnt understand that straight men like big boobies and bimbo sluts

>> No.3735834

left is even more anatomically incorrent, just look at those long basketball alien arms on a woman, and the nonexistant tummy and fabric.

>> No.3735835
File: 7 KB, 220x285, 73e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One red line represents all /ic/

>> No.3735839


>> No.3735841

the redline is always worse, unless its redlining a literal stickfigure that was drawn by someone that touched a pencil for the first time ever.

>> No.3735843

I like right face better
but her right arm need some adjustment

>> No.3735845

Shit, I didn’t even notice the arms and hands were bigger and it’s been years since I first saw this.
What possible purpose would you have to make a woman’s hands bigger?
What I never figured out is if the shit on her upper arm is just leftover lines the “fixer” missed or if it’s supposed to be cellulite.

>> No.3735847

That's not even from /ic/

>> No.3735848

Post the rest, op

>> No.3735853

>What possible purpose would you have to make a woman’s hands bigger?
didn't the hands is suppose to be longer than haft of the forearm?
the fixed version of the arm is fucked

>> No.3735855
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>> No.3735856
File: 1.33 MB, 1480x1062, 3D9AB469-F7D3-47AB-B5EF-9AF15A4EC4C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fixes your oc in your path

>> No.3735859
File: 1.35 MB, 1700x2349, D384C391-D896-4111-AE30-0D91AFCCBF3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3735864
File: 960 KB, 1502x1063, D5146B24-6747-481A-B489-B266A07954ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3735870

>gets turned into the virgin for no reason

>> No.3735872

It's a pretty naive critique, but I do agree that the dress needed to be fixed. A lot of people who draw clothing, especially on manga characters, have this nasty habit of turning any fabric on the planet into skin-hugging latex and for many types of clothing it doesn't fucking work. Yeah, it's an easy way to ignore both texture and fabric folds, but it's also lazy. Also, what probably frustrates the most is that you can tell there wasn't much thought put into how weight and gravity functions for BOTH drawings based on the bust straps on both. They hug the skin, which just shows that neither understands how tension works, since the with how tight that dress is, it either needs to be supported by a bra, or those straps need to hug and pull, damn it.

Right face is better, but still doesn't really show personality. "Generic" is subjective, and to be perfectly honest, they're both miserably generic. They have weak silhouettes and would have a shit time standing out in a character line up or a crowd. The critique is mostly a matter of minor variation in taste (since both have poorly constructed lips, both have poorly established noses, and both hide ears and jaw connections to the neck)

Also, the original artist obviously drew with a massive hard on the entire time. Protip if you are the artist and you're reading this (or if anyone else cares) high color contrast and heavy use of lines draw attention. The girl on the right at least has a face that is easy to pay attention to because her underbust and hips aren't noisy as shit with lines to show how T h I c C and t I g H t her body and clothes are. Tell a more interesting story besides "she's a wine mom with a shit-fitting dress

Also, ffs make a background. If you're going to draw a boring 3/4 portrait of a woman who's most interesting part of her design is a weird, unexplained necklace, at least give my eyes something to look at besides a gradient. Even random shapes with modest texture work. Anything really

>> No.3735873

>her bf% is too low! just because she’s athletic doesn’t mean she has no fat!
>uhh, muscles make your boobs small, sweetie

>> No.3735874

These two aren't terrible t b h

>> No.3735875

lol at that face

>> No.3735878

It’s a character concept sketch for an indie weeb game, you autistic dunning kruger

>> No.3735879
File: 642 KB, 800x420, no boobs ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah cause fit girls can't have breasts.
You gotta be fat to have boobs..OK.Also creases in the crotch NEVER happens.

>> No.3735882
File: 167 KB, 1200x1600, C4D2FAD7-8DF2-4776-AE39-3CD19EEAACAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t want to cherrypick, you can see the whole thing yourself

>> No.3735885

I don't give a shit. Everything I said was accurate. Also, I haven't paid attention to Yanderedev in centuries. Lol I'm sorry you're offended.

>> No.3735886

>Everything I said was accurate
Crabbased and dkpilled

>> No.3735887

This has nothing to do with /ic/ fag

>> No.3735893
File: 416 KB, 750x1071, 1528687667172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to disagree. Just know you're wrong.

>> No.3735895
File: 3.22 MB, 3122x3106, 868F38DC-9026-4B3E-A587-07C874638FDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Deformed manboob haver

>> No.3735896

the ponytail was the only thing i agree with
>>3735856 i agree with the tone downed blush
these are all very nitpicky with the art style.
its like they wanted it look more western anime tumblr style.
I mean the art style already looked like a western drew them.

>> No.3735897

We had this exact thread with these exact images multiple times before, stop bumping this retarded drama shit and report it instead.

>> No.3735899

dang i agree with the chest but why change the art style though?
Why did kiwifarm keep changing the art style of the drawings?

>> No.3735901
File: 555 KB, 720x700, Screenshot_2018-09-03-09-29-47-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta admit the feet looks pretty good
sage, but god damn it, every time lol

>> No.3735904

>posts pic
2014 newfag detected

>> No.3735916

dont like, ignore it

>> No.3735921


>> No.3735923

An ugly kiwifarm roastie did this

>> No.3735976

all of these ''fixes'' look like complete trash
i really hope this is bait

>> No.3735982

yandere dev's community is filled with catty bitches looking to one up each other at any cost.

>> No.3735992

That explains everything. Fucking roasties.

>> No.3736070

This. The redesigns look like shit but just sage and move on.

>> No.3736154

The fixes are trash but entertaining, so here's a bump.

>> No.3736159

There are females on kiwifarms?

>> No.3736176

They probably make up the majority of the userbase. Kiwifarms is a forum the revolves around discussing the latest drama and gossip around various types of "ecelebs" so across they'll be attracted to that type of forum like flies to shit. Just check any thread that revolves around someone that's active on Tumblr.

>> No.3736184

Good point. I don't visit the site much, but I've always figured 'lolcow' documentation was a male-oriented passtime. I can see why it would appeal to the psychological tendencies of women.

>> No.3736189

That redline wasn't even made by a d/ic/k
But by a kiwifarms autist

>> No.3736303

This. Anything remotely associated with lolcow culture is basically fujoshit and failedfemale territory.

I'm no better, but every type of person has an opposite gender equivalent so yeah.

>> No.3736311

did you guys see the new tweet CWC made. crazy!

>> No.3736339

Maybe it was a mostly male oriented forum a long time ago when it was the CWCforum and mainly discussed Chris's latest antics. But I guess after it transformed into a forum to discuss general lolcow shit, more of the female users started to swarm in.

I sometimes find a few of the threads entertaining. But browsing the site can be a big waste of time. Often it just feels like "failed normies" making fun of people even lower on the totem pole. Even in the SJW art thread, a lot of the artists they make fun of are still way more technically skilled than me, they just have either an awful art style or the subject matter they draw is awful.

If you look at the kiwifarm artists from the redraw thread these images was linked to, these artists are way worse compared to this yandare artist guy. I think they need to spend more time grinding studies instead of making fun of people (like /ic/ needs to do too)

>> No.3736340


>right face is better

This is how I know you are a complete retard with nothing of value to say. The "crit" is 100% wrong and the person who did it should immediately kill themselves.

>> No.3736352

Did you not read the rest of the sentence?

>> No.3736434

>but I've always figured 'lolcow' documentation was a male-oriented passtime
Only certain weird/gross people like CWC and Terry Davis attract a male fanbase. Women usually go after semi-successful internet artists, makeup tutorial people, vloggers, etc.

>> No.3736562

I thought lolcow and kiwifarms were exclusively for women. Don't they ban you if you say you're a guy? Or am I confusing it another shitty drama site?

>> No.3736642

lolcow is female exclusive, kiwifarms acc epts anything. KF is infested with trannies and furries

>> No.3736824
File: 120 KB, 750x880, Wimin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because anyone who is athletic definitely doesn't have any body fat.

But runners actually are ripped as fuck, they're probably the athletes with the lowest bf %.
Also that pose makes the muscles show up a bit even with normal body fat.
Fucking crabs.

>> No.3736838

What the fuck?

The guy on the left is clearly a parody of a "gamer" guy.

The stupid haircut, the facial hair and the bandana make perfect sense. Yes, the glasses are retarded and cliche, but who cares?

The one on the right is a completely different character.
A random generic guy, playing a videogame, depressed for whatever reason.

Also the fact that this guy randomly smudges the drapery really triggers me.

>> No.3736842

Does this person even know perspective? Look at the eyes. His left eye is way too small. His head isn't even tilted that far

>> No.3736878

>left: sexy, obviously showcasing sex appeal, I wanna fuck her
>right: neutered, looks underconfident
This one’s not AWFUL, because a lot of time anime artists over render muscle when the person should be less muscly. It doesn’t offend drastically
Looks more realistic but not necessarily better. Also
>fixing the eyebrows for no reason
This one’s just someone misunderstanding anime tropes
M-Makoto? But I kinda get this one. When I see anime uguu on some really detailed body or something, it kinda bothers me too.

>> No.3736960

>Don't they ban you if you say you're a guy?
crystal.cafe is the one that bans males

>> No.3737348

Why'd they take that long hair strand out? My hair does that sometimes it's literally just string on your head it does weird stuff

>> No.3737551
File: 33 KB, 748x563, 1545873830991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3737762

>buttblasted kiwifarmers
Fuck off faggot. Sage.