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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3733972 No.3733972 [Reply] [Original]

>Get back
>Mum stares at you with funny looks
>Book actually contains all your anime girl art
What would you do in this situation?

>> No.3733980

move out of your moms house

>> No.3733989


You condition your mom to anime girl by deliberately decorating your room full of anime girl. Problem solved.

>> No.3734016

start drawing something else

>> No.3734021
File: 170 KB, 858x582, 1516073044446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your drawings so we may asses the type of damage done

>> No.3734255

Just dress up as a cute anime girl

>> No.3734278

This is the most alpha response. Own it, OP.

>> No.3734289

she problably you are deviant sexual predator and in worst case she thinks u are pedo

>> No.3734299

Hug my mum and tell her I miss her and love her

>> No.3734302

make your mom dress up as a cute anime girl

>> No.3734314

Own it and stop caring so much about what others think, that counts for your parents as well.
Also tell her to not invade your privacy and that it was rude on her part to do so.
Keep drawing depravated shit as if nothing has happened.
If she does it again, start invading her privacy as well by checking her phone/pc everytime you get a chance and make sure to let her know about it. Also prepare yourself to find stuff you might not like and that can traumatize you.

>> No.3734357
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 1522711026836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mum is famous artist
>instead of disappointed at my oddball sexual interests she is disappointed at my cringey art avenue

>> No.3734722

Happened to me, except it was my sister. She was like, "Did you draw this?", I was like "yep", and she walked away. Probably act as never happened though, or forgot, or told my parents about that. who knows? That was a long time ago.

>> No.3734725

just draw

>> No.3734727

Not give a shit and continue to do what I do

>> No.3734745

>don't draw weeb trash
>problem solved

Was it that hard?

>> No.3734763

best post. I draw semi-realistic, comic-like art and I can freely leave my shit around with no shame.

>> No.3734766


>> No.3734776

it depends, how old are you?

>> No.3734783

I just Draw portraits so anyone can look through my shit without discovering secret weeb shit.

>> No.3734791

You are retarded. I just draw all my girls and porn digitally. I scan anything traditional, then trash it. Sketch books are what I carry around in the public view so they don't have anything remotely female in them to ensure no weird looks besides, "Oh he's a fucking nerd."

>> No.3734795

that some psycho tier advice anon.

>> No.3734798

I draw all my realism and studies anywhere, but draw my uguu only on my laptop in my room.

>> No.3734816
File: 91 KB, 524x524, archillect-1077000927096254465-20181223_194005-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i acutally prevent this by buying so much fucking copy paper and sketchbooks that no one fucking bothers to look at them.

also helps having decoy sketchbooks.

also helps taking a pic of the degen trash and burning the acutal paper.

>> No.3734862

Stop being an adult that lives with their partents.
Or stop posting here, since you aren't an adult yet.

>> No.3734893

Not living with your parents is also a great idea.

>> No.3735230

You are lucky, 6 years ago mom found my pony sketchbook
To be honest, Im glad I grew out of it

>> No.3735282

>don't draw exclusively anime girls
>move out of the house since I'm in my 20s and shouldn't still be dealing with nosy parents looking at my sketchbooks
There were lewds in that sketchbook too weren't there, OP? Anime girls by themselves aren't usually enough to garner weird looks if they're all safe for work.

>> No.3735288

Stop using a sketchbook to draw, problem solved.

>> No.3735289
File: 15 KB, 199x199, 1510886324139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditionalfag problems
Kek'd keep working tradie but make sure not to draw to hard or else you'll leave smudges when you erase

>> No.3735290

oh look at the big boys, sharing rent with your smelly friends with benefits is just as retarded so stop acting all high and mighty fuck'o's

>> No.3735335

Shut up little kid. Adults are talking.

>> No.3735536

ask for her honest opinion on my works

have you drawn your sister? if so post it

>> No.3735538


lmao not even but living with your parents means you can save massive amount of money. You're just mad your mommy kicked you out and now you have to live with total strangers.

>> No.3735547

based and red pilled

>> No.3735549

That's nothing

My mom found my folder filled with loli images I drew and told me she deleted it all

>> No.3735553

How does your mom know about the delete button? My mom has to ask me to do every little thing on the computer.

>> No.3735564

the only weeb stuff I draw is ghibli and pokemon and it's just cute. Maybe just stop drawing lolis or whatever gross shit you're so scared of getting caught with?

>> No.3735566

You should stop assuming anon. Thare's those things called girl/boyfriends. I'm sure you must have heard about it. Being a leech to your parents certainly doesn't save -them- any money.

>> No.3735571

lmao stay mad haha.

>> No.3735596

Leech spotted.

>> No.3735617


I contribute a small portion of $400/month. Stay mad lololololol.

>> No.3735621

>Stay mad
Are you sure I'm the one that is mad here?

>I contribute a small portion of $400/month
>a small portion
At least you aren't lying to yourself.
Stay classy, leech.

>> No.3735624
File: 242 KB, 619x471, 1395446145317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still talking to me? Don't you got your boyfriend to be diddling on this fine Christmas morning in your $3000 apartment leased to you by Fecklstien?

>> No.3735730

>decoy sketchbooks
You're just being paranoid bro.

>> No.3735756

Did the experience assist your rapid growth?

>> No.3735758

Paranoid, or just really depraved.

>> No.3735765

I'm sure she was scrambling so much to find it that she eventually figured it out.

>> No.3735769

Getting rid of the pic after saving a digital copy of it is enough, no need to put that much effort to ruse your mom, even if you draw some weird fetish shit imo.

>> No.3735808

I was right. You -are- mad, kek.

>> No.3735816


>> No.3735861

No, I haven't drawn my sister. My sister was the one who looked at the book.

>> No.3736586
File: 177 KB, 160x160, happyatra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw cute anime girls with sexy butts
>mum finds my sketchbook and looks through it
>gives me critiques on how to make them look better

>> No.3736601

At $400 a month, you could easily move into a Flat/ Apartment and your roommates wouldn't give a shit about what you draw

>> No.3736621

Not as much as s3 did, I barely survived that shitstorm and slowly left the fandom when I got interested in anime again

>> No.3736689

What the hell is a flat? We don't have those here in Florida.

>> No.3736693

he said flat/apartment you brainlet, the / as in OR

>> No.3736697

Why would I live with total strangers?