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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 329 KB, 1125x1458, C2054124-F27A-467B-9E2A-DF87352E6C4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3733811 No.3733811 [Reply] [Original]

How do I deal with this feel?

>> No.3733813

thats just you reminding yourself how much of a fucking cuck you are.

>> No.3733814
File: 573 KB, 710x842, 1513373953696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just kinda stopped looking at other artists for like 5 months and now its better but still makes me feel a litte sad
also checked

>> No.3733816

there's always someone better than you: if your self confidence is based on being the world's best, is more like naive delusion or plain craziness

>> No.3733818

You should see a psychiatrist

>> No.3733822

You are either good or you are shit. The art game is brutal. I've picked up the pencil a couple of times but I've almost quit at this point. So many people are better than me and they learn faster too. I can't compete. I'm not stupid enough to keep drawing when most of what I make is shit. It's not even fun either, to be honest.

>> No.3733827

You can't, just try to not watch too many other artists.

>> No.3733830
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I used to get this horrible sinking feeling in my chest, but I'm kind of desensitized to it by now. It just means they spent their younger years working much harder than I did, and I only have myself to blame for that. It doesn't affect me now because I'm me, and they're them - I still have the rest of my life to get good and age doesn't matter. I'll just take my time, no pressure. :)

>> No.3733835
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I was dealing with this a few months ago. Some 16 year old gay kid with rich parents (I'm 18) is better than me. Instead of writhing like a little faggot I used this as motivation to make up for all my wasted time. I don't think I've caught up to him just yet, but I think I will surpass him by next December. This has honestly helped me drastically improve my art, I've improved a shit ton in 6 months.

>> No.3733895
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>> No.3734009

If Just at the age of 18, you're gonna be better than this 16-year old, Imagine what that 16-year old can do if he's at your age

>> No.3734025

There's even a crab.

>> No.3734027

I know these feels. At this point I almost never go looking at other people's art. It's better to just keep your mind off of it. The only time I compare my own stuff to others is if I'm following a tutorial/anatomy lesson. I still sometimes feel like shit about how many better artists are out there and how much I still suck, but I try not to dwell on it. Just try and focus on improving your own art, compare your progress to yourself a year ago and you'll almost always see some degree of improvement.

>> No.3734037

Drawing isn't a competition, retard. Enjoy it and learn at your own pace.

>> No.3734039
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>> No.3734045

It's a little disheartening, but it's good to be humbled sometimes. All that it means is that you need to draw and study more.
Anyways, I love studying the art of those that are better than me, especially rough work, because you can see how the artist did it, their process and how they fit things together. It's endlessly fascinating and a joy to see, and it gives me new ideas on how to aporoach art.

>> No.3734057

Stop focusing on other artists and worry about yourself.

>> No.3734064

Fuck it dude more motivation.

>> No.3734204

The right still loses to the left though
What did he mean by this?

>> No.3734205
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When I was a teen, middle was me. I never cared if some retard kid at x age draw well ever, because that never matters when they ultimately drop it in the future because of boredom, or whore out and as a result, get worse over time.

As an adult, it's not about "better" than me, it's how people can still have the passion to draw something artistically challenging and do it well that gets me. Everyday I draw, it looks better than past works, but it looks soulless as fuck to me now. I want to look at my work like it's something new and feel confident about it.

>> No.3734206

Just draw.

>> No.3734216

Its a D&D game where your character stays dead. That little bitch is gonna eat shit.

>> No.3734221

Grinding /= better.
The general public of millennials don't care about quality. A balance of both sides of this image is the only way to make a living now.

>> No.3734224

>getting saddened by the competition
I strive off that feeling the thought of some kid younger then me being better pushes me to go further
There's no such thing as natural born talent
Everyone works to get skilled
The reason your art is trash competitive to others is because you're not trying hard enough
Don't sugercoat that fact and wallow in self pity

>> No.3734242

I just lowball my comission pricesto absurd levels so people will pick me over my peers.
Why pay $50 for a fully rendered puece from Anon A when Anon B is putting out lower quality ones for $8?
I’ve been told to raise my prices but I know it’s just the haters trying to stay competitive.

>> No.3734246

>There's no such thing as natural born talent
There is though.
There are people that naturally get a feel for shapes and values and such within weeks of starting drawing that other people have been studying hard at for months.
It’s not ENTIRELY talent, sure, but that doesn’t mean it don’t exist.

>> No.3734248

I started tracking some artist whose works I enjoy. Then I found out he's 4 years young on the same birthday

Then I keep telling myself age is just a number

>> No.3734473

I only look at great artists who are so much better that my brain doesn't even recognize them as competition, more like legendary gods. I would probably feel like your pic if I looked for people my age and with my experience.

>> No.3734483

I've drawn like 10 hours a day for 6 years and I was still worse than 16yos who made Steven universe fan art on Tumblr

It's pointless if you don't have talent, and you have to start early too
I quit drawing and started reading instead

>> No.3734484

Its called caring too much about others than yourself.

>> No.3734487

This is bullshit. The bad cake remains untouched if it doesn't taste good

>> No.3735306

That just means they start reaching the skill cieling faster then you do
If it takes you months you just have to be that much more dedicated
Call it unfair, bullshit or whatever but that was the hand you were dealt no use crying about it now
You work with what you got and if you work hard enough you'll make it

>> No.3735312

I don’t care about all that shit, I’m just saying talent is a real thing that does exist.

>> No.3735316

>I've drawn like 10 hours a day for 6 years

>> No.3735427
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Then what are you still doing here?
Post work fag.

>> No.3735437

If your competition being better than you makes you feel threatened, you're working in an over-saturated market.

>> No.3735450


Thank god i'm not this pathetic
You draw for yourself not for other people, retard. Same thing goes for other artistic activities

>> No.3735488

>I've drawn like 10 hours a day for 6 years
>It's pointless if you don't have talent
Jesus fuck, people seriously expect to improve if they Just Draw™. It's more than just drawing for 10 hours a day, everyday. You actually have to put effort into improving. There's a difference between drawing, and studying (which you're obviously not doing if you haven't improved after your supposed 22000 hours of drawing). Try both.

>> No.3735529
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>I've drawn like 10 hours a day for 6 years and I was still worse than 16yos who made Steven universe fan art on Tumblr

How is that even possible? do you have a learning disability or do you just doodle aimlessly? read the sticky and apply Loomis to your work for 10 hours a day for one year and you'll BTFO those tumblrites in no time.

>> No.3735642

It's same as gaming, you can spend 2000 h playing some games and not really improve, since you aren't focused at it. This is what happens to me in dota2, after years of gaming it I actually became worse, obviously I knew all the basics and even advanced stuff, but I didn't try.

>> No.3735645
File: 75 KB, 850x400, quote-the-sadness-will-last-forever-vincent-van-gogh-43-91-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Van gogh died a mentally ill wreck and only sold 1 painting his entire life.

>> No.3735659

ngmiest thing i've heard all day

>> No.3735686

Don't compare yourself to others or else you will never gonna make it

>> No.3735688

All of our skills are in some part based on our physical self. Some people have a naturally better eye for colour, or for detail. Some have the imagination to make abstract art something more than a ton of shit on paper. Some are great at carpentry and carving, but shit at sculpture in stone. Use the things that come easily to you and then work on the things related to your field that don't come as easily. Some people lack imagination and will never come up with original concepts, but they may be great at reproduction work because of that same lack of imagination. Be yourself, don't seek approval, don't compare yourself to others until you have enough confidence in your art to not take a confidence hit.

There are artists born colour blind who have used computer programming to assist them with reproducing colours correctly, so not having a particular skill isn't the end. Not pushing yourself or putting the time in is the end though. As with so many things in life, ignoring what other people think and do will make you a much happier person.

>> No.3735690

I don't get why age matters though. If you're good at something it doesn't matter when you start and if you lack a certain attribute then thousands of hours work may not improve your ability. What you do have control over is the time and effort you put in, and the trajectory of your learning.
If you like Anime and want to be an Anime artist more than anything, don't just focus on that. Find the overlapping fields and practice those too. Just grinding a single style without looking into fine art and the technical aspects of art, even those unrelated to your field, will leave holes in your skillset. As an example I like to make things from metal, but I try to get experience with all tools and multiple other types of medium. It may be in time I find I have more of a feel for wood, and that moving wood is something I have more skill at. Which in turn is more rewarding. I could be desolate because I really wanted to be a metal sculptor, or I could revel in the freedom of artistic expression that I find translates more easily for me with wood.

Basically, don't pigeonhole yourself. Even if you live and breathe Anime, you might turn out to be hot shit at realism. Don't shut out any possibilities.

>> No.3735706
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>It's same as gaming, you can spend 2000 h playing some games and not really improve, since you aren't focused at it.

Well of course you're not likely to improve if you're not gonna focus on the game, I play fighting games and got better at them by being more observant and getting rid of bad habits.
>Who's my main?
>What are my characters match-ups?
>What are my best footsies/jump-ins/meaties/target combos?
>What's a good way to break throws?

You don't have to shut your brain off just because you're playing a video game, and if you want to get good I'm sure there's shit loads of people on youtube who can teach you how.

>This is what happens to me in dota2, after years of gaming it I actually became worse, obviously I knew all the basics and even advanced stuff, but I didn't try.
>I didn't try.

Why not? if you don't care about being good at dota2 that's cool and all but why dump hour after hour in competitive ASSFAGGOTS if you're not gonna at least try? there's better games to play if you just want to be comfy.

>> No.3735837

Don't be a stupid spoiled bitch.

>> No.3735957

accept the fact that no matter what you do, someone will do it way better than you in every way. welcome to the real world.

>> No.3736276

>ah well, I'm not the hardest worker so I should expect those who put in more effort to make more progress than me
>it's a big world out there, I've just accepted the fact that there are people who are better than me, and I'm fine with that

>> No.3736448

the weak will perish fool,
will you fade into the mound, or will you be carved into the skyline of titans?

>> No.3736494
File: 52 KB, 736x593, dc6de5bf1a4363bd419400049bf02b61639f932c_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm becoming a registered nurse
>mfw I draw for fun and at this point I really don't care about people drawing better than me

Damn. Feels good to not be an artist.

>> No.3736858

but art history will make you better at drawing. not being a frazzled mentally ill wreck will make you better at drawing. building a supportive network of people who will give you good feedback will make you better at drawing. even going to the gym and lifting will make you better at drawing cause you'll get dem forearm gains.

>> No.3737384

Focus on your own shit, pitying yourself won't improve your skills. If all goes wrong use spite as your motivation to move forward.

>> No.3737407

You already said that once, faggot.

>> No.3737445

Turn these artists into your goal. Keep improving your art until you can say to yourself that your pieces are comparable to theirs. That’s what I do to cope with it at least.

>> No.3737475


>> No.3737480

>Hurrr if you didn't improve you clearly haven't studied
Posting my work makes no difference, my best work is decent. But I just can't do shit reliably. I can't achieve consistency no matter how carefully I construct. I have all the methods for construction in my head but it's like I can't apply those proportions to my work. Everything comes out wonky and unprofessional and since I wanted to do comics I simply cannot have bad consistency
I have studied a lot. I've done hours every day of life drawing and gestures, I have taken portraits, I have practiced construction. My work simply didn't get above mediocre. Maybe I'm just too stupid to learn art, at this point I've given up. I wouldn't settle for /beg/ tier
Sorry for the bad formatting, I'm phone posting from bed

>> No.3737598

Don't give up, you'll get there eventually. Could you describe exactly how you go about studying? What's your 10 hour schedule like? What do you do? I would like to help, but I'm genuinely stumped on how you can't improve after that much time. Also, have you considered getting a tutor or going through online art courses?

>> No.3737709

If it makes no difference, post em anyways. I'm curious of what your work looks like

>> No.3737715

who said you were to begin with?

>> No.3737754

I don't draw anymore. I just quit a few years ago.
I would spend most of the time working on my comic, then do some study from life and some painting.
I have no money for a tutor, I can hardly get by. My heads are still misshapen despite having practiced so much with construction, I even bought a 3d app that lets me copy the planar head... Nothing. It's like I can't learn.

I can't find anything in the archive, I've destroyed everything here at home.

>> No.3737802

>I would spend most of the time working on my comic, then do some study from life and some painting.

There's your problem. It should be the other way around, until you are good. Also, construction is something you have to internalize, not just copy. If it feels difficult to do, then you haven't internalized enough. For it to be truly useful, you have to be fluent.

>> No.3737806

there's an artist name pigeon

i feel sad because when i first met she wasnt so good as me then WOW so much better arts understanding
like how they do it i shouldnt even exist im so bad by compare

>> No.3737850

Not me, dude. Not me.

>> No.3737857

Stop projecting your learning disabilities.

>> No.3737896

I have a different feel. I’ve been in love with a girl for over five years. She was with some dude since about the time I met her. I found someone else who I was happy with for a little bit. I love the new girl but she and I don’t share any fundamental beliefs, political, religious, materialism, etc and it sometimes causes issues. the first girl just broke up with the dude she was gonna get married to and we’ve been talking more again. I’m still in love with her. We share a lot of the same fundamentals. I’ve been constantly tempted to be with her instead, but I don’t even know that she feels the same way about me. It would be dumb to break up with the girl I’ve been with for four years only to get turned down...I really don’t know what to do about this. Why is the timing always so screwed up for me in things like this.

>> No.3737922

It's so fucking funny that people who posts things like "I've drawn for 9999 hours/day for 99 years and I still suck!!!!!" either:
a) fails to post any work at all
b) fails to show that they've put any substantial effort to their work (aka their work consists of entirely low-effort 5-minute scribbles)
Guess what dipshit? If you've really drawn as much as you've said you did, I can guarantee you that you can still find at least ONE scrap of your work.

Fact is, you don't even understand just how absurdly, mind-numbingly massive "10 hours/day x 6 years" is, because surprise surprise, you didn't actually go through it.
Just so you know, that is 21,900 hours of drawing. Just let it sink in just how absurd that is. Of course, I'm not even surprised if you still can't comprehend just how massive that is, considering you probably don't even have 100 hours worth of mileage spread thin across those 6 years.

If you really are too stupid that even 21,900 hours of drawing didn't get you good, you probably don't have enough intellect to even form coherent sentences, much less develop enough discipline to draw 10 hours a day for 6 years straight in the first place.

And of those 21,900 hours worth of work, you managed to wiped it perfectly clean without even a single trace? Not a single slip of paper, not a single scan, not a single photograph, not a single upload you can recover, not a single sheet in someone else's possession, not a SINGLE thing?

There's so much contradictions in your fantasy, it's just hilarious.

>> No.3738055

Why? I approached the comic as a problem to solve. I put a lot of time in perspective and posing in every panel. How is that not exercise?

The truth is when someone comes out with a negative story you just won't believe them like the poster above

You need talent to make it, it doesn't matter how much time you put into your work if you don't have the capacity for it. I quit when I realized I would never be a professional

>> No.3738056

You actually grow up.

>> No.3738087
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>You need talent to make it, it doesn't matter how much time you put into your work if you don't have the capacity for it. I quit when I realized I would never be a professional

You need to take a cold shower, drink some coffee, and start drawing again faggot. Stop using "talent" to explain away your short comings, if you believe you have no talent then try doing it the old fashion way, blood/sweat/tears and hard work. If you want something bad enough the amount of time it will take to get it doesn't matter.

How is it that tumblrinas drawing MtF Marvel superheroes and π-gendered OC's have more passion for drawing than sad fucks like you? go draw some squares you square.

>> No.3738150

man, remember when people didn't give a fuck about this feel good story crap and it was all about the challenge?
good times

>> No.3738159


well you must consider, with great seriousness, the hyperbaric time chamber. Spirit's, god's, and such things are real, and they can help gain artistic skill.

myself, i should have much, much more artistic skill than i have done so far with my hands (although i have done well, and it has a nice color quality in my last comic, a fanwork of ... space computer enthusiasts)

my artistic skill, is absorbed into my computers, which they use to forge, some quite good videos, which are being assembled, for gradual deployment over time, as the world, becomes better.


this is an example of my style of music, and the bounce, ah, it comes from my youtube network of collaborators.

>> No.3738165

Honestly if Donald Trump can become the president you can become a concept artist / illustrator / comic whatever you like. Think about it.

>> No.3738177

>try doing it the old fashion way, blood/sweat/tears and hard work
See you're just deaf from those ears, I put in the hard work. I was still mediocre. It's no use.

>> No.3738501

drawing gets so much harder once you start to improve a little bit and realize that you are not as creative as you once thought you were.

it feels like whenever i improve on a technical level i am also shaving some of my creativity off. All my drawings are just super bland now, and so distant from my vision.

>> No.3738559

Nigga, who cares why someone chooses to waste their time playing dota2, lots of people have assfaggot addiction, the point >>3735529 is trying to make is just that learning how to produce good art is similar to getting better at a videogame. You're not guaranteed to improve just because you work hard and consistently, making it is a matter of focus and methodology.

>> No.3738886

Sounds like you're either doin something wrong or you have a learning disability.

>> No.3738888
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EMT's > Sociopathic Nurses

>> No.3738935


>> No.3738939

At this point I think I'm a little retarded. I had trouble learning math in high school as well and my grades were terrible... Maybe I just don't have the iq for it.

>> No.3738970

Stop pretending that you've drawn as much as you did fucktard. Post your work, no excuses, I know that you still have them

>> No.3739024

Whatever I still have that can be posted is known around the internet and I don't want to get doxxed. My work was average, nothing special. You would probably say that I'm too hard on myself and the work is good, which is bullshit. I have high standards and couldn't meet them

>> No.3739028

I don't know how you would get doxxed by sharing your work here or what would even motivate people to be doxxing you in the first place. There's several professionals who have posted here and nothing bad happened to them. Just post your shit.