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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3733637 No.3733637 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about depression for a bit? I don’t know if it is the holidays or what but lately I’ve been feeling is severely depressed. I haven’t worked on art in a couple of weeks and I have some suicidal thoughts from time to time.

Is there any advice other people with depression would have to dealing with this?

>> No.3733655

Get professional help, talk to friends/family if you have any and as for art just try your very best to draw SOMETHING a day. Even if it's just a box or a cylinder. You can do it, buddy.

>> No.3733659

Professional help is mostly a meme, but you definitely need some basics covered like friends, family, food, shelter, !physical activity! and most importantly, purpose

>> No.3733667

Talk to your family and friends if you have any. "Professional help" are expensive and honestly just yes men.

>> No.3733669

I don't have depression, but I've heard finding anything to do to distract you is alright advice.
-Like maybe read a book.
-Walking / walking & listening to audio book
-Texting someone to say hi and maybe ask to hang out with
-pamper self with like making your own food. I like making stuff like curry or mac and cheese ...or just look up recipes online. There is this website where you can enter the food you have in your fridge and it will provide recipes you can make with what you have.
-Skin care - putting on a mask or something while watching some youtube
-Clean up your desk and organize your drawing materials (what i like to do i collect all my scrap sketches I don't like and make a weird collage) Like I have a ton of bored doodles I have on lined paper, so all of that gets snipped out an put into a compilation
-get one of those puzzle boxes, dump it out, then work on it.

>> No.3733678

-Oh yeah and using a coloring book while watching a show on Netflix maybe.
-following mini tutorials
-Take care of your nails (clip, file, and use nail oil)
-rearrange furniture

>> No.3733760

Half the threads on this board are people complaining about depression and/or not being able to get good.

>> No.3733806

I got out of depression by walking 3 days a week and talking a lot to closer friends. The walking part what mostly helped was taking sun. Vitamin D is such a good thing for your body. And having the routine too,
because at least i had something that i felt obligated to do.

Depression feels like something broke on your brain, and even when you get out of the crisis you never feel the same.
Many people say there's no cure and you willl be like that for your whole life, so you have to find a way to deal with it.

Professional help is a thing, but in some situations is out of reach. But try your best to get some.

Anyway, I had suicidal thoughts too, tho i never actually wanted to die. They would just come from nothing and hit me like a truck.
But at least you are aware of your depression, thats a good sign. Now you know what you have and you know that you have to fight it.

And finally friends. Having friends and talking to them is a super important thing, afterall we are social creatures. Talk to them, let them know how you're feeling.

Good luck anon and know that this will go away somehow, but you have to make it happen.

>> No.3733820

Art is extremely hard and I don't think the people who are consistently good at it truly appreciate how talented they are. Their brains and their eye-hands work differently than the average person. Combine that with the inherit human desire to be better/competitive and you have a bunch of artists with no self-esteem who don't get better because they assume, even at their best, they will still be shit.

>> No.3733838

I don’t have friends to talk to. I’ve been feeling really down because one of my relatives is terminally ill, and everyone in my family is stressed out about it.

>> No.3733867

This, get social interaction and don't put too much pressure on yourself. But keep dedicated training. I love this quote by some Japanese artist who said that once he turned 70 his training started paying off, and once he turned 90 he actually becomes good. And at 100 he might be proud of his work. It just shows how a lifetime of dedicating yourself is really the only way you can improve on anything.

>> No.3733912

Become transgender then you can have a real depression related excuse to kill yourself.

>> No.3733930
File: 122 KB, 720x480, 14_power_glove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably some 16 year old kid who's just sad or some shit. Depression isn't real, you're just fucking stupid and lazy.

>> No.3733931

Not even depressed but
>t. uneducated faggot

>> No.3733939

1. It will pass, I guarantee it. just don't drink or do drugs.
2. Instead of fighting it, see it as an opportunity to feel sadness and hopelessness, a condition millions of people around the world are struggling with every day.
3. Once you get the courage to trust your logic that says it will pass, you can start feeling the pain with the intent to learn from it. you'll get a giant boost of compassion and understanding for every soul who struggles on this earth and you'll feel like you are sharing a burden.
4. You lift your arms to the heavens and ask for more weight.

>> No.3733978

Same anon. Maybe it's just the dreary atmosphere and weather.

>> No.3734127

Don't be an asshole, this isn't /r9k/.

>> No.3734157 [DELETED] 

why does it matter? why does it affect you that someone you don't know is sad? is it because you don't want to deal with other's problems when you already have enough? depressions a serious illness, and telling people to stop being depressed doesn't work, it just means they'll never talk to you about it.

I was pretty depressed throughout my teens, at about 17 I felt so worthless, so stupid, no friends, couldn't socialize, sucked at everything, I remember sitting in a classroom thinking about how a pile out dirt would be more worthwhile sitting in my spot. now I'm 24 and thoughts of suicide have only gotten worse. I use to think I'd never actually do it, but sometimes I think it would be just so much easier to pull the plug than progressively grow into a failure.

I don't see anyway out of this, I've never seen a future for me, I hated school and studying so I can't go back to college, I can't do something I hate, I already did that. Somebody told me I'd be a janitor growing up, and they were right, that's all I was ever going to be. But it's ironic they're working at walmart now, maybe someone told them the same thing back then.

>> No.3734164 [DELETED] 

why does it matter? why does it affect you that someone you don't know is sad? is it because you don't want to deal with other's problems when you already have enough? depressions a serious illness, and telling people to stop being depressed doesn't work, it just means they'll never talk to you about it.

I was pretty depressed throughout my teens, at about 17 I felt so worthless, so stupid, no friends, couldn't socialize, sucked at everything. I remember sitting in a classroom thinking about how a pile out dirt would be more worthwhile sitting in my spot. now I'm 24 and thoughts of suicide have only gotten worse. I use to think I'd never actually do it, but sometimes I think it would be just so much easier to pull the plug than progressively grow into a failure.

I don't see anyway out of this, I've never seen a future for me, I hated school and studying so I can't go back to college, I can't do something I hate, I already did that. Somebody told me I'd be a janitor growing up, and they were right, that's all I was ever going to be. But it's ironic they're working at walmart now, maybe someone told them the same thing back then.

>> No.3734167

why does it matter? why does it affect you that someone you don't know is sad? is it because you don't want to deal with other's problems when you already have enough? depressions a serious illness, and telling people to stop being depressed doesn't work, it just means they'll never talk to you about it.

I was pretty depressed throughout my teens, at about 17 I felt so worthless, so stupid, no friends, couldn't socialize, sucked at everything. I remember sitting in a classroom thinking about how a pile of dirt would be more worthwhile sitting in my spot. now I'm 24 and thoughts of suicide have only gotten worse. I use to think I'd never actually do it, but sometimes I think it would be just so much easier to pull the plug than progressively grow into a failure.

I don't see anyway out of this, I've never seen a future for me, I hated school and studying so I can't go back to college, I can't do something I hate, I already did that. Back in highschool somebody told me I'd be a janitor, and they were right, that's all I was ever going to be. But it's ironic they're working at walmart now, maybe someone told them the same thing back then.

>> No.3734179

Thread full of pussies. Muh depressionz, sob, sob. The medicine cabinet's full, that's not right.
You know where the key to gun safe is.

Natural selection is waiting. Don't dissappoint her.

>> No.3734202

Vitamin D supplement or about 10 mins of sunshine a day, and exercise. Exercise really helps, and the Vitamin D boosts your mood overall.

>> No.3734217

Get your life together.
Start eating healthier, exercising and sleeping properly. The effect these things have on your mental health is too often overlooked, your motivation will improve leading you to draw and you will want to socialise with others and be better at it.
These 3 things are the most effective at getting yourself out of depression and into a healthy head space.

>> No.3734381

Kindly fuck off, if you have nothing nice to say and just wanna be edgy don’t say it.

>> No.3734571

The purpose of professional help is to help sort out the basics like friends, family, job, activities and habits. If you can do it without help great, but some people can't and that's what professional help is for.

>> No.3734740

This. Exercise and get your Vitamins levels checked. Especially D3 and B12 as far as know(google their deficiency symptoms if you want to). Don't eat more than you need. Make sure you get proper nutrition and reduce carb consumption. Helps your mental health a lot.

>> No.3734779

You can do it OP, don’t think negative. You’re a good person and a wonderful human being I’m sure you’ll turn it around.

>> No.3735160

One thing I learned from therapy and was always encouraged to follow is: 'mood follows action'. It means that I had to get myself do stuff to improve my mood instead of waiting for good mood to get myself to do things.

>> No.3735195

the weak will perish

>> No.3735276

Don't give up Anon.

>> No.3735294

I wouldn't say I'm depressed but I have really intrusive thoughts along the lines of
>I'm the worst
>my art sucks
>never gonna make it
>I disappoint everyone around me
etc. Very hard to get rid of them, even when I'm actually doing good (paradoxically that's when they intensify). Sleeping on it helps but not in the long run. Any advice? (I'm a poorfag and can't afford proper therapy for now)

>> No.3735301

depressed morons are usually people who are living either in the past or in the future and never in the present.

>> No.3735587

Try and be nice.

>> No.3735623
File: 15 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happiness is not the purpose of life (which is meaningless) It is a fleeting feeling that comes and goes. Not something that can ever be attained.
Through art we fight against the will (desire) from which all suffering occurs.

>> No.3735934

OP here thanks for all the well wishes /ic/. I don’t feel any better to be honest, I wished my family and merry Christmas and then texted and messaged my friends but no one answered back yet.

>> No.3735952

Good that means when you kill yourself no one will miss you.

>> No.3735968

Maybe they are just busy don’t worry.
Fuck off man.

>> No.3735978

Fucking LOL.

>> No.3736002

That’s really uncool man. Don’t be a jerk at Christmas.

>> No.3736093


>> No.3736120

congratulations for being 100% edgy fren here's your (you)

>> No.3736137
File: 46 KB, 500x496, doom- err...go getter (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most likely means you're at the infamous "life's crossroads"
this is where you decide if you wish to waste it or not
from what I felt after reading what you typed, I feel like you know that, but you're afraid of being rejected, and the suicidal thoughts are a product of a flight or fight mentality. I've thought about killing myself, too, but there are many things keeping me from doing it. Like my cat and my dog, they wouldn't understand. My family would also be like, 'well wtf? why did you feel like that? was it us?' especially my dad. He feels like he could've gave us a better childhood but I constantly remind him that he kept food on the table, a roof over our heads, and presents at christmas and birthdays-even if it meant he had to pawn a few of his things to do so. I also have a big story locked in my head, and I feel that would be a waste of my imagination if I supplanted it with a buckshot.
I say it's flight or fight because I get these feelings when I feel like I'm not going to amount to anything or be anyone.

You know what I did?

I stopped applying for student loans to go to one of the best art schools in america, and got myself into a trade. Now I'm in the last leg of my schooling and it's all about to pay off. I figured making 30k-100k a year after paying 5k for school was more worth it than spending 160k for 4 years and possibly only making 50k-80k. I can work my ass off for a few years and then take big periods of time off, the whole time I'm honing my artistic skills. The trade is a fallback, it's a safety net.

You need a safety net, anon. Don't just lie in it, get yourself back up and attempt the tightrope again. The safety net is there to prevent you from seriously harming yourself.

Also, my last piece of advice would be to get away from this board. Nobody here draws, they just steal shit from other people and hawk it off as their own. It's good to get a critique that isn't friends or family, but there are other options than this place.

>> No.3736144
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What trade are you in where you're making such income? Was thinking about becoming a mechanic as a safety net myself.

>> No.3736163

being a mechanic is awesome! just stay away from stunt-driving, getaway driving for robbers and falling in love with married women whose husband owes the jewish mob some money.

I'm in welding school right now, going to apply for an apprenticeship in an ironworkers' union until I can make enough money for my own 60's model lincoln sa 200 and work for the pipeline.

I scribble and sketch to kill my time I'm not at work or school or the gym

>> No.3736174

I got very bad a few times. I take meds for that. Helps a lot.

I mean "helps" not in numbing the pain, but in making you draw better.

I have ADD too. I take meds for it too.

>> No.3736221

You should do what other anons have said, more reasonable things like seeking help or taking better care of yourself, stuff that actually have a big chance of actually making you feel better. But I’ve been depressed over my life in general and heartbroken the last month and what I found helped was just going on some random pose website and fill notebooks with figure drawings, really helps me distract myself from the bitter reality

>> No.3736238

whoa, whoa... medication that helps you draw better?

>> No.3736647

Part of my wants to laugh if OP kills himself over depression.

>> No.3736663

>there are other options than this place

>> No.3737153
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>Art is half dead and infested with liberals
>Literature is infested with liberals
>Movies are infested with liberals
>Censorship everywhere in all media
>Every social media heavily policed
>Literal newspeak being enforced
>My country getting invaded by rapefugees
>It's not ok to be white anymore
>Women are all promiscuous coalburners
>I have reached an age where all I can date is single moms
>Children are pushed to go trans or gay
>No economic stability, no jobs, no retirement
>I'm still shit at art after years of practice and I see no point in continuing
I have nothing, not one thing to live for except my cat. Everywhere I look it's just so fucking bleak, society is fucking disintegrating. Everything is ugly.

>> No.3737158

I think youcare too much about what other people think

Do you ever think for yourself

>> No.3737229

>There are people that genuinely fall for every /Pol/ meme
How can you possible be so disconected from the real world?
I'm curious, have you ever tried diversifying your consuption of media? Or just not consuming propaganda for a month and focusing on apolitical hobbies and online circles? Because as the other anon said, most of that shit doesn't even affect your personal life even if it were true, there is no reason for you to be this invested.