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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.81 MB, 2668x3353, 82. awkward question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3732265 No.3732265 [Reply] [Original]

what IS art?

>> No.3732284
File: 376 KB, 1600x1509, 4124328914671892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These days with postmodernist movements we could say that anything could be defined as art as long as someone says it is such. Ranging from very shitty/low effort to great.
But I think that it's truly a bit different for all of us. Personally I like to define only man-made things that I find moving as "art". The things that I'd qualify as "beautiful", that make me feel something, that get my imagination going.

>> No.3732288

Your values are shit. Fuck off to your general

>> No.3732389

when something is made with an aesthetic sense that evokes a recognition of aesthetics in the form of insight, inspiration, a deep sense of communication, it is art.

that is why I absolutely despise your "anything is art" attitude, op. Art is communication, that results in an aesthetic experience for the observer. And I've asked you 1000 times to explain the message behind your buzzwords entropy and wabi sabi but you fail every single time to explain what it means, what you're trying to communicate. Art is more than having "abstract feels" from drugs that you can't even put into words, let alone paint.

>> No.3732519

Something that serves no purpose

>> No.3732536
File: 2.27 MB, 2883x2867, jlaw stretchface 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when something is made with an aesthetic sense that evokes a recognition of aesthetics
Is porn art? Is all porn art? Is all art porn?
>in the form of insight, inspiration, a deep sense of communication
is the internet art? Is telecommunication art? Are memes art?
>it is art.
What about an ugly picture of trash?
>that is why I absolutely despise your "anything is art" attitude, op.
Can literal trash not evoke a recognition of aesthetics in the form of insight, inspiration, and a deep sense of communication?
>Art is communication
So cable news is art?
>that results in an aesthetic experience for the observer.
Are aesthetic experiences objective?

What to you is an aesthetic experience?

>And I've asked you 1000 times to explain the message behind your buzzwords entropy and wabi sabi but you fail every single time to explain what it means
Wabi sabi: dirty brushes, evolving mud schlop of color as a single source on the palette, fast drying acrylic, inability to easily mix paint on canvas, embracing the use of similar-but-incorrect colors in the search for a novel aesthetic. Embracing the idea that all art is in a state of unending flux, everything is impermanent, imperfect, and without purpose.
Entropy: Time isn't real. It's a delusion created by a cavemen to chart their progress through space. We exist in and because of a chaotic entropic system of energy dispersal through space. I argue that I reflect this through dirty brushes, every-part-of-the-buffalo paint color dispersal to multiple canvasses, working on the same canvas once a year every year, tracking and filming literally all progress made in the process towards becoming an artist, etc! Like history itself is just the recorded evidence of human entropy through spacetime. It's all entropy baby!

>what you're trying to communicate.
Memetics are complex, often abstract ideas, that spread through a culture etc. Each painting generally addresses a different concept gnome sang.

>> No.3732539
File: 1.79 MB, 2843x2827, keenan suspicious 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is more than having "abstract feels"
Is it tho?

And I'm the one arguing that from a cosmic or existential perspective, all art is trash, and anything can be art. How is this "abstract feels?" That's blunt, ceaseless reality.
>from drugs
These are ideas that I had long before I got into drugs. I got into drugs because of these ideas.
>that you can't even put into words,
nothing is perfect,
and anything is better.
time is entropy.
>let alone paint.
you can't not paint entropy.

this guy fucks.

>> No.3732540
File: 835 KB, 1124x740, Dracula[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3732541

>Is porn art? Is all porn art?
>Is all art porn?

It's basically all dolphins are whales, but not all whales are dolphins.

>> No.3732556
File: 1.58 MB, 2915x3461, santa, seated in pool of milk 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually on second thought. What about like cave paintings? Other than fertility statues/jerk-off dolls, the primary thing we think of when we think of "the beginning of art" are cave paintings. And cave paintings are believed to have primarily been made by women to teach their children how to hunt. And then when we look at shit like Hieroglyphics in Egypt where art was literally their form of written language, it's hard to really say that "something that serves no porpoise" really applies

Like is calligraphy art? Is graphic font design art? Are instructional pamphlets art? What isn't art?

What TRULY serves a purpose? What is a purpose? What isn't?

>> No.3732557
File: 2.32 MB, 2780x3548, 215. bad brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is all art porn?
why not?




what isn't


>> No.3732558

you are such a brainlet. I gave you the answer to all those questions, you just didn't understand shit of what I said.

>Can literal trash not evoke a recognition of aesthetics in the form of insight, inspiration, and a deep sense of communication?
ART IS COMMUNICATION. literal trash on the street is not art because there is no communication. If somebody placed it there with the intent to evoke an aesthetic or insightful reaction, THEN YES IT IS ART. But only if there is some kind of meaningful exchange. You can't just say hey I out this trash on your doorstep "because it symbolizes entropy" and leave.. there is no profound impression being made on the owner of the house, and hence no meaningful communication of ideas or aesthetics.

>> No.3732561

Are you just looking for another thread where you can argue with people for another 200+ reply thread? We're all the others not enough? Is being an idiot on /ic/ the only thing you've accomplished in your life (besides killing your dog)?

>> No.3732562

If you want to really get into a special sort of art history/anthropology hell look up the Makapansgat pebble. Basically come proto-humans found a pebble in a river that looks like a skull and for whatever reason brought it back to their cave. Is that art, especially since nature made it?

>> No.3732566

I'd say it is art when a caveman shows it to somebody else to make them see the resemblance. You can't say a sunset is art, but a picture of a sunset is made to evoke aesthetic profound response and thus it's art. to communicate insight, aesthetics, inspiration etc is art. This comes from the top of my head, but it seems it checks out.

>> No.3732570


>> No.3732571 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 3391x2631, 253. void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like if I dig a ditch, is that art?

If I dig a ditch in flood-prone area to direct water downhill, is that art?

If I dig a ditch in the middle of arid desert for no reason, is that art?

If I dig a ditch for money, is that art?

If I dig a ditch for free, is that art?

If I dig a ditch through the road, is that art?

If I dig a ditch to bury a body, is that art?

When does it start?

And when does it stop?

What is it?

And when is it art?

>> No.3732583

The mods should just start deleting his threads at this point.

>> No.3732586 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 3391x2631, 253. void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I dig a ditch, is that art?

If I dig a ditch in a flood-prone area to direct water downhill, is that art?

If I dig a ditch in the middle of an arid desert for no reason at all, is that art?

If I dig a ditch for free, is that art?

If I dig a ditch for money, is that art?

If I dig a ditch for free, is that art?

If I dig a ditch to hide a body?

f I dig a ditch to protect a life?

When does it stop?

And when does it start?

What does it mean?

And when is it art?

>> No.3732590
File: 1.87 MB, 3391x2631, 253. void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I dig a ditch, is that art?

If I dig a ditch in a flood-prone area to direct water downhill, is that art?

If I dig a ditch in the middle of an arid desert for no reason at all, is that art?

If I dig a ditch for free, is that art?

If I dig a ditch for money, is that art?

If I dig a ditch to protect a life, is that art?

If I dig a ditch to bury a body, is that art?

When does it stop?

And when does it start?

What does it mean?

And when is it art?

>> No.3732599
File: 2.45 MB, 2760x3685, 196. kimnihilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so like CB radio hobbyism is art? Is telecommunications art? Is political messaging strategy art? Like what exactly to you is COMMUNICATION?
>literal trash on the street is not art because there is no communication
Sure there is. There's all the brand messaging on the trash itself, there's what the existence of trash communicates about the nature of a setting, there's the nature of the trash that communicates the purpose behind it's creation, etc.
> If somebody placed it there with the intent to evoke an aesthetic or insightful reaction, THEN YES IT IS ART
Yeah but what if they didn't? What about things that happen incidentally in life that happen to evoke an aesthetic or insightful reaction?
>But only if there is some kind of meaningful exchange.
How does this pov encroach dadaism or surrealism?
> You can't just say hey I out this trash on your doorstep "because it symbolizes entropy" and leave.
I mean... yeah you can.
> there is no profound impression being made on the owner of the house
There could be. And also so what?
>and hence no meaningful communication of ideas or aesthetics.
What if you tell people at the pub about it later? What if it never even happened? What if it's all a lie? Does that make it MORE art or LESS art?

>> No.3732598


>> No.3732607
File: 2.30 MB, 2916x2915, 186. smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically come proto-humans found a pebble in a river that looks like a skull and for whatever reason brought it back to their cave. Is that art, especially since nature made it?
yeah exactly! And like driftwood and smooth stones formed by water movement and diamonds formed by earth pressure and flowers shells and all these things that we associate with beauty aesthetics that are created naturally... are these things MORE art? Or LESS art?

Like is a right angle art? Or is it the opposite of art? Right angles don't exist in nature. They're an entirely engineered concept. Is this art?

>> No.3732608

Porn is art depicting sexual situations

>> No.3732614

[ - ]

>> No.3732618

you started this thread confident that you could argue that enything is art, and even though I defined art for you precisely in the 4th post, you're holding on to your inital conviction and treading water trying to evade my definition. I've answered every single question you've asked in my first post. I don't know if you are evading or just legitimately too stupid to understand.

>> No.3732626

christ you are so fucking bad at being deep and philosophical it fucking hurts. And the worst thing is that you are too stupid to understand your opponents arguments, so you just keep on being pseudo-intellectual while valid points fly over your head.

>> No.3732631
File: 2.29 MB, 3299x2573, 34. Emma Dilemma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you started this thread confident that you could argue that enything is art
no the opposite of that. What even is confidence? Like what IS art? What isn't? What's the line?
>and even though I defined art for you precisely in the 4th post,
is the internet art? Is telecommunication art? Are memes art? Can literal trash not evoke a recognition of aesthetics in the form of insight, inspiration, and a deep sense of communication? So cable news is art?
> you're holding on to your inital conviction and treading water trying to evade my definition.
I had a lot of questions that I directly axed. How are you not evading rite meow?
>I've answered every single question you've asked in my first post.
And then instead of responding to the follow up questions, you've pivoted to a meta-critique about the conversation you're refusing to have.
> I don't know if you are evading or just legitimately too stupid to understand.
So ART IS COMMUNICATION? Does that mean that ALL communication is art?

>> No.3732637
File: 2.24 MB, 2830x3544, 154. kimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christ you are so fucking bad at being deep and philosophical it fucking hurts
talking about me instead of addressing my argument is an ad hominem fallacy.
>And the worst thing is that you are too stupid to understand your opponents arguments
What's your argument? Are you my opponent?!
>so you just keep on being pseudo-intellectual while valid points fly over your head.
What in your post I'm responding to is valid?

Is a right angle art? Is it not? Is a seashell art? Is it not?

>> No.3732646

oh, fuck off.. You came in here thinking you could "what even is [insert concept]??" to everything, but I gave you a solid definition that has answered every fucking question you've asked since. read it and find the fucking answers yourself idiot.

>Does that mean that ALL communication is art?
this is what I'm talking about. literal retardation. I gave you a definition, you asked me if trash is art, I said "art is communication" implying your example lacked that part of the definition, but you take that as "art is ONLY communication" and start talking about fucking radios is art... I can't help you, sorry.

>> No.3732649

I’m gay

>> No.3732663
File: 2.36 MB, 3011x3755, 152. 21st century schizoid girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, fuck off.. You came in here thinking you could "what even is [insert concept]??" to everything
You kind of can tho. what even is art?
> but I gave you a solid definition that has answered every fucking question you've asked since.
So ALL communication is art? You haven't answered a single flipping question.
>read it and find the fucking answers yourself idiot.
I'm axing you tho. You said it. why do you refuse to elaborate or esplore these memes?
>this is what I'm talking about. literal retardation.
endless ad hominem shit, zero argument.
> I gave you a definition, you asked me if trash is art, I said "art is communication" implying your example lacked that part of the definition
But then I axed about what the existence of trash says about a setting, what is being communicated by the type of trash, the art on the trash itself, the intent behind the portrayal of trash, etc.
>but you take that as "art is ONLY communication" and start talking about fucking radios is art
So radio broadcasting isn't art? Is coding art?

What isn't art?

>> No.3732892
File: 76 KB, 460x720, Jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i started to just skip every single reply by Jimmy. He makes it really easy for us, because it's always one of his 5000x6000px phone pics of his shit art plus a black-green wall of meaningless text, fillers and baby talk. I just read the replies from others, which is much more worthwhile.

>> No.3733113
File: 1.13 MB, 2799x3608, 27b. baint? level 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally incapable of reading
>proud of it
It's weird how being emotional and illiterate is so cool among the homosexual community now.

You know you can just say "I don't have an argument but I'm upset for some reason." There's no need to tiptoe around your feelings gurl.

>> No.3733234 [DELETED] 
File: 2.59 MB, 2810x3522, 142. swiss army man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? I want to have a conversation about le fundamentals of art. How is this offensive to (You)?
>Are you just looking for another thread where you can argue with people for another 200+ reply thread?
I started this thread to talk about what IS art. What's the problem with 200+ reply threads? What's the problem with arguing? How do you challenge and evolve your worldview if you refuse to argue it?
>We're all the others not enough?
There's two right meow.
>Is being an idiot on /ic/ the only thing you've accomplished in your life
nope. I'm Time's Person of the Year for 2007.
>(besides killing your dog)?
I mean epilepsy killed him. I was just there. And I like that you're so triggered by basic fundamental questions about the thing you pretend to do that you have to dive headfirst into dead dog territory. Bet your parents are real pieces of shit huh. You reckon you'll blame them in your suicide note?

>> No.3733236
File: 1.40 MB, 2702x2677, 146. I'm a demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? I want to have a conversation about le fundamentals of art. How is this offensive to (You)?
>Are you just looking for another thread where you can argue with people for another 200+ reply thread?
I started this thread to talk about what IS art. What's the problem with 200+ reply threads? What's the problem with arguing? How do you challenge and evolve your worldview if you refuse to argue it?
>We're all the others not enough?
There's two right meow.
>Is being an idiot on /ic/ the only thing you've accomplished in your life
nope. I'm Time's Person of the Year for 2007.
>(besides killing your dog)?
I mean epilepsy killed him. I was just there. And I like that you're so triggered by basic fundamental questions about the thing you pretend to do that you have to dive headfirst into dead dog territory. Bet your parents are real pieces of shit huh. You reckon you'll blame them in your suicide note?

>> No.3733248

you are doing the same shit for months, maybe even a year now. people are getting tired and bored of it. you are shilling your own shit like no one else on /ic/ - well maybe you are close to Illastrat. let that sink in. and the most cringey thing is your little home video crap. like, sane people would stop being a 14yr old Tim&Eric fanboy at your age.

look at you, you keep bumping your own threads. can you be any more pathetic and greedy for (you)s? and you tell others they are being childish and then you go "right meow" and "huzzah!" "spearment" and all this little classroom humor.

and when you can't get enogh (you)s, you shitpost in other threads, but you basically do the same thing: shill your shitty phonepics of your infuriatingly badly executed paintings.

>> No.3733296
File: 1.61 MB, 2718x2750, 110. Joker kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are doing the same shit for months, maybe even a year now.
yeah talking about art on the art board.
>people are getting tired and bored of it.
and they hilariously think that the solution to this is make every conversation about me, instead of the just addressing the argument, derailing the thread into meta-critical nagging and ad hominem memes and stuff. If you don't want to talk about the subject and you want to project your insecurities at the meme clown, that's on (you).
>you are shilling your own shit like no one else on /ic/ - well maybe you are close to Illastrat. let that sink in.
I'm trying to talk about art m8. What to you IS art? What explicitly IS NOT art?
>and the most cringey thing is your little home video crap. like, sane people would stop being a 14yr old Tim&Eric fanboy at your age.
I mean the show format isn't going to be aping off just T&E, and T&E aren't the only people that were inspired by pubic access television and weird ugliness and stuff.

And in terms of how I'm viewing production scheduling, i've kind of been thinking more about like SNL and soap opera production and stuff. Like I do definitely thrive in a production performance environment built around "fixing it in post" like T&E, but I'll probably be pretty far away from the shit I was doing in college in 2008. Also Eric Andre Show should be mentioned with T&E tbphwyf.
>look at you, you keep bumping your own threads.
I mean I use the memeschlock threads to post progress picts over time and stuff. And I'm trying to solicit ANY kind of conversation about what IS art and I'll I'm getting is all this butthurt. Is you being upset art?
> can you be any more pathetic and greedy for (you)s?
It's all for (you) Damien.
>and you tell others they are being childish and then you go "right meow" and "huzzah!" "spearment" and all this little classroom humor.
i doo it on porpoise. i doo it in tents.

>> No.3733306
File: 1.94 MB, 2702x2728, 213. jokes on you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and when you can't get enogh (you)s, you shitpost in other threads
Eh what I generally do when I get want to be distracted for a minute is I just look at the catalog by bump order and click on threads that look interesting2me. You have a very weird sense of entitlement or reverence or like this need to gatekeep who can post what and where on this website. You suppose you have autism or something?
> but you basically do the same thing: shill your shitty phonepics of your infuriatingly badly executed paintings.
I generally post the infuriatingly badly executed paintings because the underlying ideas behind them are relevant to the content in the text of the post. I get that reading is a struggle for some but it's not really anyone else's burden to bear. If you're not capable of reflection or rational thought, you don't need to participate my dude.

>> No.3733324

you're not very good at whitewashing that autistic shit you're doing on here.

>> No.3733329
File: 768 KB, 3516x2753, 284. lilly shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not very good at talking about art.

>> No.3733347
File: 97 KB, 800x537, thumb_327__fancybox_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your threads are typically about you, shilling your art and the titles are completely useless pretexts. all you want to do is force anons to look at your paintings-by-numbers crap and you get a hardon everytime you hear them being mentioned.

>pic related. the day of your eviction.

>> No.3733348

quit making vague threads just to post your shit

>> No.3733353

"year one was all about making entry level art student mistakes. AH HA HA H AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!"
"year two was all about making more mistakes, but different ones! HUZZZAHAHAHAHA!"

>> No.3733374


>screenshot the image and post that instead
>change camera capture settings to something smaller
>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance when you haven't even started

once again: ---

>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller
>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance when you haven't even started

>> No.3733384

shut up jimbo

>> No.3733453
File: 1.52 MB, 2769x3554, 128. stone thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your threads are typically about you, shilling your art
no (you) make it about that. You are refusing to engage with the subject of thread.
>and the titles are completely useless pretexts.
titles, reactions, underlying meaning behind the meme being portrayed, etc.
>all you want to do is force anons to look at your paintings-by-numbers crap
Not really. Axed what IS art. That's what I want anons to engage with. You're literally cancer.
> and you get a hardon everytime you hear them being mentioned.
I wish.
yeah exactly!
will doo!
pscht I'm not even talking

>> No.3733614

Hey jimmy can you name yourself already so i can filter you? Thanks buddy.

>> No.3733652


>> No.3733735

another attention whore thread