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File: 290 KB, 1200x628, Sam-Harris-Closes-Quits-Patreon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3731787 No.3731787 [Reply] [Original]

So let's talk seriously for a moment here. With all the Patreon drama and changes going on, is porn soon going to be deplatformed? I fear sooner rather than later porn and adult content will soon be thrown off Patreon.

They are now also now deplatforming people for comments made off of Patreon and how they run their Twitters and other socail media profiles.

>> No.3731808

What the hell are you even talking about? How about next time you give us a whole rundown of the situation that’s going on.

>> No.3731819

Patreon is banning porn

>> No.3731821

not op
they are ban some prominent right leaning ppl (sargon, some others). i dont care that much tho.
And op already try to doing that before this. they didn't through with it.

>> No.3731822

I hope so, pornfags need to get a real job instead of exploiting faggy betas with disposable income.

>> No.3731824

t. seething

>> No.3731831
File: 398 KB, 532x513, cozy-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you at McDonald's

>> No.3731834

Well if you want to be realistic, nudity and pornographic content had never a place on the general social media-type of the internet. Artsy people should be allowed to make a living in whatever creative way they like, but I think content like that should stay where it's not visible by normal browsing, and definitely not on mainstream social media. You'll just get flagged, shadowbanned, and your profile is sitting there doing nothing even though you post work regularly.

Also you shouldn't put your hopes into patreon, or any company at that, they don't care about the little people. They've already made their buck long ago and can close down or sell the company whenever. Find some good platform for nsfw, one that is at least decently professional, people who want nsfw will naturally flock towards such sites after word goes around on social media. As for buck, there will probably be something decent with crypto

>> No.3731836

I don't draw porn, but you sure are butthurt.

>> No.3731838

lmao that's where u'll be anon, not pornfags

>> No.3731844

Youtuber Sargon of Akkad got banned for making a racially charged rant on a livestream, this obviously breaks patreons policy, as it's obvious it would. But Sargon and his fanboys insist that Patreon can't ban a youtuber that's funding his chanel through Patreon for things they do on Youtube. So they made a SJW conspiracy out of it and now Patreon is in disarray posibly changing their rules due to backlash. People are wondering if they could get banned for things they do on Twitter and other autistic shit like that.
The whole internet becoming SFW is a real danger though.

>> No.3731868

>Sargon of Akkad got banned for making a racially charged rant on a livestream
Free speech (until you say bad things) ftw

>The whole internet becoming SFW is a real danger though.
I'm genuinely scared but seeing pornfags scramble in desperation is almost worth it

>> No.3731880

patreon is banning people who's political ideologies don't align with theirs
ie. conservatives & right-leaning folk

pornfags are not in danger- currently.

>> No.3731882

>Youtuber Sargon of Akkad got banned for making a racially charged rant on a livestream

You mean he called a bunch of (a lot of assumptions) right wing trolls niggers while on their stream. In jest and as a taunt.

>this obviously breaks patreons policy

It doesn't. Policy pertains to dangerous behavior or content posted on the patreon for which the user is being paid.

You're maliciously spreading disinfo on something this silly, how low can you fall?

>> No.3731903

I wonder how many artists currently funded by Patreon freely spew shit like "kill all males" on a regular basis.

>> No.3731935

So Trump supporters got thrown off of Patreon? How is this a bad thing someone explain to me.

>> No.3731971

>How is this a bad thing
It's not. Right-wing nut jobs are getting deplatformed all over major websites. Good riddance. Bonus points for them whining about 'muh free speech', acting like they aren't a bunch massively retarded hypocrites.

>> No.3731975

did that patreon stream or someshit?
if not how can they ban him for doing shit in other flatform

>> No.3731980

>Bonus points for them whining about 'muh free speech', acting like they aren't a bunch massively retarded hypocrites.
I'm not even American but how is being a racist Trump voter hypocritical when it comes to free speech? It's worrisome that people are being shut down like this.

They likely have the right to terminate your contract at any time as they please.

>> No.3731991

Platform owners exercise their constitutional rights by allowing or disallowing voices on the platforms they own. Alt right morons are free to create their own (less successful and ultimately failed) platforms for their idiotic belief systems. Corporations are by no means obligated to cater to these individuals.

>> No.3731995

it just keeps happening

>> No.3731999

>how is being a racist Trump voter hypocritical when it comes to free speech
Simply put, its because these people only come out to defend & whine free speech when others exercise it against them. They think that corporate censorship infringes on their free speech, when it doesn't. In fact, I find many conservatives to have a fundamental misunderstanding over what free speech entails, which is strange because it's not a complicated concept.

>> No.3732002

Trump supporters are modern day Nazis.

>> No.3732005

The amount of idiocy in this thread is disturbing. I was about to join DAD, but looks like I'll have to go elsewhere now. Didn't realize 4chan was compromized with shit for brains cucks.

>> No.3732008

Good riddance, moron

>> No.3732009


Sargon was banned for word he said during a rant AGAINST the alt-right. Sam Harris hates Trump. None of these people are alt-right or far right by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.3732012


Eat shit Brian you were always a faggot nigger

>> No.3732021

They ARE Trump supporters. What are you smoking? Sargon also is a sexist.

>> No.3732029
File: 69 KB, 177x344, 1475540662813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you people name any real porn artists banned off patron or are you guy just paranoid because sadclown of cuckad got banned?

>> No.3732030


weak bait

>> No.3732034

even if patreon did ban porn there are many ways to work around them

>> No.3732037

OP is a alt-right loser worried and paranoid porn is next.

>> No.3732038

Sargon is a retard of galactic proportions, and was banned for saying stupid shit on a regular basis. Sargon is arguably far right.

>Sam Harris hates Trump
Sam Harris voluntarily quit - he was not kicked off Patreon.

>> No.3732043


Sargon is a left leaning centrist. Yes, Sam Harris left voluntarily but that still doesn't make him a Trump supporter or "alt right".

>> No.3732044


>> No.3732077

Who is Sargon? Is he thst GamerGate Guy?

>> No.3732081

I feel like Patreon is easily replaceable. They don't offer many features another website couldn't just copy. We shouldn't be worried for the long term.

>> No.3732198

>Platform owners exercise their constitutional rights by allowing or disallowing voices on the platforms they own.

Thats not what a platform is, thats a publisher. You either take responsibility for content or you don't and let law enforcement take care of shit thats illegal+point it out to them.

Don't give me that muh private property line, you cynical worm, you don't believe it. Furthermore Internet became a piece of vital infrastructure. At this point if you target someone irregardless of them abiding by the rules of the monopolist "platform" you're fucking with their livelihood no less than someone cutting electricity/gas/water to their physical place of work.

>Alt right morons are free to create their own (less successful and ultimately failed) platforms for their idiotic belief systems. Corporations are by no means obligated to cater to these individuals.

There were already several successful free speech funding platforms. SJWs targeted their banks with mass mailing campaigns to shut them down, latest one is subscribestar. Its quite easy since big money is the source of the globalist-friendly left to begin with.

Da free market, wink wink wink. But first you have to found your own payment processor which requires more cash than the annual GDP of Switzerland and a team of lawyers big enough to play both sides of a football match. But hey, lets pretend its the Patreon owner that made the call and not people who put a knife to his throat.

>> No.3732199


>Free speech (until you say bad things) ftw

A private company can ban who they want.

>> No.3732210

>Don't give me that muh private property line
>Da free market, wink wink wink.
These are perfectly reasonable arguments. To brush them off because you think other people 'don't believe it' is just lazy.

If 'ThE SjW's' were able to convince banks to shut them down, then maybe - just maybe - these alternative platforms need to accept that they enable vile and repulsive people which no one wants to be associated or in business with. It's no one else's fault that they are professionally repulsive enough to where their livelihoods are at stake. Your extrapolation of Patreon to the entire internet, and the comparison of Patreon to infrastructure is laughable. They aren't even remotely comparable.

>> No.3732211


Member #bakethecake? You can be deprived of a voice on the internet, complete with domain registrars shutting down your PRIVATELY OWNED websites but you can't be barred from being serviced by any kind of tiny irrelevant establishment like a bakery. You also can't be deprived of a phone line.

Do you see a discrepancy there? You know why that is? Because the law didn't catch up yet. The spirit of the law is that you can't get cut off from communication and basic services, but ol' boomers in the legislation who need their interns and staffers to even boot up their laptops think Internet is an attachment you mount onto a telegraph to share gifs of dancing hamsters and and so here we are.

>> No.3732212

Once I realized you’re a Trump supporter is stopped reading. Kindly go fuck your self.

>> No.3732221

You need to stop equating individual websites like Patreon to the rest of the internet, phone lines, etc.

>Member #bakethecake?
Denying your services to Youtube personalities does not constitute discrimination. This is an absurd comparison that demonstrates you have no understanding of what it means to be deprived of something in a discriminatory way.

>> No.3732225

I'm a leftist and I think it's fucked up that companies are 'banning who they want' and effectively unpersoning people overnight.

>> No.3732229


Free market means competition among businesses. It doesn't mean leveraging monopoly power to stamp out completely unrelated businesses.

>If 'ThE SjW's' were able to convince banks to shut them down, then maybe - just maybe - these alternative platforms need to accept that they enable vile and repulsive people

Yes, of course. Give the power of arbitrage to those saints and angels in banking... anything and everything to fuck over your ideological enemies. Slimeball. Yes, of course Tim Cook should decide our morality, he toes our line after all! Don't mind the suicide nets around the crApple factories, those are just old Halloween decorations. Halloween is real big in China you know!

You'll get rocked by your own bullshit in time. Meanwhile those nazis like Harris will keep making alternatives till one sticks. Then you shitheads will confine yourselves to the shallow end of the pool, with your crApple nanny drones hovering over you and snarling at everybody else outside your cuckzone as worse-than-hitlers. Its gonna be a gay ol time.

>Your extrapolation of Patreon to the entire internet

You know what a domain registrar is? You know what a payment processor is? You don't know shit about anything thats been happening recently, you're running solely on text suppositories from the twatter accounts you fallow.

>> No.3732239

Private businesses are allowed to serve who they want you retarded retard. Nothing is stopping alt right retards from creating their own hosting and payment processing, aside from their room temp IQs (which is why all they can do is bitch and cry)

>> No.3732246

>You need to stop equating individual websites like Patreon to the rest of the internet, phone lines, etc.
How is Patreon different from a store like a bakery? This anon is right >>3732211 it doesn't make sense

>Private businesses are allowed to serve who they want you retarded retard.
So if I open a bakery in America I can refuse to serve Muslims without breaking the law? That seems weird.

>> No.3732251

>exploiting faggy betas with disposable income.
Meanwhile streamers do the same thing and make 6 to 7 digit incomes. Oh but you don't have a problem with that.

>> No.3732253

There's only a handful successful streamers, who cares

>> No.3732256

>Private businesses are allowed to serve who they want you retarded retard.

Again, try to cut someone off the phoneline or water.

>Nothing is stopping alt right retards from creating their own hosting and payment processing,

Thats like saying nothing is stopping you from buying a private island. Something that was already explained itt. None of the people you subscribe to would be able to fund any of that.

You chose to ignore it though, since it shows your obnoxious ingroup in a worse light. Which is pretty damning considering you're known mainly for targeting peoples' employment.

>> No.3732264

t. brainless who don’t understand basic discrimination law
If you fucking neets would go to school for a semester and took a gov 101 class, you wouldn’t be so retarded. But no, you’ll sit in your dark rooms with zero understanding of how US laws actually work and bitch about idiotic shit because of your own ignorance. Get fucked morons.

>> No.3732272


PS And like I wrote as well: eventually an alternative will weather your underhanded attacks and become the new mainstream with the biggest user trust while you corner yourselves. You already outdid 90s evangelicals when it comes to witchhunts and you're about to outdo them with suppression campaigns and you will share their fate, lame authoritarian squares that nobody wants to deal with or emulate.

>> No.3732274
File: 320 KB, 1512x461, 3FCB8287-4112-4D6A-9FF7-078A0D59E2BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here’s a fucking google search for you morons. Nowhere in US anti discrimination is “political views” covered. God damn idiots.

>> No.3732277
File: 214 KB, 1514x323, B31A17D6-0170-43E1-A45D-25E3EB3B4FB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3732279

Shut the fuck up moron.

>> No.3732283

>Again, try to cut someone off the phoneline or water
Again, these are not comparable. These are regulated by local government - they cannot suspend someone's services in the same way Patreon can.

Feel free to keep making dumb comparisons like this.

>> No.3732285

Conservatives and libertarians love to ree about MUH PRIVATE PROPERTY until a big private property owner tells them to get the fuck off of theirs. Losers.

>> No.3732293

>Nowhere in US
washington dc

>> No.3732294
File: 421 KB, 1462x481, 8E50FF2F-6972-4DAE-AE5F-DAF6D32EB283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you’re being clever? Gee you’re retarded.

>> No.3732298


Religion is something you're born with btw like being gay. Its not a worldview or anything like that, ok!?

Anyway, back to the subject, "Discrimination laws seek to prevent..." describes what the laws are about, not what discrimination is. To be discriminating literally means distinguishing by whatever trait. To distinguish.

In the past you were practically voiceless unless you wrote for the paper, way which gave you the opportunity to exercise the freedom of the press - something that isn't a profession-specific privilege btw. There was no avenue to be denied service for voting the "wrong" way or writing the "wrong" news. News media are corporations themselves and have no problem browbeating anyone who'd try to shut them down.

Today we have a shit ton of means of egalitarian mass communication and you'd banish your political opponents from all of them if you could. This is the spirit of the law? Shutting people up for communicating to others opinions and facts you find disagreeable? This will either get rectified or civic society will be eroded, no dialogue can be maintained in an environment where doctrinaire toadies enable profit-motivated organizations to moderate almost all human communication.

>> No.3732304
File: 186 KB, 1410x490, 09F0EE0C-92A7-4DF0-A33D-C52F796E343D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the side who hates kikes, niggers, sand niggers, faggots, trannys, and women are the same as all the other sides!!! It’s just a differing opinion bro!
You’re about as intelligent as a dril tweet

>> No.3732338


"Sargon is a nazi, Trump is a nazi, half of the electorate are nazis too. They're gonna reopen concentration camps and make jew soap. Just listen to me, I know these things, I will tell you what you can and can't say. These skinwalker nazis are everywhere, they tell you they're liberals, they'll act like liberals, they fight alt lite (and the alt lite fights the alt right and the alt right fucks with the neonazis) but I know better. They're all in on it, its a massive conspiracy, they're waiting in the wings for us to stop hitting constitutionalists, liberals and the rest of their vanguard with bikelocks and then they'll pounce! All those transmen will be mengeled back into women, women will be encased in dish washer cases and negroes will get blonde wigs hotglued to their heads, JUST LIKE IN MEIN KAMPF!"
-t. You

Jesus Christ, guy. Where do we sign to grant you dictatorial powers so you can protect us from that villain Sargon? btw any word if Mr Rogers or Bob Ross are still on the loose?

>> No.3732383

Whew lad.

>> No.3732384

I don’t even know who the fuck Sargon is. All I know is that you’re a retarded, uneducated, unintelligent faggot. Read a book sometime, friend.

>> No.3732394


Yeah, same with porn artists too.

>> No.3732416

>shillary fags STILL haven’t recovered



>> No.3732419
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, whatwhat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the side who hates kikes, niggers, sand niggers, faggots, trannys, and women are the same as all the other sides!!! It’s just a differing opinion bro!
>I don’t even know who the fuck Sargon is.

Well then. I think its safe to assume you don't know jackshit about anything you're talking about. Especially any "sides". Mine are very much in orbit right now.

>> No.3732425

This coming from the stupid motherfucker who doesn’t know basic US laws, history, and to top it off, is using le laughing reddit man meme to prove his point. Yeah, nah. Keep NEETing it up, retard. I don’t need to know who some faggot internet personality is to know that you’re the dumbest person posting itt right now. Go learn something useful, alt right cuck.

>> No.3732426

>"just create your own platform~"
>creates their own platform
>gets raped by other platforms for getting popular

I wonder how many attepts will it take for a more drastic approach.

>> No.3732430


>keeps hanging onto that one nitpick as if it was vital to the convo
>"ur dumb and a fag ok read BOOKS ok???"

slow down sperg, at this pace you gonna fall off the autism spectrum and suffer some sort of attack

>> No.3732435

>one nitpick
>that your entire retarded argument falls apart with
Jesus Christ, imagine being this utterly unintelligent. It’s a good thing retards like you won’t ever have any power, aside from maybe managing the cash register at Walmart in rural bumfuck Arkansas. Have a great day, brainlet ;)

>> No.3732477

what the fuck is twitter? pornstars gay and straight for years have .een on there

>> No.3732492
File: 29 KB, 640x442, 09174381074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its almost like every time the people who get banned off patreon, twitter, etc go to another site, that site gets all of its funding pulled by mastercard and paypal. Its almost like every major social media company and bank are all in the same ideological bubble and can do whatever they want without allowing a competitor to even think about going against them.

>> No.3732633

Tired of all that winning yet? Oh wait

>> No.3732643

Just got approved for 5b dollars for a wall you guys swore would never happen so, nope.

>> No.3732644
File: 374 KB, 743x1100, 1545524308034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh basedgoy of Assad nooo ;-;
He's a fag and free speech online along with anonimity is on a clock their is really no point in trying to push against certain biases and censorship
The only real way to ensure a platform of free speech is to create one yourself and hope large corporations don't fuck with it
It started with David Duke
Then Alex Jones
Then GAB
Now it's Sargon and Mumkey
We're all dropping like flies and so will 4chan and most other "edgy" sites...

>> No.3732650

Hahahaha remember when Teump said Mexico would pay for it? And now we’re paying for it? Ahahaha cucked

>> No.3732652

But it still has to go through the senate, little governmentlet. Is there a single trumpshit that understands how our government actually works or are you all 100 percent uneducated morons?

>> No.3732655
File: 227 KB, 1500x2000, 329474089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A win is a win, dunno what to tell you

>> No.3732656 [DELETED] 

Its gonna go through no matter what, you they no chance in stopping it.

>> No.3732657 [DELETED] 

Literally dumb as rocks (hint: it’s not going to ,Zoe it through the senate)

>> No.3732661
File: 417 KB, 700x700, 1495985457140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna try that again in English? Or did your tears fuck up your keyboard? This is you by the way.

>> No.3732697

I came in this thread just to say that is the worst post I saw today. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.3732738

>Mfw the alt right cuck only has phone typos on his side
Ahaha I’m so glad I’m smart and have a working brain

>> No.3732740

>hurr durr good side bad side red team blue team hurrrrr
Plenty of hatred towards Jews on the "good guys" side lately if you haven't noticed. Also hatred towards Christians, men, and white people. But I guess that's ok.

>> No.3732760

D-did I just get caught in the intellectual dark web?!

>> No.3732769

Didn't know it went through. That's pretty cool.

>> No.3732900

It didn't "go through". You people are fucking retarded.

>> No.3732904

How the fuck do people not know what alt-right is. Having anti sjw opinions does not make you alt-right you stupid fucks

>> No.3732942

Literal nazi detected.
Where’s the option for bigotry in the report screen?

>> No.3733014

I am not American, I don't understand how US laws work

>> No.3733027

Karbo got an email saying some of his shit isn't allowed. But he is a vore artist.

>> No.3733040

Sargon pushed for ralphretort to be banned from patreon and other services. I'm not saying it's just karma but the guy WANTED this without thinking it'd happen to him too. He hasn't learned the damage him and other skeptics have done with Candid, and now everyone has to suffer the consequences.

>> No.3733050

just don't draw porn lmao

>> No.3733102
File: 19 KB, 640x480, youhaveentered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look around. Are you surrounded by old Jewish men? If so, then you have entered -

The intellectual dark web.

>> No.3733116

Yeah man everybody who's not with you is a nazi and we all know those guys are always wrong and should be killed, am I right fellas?

>> No.3733121

They will pay for it in welfare they won't be getting on because of the wall.

>> No.3733128

I fucking hate him and that manlet mistermetokur

>> No.3733180

This is the most retarded post I've seen in a long time. Trumps wall supporters are a next level of stupid.
>they will pay for it in welfare
How do you pay for something in welfare? Do you not know what welfare is? How will Mexico "pay for it in welfare"??
>they won't be getting on because of the wall
The wall will not stop people from crossing the border. This is universally understood and accepted by everyone who doesn't live in delusion and ignorance.

>> No.3733191

Psssss kid...
wanna some porn? pretty cheap huh

>> No.3733198


>> No.3733215

What do you consider a real job?

>> No.3733220

It doesn't matter whether it's practical, politicians should always follow through on their promises no matter the cost.

>> No.3733288

Mexicans are coming over and getting on welfare. The wall will prevent them from coming so we will save that money, hence paying for the wall. As for the effectiveness of walls the people who patrol the border and history disagree with you and the rest of the "universe" (jimmy kimmel is not that fat). Look up Israel's wall they had people coming over from Africa now they don't.

>> No.3733298

Working in McDonalds

>> No.3733303

Lol this is the level of delusion trump supporters are on. The CBO (congressional budget office, since you undoubtedly don’t know what that is) has even released the numbers that fair immigration laws would actually contribute to a financial net positive to our country. But facts don’t matter, right? If trumps base wasn’t 90 percent illiterate retards, this wouldn’t even be an issue.

>> No.3733305

No they arent free. When people created their youtube alternative paypal shutted it down. If they create their paypal, banks will shut it down.

There is no "create your own platform". That was disproven already. Unironically the only way we have for freedom is another holocaust. Im not even nazi. Just saying stuff how it is.

>> No.3733307

Maybe it’s a sign that your back words, retarded belief system isn’t welcome in society. Another holocaust needs to happen alright - to get rid of the few rapemaining inbred mouth breathers like yourself. Good idea.

>> No.3733314

You know you’re a retard when even right-libertarian thinktanks don’t agree with your moronically simplistic assessment of immigration. Christ. Have any of you ever done ANY research at all? https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/dont-blame-immigrants-bloated-welfare-state

>> No.3733361

That says that they like to tax people and would like to tax more people (big shock) not that they contribute more than they take. Try actually reading your source before you call someone an illiterate retard, illiterate retard.

This doesn't disagree with anything. Some number of Mexicans that is not 0 are coming over to get on welfare. That's a fact.

>> No.3733376

>t. illiterate moron who literally can’t understand the links he was given
Yikes. Just yikes.

>> No.3733385
File: 73 KB, 702x1024, 1506119206858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexicans are getting welfare
>no they're not, this link says they use less than natives
>that means they are using some
>hurr you just didn't read it right

>> No.3733388

I never said they weren’t. That’s something your trump-addled mind came up with in an attempt to sustain the imagationland you live in, friend. Nice try.

>> No.3733393

So since you agree with me completely how did you get the idea that I'm a retard that hasn't done research and what does that link have to do with any of it?

>> No.3733396
File: 170 KB, 500x730, AFD90C47-5AAA-418A-B7A8-481D1735B4E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this is the average trump supporters idea of being clever and “owning” someone

>> No.3733398
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, 1544381470450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your admission of defeat.

>> No.3733406

Good one, brianlet. Back to jerking off to anime and never leaving your room for you now.

>> No.3733408

Ok fag.

>> No.3733454
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 1524602756763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled my fellow poster
fuck niggers

>> No.3733854

>go on /ic/
>first thread I look through is libfags whining about sargon
This is why I avoid artists

>> No.3734306


>> No.3734470

Rather than fear being deplatformed you should tell patreon to go fuck themselves and deplatform THEM. Just use another service. People don't care how you receive the money as long as you do.

>> No.3734476

It could work if there were decent alternatives to patreon, but there isn't really right now

>> No.3734482

>patreon goes ballistic
>everyone starts moving away
>main place people move to is subscribestar
>people lobby to get payment processors to pull out of subscribestar
>they do
The problem isn’t that there aren’t alternatives, it’s that people will try and shut down anything that could oppose patreon.

>> No.3734496

And there was makersupport before subscribestar. Makersupport fell over when Stripe pulled out I think. Don't know the reason. Will be interesting to see how Jordan Peterson's platform turns out and how long it lasts.

>> No.3734502

If these kind of companies want to start to editorialize their user contents then they simply should lose the protections the government gives them now.

>> No.3734526

>(((people))) lobby to get payment processors to pull out of subscribestar
sounds about right.

>> No.3734545
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God, the dumb shit you people say. What the fuck is this even supposed to mean?

>> No.3734561

Yeah, it’s pretty blatantly PayPal and Patreon conspiring, but I don’t wanna be too conspiratorial.

>> No.3734563

>protections the government gives them now.
Sorry for lack of knowledge, but what protections do they currently have?

>> No.3734759

he's a celebrity in a shitty little corner of the internet

>> No.3734801

This is why I can’t stand libfags, you’re a bunch of vitriolic, smug cunts.

>> No.3734935

Nice old-ass meme

>> No.3734941

Get a load of this spineless faggot lmao. Conservatives are literally the dumbest creatures on earth. Keep crying, retard.

>> No.3734948

>responding to being called a smug asshole by being a smug asshole

>> No.3734949

>thinking people have to be respectful or nice to you
>on 4chan

>> No.3734950

It’s easy to be smug when conservatives are just so, so unintelligent. God I love anonymously shitting on you fags. What’s the matter, snowflake? You gonna cry some more?

>> No.3734951

I like how you assume I care more than I do

>> No.3734954

>he cares enough to respond about how little he cares
So this is the power of the conservative mind LMAO.

>> No.3734956

I'm moreso responding cuz I wanna see whatever new random insult you'll fling my way, but yeah, ok.

>> No.3734959
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>> No.3734964

fuking shrekt, amirite?

Political debates online are fucking hilarious.

>> No.3734970

No, I just like calling people who are dumb faggots dumb faggots

>> No.3734972

oh yes, insult me more please

>> No.3734978

You must’ve been anti net neutrality then? Because that would be the logical conclusion to that line of thinking, surely you agree?

>> No.3734979

Oh look, another conservative retard who doesn’t know the law. Try learning about antitrust and anti competition laws you absolute moron. Jesus Christ you people are simp,y uneducated. No other way around it.

>> No.3734981

>In jest and as a taunt.
A taunt that was a racially charged rant
"I just can’t be bothered with people who chose to treat me like this. It’s really annoying. Like, I—. You’re acting like a bunch of niggers, just so you know. You act like white niggers. Exactly how you describe black people acting is the impression I get dealing with the Alt Right. I’m really, I’m just not in the mood to deal with this kind of disrespect.”
“Look, you carry on, but don’t expect me to then have a debate with one of your faggots.…Like why would I bother?…Maybe you’re just acting like a niggerr, mate? Have you considered that? Do you think white people act like this? White people are meant to be polite and respectful to one another, and you guys can’t even act like white people, it’s really amazing to me."

>Policy pertains to dangerous behavior or content posted on the patreon for which the user is being paid.
That's a lie spread by Sargon and his fanboys, anyone with two brain cells would figure out that Patreon would obviously take interest in what it's being funded trough their platform.

>> No.3734987

Peterson probably thinks porn is a marxist plot or something and will ban it.

>> No.3734988

Let me break down his insult for you.

>"I just can’t be bothered with people who chose to treat me like this. It’s really annoying. Like, I—. You’re acting like a bunch of niggers, just so you know. You act like white niggers. Exactly how you describe black people acting is the impression I get dealing with the Alt Right. I’m really, I’m just not in the mood to deal with this kind of disrespect.”
Did you catch that?
>"Exactly how YOU describe black people acting is the impression I get dealing with the Alt Right."
He doesn't agree with the alt-right's understanding of black people, he's saying that they act like how they think black people act like. He's saying that they act exactly like the thing they despise.
>“Look, you carry on, but don’t expect me to then have a debate with one of your faggots.…Like why would I bother?…Maybe you’re just acting like a niggerr, mate? Have you considered that? Do you think white people act like this? White people are meant to be polite and respectful to one another, and you guys can’t even act like white people, it’s really amazing to me."
Again, this isn't Sargon agreeing with the Alt-right's understanding of races, it's him saying that they act more like the race that they hate than the one they view as "superior"

>> No.3734990

I swear this is why you lefties are a pain in the ass. Completely no interest in understanding the other side, you just sit there and insult them because you're too fucking lazy to think that MAYBE they aren't evil or retarded.

>> No.3734993
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>> No.3734994

Conservatives ARE retarded, though. Have you ever read any philosophy? Because almost every prolific philosopher has written about how moronic and backwards conservatism is, and how detrimental it is to the huma race. You complain about people not understanding your “side”, when the entirety of conservatism is about disenfranchising anyone who doesn’t fit the traditional mold of what conservatives think humans ought to be. Do you even realize how stupid and hypocritical what you just typed is? And when you get treated like conservatives treat everyone else, you realize how dehumanizing it is and start crying how it’s unfair. Get bent, faggot. Maybe try a little introspection.

>> No.3735001


Just a quick question, why do you think that conservatives want to "disenfranchize anyone who doesn’t fit the traditional mold of what conservatives think humans ought to be." I don't mean why do you think that's what conservatism is about, I want to know why, in your opinion, conservatives believe in disenfranchizing people who don't fit their idea of what a human should be.

>> No.3735020

Conservatives always ruining good things for everyone and blaming others for their failure. Not surprise.

>> No.3735023


>> No.3735030

I never said he was a racist, I said he made a racially charged rant. It's always the same autistic shit with you sargonites.
>Hur dur dur, Sargon is not a nazi, therefore everything he does should never have repercussions.

>> No.3735034

Fuck it, I'll bite.

Why should what he said result in having his income taken away? Why should a corporation with a monopoly, like patreon, be allowed to deny services to someone?

>> No.3735054


>> No.3735062

Because that's how the freemarket works. You cannot force other people or companies to work with you if they don't want to.
Maybe try to look at reality instead of abstracting it to such an autistic degree.

>> No.3735063

That's fine with me. I don't care about porn, and would rather put money into a system run by pearl-clutching conservatives if the only other choice is one run by pearl-clutching "progressives".

>> No.3735072

Ok, but then shouldn't we institute restrictions on the free market for the sake of expanding people's right to free speech?

>> No.3735090

I agree, but having people pay you for what you say or do is not part of "free speech". Patreon doesn't qualify as part of the "virtual towns square".

>> No.3735100

Why isn't it though? If one person is allowed access to crowdfunding services, why shouldn't another person, so long as either of them aren't advocating for breaking the law?

>> No.3735103

Because it's a private entity. It's not a public service that is open to all without stipulation. You're not "allowed access" to privatized online services the same way you're allowed access to a public park.

I can't understand why this is difficult for some people to wrap their heads around. It's really not that difficult.

>> No.3735114

Don't focus just on patreon, think of the service that patreon is offering in a broad sense. Patreon is well within their rights to ban someone for political reasons, but that's not the core issue.

What patreon is offering left-wing people (the ability to crowdfund someone's career as a political commentator) they are denying right wing people. That'd be okay if another website was allowed to offer that same service to right-wing people. However, whenever one such company comes up as a viable competitor to Patreon, activists get the payment processors of said website to pull out.

Conservatives are being denied the ability to crowdfund a career as a political commentator thanks to a COMBINATION of Patreon not working with conservatives, as well as alternatives to Patreon that agree to work with conservatives being shut down whenever they spring up.

Either Patreon must be forced to work with conservatives (which isn't preferable) or a conservative alternative to Patreon must be allowed to exist, which it isn't right now.

>> No.3735116

good. pornfags are usually shit artists that have to resort to porn to make their dime and deserve no less than wagecucking at their local mcdonalds.

>> No.3735134

Why should they? Do you think everyone is entitled to make money?
Should we force bosses to hire employees that curse at the customers too because of their "free speech"?

>Hurr dur dur muh attack on conservatives
It's not a targeted attack on conservatives, it's not the fault of companies that conservatives can't go 3 minutes without saying the word nigger.

>> No.3735161

>Do you think everyone is entitled to make money?
No, but they're entitled to the ability to make money, even if they're edgy. Just because someone's edgy doesn't mean that the people who want to pay them shouldn't be allowed to pay them.

>> No.3735187

i want to line all of you up in front of a firing squid

>> No.3735222

>No, but they're entitled to the ability to make money,
Being banned from Patreon =/= Losing the hability to make money in general.
When Patreon becomes the only way to make money, you might have a point.

>> No.3735233

Well it’s clear you didn’t properly read

>> No.3735240

Well it’s clear you didn’t properly read

>> No.3735246

Honestly fuck Sargon he is someone who tries to deplatform others and then says he's just joking. I'll criticise patreon but Sargon deserves this

>> No.3735249

>When Patreon becomes the only way to make money, you might have a point.

Starbucks cannot deny service to conservatives because they can get their coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Burger King cannot refuse to install wheelchair ramps because a McDonalds across the street already has them.

What Patreon provides is a general financial service. They can limit their scope to, say, non-pornographic material. But they cannot say "only straight people can sell adult art, not gay people." Whatever service and rules they have in place must be applied equally to people across the political spectrum, or sexuality, or the various "protected" classes.

So the question is really "are Patreon's rules being applied in a legal way." This can become tricky people on one end of the political fringe tries to demonize everything at the other end as "hate speech." Patreon/social media can absolutely police speech that reach a certain level of nastiness, but your argument that there are alternatives is inadequate.

>> No.3735264

Your argument boils down to the fact that you seem to think that people who want to use racial slurs are a protected class. Patreon's well within their rights to ban them for that. There's no risk to right wing conservatives who choose to not use racial slurs or otherwise break their rules. Don't skirt the issue. No one's threatening the livelihood of right wing conservatives. Just don't be a hateful racist fuck and you won't get banned.

>> No.3735267

Conservatives are not under attack, stop playing the victim.

>> No.3735269

>being edgy means you deserve deplatformings
You’re fucking delusional man. Don’t try and tell people to not be assholes when you’re being one yourself.

>> No.3735270

>activists in the media aren’t targeting those in the “intellectual dark web
Yeah sure ok

>> No.3735272

I'm not skirting the issue. I have no idea whether Patreon is right or wrong to do this because everything here are anecdotes.

All I'm saying is that particular defense is very weak.

>Conservatives are not under attack
Didn't say so. In fact I had a problem with this post >>3735222 because that was the defense used by the baker in Colorado. It's inadequate, and luckily it's not the argument that won him the case.

>> No.3735275

This guy

And this guy

Are separate people

>> No.3735286

>My conspiracy theory is no true
Yeah sure ok

>> No.3735356

>ctrl + f mcdonalds
>3 fucking results
Not every artist is a nigger, fucking retarded burger rednecks. A real job isn't a place for your fat asses to get even more obese than you already are ffs.

>> No.3736161

It not weak because the distintion of what constitutes "protected classes" is very clear and has sound argumentation behind it. The whole point of them is to be exceptions to certain rules.
By that logic we should force restaurants to allow smelly shirtless dudes too, because "hey, you can't deny a gay guy service because he is gay, so the same aplies to shirtless people!". As the other anon said, saying this just shows a poor understanding of what protected classes are and why they exist.

And sorry, I did mix you up, as >>3735275 pointed out.

>> No.3736196

No, you're misunderstanding the example.

First, political affiliation *is* protected on a state level in most places. This includes California, where Patreon is based.

Second, I already acknowledged that services have every right to moderate the nastiness of the speech. The question is whether this moderation is applied equally. To use your shirtless guy example, the crux would be whether a business chooses to enforce the shirtless rule in such a way that only a certain race, or gender, or sexual orientation, or political affiliation is disproportionately affected. In order for the shirtless rule to be legal, it has to be applied in a fair way.

Again, I don't know the specifics of the claims in this thread. In order to determine what they are doing is legal or illegal, we need to ask if their rules are being applied in a fair way. Your suggestion that they can punish a specific political affiliation because there are alternatives is not a sound defense.

Conversely, those who are crying about Patreon selectively banning the right need to prove that Patreon is applying their rules in an unfair, discriminatory way. Hypothetically, if Patreon is banning more alt-right types because more alt-right types behave like asshats, that in itself is not a problem. My concern is the claim that Patreon is extending the scope of its policing beyond what happens on its own platform. Dig deeply enough, and just about everyone has had an asshat moment.

>> No.3736198

To add to that, Patreon can, and should limit the scope of its services to non-political activities of any sort. Focus on the purely creative arts, and this problem would be largely avoided.

>> No.3736209

>First, political affiliation *is* protected on a state level in most places. This includes California, where Patreon is based.
Not in the same way gay people are protected, because again, one is a protected class, the other is not. That's why your comparison doesn't work.

>Your suggestion that they can punish a specific political affiliation because there are alternatives is not a sound defense.
So do you think Neogaf should be illegal?
Anyways, my point regarding patreon is that they are not doing that, they are punishing retarded behaviour.
And the answer to the question “are the rules are being applied in a fair way?" is yes, they are.

> My concern is the claim that Patreon is extending the scope of its policing beyond what happens on its own platform. Dig deeply enough, and just about everyone has had an asshat moment.
It's "extending the scope" to the very things that are being funded, and it's not actually extending it because that distinction was there from day 1.
What Sargon and his fans try very disingenuously to argue is that since he only funds his videos through patreon, livestreams made on another user channel don't count, but it's obvious that anything Sargon does on youtube falls under the business being funded. And the "Only on Patreon the website" rule is completely invented by taking a Jack Conte quote out of context, where he says "we won't ban you for things you say on twitter", but it's obvious if you listen to the whole context that he is saying this because people don't "fund" twitter accounts through patreon.

Nah, having independent political commentators is important. And that distintion is very fusy anyway because art is often something political.

>> No.3736220

>Not in the same way gay people are protected,

No, it's the same, just on a state level. States have their own constitutions and most protect political affiliation for good reason. Political discrimination was often used as a backdoor to racial discrimination. (For example, Evil Bank wants to discriminate against African-American borrowers, so they may require Democrats to have a higher credit score because African-Americans are majority Democrats. You see why that's a bad idea?)

>So do you think Neogaf should be illegal?

Neogaf is a forum and as such it is a "private club". Patreon is a financial services business to the public. Of course standards are different.

>Nah, having independent political commentators is important.

Then you are openly arguing for political discrimination? That's okay if that's the road you want to go down, as long as you're not Patreon's lawyer.

>> No.3736521

trump 2020

>> No.3736527

truth hurts faggots, huh? you lefties can't stand the truth, adios. or you could shelter 20 of them illegally in your house you know

>> No.3736579


>most protect political affiliation for good reason.
But they are not being banned for political afiliation.

>Then you are openly arguing for political discrimination?
How on earth does that follow?

>> No.3736627

>But they are not being banned for political afiliation.

I'm not taking your word for it, I'm not taking the other side's word for it either. All I wanted to point out was that your initial argument that "there are alternatives" is not a valid defense for what could be discriminatory behavior. I wasn't interested in debating whether discriminatory behavior actually happened. For this, have at it with the other poster.

I'm also not interested in taking this further since you seem very personally invested in this and aren't interested in approaching this with any kind of impartiality, so I bow out. Good day.

>> No.3736707

Basically if you want to be funded through Patreon then you better not have a sense of humor, or be edgy, or allow yourself to get heated, or say anything that could be taken out of context. Because you can be deplatformed at any moment with no warning, and not just by Patreon.

It's political commentators who are not turbo progressive activists now, but could be leftists eating their own tomorrow. Or artists who draw people the wrong way or don't draw people the way some group wants them to. Piss off some tumblr tards with your art, get something silly you said from a year ago dug up and used against you. Just post your work and never say anything to anyone I guess.

>> No.3736815

pay =/= money

They can pay for it in dignity, though I don't think Mexico has much anyways so you're right.

>> No.3736821

>They are now also now deplatforming people for comments made off of Patreon and how they run their Twitters and other socail media profiles.

Good, deplatforming racists is the best tool we have against them.

>> No.3736826
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> but you can't be barred from being serviced by any kind of tiny irrelevant establishment like a bakery.
Yes you can you stupid fucking weasly faggot, stop sneaking your alt right bullshit into every fucking board.
The whole baking drama was centered around protected classes, any private establishment can deny service to anyone, as long as it's motivated by the clients race/gender/sexuality.

>> No.3736939

>All I wanted to point out was that your initial argument that "there are alternatives"
I never said "there are alternatives" I don't know what are you talking about.
You misrepresented what protected clases are, and I responded to it. Sorry if knowing the facts about the particular case we are talking about it's not looking at it "impartially"

>> No.3736964
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Nigger what?

>> No.3737019

McDonald's is a real job if you're underage or don't have a college degree.

>> No.3737031

>he thinks his degree is going to get him a "real job"



>> No.3737112

Jelly made from ngmi tears are delicious.

>> No.3737125

>‘lying this much
You’re fucking retarded. Also, it was absolutely not against their own rules which is why you have ppl like Tim Poole and Sam Harris abandoning the site. By the way, Tim made a video describing describing a phone call he had with someone high up at Patreon who admitted as much

>> No.3737128

You’re arguably retarded. No, scratch that, you’re absolutely retarded. Sargon is a faggot but only antifa retards would label him far right

>> No.3737138

Wanna know how I know you’re the type who reports and block people every time you’re presented with well constructed arguments supported by data? By the way, having a degree in lesbian dance doesn’t mean you’re intelligent. Quite the contrary

>> No.3737148

>triggered Sargon fanboy

>> No.3737244
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>I get to decide what a real job is
Shut up faggot

>> No.3737685




>> No.3737697


>> No.3737974

>triggered libtard with zero arguments
Patreon admitted to enforcing their rules arbitrarily which is why Harris, among others, left the site. Sargon is a massive faggot but rules should be enforced equally or not at all

>> No.3739306

>The group who is for free speech and ability to own guns
>Not known for throwing hissy fits and doxxing/deplatforming people however.
>Is somehow responsible for ruining everything for everyone else

How's the brainlet doing today?

>> No.3739366

did you assume that from all the quite mine troll videos done by Jim81jim/metokur worshippers!?

>> No.3739808

He is a liberal by the way so i think it's you who have retarded sources

>> No.3739826

Saying this as somebody who used to be a big supporter of Sargon, that dude is not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination. He uses the liberal moniker as an excuse to spout inflammatory, clearly anti-liberal dogma, and when anybody criticises him on his bullshit, he whips out his dog-eared "b-but I'm a liberal just liek u :^)" card.

Dude can claim to be a liberal as much as he wants, but all his supported ideologies are clearly right-wing. I'm not really interested in politics but if it quacks like a duck etc.

>> No.3739831

Tim Pool is not a liberal? Then why did he vote for Bernie? Or did you misunderstand and thought i was talking about Sargon?

>> No.3739836

Yeah mb, I thought you were talking about Sargon. I just jumped into the thread so I'm not really following all the replies that closely.

>> No.3739843

Right. Ya, i wouldn't call Sargon liberal either. Tim Pool is and he made the linked video describing how much Patreon fucked up and how they admit to enforce their rules completely arbitrarily. I linked that because the poster i replied to insinuated that right wing youtubers are falsely accusing Patreon of bias when well known liberals say the same

>> No.3740685
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Apparently Sargon lied about being banned from Patreon to stir up drama & views, and actually voluntarily left when offered to simply remove the content.


All Sargon supporters in this thread are once again proven to be irredeemable, gullible retards. The whole 'anti-SJW' bubble is an embarrassing joke.

Also - here's a transcript of what he said. This was supposedly directed at "neo-nazis":

>"“I just can’t be bothered with people who chose to treat me like this. It’s really annoying. Like, I—. You’re acting like a bunch of n*****s, just so you know. You act like white n*****s. Exactly how you describe black people acting is the impression I get dealing with the Alt Right. I’m really, I’m just not in the mood to deal with this kind of disrespect.”
>“Look, you carry on, but don’t expect me to then have a debate with one of your f**gots.…Like why would I bother?…Maybe you’re just acting like a n****r, mate? Have you considered that? Do you think white people act like this? White people are meant to be polite and respectful to one another, and you guys can’t even act like white people, it’s really amazing to me.”"

>> No.3740689

>Sarcuck of Mossad
>[current year] + 3

>> No.3740693

Based and groomed

>> No.3740727

Please remember this post when you accidentally piss someone with the same ideals as you, enough to get you censored because you're <label>.

>> No.3740731

Wow it'll be really tough trying to not "accidently" be a small, hateful, racist paranoid piece of shit. I'll try my best though.

>> No.3740734

I don't care if i'm censored on social media because capitalism will make more social medias for my type of people :)

>> No.3740941

Good luck finding a job that isn't at a fast food restaurant then.

>> No.3741110


"remove content" from someone else's stream?


twitter zombies doing research

>> No.3741137


there is no free market capitalism. jews and freemasons own everything in the world.

>> No.3741144

Just like Patreon had a rule were they can't ban people for things they do outside the site?
You tards live in a fantasy land, everytime someone corrects one of your lies you come up with 10 more, why don't you actually refute what I said?

I just watched Jack Conte's video about Lauren Souther and his interview with Dave Rubin and saw that Sargon was lying about what the CEO of patreon said.

>hurr durr dur, this liberal agrees with Sargon therefore Sargon can't lie.
Flawless logic as always from the Sargon fanboy.

>> No.3741168

Oh why am I not surprised.
Genuinely embarrassed I ever endorsed this tool.

>> No.3741192

Hey retard, their rules specifically mentioned on site activity. No mention of off site activity which means it clearly was not against their rules. At least until they decided it was, without informing any users
Also, how is he supposed to remove content when the video isn't his?
Finally, supporting corporate censorship is a surefire way to let the world know that you have a double digit IQ. Oh and do you know which group endorses corporate censorship? Here's a couple of hints - It starts with a F and is misused daily by regressive left retards such as yourself

>> No.3741194

Did you watch the video? It has clear evidence of Patreon admitting to lying. Well, who are we kidding? Of course you didn't watch it because then you wouldn't try to come back with a retarded meme response

>> No.3741212

Taken straight out of patreons rules:
"Because Patreon empowers people financially, we impose restrictions not only on the types of content and projects that can be funded through Patreon, but also on which people can and cannot receive funds through Patreon."
So from the get go they can ban you for shit you do related to the bussines you are funding.

That's leaving aside that Jack Conte himself explained this TWO TIMES a year ago. But let's ignore what Patreon CEO said.

Let's go from all the asumptions he made just in the first minutes:
>References Chapo Trap House pretending like their case is the same as Sargon.
Right from the get go an asumption of "inequity" that doesn't exist.
>They not wanting to disclose internal information of the company is somehow outrageous
>Not understanding what a complaint based system is
>Repeating the retarded "only on patreon the website" meme.

But sure, Tim Pool talking to a random employee means more than the CEO saying they do ban people for things outside the platform, basic common sense dictating they would do, and this >>3740685 showing Sargon did it all on purpose to stir controversy

>> No.3741218

Anyone who reads what he said and is still genuinely confused as to why he got in trouble is phenomenally retarded. That whole rant was insane.

Its one thing to talk like this when you're an anonymous nobody on 4chan, but to actually say this in front of an audience is astonishing. Fuck this guy.

>> No.3741354

Patreon needs to find its balls and ban porn and lewds and get Sakimichan off of there.

>> No.3743031
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>Sargon of cuckkad

>> No.3743143

Didn't Pornhub already welcomed everyone and even explained that they have everything setup for making your page work similar to Patreon? And that they do have it for a long time.

>> No.3743153

When the "progress" goes to shit you need to regress away from shit back to ok.

Sargon is right about almost everything.

>> No.3743159

They were never porn friendly. Porn makers were just usually small and unimportant enough to fly under the radar. Getting reported would get you listed as private/link only (can't be browsed normally), or if you had any sort of unsightly content (ryona, rape, petite bodies, too hard bondage, etc) you could get banned or told to strip your patreon page of all that shit to get reauthorized.