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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 75 KB, 440x660, 1543380764473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3730049 No.3730049 [Reply] [Original]

This shit's hard, man.

>> No.3730053

just keep going anon

>> No.3730074
File: 64 KB, 454x537, 1543919178279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be boring if it was so easy anon

>> No.3730075

I wanna rub that belly so badly

>> No.3730336

You know it's probably died since that picture of it has been taken.

>> No.3730341

haha take a break haha

>> No.3730345
File: 115 KB, 720x480, Hack_Legend_of-the_Twilight-Review2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to die, drawing and making art is hard

>> No.3730347
File: 58 KB, 650x403, fbdfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take breaks: eat, shit, lift weight, fap to porn, draw for 10 hours a day, repeat, thats literal my circle.

>> No.3730366

it'll be ok pupper

>> No.3730412

only way to sift those who have what it takes from the rest.

>> No.3730845

When do you eat?

>> No.3730851

can you map out your schedule more clearly, i like the sound of it already

>> No.3730914

That's why you should have been born with the art gene, anon. Without it you struggle forever. Ask your parents why they didn't give you the art gene.

>> No.3730942
File: 266 KB, 576x768, 1545117911297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do it

>> No.3731253

i hate it when people give this kind of advice and don't post their shit

>> No.3731273

Just letting you know it never gets easy, even the best in the world say so.

>> No.3731298

Damn, polfag is right. Nice image, saved.

>> No.3731303
File: 188 KB, 733x1200, 1533852303436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u kot

>> No.3731304
File: 961 KB, 804x555, 1545344265400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I just started reading Mein Kampf. Haven't gone out of my way to read a book since high school but I couldn't put it down. I kept reading until my brain couldn't process the words anymore and I fell asleep.
It's like he was speaking into my soul. It's as if he were me in a different time and place.
The eternal struggle. It's what all great men live and die for. I can chase my dream, and even if I suck, I at least had a purpose. The most any man could hope for is to be one of the few who is remembered for his journey.

>> No.3731311

If it was easy any degenerate could do

>> No.3731314

agreed, the one good thing about art is that you get what you put into it. Most things in life aren't fair like how other people get rich due to easy shortcuts i.e slutting themselves/getting freebies and leeching off "friends", but things like art/drawing is literally a showcase of how much time and effort one put into their craft. That's the one thing I like about this whole art thing. The fact that it's fair and there are no shortcuts; the way everything should be in life.

>> No.3731318

yup, also like you said what you put it, you get, learning anatomy? boom your drawing leveled up. Learning perspective? Boom.
Just look at top artist, they all know the those stuff like they are born with it, yet, its sign that they grinded countless hours to understand every concept, every line..

>> No.3731322

also do you want to slave away rest of your life for some rich fuck? to draw you dont even need to leave your room, you just fucking draw, your brain will be stimuled, it will start releasing dopamine, as you are drawing (same thing as gaming). In few years you could be as good as random pro, whos stopping you? its yourself, you are literally afraid of picking up pen and taking charge of your life, just fucking do it, stop being a pussy

>> No.3731345

Same. There’s no point in saying stuff like that without work to contextualize it.

>> No.3731346
File: 58 KB, 680x457, 7C77C8C1-454E-4C72-91FE-BEDF765818B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read more

>> No.3731405
File: 197 KB, 970x542, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this.
I’m terrified of turning 23. I think that if I haven’t accomplished something artistically by the time June rolls around, I’ll probably kill myself.
I don’t know where things went so wrong. I feel like my whole life has been a mistake and I’ve never been able to correct myself. Now I’m 6 months away from being 23 and at that point, I’ll have friends who have degrees and I will be in the same rut that I’ve been in ever since I can remember.
The last time I felt like I could make art indefinitely was when I was 14. I was drawing shit constantly, for a year, and kept posting and interacting with my followers until I hit 1000+. Highschool started and I had to drop everything.
I don’t know how to return to being that person again. I’m taking the semester off to see if dedicating myself 100% to my art will actually get me somewhere. It has to work. if it doesn’t, in one way or another my life is over.

>> No.3731435

You sound pretty accomplished desu anon. I want to see your art desu.

>> No.3731437

Art will be with you for the rest of your life. You have done it this long, so you will not be able to stop. So think. You may live to be 80 and you will never stop creating. In which case you have forever to accomplish you goals.

>> No.3731470
File: 605 KB, 485x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 here, been there dawg, just this year started doing commissions and would have stopped art if i hadn't had such a good first year(for what i expected).
Nevah gib up

>> No.3731471

23 is still very young you chimp. I’m 33 and am still not over the hill.

>> No.3731761

Just buy yourself the art gene.

>> No.3731905

"All I have produced before the age of seventy is not worth taking into account. At seventy-three I have learned a little about the real structure of nature, of animals, plants, trees, birds, fishes and insects. In consequence when I am eighty, I shall have made still more progress. At ninety I shall penetrate the mystery of things; at one hundred I shall certainly have reached a marvelous stage; and when I am a hundred and ten, everything I do, be it a dot or a line, will be alive. I beg those who live as long as I to see if I do not keep my word. Written at the age of seventy five by me, once Hokusai, today Gwakyo Rojin, the old man mad about drawing."

if you load up maximum pressure on yourself before taking a break, you're not gunna have a good time. take it slow and steady.

>> No.3731947

Gee thanks anon, I'm about to be 27.

>> No.3732476
File: 3.95 MB, 4000x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well, I plan on going up from here. I love this piece that I did earlier this year, but I feel bad that it took me more than a month to draw.

Thanks anons, for giving me some perspective. I shouldn’t be impatient with myself, and I probably have some envy problems too. I’ll do my best to take this advice and work toward the future I want, no matter how long it takes.

>> No.3732507

>I’m terrified of turning 23.

>> No.3732624

Why am I even trying? I'm so old it's not even funny anymore. What did I think, I was in some fucking shonen and could suddenly make a living of art by waking up so late?
I've never been this close to give up forever. And this goes for everything in my life. I might regret it when I'll die, but maybe I can feel better if I just become a braindead consumer for the rest of my life. Yeah. I'm going back to playing competitive games and drinking. Good luck everyone. Do it for the ones that don't have any energy left to stand up one more time. Don't become me. If you're still in your 20s and not overly depressed on the long term, you have a chance.

>> No.3732629

I really hope this post is satire
I don't disagree with Nazis or other extremists but the idea that some other person soley understands you is retarded

>> No.3732660

its sick man people would commission the fuck out of shit like that

if this guy can be a full time artist you easily can https://twitter.com/JinuSenpai/status/1048803867654332418

>> No.3733848

I stopped drawing flat-out. The only reason I am here is I want to see if other people feel the same about the art game. It's bullshit. The only people that have fun with it are the talented artists that often go on to make a career out of it. Everyone else struggles like a dumb-ass and develops a self-esteem problem. When you talk to people who made it, they just parrot the same optimistic bullshit I heard before. The world doesn't need my shitty art. It doesn't need a worthless idiot that can't ever git gud.

>> No.3735254
File: 69 KB, 1080x648, freelimes_27575121_1571658736264169_7843796762916552704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am slowly coming to this realization but am too afraid to accept it.