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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 757 KB, 900x493, Kritatips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3728466 No.3728466 [Reply] [Original]

Resurrecting this, because this underrated software needs love too.

--You can also draw your weeeb and anime waifus here. It's just that devs tend to promote more realistic stuff.
--Check Pepper and Carrot, a comic made on this software, to see how powerful it can be: >>https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/article234/potion-of-flight
--Powerful enough to compete with photoshop, and clip paint studio.

Best part? It's open source. Free (gratis) in other words. And it will always be free.

Download here:


>> No.3728478

I'm downloading this right now, the 1.4.7 version, gotta try it!

>> No.3728496


>> No.3728504

I was just using it to animate, when I accidentally clicked the selection tool which made me unable to use my brush, I tried opening and closing the program for 30 minutes until it managed to deselect it, otherwise good experience. Better than flash

>> No.3728513

It has godawful brush engine...

>> No.3728514


>> No.3728526

How good are the animation tools? I want to animate traditionally on paper before scanning it into Krita.

>> No.3728529

It has a bullshit brush engine

>> No.3728533

sorry, your opinion is bullshit

You can do that with no problem. It has everything flash and more.

>> No.3728546

Nice. I heard there's a frame limit too. Is that true?

>> No.3728566

assuming it still has that autistic clipping system anybody who wants to do cellshade based stuff, masking and all that, stay away from krita.

>> No.3728575

what clipping system?

>> No.3728587

Post work you guys have made in krita.

>> No.3728593

the whole "Inherit Alpha" where u need to make a group/folder for it to work. Its just a clipping layer/mask that most other programs have, but made annoying and complicated.

>> No.3728634

This software is bloated as fuck

>> No.3728710

The software sucks, stop fucking spamming these threads you shill.

>> No.3728757
File: 158 KB, 551x428, art thou jesting me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the brush engine works just fine. You sound like a whiny baby who doesn't know how to tweak brush settings.
Right now, i mostly use krita to draw/paint, but still use SAI for certain things like photo editing, because i'm more comfortable doing those things in SAI. I bought Clip Studio, and while it probably has the best brush engine out of those three, i don't like using the program itself. Just personal preference, that's all this comes down to.
The only reason i'm using Krita as my main program right now is that it fits my own workflow and needs a little better. Also I like the tiling function for making my own seamless backgrounds. That is nice.
The default brushes for Krita used to suck ass, because I was used to SAI's smudging/blending brushes, and it seemed like all of the krita brushes were more transparent and didn't blend. For the latest version, they got the guy who made this really nice brushpack for the program a while back to make the default brushes better, and they're better, i think. I still prefer to make my own.
Which leads me to the one actual important bit of info about Krita that I haven't seen mentioned, but would have been nice to know sooner:
YOU CAN'T JUST DELETE BRUSHES. if you download a bunch of brush packs to play around with while you get your bearings, you can't just get rid of the ones you don't like later. You have to go digging around in folders and erase them there. THAT is bullshit.
All in all, it's a nice program. It's probably not as powerful as photoshop, and it's a bit convoluted, but it's free. It's not as easy to use as SAI, but it's got a few features that SAI doesn't have. This all boils down to finding a program that suits YOUR needs.

>> No.3728779

New to digital painting i chose krita because it was free but i don't understand 98% of the software. Any global hub with tutorials ?

>> No.3728784

Uh. The Krita website?

>> No.3728792

Thanks, had to go to krita/en/ to get the "Learn" tab.

>> No.3728802
File: 63 KB, 633x758, 1538086967017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stabilizer just isn't as good as CSP/SAI. I WANT to use Krita but it's just not there, and the devs seem absolutely unaware of how important this is.

>> No.3728815

Why do you use the stabilizer? Surely you should work on getting consistent lines through your own technique, not the tool, right?

>> No.3728826

>why do you use [popular function of any art program, including one that was added to PS by a third party because of how useful/convenient it is]?
to answer more realistically, to have prettier lines. but the one in Krita just sucks, 3 different settings and none is as good.

>> No.3728842

is it really good ,krita ?
I use medibang , that seems to the best to paint with a mouse....
First time I tried krita it seemed to be ass ....

>> No.3728859
File: 199 KB, 307x271, 36aba50a51768319c6aee86150e13200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different anon but i use the stabilizer because i have carpal tunnel, and my hand shakes pretty badly when i hold a pen/stylus. I know you're trying to be all "ohohoo, peasant, thou shouldst have gotten good firstly! Ohohooo" but like
stabilizers have been a life saver for me and my shitty hands.
Honestly, the stabilizer in Krita works wonderfully for me. I always had troubles with the one in SAI, but again it all comes down to personal preference. I use the weighted stabilizer all the time, and then the EXTRA THICK stabilizer for long lines.

>> No.3728869

when was it?
give it a try, more than just a 1 day trial. it gets some time to get used to, but it's definitely good.

>> No.3729090

It may take you a bit to figure out since you don't have much program experience, but once you have you're keyframes down and your onion-skinning you're good to go

>> No.3729109

Ok cool. I've messed with TVpaint before so maybe that'll jumpstart me.

>> No.3729246

/begs blaming the program for their lack of talent. Lol. David revoy has no problem creating amazing art.

>> No.3729264

No. This is the full version of the program. Enjoy!

>> No.3729589

Is there a way to bind brush groups to hotkeys like CSP? It's hard for me to go back to Krita with how far the controls are from what I use in CSP and PS. Coming back to 4 after mainly using 3 feels off. Navigating my brushes feels so cumbersome and nothing's grabbing me as a good brush.

>> No.3729746


>> No.3729807

>can't mix blue and yellow on the canvas to get green
it's shit

>> No.3729823

It's not the fault of the program you can't paint. NGMI

>> No.3729824

Art Academy on the DS can correctly blend blue and yellow to make green. This "fully featured" art program is less capable than a video game.

>> No.3729825


Plenty of great artist lik David revoy can paint with no issue. Go bag to /beg lol

>> No.3729826
File: 41 KB, 821x370, Captura de pantalla 2018-12-20 a la(s) 10.08.34 p. m..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you smoking? It does blend blue and yellow.


>> No.3729847
File: 69 KB, 634x506, krita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's some high quality accurate blending going on there

>> No.3729849
File: 89 KB, 528x855, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in a videogame on the DS...

>> No.3729852

Wish i could use this shit on my ipad...

>> No.3729857

>Being this fucking dumb
Learn how to use the program before you start slinging shit

>> No.3729864

because you need to use cyan,brainler for it to show as green. It also happens in photoshop.

Cyan not navy blue.

Go back to /beg please

>> No.3729867


I'm sorry that you and your shitty toy just got destroyed in public but feel free to prove me wrong by showing proof.
Protip :You can't because I've been waiting for this piece of shit to get correct color mixing for years and it's not getting it.

>> No.3729870

i don't use the stabilizer and my lines are fine.

>> No.3729871

Yeah, can't show proof except for the anon literally right above you that mixed blue and yellow to make green and provided a screenshot. Go back to /beg/ brainlet

>> No.3729873

how so what so good about CSP stabilizer

>> No.3729874
File: 158 KB, 748x485, Captura de pantalla 2018-12-20 a la(s) 11.09.09 p. m..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already showed proof you brainlet. You don't understand the fucking color wheel.

It's cyan + Yellow= green not navy blue.
Jesus chrisy this begs.

I'm sorry I am exposing you as a retard.

pro tip: kill yourself

>> No.3729877

Except that's not mixing. Maybe it's time for you to go back to /beg/ and stop shilling your garbage here, child.

You don't understanding what is meant by mixing. Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Please, go kill yourself and never post your uneducated nonsense here ever again.

>> No.3729879

>tha'ts not mixing.

Jesus christ you are retarded. It is blennding!

So you don't have arguments got it. Fuck off and use microsoft paint or crayons that's more on your level.

>> No.3729884

I've noticed that open source software users go into autistic fits whenever you speak ill of their software, especially when they get proven wrong in public.

It's fascinating.

>> No.3729887

> get proven wrong in public.
Literally two screenshots above mixing blue and yellow.

Lol, I agree your delusions are fascinating. Please tell me more about how you believe the earth is flat.

>> No.3729889
File: 3.53 MB, 500x282, Krita_cpb_mixing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always thought it would be a cool feature to have in Krita to blend any color like traditional paint like Sai and I think also CSP does. But I think after your knowledge of color theory becomes good enough, the color blending thing becomes more of an annoying gimmick than a helpful feature. Seems like most pro artists either use basic pixel brushes or prefer to have the color mixing feature turned off.

The closest thing to the feature in Krita is their new "color picker mixer", gif and vid related that automatically mixes any new colors you pick with the current color selection. You can even control how much color is "absorbed" with it.


>> No.3729906
File: 380 KB, 852x480, ReiProgressPic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the artist Rei who is one of the best Sai artists and has amazing knowledge of color has the color mixing shit turned off. It seems like for many digital artists, it just makes it harder to control the colors they want to lay down.

BTW I was able to make a nice imitation of one of Rei's main rendering brushes the "q brush" in Krita by editing the "basic_5-size" brush in the brush editor and playing with the flow setting. It's a nice brush for rendering hair.

>> No.3729909

useless feature

>> No.3729911


>> No.3729914


>> No.3729921

I was actually deep into researching this a year or two ago for my own programming work. There was a Google summer of code where they had a live paint mixer but it just didn't work out and got patched out. I think it was based on Munsell but there's so much chemically and empirically that goes with the equations used that it's not really feasible in the digital realm because it deals with traits like reflectivity.

I wasn't aware of that feature you linked, looks alright and I'll have to play with it.

>> No.3729923

Automatic mixing is garbage but a smudge brush using the paint that already exists on the canvas is the much more controllable way of working with color. I can't stand the "mix ground" settings in CSP. If you look at any of her tutorials she lays down a saturated blob and then blends that to whatever is around it.

>> No.3729939
File: 397 KB, 1920x1686, vyacheslav-safronov-drag.jpg?1544742195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember when I was searching for watercolor brushes for Krita and I came across this blog post that said they used to also have a "physics-based" watercolor engine but it eventually got patched out too. It seemed like in the beginning of Krita's development they was "leaning" towards being more like Corel Painter but eventually they decided to lean towards being more like Photoshop, which I prefer.

It'll be cool if eventually an outside contributor tries to add a color mixing feature to the smudge brush engine one day like what happened with the color picker.

I've seen a lot of cool art that was created with textured smudge/blur brushes.

>> No.3729942

Further about this, here's a good overview https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1351442/is-there-an-algorithm-for-color-mixing-that-works-like-mixing-real-colors

Kubelka Munk is the name of the paper in question. It's an incredibly difficult problem to solve. Using CMYK is the closest you can get digitally to "mixing" like traditional.

>> No.3730234
File: 257 KB, 800x500, boogers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are actively shitting me. This is multiple brushes, multiple shades of blue/cyan, and a few shades of yellow down at the bottom. I've used both blending and transparency brushes. Notice all the little dots scattered around the canvas? Notice how most of them are, in fact, serviceable greens for various use, EVEN when using the wrong blue for the job? A few times, i got gray or even brown, depending on the brush or the blending. But I can most certainly mix green by combining blue and yellow. Not that I need to, because I have a color wheel RIGHT THERE next to my canvas, but sometimes it's nice to mix colors on the canvas, like oil paints, right?
Seriously, i know this program's not the best, but complaining that the brush engine doesn't work just proves that you haven't really played around with it. Try harder, baby.

>> No.3730243

>i know this program's not the best
I legit still don't get how CSP/Sai are better in any way? I've seen some incredible work done with Krita and use it myself. I don't feel limited at all.

>> No.3730318
File: 22 KB, 500x488, Ds8wlpjW0AESgkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

each of the three lacks SOMETHING that one of the others has. What really matters is if the program's what YOU need. i get that some people just don't like Krita and it's not what they need, but that doesn't mean that it's a shitty program.
I've used all three and it's my preference to stick with Krita after years of painting with Sai.
I came into this thread hoping it'd be more than just 'hbrhbhr bad brush engine bhfhbrh'

>> No.3730612

Is there something to reset settings without a reinstall? I feel like I accidentally fucked with the docks and I honestly can't even find the back button anymore

>> No.3730631

fuck off you autistic retard I was correcting him

>> No.3732711
File: 148 KB, 882x1354, Screen Shot 2018-12-22 at 11.58.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell man! How do I export animations in gif format without it only exporting one single picture? This is dumb.

>> No.3732713

Render animation, not file save

>> No.3732715

I don't do animation but I think you gotta install the ffmpeg plugin for export as gif, webm etc. The plugin is kinda large so they didn't include it in the vanilla package.
I hope they work on this in the future

>> No.3732717

Ah ok thanks anons

>> No.3732720

Krita is shit.

>> No.3732725

Yeah it's buggy as hell. The mouse icon is always a magnifying glass and you have to let it sit idle for the icon to turn into a brush icon, Then while drawing it randomly turns back to the magnifying glass and you have to select a different color then select the original one you were using if you just want to draw another stroke.

>> No.3732727

Go to workspaces under Windows in the toolbar header. Than choose "default"


You can also backup your current workspace by choosing "New Workspace"

>> No.3732730

Messed up link


>> No.3733207

Any good coloring and painting tutorials?

>> No.3733247

So, did they upgrade their photo editing tools or are they still holding back in order for GIMP to have any kind of relevance?

>> No.3733285

I don't think they did and I doubt they ever will, it's not positioned as a photo editing program.

>> No.3733596

ffmpeg doesn't open on my mac...

>> No.3733710

I downloaded Krita onto my new laptop, but it's the updated version with new brushes and a new order. What brushes would you recommend for a painterly effect? What brushes do you use in general when painting/drawing?

>> No.3733833
File: 232 KB, 1085x647, brushiesss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you look at your brushes, the ones with purple icons are the ones i'd recommend for an approach similar to oil paint. Thing is, i think your brush tip matters just as much in this case as the brush engine itself. The two left examples on the top row have what I would consider a painterly effect. The brush tips have a lot of variation, and the blending is a bit more reminiscent of oil paint.
The rightmost example on the top row uses transparency, and kind of reminds me of gouache or acrylic paint. The lower left example is mostly to show that if your colors get a little too blurry and blended, that using a colorless smudging brush with a natural looking tip may give you the effect you're looking for. The lower right example is of a couple of watercolor brushes. I hope that's not what you meant, because I don't really understand those ones yet and I can't help you.

>> No.3733952
File: 143 KB, 780x410, 1544317326434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Copy and pasting this again

These are my favorite brush sets.

Best "painterly brushes". You can run the non-smudge/blur brushes at very large pixel sizes with no lag. The creator of this brush set managed to figure out a way to create nice textures just from using the brush tips. Most people use patterns for the brush textures which is more resource heavy.

But my favorite brushes from this set to me are actually the hard round brushes. They are way better than the default round brushes that come with Krita. You just gotta try them.


And my favorite brush set for inking brushes and watercolor brushes that blend a little like the ones in Sai.


Also hushcoil's brushset is pretty nice too. I mainly use the brushes from their pen&pencil and screentone bundle but you might enjoy their other brush bundles too.


>> No.3734017

How much better is the performance on Linux? I have a surface pro so am reluctant to try Linux on it due to it being about a year or more needed to get driver updates for new hardware and the SP6 only came out a few months ago.

I've noticed it's generally laggy with bigger brushes on a regular a4 canvas at 2400X3500 pixels. It seems fine in Clip Studio and Sketchbook at that size though.

>> No.3735956


>> No.3735971

Let's just say it runs natively in linux and the other two are ports. It runs the worst in mac

>> No.3736062

poorfags need to see this instead of wasting money

>> No.3736105

How much better is it than photoshop

>> No.3736112

it's literally a case of "it works differently and I prefer it", but I tried REALLY hard to use Krita, for over a year, and I could never ever get used to it.
the one in CSP or SAI is just ... better to me. I don't even use a high setting (4 out of 15 on SAI), it just works differently.
give CSP a try, the trial is there for it.

>> No.3736443

This focuses on painting and photoshop not as much

>> No.3737221

By purple icons, I assume you mean the ones with this purple brushes. I've used one to blend before, but I guess I could straight paint with them.

Tried to download a brush pack before and I could get it to work. Advice on what I'm doing wrong? Cheers.

>> No.3737227


>> No.3737259

it's free. it's got a more artistic and arguably more powerful brush engine. the things it's missing though are liquify, a decent healing brush, and content aware fill. it's good for animation though and at being a painting program.

painting programs are like 3d software where pros don't care what you use but retards and amateurs get in flamewars over programs. you can do 99% of the same stuff in all the programs, and that last 1% really doesn't matter. i'm fluent in clip, krita, and ps. it can be good to use different programs from time to time due to different brushes or workflows.

>> No.3737265

managing resources


>> No.3737592

it does have a liqiuify tool

>> No.3737597

ah, my fault. i forgot it had it because it was so hard to work with when i tried it a long time ago.
i don't use it when i make art anyway.

>> No.3737740

>content aware fill
You can probably replicate this with gmic, but I never had any use for this so I never tried

>> No.3737788

for some reason brush opacity isnt working

>> No.3738329

Install Gentoo

>> No.3738432

linux sucks. It's not compatinle with shit.

>> No.3738471


>> No.3738475

Why would you use shit anyways lol.

>> No.3738495

Its compatible with Krita and ffmpeg. So better for your needs than the itoddler OS.

>> No.3738516

you can't game on it linux fag.

>> No.3738536

How do I know you're ngmi?

>> No.3738543

Because you are a fucking brainlet. Linux is shit deal with it.

>> No.3738547

>Because you are a delusional retard. Fuck off. Linux is shit deal with it.

>> No.3738581
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1200, kde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats your fisher-price toy, samefag.

>> No.3738587

I'm I supposed to be surprised?Lol. It's shit. Can't pay the witcher 3 for one.

Windows is better deal with it.

>> No.3738598

>Can't pay the witcher 3 for one.
It can.

>> No.3738601

There are a million reasons not to use Windows.
If your vidya is that important to you then keep using bad proprietary spyware.
The meek don't deserve salvation.

>> No.3738605

unironically believing usng linux makes you a hero lol

>> No.3738609

Shoo. Play your video games anon.
Maybe it'll distract you from the pain of getting ass fucked by corporations.
But you probably enjoy that anyway.

>> No.3738658

>Can't pay the witcher 3 for one.
What is dxvk.

>> No.3738945

Yes anon you need to hide that furry porn from google.

>> No.3738969

Just tried using Krita again since I'm trying to dabble with digital art again. Why is it such a laggy mess? I want to use it but every time I try to, I'm reminded of why I keep quitting it.

>> No.3739050

check out the performance settings

>> No.3739103

You joke but Google, Microsoft and Facebook are some of the greatest threats to our individual liberties.
If normies used tracking protection, vpns and FOSS we could eliminate their influence and safeguard freedom for generations to come.
But they wont so we're all fucked.

>> No.3739109

after some tweaks responsiveness is pretty great on my craptop, be sensible: use 8bit canvas, tweak brush spacing to be slightly higher, tweak brush precision to be the lowest, enable instant preview on gigantic brushes, etc.