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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3727389 No.3727389 [Reply] [Original]

>using pencil and paper to draw

>> No.3727517
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>> No.3727586
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>What tablet should i buy?
>If i spend 3000 bucks on a Cintiq, i'll be like KJG?

>> No.3727686

using paper and spending 10x more work for it to look 10x worse compared to digital, pen and paper is just a waste of time in 2018 gramps.

>> No.3727696

>10x worse
sorry bro you're just bad

>> No.3727697

>ream of paper = three bucks
>overpriced tablet = your soul
>being able to draw when other guy's tablet runs out of battery life = priceless

>> No.3727702

How about traditional and digital are both pretty good.

>> No.3727703

Maybe you're just bad at drawing. Ever thought about that?

>> No.3727705
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>tfw i already prefer zooming in to draw rather than zooming out, even with a bigger brush

>> No.3727706

>there MUST be a medium where I DON'T suck without putting in any effort

this thread basically

>> No.3727708
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>working for an art director on commissioned freelance work
>piece is nearly finished, but needs major revisions
>"Hey anon, can we make X & Y a little bit smaller, more this element here, make Z lighter, change the color of the background, etc."
>shit your pants because you need to start over, and potentially start over again for even more revisions.

The flexibility and versatility of digital illustration is one of the most common reasons its used today over traditional work. The time commitment of creating and editing work is a fraction of the cumbersome & more permanent nature of traditional work. Also - to suggest that even traditional work doesn't pass through a digital environment for changes and file preparation is ignorant of how professional illustration works. Your output / deliverable is always going to be a digital file.

If you're drawing as a hobby, do whatever. If you're want to draw professionally, you would be right to switch to a digital workflow.

>> No.3727715

>shelling out $100s for decent colored pencils, $10/canvas, ridiculous amounts on oil paints or watercolor paper
>not spending $70 on a tiny tablet, pirating some program, never spending on art again

>> No.3727720

Honestly I would prefer drawing most of it traditionally and scanning it and editing it digitally

>> No.3727723

It says draw not paint, headass

>> No.3727725


>> No.3727731

At least we can all agree that painting is for fags

>> No.3727732

Drawing on decent paper, especially in colored pencil or marker, will set you back >$100 quickly.

>> No.3727736

Ok i'm kind of a /beg/ so when i mean draw I mean with graphite and pencils

>> No.3727737
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>not being versed and comfortable at both digital and traditional

>> No.3727739


>> No.3727744


>> No.3727768

>>shelling out $100s for decent colored pencils, $10/canvas, ridiculous amounts on oil paints or watercolor paper
Nobody said anything about painting.

>> No.3727770

>thinks digital is better
Like clockwork.

>> No.3727771

I'm literally saying traditional is better retard

>> No.3727775

Pretty much. When I began my journey into the world of painting, I became disenfranchised with how many artists relied on stealing to get their works noticed. Most artists these days can't even draw a straight line, but through multiple techniques like gridding you can seem like you know what you're doing on canvas and act like you know what you're talking about. I began sculpting which has its fair share of horseshit too but it's much more honest. Painting is for babies in this modern era

>> No.3727942


>> No.3727959

>present FIRST DRAFT like a pro before finishing up 90% of a piece like an amateur
>ASK for revisions and keep in contact with your work flow like a pro in order to avoid making costly mistakes
>Develop a working relationship with your clients rather than being a digital recluse
>Clients refer you to other potential networking peers rather than having to rely on commissioned freelance work or working for an art director for the rest of your life
>Tablet breaks down, need to go buy a new one, begin to accumulate ridiculous amounts of debt just to keep on tap of new technology and digital drawing software
>Pencil lead breaks, sharpen it and keep drawing


>> No.3727962

>not practicing with both for optimal improvment on both ends

>> No.3727963


>> No.3728029

these anons get it

>> No.3728041

>Tablet breaks down, need to go buy a new one, begin to accumulate ridiculous amounts of debt just to keep on tap of new technology and digital drawing software
>Pencil lead breaks, sharpen it and keep drawing
I don't know about the other stuff since I'm not a working pro but this one is definitely bullshit and shows how little you know about digital art. Tablets (Wacom's, at least.) are sturdy as fuck and can pretty much last decades, given that you don't use it as a punching bag. Feng Zhu still use the same tablet he bought over a decade ago.

As for software, you rarely ever need to keep up with new versions. Many artists (especially Japanese and Chinese artists) thrive on old software just fine. That's because software updates rarely offer anything substantially game-changing for illustrators, from my experience. Imo, Photoshop CS5 from 8 years ago already offers 99% of what you ever going to need. Hell, I even know artists that swear on CS3.

In the long-term, it's simply an undeniable fact that you will spend more money as a traditional artist than a digital artist

>> No.3728047
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>face of OP after baiting so many people

>> No.3728246

it isn't my suckiness with the brush pen that discourages me
it's Robertson's suckiness with the brush pen + the cost of refilling the brush pen that discourages me

>> No.3728491

Well, at least we established you're not a working professional. And please, do yourself a favor and actually research your claims that tablets last decades. Do you really think "the digital medium" is still using tablets from decades ago?

I don't think they are. Professionals in your digital medium are using software like Paint Tool SAI or Clip Studio Paint, like some of your beloved mangaka, and not Photoshop CS5.

In the long run, refrain from answering back with contradictory responses like you did, and maybe someone will take what you have to say a little more seriously.

>> No.3728495

The irony is he spends 99% of his time drawing in traditional.

>> No.3728506

>What is /ic/

>> No.3728511

yeah but digital is not real cuz it doesn't exist. It's just an illusion on screen so it's not art.

>> No.3728515

>I am taking a break on my drawing hobby because my Huion tablet broke.

>> No.3728519

>Do you really think "the digital medium" is still using tablets from decades ago?
Yes, and unlikely you I actually provided examples. Feng Zhu, one of the leading artists of "the digital medium" who owns the biggest concept art school still use Intuos 3, released over a decade ago.

>I don't think they are. Professionals in your digital medium are using software like Paint Tool SAI or Clip Studio Paint, like some of your beloved mangaka, and not Photoshop CS5.
Wei Fang, hgjart and lot of top-tier Chinese painters are still using Photoshop CS5 and CS6.
And you're acting as if SAI and CSP are newfangled things released last year. SAI is 12 years old and CSP is 17 years old.
Hamada Yoshikadu, along with many other manga artists are still drawing using Comic Studio 4 (old version of CSP). That version is released a decade ago.
And to double this down, CSP actually offers you free lifetime updates. The fact that so many working professional artists still don't bother to upgrade just shows how little these updates matter.
If you actually use any of these software, you would know this.

>In the long run, refrain from answering back with contradictory responses like you did, and maybe someone will take what you have to say a little more seriously.
None of my claims are contradictory. I merely stated facts while you make baseless claims. It's just painfully obvious that you have no idea about digital art other than what you hear other people say.

>> No.3728531
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Add Masahiro Ito to this list. Guy uses Photoshop 9.0 (CS2) from 2005, a 19" CRT monitor and Intuos3. He is a professional illustrator, Silent Hill 1-3 art director and draws his own comic.

>> No.3728542
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Based and redpilled

>> No.3728568

>Imo, Photoshop CS5 from 8 years ago already offers 99% of what you ever going to need. Hell, I even know artists that swear on CS3
So why not make the claim that Paint Tool SAI and Clip Studio are sill being used, too? Wouldn't that have made your statement more concrete that digital medium is the way to go? If you're for the digital medium, don't you think you would have brought this point up yourself, rather than have a little ol' traditional faggot, answer what you should already know?

>While you make baseless claims
If a tablet breaks, don't you have to buy a new one? Tablets are expensive, aren't they? If you're not in the market to buy one, and you go off an buy one anyway, does that not put you in debt?

If a pencil breaks, don't you have to sharpen it to draw again?

Baseless claims, I think not.

The only thing painfully obvious, is that a tradfag had to show up a digifag over software you should be championing, and not just spout off at the muzzle with Photoshop like some amateur. You only brought up those points in your reply because of me, admit it. And now, anyone who would like to explore the world of digital art can have a choice over software at least, and not just Photoshop.

>If you're drawing as a hobby, do whatever. If you're want to draw professionally, you would be right to switch to a digital workflow
Amateurs have no business giving out advice, that is of course, unless you want to put your money where your mouth is and make this a little more interesting.

I'll put my traditional skills up against yours and let's see who needs who the most. Lucky for me, I know both. :)

>> No.3728571

Come on Karate Kid, let's see those digital skills in action and waste me. Unless you bitch out because, reasons. :)

>> No.3728633

>So why not make the claim that Paint Tool SAI and Clip Studio are sill being used, too? Wouldn't that have made your statement more concrete that digital medium is the way to go?
I said nothing about the digital medium being the "way to go". I merely rebutted your notion that we somehow need to be constantly paying for new software updates if we want to survive.

>If you're for the digital medium, don't you think you would have brought this point up yourself, rather than have a little ol' traditional faggot, answer what you should already know?
I didn't bring it up because I don't need too? Photoshop is the go-to software of most professional digital painters and that is more than enough to deliver my point.
And to add to that, CSP and SAI is literally my default go-to programs for digital art and I rarely even use Photoshop anymore.

>If a tablet breaks, don't you have to buy a new one? Tablets are expensive, aren't they?
Do I have to repeat myself here? Tablets are ridiculously sturdy. They definitely don't break like a damn pencil. There was a case once where a user accidentally heated their tablet inside their car so much to the point it physically warped and bent out of shape. There was another case where a user spilled an entire jug of water over it. Guess what? Both Intuos are still working. And these are edge cases that happens to less than 0.1% of the entire userbase.
Yes, if your tablet breaks you would need to spend some money to buy a new one. But the point is that it's fucking hard to break it. If you're simply using your tablet over your desk, it WILL literally last decades as the many examples cited before.

>> No.3728635

>The only thing painfully obvious, is that a tradfag had to show up a digifag over software you should be championing, and not just spout off at the muzzle with Photoshop like some amateur. You only brought up those points in your reply because of me, admit it. And now, anyone who would like to explore the world of digital art can have a choice over software at least, and not just Photoshop.
This ironically really made it even clearer just how childishly ignorant you are. You think a digital artist is the kind of person that would spit out an entire glossary of digital art software out of desperation to impress other people? Even when it's not relevant to the point they're making? It's as naive as thinking spitting out 200 digits of pi means that you're a mathematical expert.
>Oh really, so do you have the latest Corel Paint 2019 hmmmm?!
>Psst, that's for amateurs! Do you even know about ArtRage dude?
>Nah, you're both noobs since you don't even know TVPaint mofos!! Bam gotcha!
Do you honestly think that's how digital artists talk?

It's honestly amazing just how hard you're reaching, just so that you don't need to admit you're wrong.
It's also funny just how hard you're trying to turn this into a Digital vs. Traditional bitchfight, when I'm literally just knocking down your ridiculous assumptions about digital art. Notice how I have yet to made any single comment, let alone an assumption about traditional art?

And >>3727708 is not even me, you would know that if you were paying any semblance of attention.

>> No.3728636



>> No.3728855

What the fuck people actually replied to my thread
I have a scanner and a tablet you fucking mongoloids just do both

>> No.3729148

>You think a digital artist is the kind of person that would spit out an entire glossary of digital art software out of desperation to impress other people?

>Notice how I have yet to make any single comment, let alone an assumption about traditional art?
>They definitely don't break like a damn pencil


>> No.3729214

Lineart on paper Color digitally you simple ass niggas

>> No.3729227


>> No.3729238

reminder that you all fucking suck so go take tips and advice from actual artists not your fellow retards

>> No.3730055

Come back again once you have an actual argument instead of just desperately scrambling to have the final word

>> No.3730107

masahiro ito does mostly traditional (like ballpoint) then edits it in photoshop.
what is his comic because i love him.

>> No.3730112

What is art, anon?

>> No.3730448

Lmao how do traditionalfags even do their rough drafts? Just buy a tablet you cheap faggot.

>> No.3730600

This looks like the type of thread a retard who presses ctrl+z while trying to draw on paper would make

>> No.3730705
