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File: 111 KB, 674x1000, 2018_12_18_spiderman_into_the_spiderverse_emoji_movie_company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3725558 No.3725558 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys think of the animation?


>> No.3725560
File: 2.05 MB, 1919x810, PdPkCQn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3725561


Movie was made by normies and tumblr fags. Westerns dont know how to make animation.

>> No.3725562


I'll go see it when it dies down and not a lot of people would be in the movie theater.

>> No.3725566


Does this generation know nothing of creating something new?

>make him black

>hur dur were so original

This is a sad age for animation.

>> No.3725571


There are white people in the film as spiderman too. They even thew in an animay girl to shut you up. What are you complaining about?

>> No.3725574
File: 196 KB, 640x619, 1543475522080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the future of 2d animation is 3d with shaders to make it look 2d

>> No.3725576

It looked like sshit

>> No.3725579

I can't fucking stand the art style and the way that they move. It's indeed made for tumblrfags and normalfags to gobble up but that's capeshit for you.
When is the Miles meme gonna end? They've been pushing Miles for ages now.

>> No.3725580


I don't think I'll be seeing your face on the big screen.

>> No.3725584

You know Peter Parker is a big character in the movie too?

>> No.3725585

>millions of Spidermen movies released
>literally only REEEEEES "uncreativity!" because of le black boogeyman meme
honestly pathetic. examine your life anon

>> No.3725587

there is genuine 2d animation in the film, actually. its a mix of both (being mostly 3d though) but there's a substantial amount of 2D animation.

>> No.3725588

I really liked it. The only problem is that there is a noticeable dip in quality in the second act from the first and third acts. The first act has really stylish visuals and good music that wasn't just nigger music, and the third act (while a bit of a generic super hero third act) was fun and looked pretty. The second act is literally just stupid shenanigans and the only action scenes of the second act were really blandly animated. I really liked the first act though. Wish they carried at least the remixes through the movie, I was really digging them too. Reminded me of Jet Set Radio.

>> No.3725591

I wasnt saying i have problems with color people. Im more bugged with how they keep pumping out generic hero movies. Nothing original in terms of characters and super humans. They leach. These film companies play it safe when litetally ppl now will go pay and watch anything.

The last oc film was The Incredibles. Totally new characters kind of making fun of cape shit films.

>> No.3725596

Oh look, another superhero shit, so original.

>> No.3725706

so many people here have written off the movie but havent actually seen it. interesting.

>> No.3725708

>not simply going to see it because of the stacked visdev team that worked on this
And here I thought you guys liked good art lol

>> No.3725741

>Shilling this movie by posting it on as many boards as possible
Good thing it's failing. As for the art direction I think it's absolutely horrible and funny as fuck that to save money they removed every other frame and called it an "artistic choice"

>> No.3725743

They're not really saving any money. Its purely for the effect. 3D animation isnt like 2D, you dont really save any money by cutting out the inbetweens. you can tell the computer to generate 15 frames per second or even 5000. It might save on a bit of computer power, maybe, but not enough to make it worth it.

>> No.3725744

It's not the issue of black though, iirc Miles Morales has replaced Parker as the spiderman in the Ultimate universe for a couple of years already. And as far as I know, one of the more decently written 'sjw' characters.
If I were to talk about a multiverse spiderman story, I'll be quite inclined to include him in it. iirc also, ultimate universe used to be quite popular too before it all went to shit with their version of infinity stones and shiet.

>> No.3725745

lol ok retard, doing the animation the way they did it takes more time than it normaly would because in 3D animation you only need to animate key frames and then the computer generates inbetweens for you.
Actual brainlet fuck out of here

>> No.3725754

>It's not the issue of black though

What is it then? You forgot to add that part to your post.


Doesn't look as good as people think it does. Just judging by that trailer there are a few moments that use the "doing 3d as if it was 2d" to great effect, but the majority of shots don't seem to gain anything from it. The choice in artstyle is still to reliant on 3d to see any real gains from the animation style.
ArcSys did it better by touching up every frame so that it'd look like anime. The animation there looks as equally choppy, but the thing is Into the Spiderverse does this while having no gain to style half the time.

>> No.3725767

2D is dead

>> No.3725770

It'd be cool if hollywood would create something original for once

>> No.3725771

one of the more unique uses of 3d ive seen in a long time
who was the team anon?

>> No.3725778

I honestly had no idea this shit premiered already. I don't follow Hollywood crap anymore, especially not capeshit.
>90m budget
>56m Box Office
I'm glad it's flopping hard, though. Hopefully the capeshit bubble is going to pop soon.

>> No.3725791
File: 184 KB, 1268x609, The-Art-Of-Spiderman-into-the-Spider-Verse-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Mullins, Alberto Mielgo,Shiyoon kim, Ryan Lang, Zac Retz, Vaughan Ling just to name a few

>> No.3725814

its better than full on 3D animation tho. That's the worst.

>> No.3725840

Ah, I mean the anon said that Miles Morales was added into the movie solely for the sake of having a black spiderman, which I disagreed

>> No.3726127

>And here I thought you guys liked good art lol
I do, that's why I'm not seeing it.

>> No.3726131

It was fucking beautiful. Legit the best-looking 3D animation I've ever seen.

>> No.3726165

>who was the team anon?
not that anon, but this movie had the highest numbers of animators for any movie ever, I think it was around 120ish. Amazing film

>> No.3726294

why it's so low fps tho? I get motion sickness

if you are going to have low fps atleast limit the amount of moving objects on screen

>> No.3726300

Craig Mullins? Wow! He's so good.

>> No.3726549

Unless the weird stopmo movement was trailer only, I refuse to watch it. Finally a big 2D movie and it is less fluid than the 90s cartoons, that's not the return of 2d animation I expected.
Seriously that framerate is too distracting, feels like edging.

>> No.3726670

>this generation
you are autistic he's been around longer than you have

>> No.3726682

Why do they keep making Spider-Man movies?

>> No.3726685

>why do they keep wanting to make money

>> No.3726767

I thought it was 3DCG? And yeah the choppy, low framerate is annoying as fuck. We have fucking 4K, 60FPS video games for God's sake. Why the fuck can't a Hollywood cgi movie keep a nice 24fps?

>> No.3726779

From what I've read, the movie is first rendered in 3D, then artists draw/paint over each frame in 2D. The details are honestly vague, and I hope they'll release some more behind-the-scenes footage.

>> No.3726787

Blacksploitation has become commonplace now

>> No.3726810

>the details are vague
you literally just explained the details, they made 3D models and drew over them.

>> No.3726935

>scribbling over 3D models to mimic 2D
>weird toon shaders and filter shit to mimic 2D
It's fucking amazing and frustrating how these studios go through all this work, time, and money to mimic 2D (and fail) instead of just making a damn 2D movie. The end result of their tricks doesn't even look like 2D anyways. They would rather do all this other shit instead of just draw on paper or a tablet.

>> No.3726975

Nigga Miles has been a character for the better part of a decade. He’s also explicitly alternate universe and his own character. Don’t conflate this with all the other racebending shitfuckery.

>> No.3727000

they animated in 3d on 2s mostly but the camera stayed on 1s.

>> No.3727198

>His own character
Sorry mate someone should've told you...

>> No.3727204

The heavy online shilling over the last few weeks has been impressive. Comes off fairly organic, largely due to high quantity. Financially tanking as expected though.

>> No.3727232

>all artists in my twitter hype this movie
>japs one too
>/ic/kekes hates this movie

>> No.3727236

why's spiderman black

>> No.3727238

The whole film covers up its cel shaded limited animation with this halftone (?) filter that made for some really interesting visuals that I hope more studios take inspiration from. I didn't notice it until that scene where Miles goes and tags an abandoned subway station with his uncle; while in the dark his smartphone's flashlight emitted ben-day dots and shit. Now compare that to.. Knights of Sidonia where they simulated limited animation by lowering the frames per second of its figures, yet left their cel shading mostly untouched; it was really distracting.

There were a few instances where figures looked like they were just floating in 3d space (ie Kingpin in the final fight and Peter B. Parker falling back into the portal they showed in the trailers) but those are minor complaints.
They poke fun a lot at Marvel's media mix; its message of "anybody can be Spider-Man" is just another way of saying "buy Spidey-Merch pls". I mean hell, Miles wears a store-bought Spider-Man costume for most of the run-time, anyway.
Why did Spider-Ham drop an anvil on Scorpion after being called a cartoon? Because Spider-Verse.

>> No.3727293

Less rendering time to buy from rendering-farms is literally lots of money saved, you dont know shit

>> No.3727300

>buy from render-farms
Retard they're a multi billion dollar company they obviously have their own render farm you actual monkey

>> No.3727317

I liked it, but I'm not surprises it's tanking:
-litteraly the 5th different Spiderman continuity in theaters since 2000
-venom was 3 months ago
-competing over ralph2 and grinch in animated movie category
-competing over aquaman in superhero category
-focus your advertising on miles morales, which is mostly unknown to the main audience

I seriously don't understand why they didn't wait until match for a release, preemptivly riding the Avengers 4 hype

>> No.3727319

And using them cost money, you double nigger.

>> No.3727321

>using incoherent english while calling someone a retard
Actually a primate

>> No.3727325

i just want a feature length 3d animation that's on par with the misleading trailers they use for video games


>> No.3727327

> lose the argument
Classic damage control

>> No.3727349


>> No.3727422

>dmg control
Lol how can anyone take you seriously when you can't even use basic 3rd grade english
take a break from art and go study some english you absolute neanderthal

>> No.3727585


>> No.3727617


>> No.3727649

/ic/ has no taste in art and if it's not anime animation it's bad

>> No.3727729

the trailer for the jap dub sounded pretty nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbIxwRpGL2w

also if I was given a choice between overly pretentious trad """artists""" and western database animals then I'll go with the latter no question

>> No.3727808

Watching you primates argue about animation is so damn entertaining.

>> No.3728801

I don't understand how you guys can complain about a superhero movie looking like this. I thought it was probably the most unique looking 3D animation in years. I do prefer 2D animation but they could never have done the same thing in 2D with as many characters on the screen and such complex action sequences. I believe they found a good middle ground. I don't mind the low framerate. It added to the comic book feel of the film. With Mielgo working on the concept art it's no surprise that the visuals look so fucking good. It's a shame he was fired in the middle of the development. The only thing that is UNFORGIVABLE is the ammount of chromatic aberration they added in post prod. It looks like utter trash and makes some scenes painful to watch. The story was quite bland though but I doubt anyone would expect more from a marvel movie.

>> No.3728805 [DELETED] 

As the director on the film, I would have to say it came out like garbage. Definitely one of my worst works. I was speaking to the lead artist last night and he said it looks like shit. I had a meeting with the sound team last week and we concluded it sounds like shit. Even in the private in-studio screenings we held before the project was completed, everyone has throwing their shit at the screen. Just an overall failure. However, my job as the director is to make a quick buck - the normies will eat this shit up like shit in the gutter like they always do.

>> No.3728808
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>> No.3728812
File: 9 KB, 302x225, 1544832576355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the director on the film, I would have to say it came out like garbage. Definitely one of my worst works. I was speaking to the lead artist last night and he said it looks like shit. I had a meeting with the sound team last week and we concluded it sounds like shit. Even in the private in-studio screenings we held before the project was completed, everyone has throwing their shit at the screen. Just an overall failure. However, my job as the director is to make a quick buck - the normies will eat this shit up like shit in the gutter like they always do.

>> No.3728814

this goes to

>> No.3728819

Thank you. I truly appreciate it. As this is the only award my film will get.

>> No.3729409

Every animator on the industry is praising the movie but nope, not 4chan /ic/.
We are such great animators that we are superior to the ones that work in the industry for longer than our lives. Wow, such an amazing comunity huh.

Now seriously, go fuck everyone else on this thread, bunch of retards that doesn't know shit about animation. Not implying that i do, but at least i
have the decency to critique something based on logic. Wich none of you did. Some tried tho, but failed by ignoring completely the lore just because of their high autism level. I feel sorry for you, really.
Miserable artists.


>> No.3729462
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x546, Spiderman.mp4_snapshot_00.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful visually, a lot of great colors, good use of comic-book inspired imagery: truly a paragon in a sea of boring looking CG films being produced by Disney. Kingpin stole the show, his design among the rest of the cast was so versatile. He goes from funny to threatening at the drop of a hat and is invaluable when it comes to framing shots with other characters. The styles that Peni and Spider-ham took were refreshing to see despite being more setpieces and punchlines than anything. I can't wait to dig through every frame for all of the squash n' stretch, multiples and smears. There's so much going on with the animation that, regardless of how you feel about the story or writing, it'll be worth going back for multiple viewings to catch things you might have missed. It's a lot to take in. I've heard it's good in 3D but I ain't paying extra for a movie ticket.

fuck Miles though what a boring piece of shit

>> No.3729543

Nice review. It's definitely refreshing to something deviate from the generic disney cgi look. If I see one more dough-eyed disney movie, I'm going to explode.
>fuck Miles though what a boring piece of shit
I fucking KNEW they wouldn't make him interesting. They always do this shit. Make a diversity character but pussy out on giving him flaws and struggles.

>> No.3729547

>Every animator on the industry is praising the movie
no shit, everyone from every industry does this. they're all a bunch of supporting pussies. not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's at least partially insincere because it's out of obligation by being in the same industry and we HAVE to support eachother. it's not based on work, their own preferences and philosophy on animation and so on.

>> No.3729549

You do realize animators are famous for shilling each other right? Also it doesn't matter that they spend millions of dollars in their choice if I dislike the choppy framerate they chose on purpose. The drawings and coloring are godlike though no one can deny the aesthetic, but the animation part is questionable.

Reminds me of a Fate Apocryphal fight that was being shill as sakuga of the year just because of all of the effects they crammed into it but at the end of the day it didn't mean we the audience had to like it.

>> No.3729571

show me a clip of any animation style to show how they should've animated it instead

>> No.3729594

Why is he black?

>> No.3729603 [DELETED] 

Because he's getting roasted.

>> No.3729625
File: 50 KB, 541x541, 1545334791098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it look so choppy? They couldn't hire enough filipino animators?

>> No.3729659

Does someone have the artbook

>> No.3729663

To emulate 2D animation i'm guessing. It does look quite jarring at times.

>> No.3729732

I don't know why studios keep doing that. Animators were able to make hand-drawn full-length movies at mostly 24fps WITHOUT computers. Why would CGshit have such low fps?

>> No.3730079

It is a stylistic choice. Apparently it was mainly animated on twos, but single animators had the option to switch on ones for some scenes. Also, they didn't use motion blur.

I admit the animation feels strange sometime. But overall the art is gorgeous.

>> No.3730084

what for? so you can just say "that looks like shit lol"

>> No.3730110
File: 739 KB, 2500x987, mielgo_spm04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much agree with what you guys said.
regarding the low framerate, it is noticeable in the beginning, but I'm pretty sure they upped the framerate when Miles got his spidersense. It makes for a pretty nice effect.

But the true art of this movie is all the concept art. Holy shit, my artboner couldnt go away for days looking at all that sweet stuff.

>> No.3730140

i have no problem them doing it in twos, what i have problem is if you gonna emulate normal 2d animation then do it like they do in proper 2d animation.

>> No.3730148

They didn't want to "emulate 2d animation", they wanted to make the art pop like a comic book. They wanted everything to be crisp but in ones the animation was too smooth, that's why they even get rid of motion blur.

They emulate 2d animation with spider-ham(and maybe some of it i'ts true 2d animation), but that'it.

>> No.3730589


Really? Looks like regular New York, just with purple tint and upped chroma..
I mean, they didn't have a lot of creative space to work in but at least for me this isn't something that sparks inspiration

>> No.3730810


maybe in this case beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but i think anyone who has a trained eye for form/color should see that all these deliberate stylisation give this whole thing the energy it has. and believe me, it looks easier then it is. just getting abstract reflections on a car chassis right fries my brain. I would suggest you look at the other concept arts, mielgo has a bunch of them on his page.

>> No.3730865
File: 400 KB, 493x342, QASOJat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3730931

You like my baits?

>> No.3730941


while the film looks interesting I cannot condone the implication of race-mixing in the movie

>> No.3731581


I read the plot, it's was pretty pathetic. It's on the same kick as the last jedi where they try to kill off an "old white" character and replace him with a black character.

In the last jedi they kept saying it's time for old things to die, and they made luke a whinny deluded complainer and an anti hero and made all the women and black people the only heros of the movie.

Into the spider verse has whute characters who can't be in this dimension or they'll die. The whole thing is pathetic on multiple levels. 1. They are just stealing a character and replacing him to make him "better." It's unoriginal, insulting and desperate. It also confirms the stereotype that black people can only get things by stealing it.

>> No.3731621

>It also confirms the stereotype that black people can only get things by stealing it.

You can try to be dishonest with this one but it'll be hard to not think there aren't other stories where the MC steals something to become something. I can count 10 already off the top of my head.

>> No.3731673
File: 51 KB, 360x553, Ben-is-huge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen the movie but I think it's kind of nice that we have these black super heroes now. As a darker skinned dude living in a predominantly white country I would have loved to have some superheroes who kind of look like me, to whom I can look up to as a kid. I'm 30 years old if you're wondering about that. We did have Spawn but he's just a big monster dude so it's not the same as having a young brown dude swinging about.

We also had the Ben Reilly incarnation and the Superior Spider-Man with Otto Octavius behind the mask so I don't think it's as new and crazy to have a new incarnation with a Latino/black background as some people are making it out to be. I think that comic readers like Miles because the basic Petey-Spider-Man formula has been getting stale after so many stories and iterations and not just because "Hurrdurr representation derp virtue signaling".

It's not like they're getting rid of Petey any time soon either. The MCU movies with Tom Holland are still raking in hundreds of millions in the box office and I still love the Peter Parker version of Spider-Man because that's who I looked up to when I was a wee lad. We can have both, can't we? Say what you want but I think it's good that all kinds of kids have these heroes that they can look up to so they can feel like heroes themselves. There are still tons of white male super heroes around in the moviesh/comics so I don't know why people are feeling so threatened by ~2 current movies with a non-white lead and ~2-3 movies with a female main hero. I don't think that we should kid ourselves into thinking that these studies care about "representation" or "gender politics" or what ever. They just care about $$$$ and ¥¥¥¥.

The only thing that really annoys me is the music in these "diverse" movies. Feels like they just fucking have to have hip-hop in them if there's a black hero. I don't hate hip-hop but I don't really love it either and it just feels like a cynical marketing gimmick.

>> No.3732544

Artbook scans ploz

>> No.3733345
File: 1.65 MB, 1987x3056, 1544634903005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would have loved to have some superheroes who kind of look like me, to whom I can look up to as a kid
Sorry but that's more an issue with you than an issue with comics in general. Growing up I loved Meteor Man which was a black movie, and Blade was and still is my shit. Race had no meaning to me as long as shit was legit and Blade is still fantastic.

>We can have both, can't we?
Of course but the problem with Miles is he exists to replace Peter and it's what Marvel has pushed him as since he first appeared in Ultimate comics. Even as recently as Spider-Geddon a comic event that just finished they pushed him as better than everyone and you can't kill a character faster than having them shit on beloved ones. Miles should be moves as far away from Peter as possible, given a new name as there is only one Spider-Man and that's Peter, and let him thrive in a new city where he can truly grow. Until then he's under the shadow of Peter and surrounded by hate of fans who's had to endure Marvel forcing him every chance they got.

>> No.3733723
