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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 17 KB, 384x345, kill me i hate drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3711353 No.3711353 [Reply] [Original]

I bought picture related some time ago but I still find very hard to get used to it, my drawings are super shit compared to pen and paper. Anyone has a similar problem ?

>> No.3711358

keep drawing

>> No.3711364

It does take a little time to take used to.
Don't hold the tablet pen like you'd hold a pencil, it needs to be more perpendicular to the surface. Apply pressure with the weight of your hand alone.
Use your entire arm, not just your wrist.

>> No.3711398

That's because digital sucks until you have done it a lot or get a cintiq, in which case it probably still sucks but far less.

>> No.3711412

the drawing space looks so small, i hope your wrists would be okay, its hard to use an entire arm and have good precision on such a small space, but maybe over time you'd get used to it and it wont be a problem

>> No.3711467

i use it. it's good for basic tasts but drawing is difficult but possible. i only bought it so i could take it with me when i travel and i can't take large intuos pro with me (it's an older model that's as large as XL but with smaller drawing surface)
just draw with small strokes, top to bottom, rotate canvas. i do it, so can you!

>> No.3711470

One question: are you using a stabiliser? Y/N?

>> No.3711658

I'm not OP, but I am using a screenless tablet. I just decided to use level 10 correction on Fire Alpaca

>> No.3711674

i'm using a wacom intuos pro medium of sorts. in comparison to that it's a bit bigger, allowing for movement. that would be the case but my chair is kinda short and the table feels too tall. i can still draw with no problems but i recommend getting a lower table if y'all want more space.

>> No.3711695

>Use your entire arm, not just your wrist.
good luck doing that on something that small

>> No.3711707

>good luck doing that on something that small
If I can do it, how couldn't you? I'm not telling you to make big arm movements, just to draw from your shoulder and with your forearm, not just your wrist. The wrist shouldn't move too much most of the time.

>> No.3711942

Stay zoomed out and keep the drawing loose at 1st then zoom in to add detail as you progress

>> No.3711959

Yeah, I do pencils on paper and then scan into photoshop to digital ink and colour. Can't just draw into PS.

>> No.3712468

the surface doesnt have enough texture and it feels like the pen is sliding across the screen, is there any way i can fix this ?

>> No.3712500

yeah, i've had one of these for 5 years and i still draw like shit on it, have to draw on paper and scan
would getting a cintiq help or no

>> No.3712558
File: 302 KB, 1701x1707, tabl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tape a layer of paper on the surface ( I learn this from Sinix), it make the pen grip better.
This is my tablet, I tape a piece of candy box paper (a bit thick) on top. The round area in the middle is where my pen draw most of the time. The dirt on the right is from my hand. And the draw on the left my pen hardly touch it.
Since the surface small, I mostly draw with my wrist (a big swift across the monitor can be done with little move of the hand).
Draw more and you'll get use to the tool.

>> No.3713162

tried this a while back and it just felt like shit. i really dont get it.

>> No.3713172
File: 70 KB, 992x560, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this as well, it works great. Took some paper from my sketchbook (since i'm used to it) so it just feels like i'm drawing on paper. I only have it taped at the top so I can flip it over when I want to use the default surface.

>> No.3713184

not op but
thank you i'm going to do this from now on I don't know why I never thought about it. I use the latest intous small model by the way.

>> No.3713909

i have this one too. surely im not the only one who it doesnt draw properly for (occassionally jumpy, squares arent square etc)

>> No.3713913

i have the same tablet, relearning the basics really really helped me. do some super quick figure studies, easy shit, just to really get into using it. it takes time but its so worth it imo

>> No.3713916

possibly a driver issue?

>> No.3713921

i know the pressure things related to windows but i think the mapping thing is because the tablet isnt 16:9. its 16 10 for macs or something. on fedora i was able to change the mapping and get it working alright but windows and literally every other distro are retarded in that manner

>> No.3714533
File: 237 KB, 496x526, 84f202e81d66d43000879386b1267923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this exact same tablet and i immediately had issues with it. it couldn't create straight lines vertically (jumped slightly every inch i moved it). i tested this several times.
i even returned it to the store, got a new one and had the exact same problem. could be a problem on my end, but i tested both of them on several different computers and got the same problem.
so i just decided to buy a medium wacom tablet which was more expensive, but it worked perfectly and i stopped having problems from there on out. so my recommendation is getting a medium tablet at first and seeing if you like that.

>> No.3714698

Try a few different types of paper. The only paper I like is the back side of HP photo paper. I hated everything else.