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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, builders-edge-gable-louvered-vents-120051212117-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3710860 No.3710860 [Reply] [Original]

Insert vent here. I'll start.

When is it ok to give up? I'm old af and my brain is retarded and seems to be stuck at bad beginner level. A few months ago I thought I could get decent and make a small living out of it in a few years if I kept drawing for hours every day, but I can't.
Even when I learn, I can't put everything together, my brain is retarded and my most """advanced"""" stuff look like the worst of the worst this board has ever seen.
I feel like crying. I kinda want to give up and be relieved. I miss video games, movies, all this fucking time I deleted for accoplishing absolutely nothing in drawing.
The worst thing is, if I give up, I'll be happy for a time, and then the thought of not doing art will haunt me again and I'll repeat this eternal cycle.
This is fucking hell, I wish I had normie hobbies and I could just enjoy life. But I don't have anything else in life besides a few friends. I have nothing special and I can't even find grills to put my mind off things and forget this nonsense.

>> No.3710882

How old is old af?

>> No.3710884

I don't wanna say cause someone that might visit those boards might recognized me. Let's just say, old enough that I should have a family with kids for some time now if I was in the norm and not depressed for eternity.

>> No.3710887

So about 25?

>> No.3710889

Try about 10 more (that's how long it took my irl friends to have kids, at least)

>> No.3710891

OP how long have you been working on this? can you show me your drawing

>> No.3710898
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Been copying stuff when I was a kid. Been drawing on and off since, usually bursts of a few months of motivation then depression hits hard and I give up everything for months.

Thing is, I never worked smart, or actually worked at all, I've always drawn from imagination.
But since I started again about 1 month ago, I decided to start learning things. So I'm actually unlocking things I never understood, but since I'm older it's probably harder to implement. And I have a life of symbol drawing behind me, so even if I get the concepts and can probably do very basics fundamentals, when I have to put everything together, it's a mess, there's so much to juggle with.

Anyway...about showing something, it's so bad I'm scared it would kill my motivation for ever if there's any left.
Here's some 2 to 5 mn gesture from a month ago, I actually liked those, but it's not saying anything about my capacity to draw from imagination.
I never finish any imagination drawing cause I see everything that's wrong but always end up making it worse.
I'll go and look in my daily drawings if there's something I can share but it's fucking ridiculous, prepare to laugh.

(I'm not looking for positive comments by the way, I'm actually starting to wish I wasn't so stubborn and I had some sort of mentor but I live in such a small place there's no one like that as far as I know)

>> No.3710902


anybody have a slight hand tremor?

i can only draw straight lines with quick gestures, with a very animated gesture.

but when i do it slow and steady its squiggly and fucking annoyiing!

>> No.3710930

Try drawing some cute anime girls.

>> No.3710933
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Your problem isn't art, it's depression my dude. Drawing better isn't going to fix that you should see a doctor

>> No.3710934
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Holy shit is it true that digital skill doesn't translate to pen and paper because holy shit whenever I think i'm doing even slightly okay on just a 2 minute practice sketch on my tablet i instinctively go back to pen and paper and i can't seem do do anything properly, my lines feel terrible

>> No.3710948

hand/eye corrdination for your tablet gets better with practice. Also try to align your tablet in front of your monitor to make things easier to draw

>> No.3710951

My greatest challenge for years was not of the technical variety but the fact that I didn't have anything I wanted to convey

Sure, I like moebius' art, and I want to draw stuff like his. Sure, I like Kim jung gi's flair, and I want to draw stuff with as much vigor as his. Sure, I like all those manga artists, and I'd like to have a touch as delicate as theirs. But to what end I never knew!

What seemed to have helped me, at least a little bit in the right direction, is going to art exhibits. I saw a bunch over the past few months, and I started to think really hard about their life and what these artists struggled with.

Sometimes I think that despite me putting myself down constantly by saying I have no set style or way of communicating, I actually do. It's just that in my naive arrogance I might perceive myself incorrectly.

There's still no excuse, really. Just keep drawing. All the resistance you meet in your head has no real power.

>> No.3710955

I know that, I'm currently trying to fix everything, well I've been for a few years now (sport, no alcool, eating healthy, etc etc), and art is the only thing I actually wanna do. Or that I wish I knew how to at least. When I try to live a life of consuming only, I only end up looking at other's work and being mad af I don't do anything.
I also think depression is here for a reason, and I can fix it without the help of meds or something.
Also even if I end up like that, drawing is one of the only thing that makes me stop thinking, so I'm sure it's a good sign I should do it. I just have to find how to do it I guess. It might just be about what I do, how I do it. I don't know.

But yeah, been depressed for half my life, you got that right.

>> No.3710987

>This is fucking hell, I wish I had normie hobbies and I could just enjoy life.

I'm going to be really real with you: you should probably quit art. You're not going to make a living from it, because you're always going to be competing with people for whom art is their life, and they're going to be much better at it than you.

You're either an artist or you're not. An artist doesn't even think about quitting art. It literally never crosses their mind. Doing art is part of who they are. You sound like someone who wants to be an artist (like a lot of this board), and there's a significant difference. Be a hobbyist; art is a fun hobby and there's nothing wrong with being a hobbyist. But don't torture yourself with art if it's something that isn't natural for you to live and breathe, because art is a sadistic mistress who has ground many men's lives to dust.

>> No.3711025

I don't know if growing up with shonen has made me retarded, but I dont want to give up. And I can't anyway, cause I always end up coming back to it.
I really understand what you're saying, but I think in my case, it's all about discipline and method.
I need to start using references and tutorials and draw pages and pages of what I don't know how to draw. Not just a few ones.
I need to stop mindless doodles. Everything should have a goal cause I'm late already.
So here's the thing I'll do. I have to draw everyday (which I've already been doing fo some time anyway) as much as I can for one year. If I don't produce something I'm not ashamed to show and doesn't get any appreciation in one year, I'll just call it a day and quit.
It's just fucking problems solving and I know all the variables. And also have all the ressources I need with online content. I'm a fucking pussy, until not so long ago there were awesome artists who didn't even have all those ressources.

>because you're always going to be competing with people for whom art is their life, and they're going to be much better at it than you.
Yes. But would you agree that it's not all about technical skills? Some people just need decent skills to gather a niche (or more in the case of some successfull comics, to take an example, where the artists just had enough skill to convey what they needed), not really to compete with others. If that makes sense. I might be wrong.

>> No.3711026

maybe stop being so negative?

i dont agree with the other anon. people can be artists, you dont need to be gifted by god or be raised by artist parents to be 'one of them.'

in my experience how far anybody gets with their art always has to do with how they treat themselves. and honestly thats way bigger of a problem than getting more likes on twitter.

you could start by severing yourself off /ic/.

>> No.3711028

You're absolutely right. I get the difference between someone who draws like shit and is still having fun, and see it as a step to learn, and smeone who draws like shit and end up like me.
But long-term depression makes it really hard. What I learned is that I should give myself some time when it hits hard like that, and rest a bit or rather do very little at least just to keep the ball rolling.
The other times this happened, I straight up voiced my defeat and will to give up to friends, deleted stuff, gave up on projects, etc.
This time I managed to catch myself in the act and I'll try to hang on until this wears off.

>> No.3711069

Holy hell anon, I felt like I was reading something I wrote myself but just didn't remember writing it. I'm you, but female (assuming you're male).
I'm fucking 33 and a complete loser who sucks at art. All my few friends and acquaintances are married, getting married, or popping kids out and I'm just a disabled loser. I've been with my asexual boyfriend for 6 years and his brother has been with his girl for 3 and they're getting married already. Forget about ever getting hitched when I can't even get laid in a relationship.

I want to throw myself off a bridge because I have severe dyspraxia that makes drawing and improvement hell for me, and I have always gotten made fun of for my art both offline and online.

I have dyspraxia so bad that it interferes with *everything* and I can't get a real job living out in farmland with no public transportation. I'm on food stamps, SSI, and section 8.
Even though I suck at art, I feel like there's nothing else I can do for money, so I attempt to get into events and anime cons to sell my shit that no one wants to buy anyway. But it's ok, I've applied to 34 conventions and got accepted into 2, one which was canceled and the other a no name con that no one came to. I've given up 4 times now only to come back and "try a new style" in hopes I'll be better at it, but nope. It all sucks. I hate my life.

>> No.3711084

Op here.

One of the options I had in mind besides finding a mentor was finding an art buddy. Pretty sure this could be more beneficial and motivating, rather than staying in my head.

What think? No obligation of course, you could just leave anytime if you feel like the gap is too big (it probably is) or you don't feel like it's beneficial to you or if you feel like I'm annoying.

Anyone else welcome of course if you can bear esl

Discord is Fuku#0416

>> No.3711114

I've seen you use those kind of quotation marks before, OP. Have you ever made fun of other people's work here?

>> No.3711115

my art is below average and i can tell that im stagnating. right now i tried branching out from drawing characters to drawing backgrounds little by little to try something new. im shit at it but i hope i can improve more. I used to be part of a very active art discord and we give lots of critiques but when the mods got into a fight about some political disagreement, the owner started acting like a kid and everyone got turned off.now its dead.

>> No.3711117

?i draw the same on both cintiq, intuos and paper? i just draw faster on paper and cintiq than i do on a hard surface tablet. i dont magically lose my skill set from switching lol

>> No.3711118

Never, I'm actually having a hard time mocking people

>> No.3711119

Hey, I have dyspraxia and live in distant farmland too. Could you say more about what it affects specifically? I got diagnosed as a kid but no-one did much about it and I just assume things are me being useless or just the way I am. I only learned like last year that my not being able to hear people in the car because of the engine and road etc noises is part of the Dyspraxia thing. I have good hearing, it's just like in that setting i can't distinguish the important noise from all the background stuff.

I'd be interested if you have specific things it affects since you seem more in touch with it than me.

I also have siblings getting married, including younger ones. I think we have to accept were taking different paths and compare ourselves less. They might be getting married, having kids, getting housed etc, but they're kind of peaking already. The rest of life will be about their kids. I don't like feeling slow or useless compared to them, but if rather have art etc to keep pushing and improving at than to be pretty much at my career and life peak already and facing the same exact job for the next however many decades.

>> No.3711120

Seen a lot of discord but none of them seems really active, too bad there's not one where all of ic would go

>> No.3711125

Even I can use them. Anyone """"could"""" use them.

>> No.3711126

Are you sure about that. Are you telling the truth?

>> No.3711130

MarmaladeMum, is that you?

>> No.3711192

ye :(

>> No.3711221

Don't be retarded, retard. People who enjoy art enjoy it because they're at a skill level they're fine with. This anon bas been drawing for a long time but just doesn't enjoy it because its hard to enjoy being bad. It's hard to have hated your own drawings for so long and then turn around to realize you need to stop hating them to improve. Easier said than done.

Don't know if you're a crab or genuinely believe this drivel.

>> No.3711252
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I am an absolute beginner. I've always been good at copying figures but i cant draw something out of my mind. I'm half way through Fun with the pencil by loomis and i'm glad that my drawing skills have improved much. I dont know where to go after i finish that book. Im 18 and i never had a mentor to guide me. Pic related is one of my few tries at loomis.

>> No.3711254

still better than 62% of /ic/

>> No.3711427

Thanks, not sure if you're just being nice, but if you're thinking this is even remotely decent, it's cause it's gesture drawing, so from video reference. Anyone can do that, but gesture doesn't mean I know anatomy, perspective, or anything else. Now I have to implement actually learning from studies, not just warming up.

>> No.3713350
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I can't seem to feel accomplished no matter what I do and can't tell why

>Got first place in a regional Jiu-Jitsu tournament and my reaction after winning the final was just 'eh'
>stuck around to watch the finals of other weightclasses and the winners were jumping with fucking joy
>a few were even crying
Besides that I never felt happy for getting excellent grades, or winning a scholarship, or being accepted in a good uni.
A surprising one was when some art I posted online got praised an artist I REALLY like, I really care about art but even that I got no feeling from

It feels like I'm constantly chasing and working hard for things that should make me feel accomplished but the most I fucking get is "That's good I guess".
It's fucking with my head, I want to feel accomplished and happy but nothing is fucking doing it

>> No.3713362


Pursuing the image of what you think would make you happy but that you don't like anymore?

Do you actually enjoy the act of drawing? Cause if not either you think you like drawing or did at some point, but do not anymore (but your're stuck with a self image that's not actualized)

What makes you feel excited? It doesn't have to be socially acceptable or big. You could jus like gossip, video games tournaments, whatever. Think about what you like with no filter and try to understand why.

You could also just have some kind of trauma. Like your parents telling you something when you were a kid, or something that happened in your past.

I'm so far from this type of personnality and life that I can't really understand tho, but I figured I'd try coming up with hints related to self-actualization/spirituality that I watched.

So yeah basically find your shadow shit in your past if any, and try to be genuine and see what you really like, not what you think you should like or something.

Or maybe get a gf

>> No.3713453

I really enjoy writing. I used to draw a lot but stopped, and my skill degraded so much that I have to start from scratch.

Besides writing a book, I would love to write and illustrate a webcomic.

I'm trying to get back into art, but I'm having trouble developing both skills at once. Its either I write, or I draw. Either I throw my all into one, or the other. Any tips on how to get past this mental block?

>> No.3713490

i feel inadequate no matter what i do or achieve. i hit myself in the side of the head so many times today that after sleeping i can tell that the vision in my right eye has gotten notably worse. maybe it's temporary. maybe it'll last forever. i went to sleep hoping i had a concussion and wouldn't wake up. my leg looks like a scratching post. i ruined the one good thing my body had to offer. if i finally get to visit my partner and it goes bad i'll want to kill myself. if it goes good i'll get home and want to kill myself. i already want to kill myself so it doesn't really matter, it's not like i can afford to visit any time soon. maybe i can starve myself to death first.
i feel worthless.
i am worthless.

>> No.3713770

jesus, please get some help

>> No.3714059

it's okay anon, we love you here

>> No.3714407

I'm so very lonely. Maybe this loneliness is what I need to get better at art so I can have "fans" who like my work. All I have is 4chan left and feel very hurt when I don't get any (you)s.

>> No.3714429

My only rant at this point is that how can you not fire a digital artist when he can't even do his style in pen and paper? We have this guy, hired by my too kind boss because he saw it on tumblr. The artist can't conceptualize fast enough, doesn't follow our workflow, and his submission is always delayed. His art is basically sakimichan with better views, because this artist uses models and draws over it. Also turna out that he memorized at least 50 angles shots of character drawing. He can't construct. He can't draw the meme 3/4ths view looking right. He can only 3/rths looking left. It looks good at least he can color on digital, but can't pass his work below him because his pallete is based on his feelings NO ONE SHOULD COPY HIS PALETTE NOT EVEN HIS COWORKER WORKING IN THE SAME JOB. AND FUCKING REFUSES OUR COMPANY'S FREE MONEY TO ENROLL TO SHORT REVIEW COURSES ON SOFTWARE/ILISTRATION COURSES.

Anyone on /ic/ insisting on doing fundies on pen and paper probably has seen these kind of artista.

>> No.3714432

Fans won't help with loneliness, they might even make it worse. Get a social hobby, you autistic fuck.

>> No.3714434

taking a temporary break from art to practice for my drivers license. I hate feeling like im falling behind but I really need this license and my brains too retarded to multitask

>> No.3714449

I have Muscle twitches, it's not good.

>> No.3714454
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For a couple weeks now I've been trying to improve how much I work, using my time better, opening a blog and enter DAD,... I haven't done any of that yet. In fact I've been working less. Changing is hard, trying to face my fuckups and all that time wasted. I want to leave the old me behind and start anew, in a way. I really want to make myself valuable.

>> No.3714456

you sound jelly af

>> No.3714469

anon, artist of the pic pls

>> No.3714475

You can have kids, a job, and be good at art. It’s not a “only one and not the other” thing

>> No.3714476
File: 317 KB, 1067x872, D79DC140-FB5D-4491-879C-3E17232AD882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have only finished one piece so far this month (finals and shit)
>know if i want to keep growing my account i need a steady flow of content
>just end up with more wips

>> No.3714477

not him, but it's granblue fantasy, recognize that artstyle anywhere, https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2352569

>> No.3714487

First of all, imo those gesture drawings are pretty good, so good job on that.
Second of all, the problem is that you're comparing yourself to others who are at a different level. Everyone walks a different path, the only one you can really compare yourself to is your past self. Take a drawing from before you started to take it seriously and look at how you've improved. It might be difficult to see improvement in the moment, but it gets more and more obvious over time. Don't beat yourself up if you don't see any immediately, no ones art skills improve linearly. It's more like a rollercoaster, sometimes it goes way differently than expected.
I hope you make sure to get help for your depression and I'm wishing you luck.

>> No.3714489

Hideo Minaba (and his team, I think)

>> No.3714498

Don't take failing like a punition, take it like a way to learn. Fucked up drawing? Ok, what did I learn from this? How can I make it better? Reframe.

Also, why do you draw?
Did you have very demnding parents or somehting?

>> No.3714504

Start a team sport. I did start muay thai personnaly cause I fucking loved watching fighting sine I was a kid, and it made me more confident and therefore more social. But I'd suppose a team sport would even help more.

Also if you live in a big city try somehing like Meetup.com and find a drawing meetup. Or ask for art buddies around, post discord if you need someone to talk to.

>> No.3714513

Yeah. I'm not even born with Internet but I think it made me impatient and obsessed with other artists. Just have to reframe and think about my work, not how far behind someone else I am.
Aout depression in general, I still don't wanna see a professional for some reason. Partly beucause I don't wanna take meds which I consider as an easy way to fix yourself (and even then, not sure it does actually fix the source of the problem)

>> No.3714663

>dad complements an anime poster on my wall and wonders if I drew it
>says if I did I could go work for a art company or whatever

....God damn it I wish that was my art on the wall I would have made him so proud

>> No.3714678

Felling like you aren't good enough for your age I feel, Is part of the experience of being in an age where It's easy to see every top-tier 16 year old's 50k-follower social media account.
This is easier said than done, but try to remember that because you are you, and no one else is you, only you can make your art.

If you can, look into Cognative Behavioural Therapy. This goes for everyone experiencing symptoms of depression in here.

>> No.3715328

CBT gives you techniques to deal with it. But it is not a cure.

>> No.3715395

This is the most fucking 1st world problem ever, but I chose a top academic college with basically no art program over an education that would include visual arts. I know college is what you make of it and I'm still so incredibly lucky to be here, but I can't help feeling resentful, angry, and "what-if?" every time I push off practicing and creating for yet another academic assignment. I'm going to be here for four years. my competition is already ahead of me just by being immersed in a visual arts learning environment, but how in the hell can I balance my workload with art?

>> No.3715410

im in engineering, junior year, and i still find time to draw every one and a while. you just have to make the time. like for instance i have a final worth half my grade in 2 hours and im shitposting on 4chan

>> No.3715428

Why noone wants to pay for a piece of work that is the highlight of their room decoration, but everyone would love to have it gifted by you?

>> No.3715799
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What engineering exactly? Not that anon but I'm in my first year for Aerospace and feel like I barely have time to breathe.
I'm behind on everything (I wasn't lazing about, I've been working since day 1), trying to keep up with problem classes/tutorials and failing, I'm not understanding and of the new material and getting fucked by the Thermofluids module.
None of the material feels particularly hard, the concepts aren't that difficult, but I'm being completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it

I wish I at least picked another department, my friends in Civil/Chem are barely under any pressure and would probably have a perfectly good job lined up. There's barely anything on their schedules compared to the fucking slog mine is, I could've drawn in that time.

iktf, anon. It feels pretty hopeless when there's people attending art colleges/ateliers and having all that time to practice.
My only comfort is that we can be here for a long time, guys like Brandon Dayton started art late and he got his first comic published ~40yrs old

>> No.3715842

Just turned 27. Living with parents. No driver's license. No car. No girlfriend. No money to grab a beer with the boys. Failed in the job interviews. Just one dream: manage to pay the rent of a shitty apartment with money from freelance so I can finally live on my own. If I can do that I've already made it.

>> No.3715945

I thought I was shit at art but it turns out my sketchbook paper had the wrong tooth, my brush settings in procreate and sai were wrong, and I’m actually kinda gud. Also I couldn’t draw decent circles or ellipses despite grinding for years, but then I just pointed my arm in the direction of the minor axis and I can suddenly draw them near perfect

>> No.3715948

I have non-art uni finals but I want to draw what the fuck

>> No.3716033

congrats anon, I wish I was as lucky

>> No.3716120

I kinda want to give up and be relieved. I miss video games, movies, all this fucking time I deleted for accoplishing absolutely nothing in drawing.
>The worst thing is, if I give up, I'll be happy for a time, and then the thought of not doing art will haunt me again and I'll repeat this eternal cycle.
>When I try to live a life of consuming only, I only end up looking at other's work and being mad af I don't do anything.
wew lad I'm reading myself through those post, I don't know how we're gonna make it anon

>> No.3716223

Dude that is amazing line confidence for a begininer. You'll be good in no time if you keep at it.

>> No.3716229
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>> No.3716230


Don't be afraid of job "interviews". 9 times out of 10 the person interviewing you will be either your coworker in some way who was promoted or someone who rarely you'll ever see who is in another department. Unless it's a family business just be yourself around the so called bossman questioning you.

>> No.3716434

Yeah, I was myself, actually. I was really honest about my pros and cons. I'm not afraid of interviews, but fuck me if they're not a waste of time, especially when HR and its stupid questions are involved.

>> No.3716782
File: 44 KB, 333x504, 124151q2312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to go home and draw

>> No.3716823

just get good at drawing dont waste ur time

>> No.3717300

I should draw but I'm so fucking tired I can't feel my body aaaaaaaaaaaah
But if I don't draw I'll always be behind aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs

>> No.3717302

tomorrow you'll be happy that you drew today

>> No.3717344

Wasted my childhood spending thousands upon thousands of hours playing video games and watching youtube aimlessly. I liked drawing but only did it when I was bored in class. Now I'm 19 years old (first year of art school) and just decided I want to be an illustrator but I hear kim jung gi has been drawing all day every day since he was like 5 I know I will never be as good and it makes me honestly really sad. I will work insanely hard for it but I dont know if it will ever become habitual and I know I will never reach that level :(

>> No.3717345

>19 years old
just keep it up and you'll make it.

>> No.3717366

your mindset is fucking cancer, don't worry about other people being younger than you, just worry about yourself

>> No.3717410
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What do you do when you're too sad to draw?

>> No.3717419

I like drawing, and I draw a lot. But I can't shake the feeling of uncertainty, instability, and insecurity of whether or not I'll have a job or make exceptional art. I just want some sign to tell me I'm on the right path. That I'm not just aimlessly running about. That I have something worthwhile to bring to the table. It's frustrating. I want to earn it, but I'm impatient. Why do I so desperately seek the approval of my art heroes, and completely disregard the kind words of my friends and family? I don't even know these people.

>> No.3717434

I feel overwhelmingly anxious with every passing day. I just want to have fun and make cool shit, but not being there yet is not helping.

>> No.3718136

You sound like you could really use some help anon. Is therapy an option in your position?

>> No.3718146

>spend 1 hour on one figure
>propoprtions are wrong
>anatomy is wrong
>perspective is wrong
>lines are wrong
>close app without saving and give up for the day

>> No.3718154

I felt that my visual library is deteriorating badly, and I'm only 20. Even when I study anatomy, landscape, machinery, or creature design I cannot implement what I learn into imagination. I always wished to do complex scenery and compositions, but whenever I draw the outcome essentially look like character concept art or a muddy landscape mess with huge brushstrokes and no matte painting elements. The majority end up the equivalent of some tumblr/deviantart girl who can only draw adoptables.
>inb4 20 is not old comments

>> No.3718210

I turn 25 tomorrow. I was the one who made the 25 neuriplastic meme. I will be a living meme now.... Unless I peddle 30 is the new 25 for deteriorating brain matter lol.

>> No.3718216

>25 neuriplastic meme

>> No.3718217

i wish i hadn't spent any time on making my art colorful or expressive and instead just kept working on boring shit i don't care about like realism, no one takes my art seriously and i really want to die

>> No.3718218

also i'm literally only going on /ic/ again in hopes that someone will verbally abuse me so bad that i finally kms or at least stop art entirely

>> No.3718219

I'm 23 and I solved this by copying every single day a new environment in less than 30 mins. After a while you get to see the patterns behind a lot of your favorite compositions and get to be able to create similar stuff.

>> No.3718220

Leaning too hard in either direction makes your art either forgettable or generic.

>> No.3718222

i think all the kim jung gi/ruan jia wannabes on here are both forgettable and generic but that's all anyone cares about

>> No.3718303

When you turn 25 your nueroplasticity begins to rapidly decline making art more difficult to learn. Now I consider myself a very intelligent individual so I'll have no problems with plasticity loss but for others it is too late.

>> No.3718319

You are a child keep working and you will get better my god

>> No.3718338
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>when you're 27 and you had 2 years of steady progress

>> No.3718345

The new danger age is 30 so you're fine.

>> No.3718347

That’s not true, it only ever declines about 2%. But yeah I’m not worried either because my intelligence level is huge

>> No.3718354

>go for path to normie career due to outside pressure, insecurity about ability, worries about earning enough money to earn a stable living
>still love art, can't stop doing it
>art is bad habit, sucks me in, wastes my time and makes me worse at normie career
>still want to get good at drawing
>mediocre at both

>> No.3718365

Ooh, we got a big ol' brain over here.

>> No.3718367

How can 4chan be this stupid.
You played yourself for believing this. Neuroplasticity doesn't work that way. None of this work this way. Read a book about actual neuroplasticity nigger.

>> No.3718382
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>massively fail at being a normie
>family sees that and has zero expectations for me
>suddenly I'm free from the shackles of academic and social life
>I use my NEET time wisely and become decent at drawing

You should have pretended to be a tard or something anon

>> No.3718384

I am trying to fill the hole in the family left by my sibling who died while in college. I would feel immense shame if I became a neet for my own benefit, although it's possible that not going outside enough will lead me there anyway.

>> No.3718391
File: 2.81 MB, 4061x3008, IMG_20181013_235113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. I drawed stickmans 18 months ago and this is now. Age 40

>> No.3718394

Sorry to hear about your sibling anon. I hope everything works out in the end

>> No.3718413

Looks kinda like Tove Jansson's art

>> No.3718422

It's the opposite for me. My digital art a shit.

>> No.3718445

I've been so lazy because i've been scared of regressing when in fact my laziness has been the one that caused my regression. i'm such an idiot, time to grind again.

>> No.3718585

You know I've been feeling kinda like shit for a time now, It was three years ago that I decided that I would be a full time artist but life hasn't been on my side, or at least it seems like that.
I've been forced to have a job since I was 17 and that keeps me from improving as much as I could, and as time keeps passing it seems further and further away adding more and more responsibilities that restrain me, I'm 23 now and ageing...
My friends are starting to get jobs in animation and video games but I just don't seem to fit the type, no matter how much I practice and no matter how good I am, it just feels like it's never going to be enough to get there and even if I could get one of those, that wouldn't suffice to cover my economic needs.
Comments like "you are very good" make me feel even worse because the fact that I'm good doesn't defeat the fact that I get so ignored. Worst part is, I think I'm not that bad, it just feels like the world rejects me for some reason, no matter how hard I try, I'm never trying correctly

>> No.3718633

start lifting

>> No.3718975

Exercise is one piece of the puzzle, but not everything.

>> No.3719036



>> No.3719115

I'm 24, I live at home, never had a job. People are coming over for my fathers birthday in 2 days, I'm pretty sure one of them mentioned to my father they were going to give me some ideas on what I could do for a living. This persons suggested ideas in the past, "oh I see you like computers there jimmy, why don't you do something with computers?" or "You like art, why don't you sell some art work? why not be a graphic designer." I don't know, that stuff just really doesn't interest me at all and I wish it did. I tried programming for about half a year and it just stressed me out, it's not what I wanted to do. I can't make money as an artist because I don't actually make art, I just draw for fun. I couldn't sell my art to anybody, everything I do is a quicksketch, it's not worth anything. Even if I did force myself to finish something, I really don't enjoy the idea of drawing something for someone else.

I've got alot of anxiety and I don't explicitly know why, since I was a kid I've had a bad fear of dying in my sleep, fear of dying any time. I'm afraid to drive alone because I feel like I'm the type to crash the car, I've crashed a bike a few times and I'm an adult. I'm afraid of getting gas and being mugged or stabbed. I'm afraid in the parkinglot, I'm afraid all the time. If someone comes to my house to stay, I'm afraid of getting raped. I fear getting raped by my neighbor everynight lately. one fear might go but my life is riddled with these irrational fears.

I'm pretty sure I've got some fucked up shit wrong with me and I need to see a therapist, but it's going to cost my father who has no money as it is. When I think about doing something in the real world, I just think I'd rather disappear than do anything. I don't like life, I don't like me, I'm gay af, I'm lame af, I'm not cool to be around, I don't know how to socialize or be a friend, I'm a fucking loser.

Why can't I be motivated to be an artist? Why can't I be motivated to be anything?

>> No.3719128

I was never good at making comics, who am I kidding? There are dudes half my age with thrice my talent in Japan, so fuck it!

Flipping burgers here I come! :D

>> No.3719220

If by talent you mean drawing skills, then it's not everything. And what the fuck is talent anyway? You can learn everything, just slower than some other people.

>> No.3719227

didn't know what I wanted to do with my life when I was in school. I always drew, me and my siblings always competed with one another to see who could draw the best. We all had our own characters we made up, and we all had our own stories. Got hooked on jap comics and cartoons, so the culture in general was consumed as well. Unironically drawing anime style helped me figure out proportions to where I could just eye it, and clamp(which was a really popular manga studio when I was growing up) had an over-exaggerated aesthetic with their proportions so I learned how to make everything much more loose because of them(and gainax). I could always draw from sight, as well, so it wasn't just anime(LOTR was coming out at the time so I wanted to draw fantasy as well and I drew from the art books from that movie). My eldest sibling went on to KCAI, but since we relied on a shitty relative to co sign for a loan, said shitty relative decided to fuck her and not sign for the remaining two years. I joined the military to get cash for art school, because I wanted to animate/draw comics(i grew out of manga), and because of my siblings situation I didn't want to loan myself out and get equally fucked. Went AF and all the spec ops were having a sign on bonus so I went and tried to do that. Combat Control school kicked my ass and I ended up failing during the air traffic control portion of training. Landed in a cargo related specialty. left the military after I found out I would only get around 10k-40k after 20 years, instead of the 100% paid for tuition the recruiters like to boast(they pay for shitty CC degrees, not art schools). Basically ended up telling myself I don't really need art school, and that I just need to constantly draw and expose myself to new ideas. Problem is I am in trade school right now to make a living as a fall back, and crossing my fingers that drawing/writing will get recognized later on in my life.

>> No.3719229

second problem is I'm too distracted by my other hobbies(40k, vidya, browsing this shitty site or endlessly scrolling the pages of better artists on instagram) to begin anything I have in my head. I'm wasting my time doing other things when I could be drawing, and I just wish I had more self control.

>> No.3719239

I hate how people who post their drawings on reddit only do so to flex, instead of looking for actual outside input.
All of the commenters there are insecure plebs who are way too easily impressed.
They're always just suckling the author's dick instead of coming up with a meaningful comment.
"omg, so good!" great, I'm glad you like it, but all due respect, why are you on this sub if you're not trying to learn yourself? Ask questions if you don't have a critique to offer.
And if you do have a critique, don't fucking hide it behind "I wish I could be that good, desu"

I'd rather you say nothing than waste my time with your feckless, milquetoast sycophantry.

>> No.3719245

>commentors are insecure plebs who are easily impressed
you understand the npc plight

>> No.3719263


>> No.3719427
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“Haha I can barely draw a stick figure”
Fuck that place I went from seeking mass approval to not caring what non artists think to hating every annoying thing that they say. It’s the same shit over and over and the stuff they like is so bland and predictable. Showing my family a pieces by artists i like only to be met with a blank “huh, it doesn’t look fished” just sucks all the motivation out of me. I understand that the only person who’s approval I should be seeking is my own but it’s depressing thinking about how people’s appreciation of art plate is at such a low level

>> No.3719713

Have you tried making comics as a way to express all these emotions that you feel, even thou they are bad ones?
It may help, and it actually may interest someone

>> No.3719858

>also 27
>also no car and drivers license
>also no girlfriend

Well, at least I have a 20k+ job, so I don't feel like a complete loser. Thanks anon.

Set a goal that if I don't have an art job by 33, I'm going to quit this job and try and do whatever I can to make a living as an artist, ideally production artist.

>> No.3719861
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>make friends with students at a local art school
>their art sucks and they don't take art seriously
>make friends with concept art students
>everyone sucks at 2D drawing and relies heavily on 3D software/photos
>make friends on art discords
>24/7 gossip about popular art youtubers or whatever
>make friends with non artists
>actually have conversations and genuinely enjoy time spent together but i'm too busy to hang out usually
>make friends with artists irl
>actually they make their living off of revenue streams related to drawing (youtube, community management, etc.) and their primary source of income isn't from their art but from the art related businesses they do

>> No.3719881
File: 22 KB, 397x398, 1481292111447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try talking to the concept art students
>everyone says that you need to learn to photobash and do 3D, get that "ubisoft look"
>i don't like photobashing or using 3D at all
>told it's not possible to work as a concept artist with only 2D skills
>the jap artists i like hand draw everything
>"yeah but they literally work themselves to death lol"

>> No.3719909
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>join an art discord
>spend a lot of time drawing per day, so end up with tons of filled up sketchbook pages and digital files
>other user asks me to post my work
>too much shit to post, so i just don't post anything or say i didn't draw anything today


>spend and entire week studying a specific area/learning things
>don't post anything because it's just boring stuff
>asked to post so i post a study
>either get useless critique, an interrogation of why i'm doing the study, or a 2 hour lecture on why someone else's study method is better


>critique someone else's art when i see an obvious issue that i think could be easily fixed
>get shat on because the artist has more followers on social media or draws fanart


>someone asks me for art help/advice
>give them drawovers, advice, resources for 7 months
>turns out they have trouble drawing everyday and they don't take it very seriously
>tell them there's a lot of avenues for art related jobs and if he doesn't actually enjoy drawing he should consider doing something else that would actually make him happy
>screenshots my messages, blocks me, and posts them out of context on the rossdraws discord server


>post any drawing
>"hey that's cool but you should draw more like (insert generic gamesloft concept artist)"

>> No.3719938
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>say i want to focus on improving my art and learning
>"why? art is a journey! you should take it slow"
>clarify that i want to develop the skills to make a living as an illustrator and stylized character designer
>"you'll get there! give it 10 years!"

>try to talk about any fine artist
>everyone stops listening

>say hi to another artist
>get ignored while she asks someone else who i am
>they introduce me and say she was kind of rude (jokingly)
>she shrugs and says i'm just not important enough to be on her radar

>same girl gave me a redline on a drawing later that i didn't post for critique
>the redline was breaking form and out of perspective
>just say thanks and that i appreciate the help

>> No.3720281

gods give me strength

>don't have a consistent style, always searching and experimenting, mostly anime-ish
>don't really into fanart, burn out on any subject pretty quickly
>have no skills or interest in self promotion
>hence haven't a lot of fans, literally who
>making small money working at lowest levels of gaming industry, I don't mind, I love games

Suddenly, out of nowhere - a client who wants porn.

>great, always wanted to draw some but being sort of shy about it
>start working with him
>realizing pretty quickly that he is an old (45-ish) retard who has absolutely no artistic tastes besides "Ilya style faces" and deviantart tier technical quality
>fetishes aren't for my tastes, but it's ok, I'm used to draw what I don't like. 10 years in the industry tend to do this to you
>draw some pinup with undressing stages
>things are ok, money is better then ever for the third world shithole
>suddenly he starts a new game project with comic style and more hardcore
>never satisfied with what I do, demands tons of fixes mostly in the face area
>can't explain for shit what the fuck he actually wants, types like a lunatic with poetic tendencies, no actual feedback besides "more emotions" and "look at the ref folder"
>the folder full of ahegaos and really wanders in style and quality, not really helpful
>one day I have a breakthrough and finally understand what he needs
>since then fixes are minimal, he replies with "yes" and "excellent"
>realizing that I finally hit the bottom in terms of technique and style
>my own style which never was consistent suffers from it
>try to draw at least two hours a day for myself
>style shifted
>I don't like it
>the pictures that I like take at least two weeks to finish with all the redraws
>actually hate the guy now, want to switch jobs but to stay in the adult content layer of it
>have absolutely no idea how to find another company to work on - they are obscure and not the type that usually pop up at linkedin
>I'm stuck
>but it pays good

>> No.3720647

shut the fuck up most of you put in the tiniest amount of effort you don't deserve to vent

>> No.3720654
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Why is everyone obscessed about fucking concepts? Concepts suck.

Doesnt ANYBODY want to be an illlustrator and paint complete beautiful works? Nobody wants to make real pictures? Why do you want to do 100 shitty sketces per hour for a living?

>> No.3720655

I do. I never show anyone my sketches. I find them highly personal, and I only feel accomplished when I have a piece that feels finished. Then again, I'm not looking to work in the industry.

>> No.3720659

Life is a struggle. Once you've realized this life is bearable.

>> No.3720660

because concept art is what the cool kids are doing and illustration work (book covers, playing cards, etc) is much harder to do if you want to live off it

>> No.3720663

Try and find a job in shifts. Preferably 24 hour shifts.

I am 25 and I used to work fulltime it was horrible, if you include transit and all you can well count a work day for 11 hours trying to draw after that is almost impossible andvthen you need to get at least 6 hours of sleep to function at work tomorrow.

I was sleeping for 3-4 for two years and almost went crazy, started having hallutinations and cathing 6 colds a year ( each one like a blessing sick leave to stsy home and relax)

Now i finally got a dream job.
>commit 24 hours to work
>be free as freedom for next 3 entire days
I am both free (for 3 out of 4 days) and get paid pretty well.

>> No.3720665

I would imagine the concept field is oversaturated as fuck, isn't it?

>> No.3720679

concept art seems to be moving into a different direction than other fields of art. since the root of the job is design based, drawing is not essential to the job. (but it helps) you can make quick concepts that look good if you're proficient with digital tools and finding resources (references, 3D models, kitbash parts, etc)

illustration focuses on a different set of skills (composition, gesture, color, etc) that are secondary to main skills like design and functionality that a concept artist would focus on. in my personal experiences, learning a tool is a lot easier than learning fundamental skills for drawing, so i think it's harder for a pure concept guy to do illustration vs the opposite.

>> No.3720680

Honestly, most of it sounds like a 'you' problem.
This one is obviously just your problem
Again, your problem. If you're not very good, you're obviously going to be a target of critiques. I can't judge the quality of the actual critiques since you didn't post any, but I'm very skeptical that it's actually useless.
>an interrogation of why i'm doing the study
This is actually a very good question to ask. Many beginners spend their time doing completely useless studies that don't actually contribute to their development.
>2 hour lecture on why someone else's study method is better
Their opinion could be very much valid, though it's hard to judge without context. Just imagine if you see a beginner drawing using the Jazza method, you would be at least tempted to redirect them right?

Your critique is either unhelpful, or that you're bad at communication. Try do critiques of someone closer or lower than your skill level if you don't want to look like a clown.
I'll concede that this one is probably not your fault. He's most likely just a dabbling 12-year-old. Just move on and don't take everyone so seriously.
Meh, I can't see how this is something that'll bother me. It's just small talk.

tl;dr Don't take everything so seriously, try to be more self-aware of your position within a social dynamic and learn how to communicate better.

>> No.3720703

the problem is when each person wants to give their lengthy opinion on the """"""perfect"""""" study method so one discussion starts and goes into another one and before you know it i've wasted hours doing literally nothing but debating about a subjective topic because the method that personally works for you and keeps you drawing is always the best one and each individual needs to find a way to make things work for their own unique situation

also for the critique and art help stuff i think i'll just give up because my opinions were never really accepted anyway. i tried making a bunch of posts about different things, but i don't think anyone found those helpful

in the social circles i was in i was a pretty unimportant person. i had to really kiss ass to get anywhere, but that put me in a situation where i was being sold on products i didn't need/want and i was drawing art i didn't enjoy. so i just decided to leave all of them.

>> No.3720725

>I also think depression is here for a reason, and I can fix it without the help of meds or something.
cured anon here. Had maximum strength one for at least 6 years, nearly topped myself and took me 4 years to recover.

What you need is small victories in life. Things that make you proud. Find a way to make money with something easy so that you don't get disappointed. Or maybe even charity work. You probably dont have a job so it's time to get reintegrated anon. Be a cog in the big machine. You'll see that your depression will go away, then you will also be able to have a relationship and so on. But it needs a lot of time and a LOT of effort. From you. Find professional help like anon>>3710933 said and start fixing yourself instead of whining on a rice basket weaving forum of all places.

Life can be really good if you're not really sick.

>> No.3720727

same goes for you >>3720725
I know many artsy girls in limbo because they think they can make it. Find something to DO and if you can't, be honest and just accept that you couldnt make the cut and get a JOB that you CAN do. Keep the drawing as a hobby but only as that, because it's not going to merit you a purpose on the short term.

>> No.3720732

>and before you know it i've wasted hours doing literally nothing but debating about a subjective topic
Just learn to disengage from a conversation if you don't find it helpful or interesting. A simple "alright thanks, I'll give that method a shot sometimes" could easily end the conversation.

>i tried making a bunch of posts about different things, but i don't think anyone found those helpful
Like I said, be more self-aware of your position. If you're not already well-regarded as being very competent or pro, your critique is rightfully not taken very seriously.

And on the topic of self-awareness, you should already realize the irony of being constantly unreceptive to other people's critique that you deem useless while hating the fact that no one is taking your critique seriously. Maybe a little bit more self-introspection might reveal that your critique were no more helpful than all the critique you have been receiving from other people.

Just spend more time cultivating your skills and spend less trying too hard to impress and teach others, especially when you're still early in the race. It could potentially corner you into a self-destructive headspace that will stunt your growth.

>> No.3720735

I do.
I was a concept artist for quite a while (shitty though) and as the industry shifted towards photobashing and kitbashing I found myself out of trend and not able to keep up.
And when I started making illustrations, just for myself.I realized that the years of drawing static figures killed my feeling of composition and gestures.
Learning is fun, though. But it will be years I until I will be able to sell myself as an illustrator.

>> No.3720763

true. i wanted to find some way to help others but my art is pretty bad. i thought i learned a lot of things, but none of it was useful information that interests other people. at the same time, i don't like wasting time following bad advice so i don't listen to most criticism. i think i'll probably just get rid of all my social media and just focus on drawing instead to trying to talk to people.

>> No.3721030

For me, the appeal in making concept art is in the big effect it can have in the final product, it must be gratifying to have a big impact in the final look of a videogame or movie with your designs.
And there's also amazement in the process of the making, I'm very big in preproduction

>> No.3721389

>finally getting better

>feel like drawing less becoming lazy again


>> No.3721911

I quit lifting at 14 because I thought I would never making it because other people started lifting at 12.
Needless to say that mindset is among the most retarded physically possible.

>> No.3721912

I’m a professional illustrator and I almost exclusively come here to shitpost. Love you anons.

>> No.3721945

we know sinix

>> No.3722247

Pretty much failed as an artist at this point.

Been doing it for 4 years and can't deal with jealosy of everyone zipping past me in terms of progress and here is me, stuck with my basic cookie-cutter shit. Serves me right for being dumbfuck and not grinding.

Worse of all, I don't even know how I'm suppose to get better, I keep jumping between traditional representational studies and digital photostudies, because I don't know which one is actually suppose to help me get better, and I'm afraid to waste time on something useless, like I'm trying to learn traditional painting despite having serviceable skills in digital, because it's suppose to be only way to get better at color, and I'm struggling with it, not sure whenever time spend learning traditional would be beneficial. And same with rest of fundamentals.

I still get urges to make art and I enjoy it greatly, but it happens so rare and rest of the time I'm pretty much miserable, lost in the sea of contradicting information with no guidance.

>> No.3722799

Art Girl I started to like turned out to be lesbians. Haven't even had a crush on a girl since middle school. Shit sucks. Though I felt strangely motivated to draw 8 hours today to forget about the pain.

>> No.3722802

All women are lesbians. Shes either in a phase or pretending to be "gay" to avoid men.

>> No.3723055
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I haven't draw in more than 2 weeks, and before that I went a whole year without drawing for many different reasons.
The thing is, everyday I wake up thinking of drawing, but I can't pick up a pencil because I know I would default to things that I've already drawn before, like girls and shit that mean nothing to me.
And If I have under 2 hours window of free time, I prefer not to draw because that's the time it would take me to warm up in my shitty mental condition.

Also, having to take care of another person is a pain in the ass. I've always thought that actions are more important than words, and that if you care for someone you must act accordingly, instead of just deceiving them with words, because all words are deception. But since long I've been thinking that I don't really care for others, and I should just kill myself, because I've been deceiving them anyway, not with words but with actions of kindness. It's like I'm trying my best in this charade, when in fact, I want them dead. I want to end it all. And this is exactly the thing I want to express with art, I know terrible message btw, but I can't do it. I can't start.
Also, I've been stuck in a level just above beg tier for years and I'm not comfortable with it to create something that could be shared. Because if I happen to see something of my level I just ignore it.

>> No.3723057

Unironically seek professional mental health anon

>> No.3723204

Incorrect, all women are straight. The hedonists CHOOSE to be gay.

>> No.3723386

Get a bigger tablet seriously.

>> No.3723413

If u start lifting before 18 your gonna be fine

>> No.3723476

>I don't know which one is supposed to help me actually get better
Both will.
>I'm afraid to waste time on something useless
Don't be. You're either developing technical skill or experimenting to develop your taste.
>I'm learning traditional painting because it's supposed to be the only way to learn color
That's nonsense, it will help you learn color, but so will pencils or digital or whatever other medium. Color is about theory, not medium. I think learning traditional is valuable, since it has some fun aesthetics, but it's not the be all end all thing to learn. If you like digital, do that instead.
To me it sounds like you need to revisit what pulled you to art in the first place. You're learning, but what for? What subject matter and visual aesthetic pleases you? That is what will define your goals.

>> No.3723533

You seem like an interesting person, might sound cheesy but I really felt your soul here and there's something powerful in there.
Know that you won't succeed suddenly, you have to keep on going through that fire and try things. This is the real fight. I know how hard it is not to give up but just push a little everyday until you find a beter day/inspiration. I really want to see the things you do. Level don't matter _that_ much (many comic artists and mangaka proved it) if you can pass the story or feeling you want.

>The thing is, everyday I wake up thinking of drawing, but I can't pick up a pencil because I know I would default to things that I've already drawn before, like girls and shit that mean nothing to me.
Look at the page you posted; Maybe the guy started drawing hundred of pages of cute pointless doggos before understanding he could do something with it? What you think looks cool (could resonate for various reasons) is not necessarily limiting to what you want to say or make people feel. There's plenty of people drawing cute potato grills in various settings.

Anyway...not sure I could help but in case you need someone to talk or an art buddy, leave your Discord ID if you feel like it.

>> No.3723534


Why does everyone recommand that over something like martial arts/fighting sports? Lifting is so boring.

>> No.3723547

because not everybody can be an illustrator, while with an concept idea you'll eventually find an idiot who likes whatever shit you shit out.

to be a successful illustrator you have to do it for quite some time and be fucking uniquely good, since in that area the good word precedes you, aka nobody is looking for illustrators, they already have a top5 list of who they want. Just look at all the top nip illustrators, or someone like Craig Mullins, he has done so much work for various games and genres, some works you discover years later, which just basically shows how booked he was all the time.

>> No.3723571

Because you're a underage brainlet anon, and you're probably not even an artist if you can't see why you should protect your joints and nerves.

>> No.3723579

Far from it son.

>protect your joints and nerves.
Just don't get hit, pussy.

>> No.3723605

then you're just a big manlet pussy who didn't grow up, same shit kid.
>also didn't dismiss the fact that he's a brainlet

you're obviously one of those keyboard warriors who think they can pull off their flashy animu moves irl. Try it and get some reality beaten into you faggot.

>> No.3723621

*teleports behind you*
What now, kid?

>> No.3724190
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When I have to keep revisiting the fundamentals (like going through Loomis again for the 20th time) it feels kinda like there’s a marathon and I’m stuck at the beginning while everyone else is nearing the finish line. Nonetheless, when I swallow my pride and acknowledge that I’m not gud yet it always leads to some improvement. Optimistic denial, while pleasant, leads to stagnation, but pessimistic suffering, while unpleasant, improves

>> No.3724211

pros relearn fundamentals all the time, you're on the right track anon. revisiting just means you keep progressing when you see weakness in your work.

>> No.3724221

>concept art seems to be moving into a different direction
Bullshit.If you can't draw or paint you're limiting yourself creatively. 3d concept art is a meme please don't fall for it.At it's core CA is purely art based everything else can be considered a tool.

>> No.3724232

I've recently started drawing more, and actually enjoying the process again. Spent hours every day doodling and drawing girls and trying new poses. Still shit, but it feels like I'm kinda making something sorta cute.

But I've at the same time lost all things I want to draw. I've gotten tired and annoyed with the groups I've been around and I dont want to draw those subjects anymore. I'm not interested in any anime or movies for characters or ideas.
I have the desire to draw, but I have no motivation to draw anything in particular.

>> No.3724246

Isn't there some styles you really like and could copy for inspiration? Before going your own way. Maybe gather the stuff YOU love and try to undestand how they work.
And/or find subjects that fascinate you and use references related.