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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 288 KB, 1125x1214, 5B716FDB-4E91-41A2-A31A-FF03BE96A1A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3698111 No.3698111 [Reply] [Original]

>draw entire image in greyscale
>draw entire image again in full colour over top of greyscale
>wips of random blotches of color to prove ur not a hack

Yfw been doing art wrong this entire time

>> No.3698120

Holy mother of cringe

>> No.3698122

>google photo
>magic select the dead guy's silhouette
>add filter
>make greyscale layer
>put on top of color layer
>erase random patches of greyscale for WIP
>erase everything for "finished piece"
>kill yourself afterwards because you're not gonna make it

what did they mean by this?

>> No.3698123

instagram likes dont get you a job

>> No.3698124

oh I forgot
>sign it
>be a woman

>> No.3698126

all the old masters n the renaissance did this too, nothing new

>> No.3698132

Why doesn’t the terribly done traditional drawing match up with the digital drawing? And why is this supposed to be impressive? Reminds me of the photo-realism speedpaint craze of YouTube

>> No.3698135

I forgot to mention that she’s selling prints too... Why is this so funny to me...

>> No.3698138

it's filters and she's a hack
she must be desperate for quick money and attention. gotta convert all your orbiter twitter followers into revenue somehow. why not be an "artist". Ah, the life of the modern woman.

>> No.3698142

Looking through here art it just seems like she traces digitally and color picks.

>> No.3698146

its filters on lassoed photos you dumbass

>> No.3698153

Why do they type like a child?

>> No.3698157
File: 1.52 MB, 705x897, 45254235234634623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was her art a year ago, it just seems like she got better at tracing and color picking anon. I could pretty much see brushstrokes in OPs picture too

>> No.3698162

it's the fucking painting filter you fucking moron

>> No.3698163

This reminds of my favorite fraudster @artalicemarie I can't believe she's still getting commissions for selling print outs and passing them off as drawings. https://www.instagram.com/artalicemarie/?hl=en

>> No.3698166

Who gives a shit.

>> No.3698167

God damn I'm getting the double digits so much today. God is on my side.

>> No.3698168

why did I have to be born a man

>> No.3698173
File: 1.67 MB, 1242x1872, F8E7AFBE-5683-45D0-A3A8-324CBF96B1BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, when you look at it you can see she left behind parts of the original photo. It’s very apparent in the sweater (she didn’t paint over it completely). She is likely putting a very opaque filter over the photo then just painting over it. Kinda like that araki guy. Just ask her to make a stream with an empty canvas (real time) and have her do a complete painting. She’s allowed to reference but she must show her whole screen. Try making the rules even more fullproof so she doesn’t try doing anything sketchy. (Like hiding her sketch in the stream by blocking out a certain colour)

>> No.3698175

she forgot an ear

>> No.3698183

No one would care

>> No.3698187

She must be one charming individual if she's able to pull this off. I kinda feel bad for her because you know this this is going to backfire hard on her at some point

>> No.3698190

She got 100k likes on one of her drawings, I’m sure you can stir up some controversy/make money from it. Just look at the Holly Brown situation, they got like 200k views from calling her out on tracing when her channel was basically dead. Also I would like to correct myself and just say his name was not araki but irakli Nadar.

>> No.3698193

People do this a lot though. Especially with the hair. Adding some random strands or details and stuff. But the face is obviously a direct overpaint or a filter. Adding genuine brushstrokes to make a more convincing image and shit like that.

>> No.3698198
File: 13 KB, 525x497, 1542601377687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ever get shit like this. If its so close to the real picture that you have to prove its not. Then whats the point even? Wheres the artistic choices?

>> No.3698199

Who the fuck just noodles on random patches of color as their rendering process? That's what gives this away as a fake.

>> No.3698202
File: 667 KB, 936x603, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 8.48.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve to be scammed if you think that this is a real drawing

>> No.3698208

i don't get it?
are they photoshoping or?

>> No.3698210

Op is an obvious fake but I'm pretty sure >>3698202 is real. You can see the shine from the graphite and that sketch isn't unachievable for a professional artist

>> No.3698219

Shine? Where? There are other people that print out photos and draw and shade directly on top to give the feeling of realness. This “technique” runs rampant on Instagram when it comes to “photorealistic art.”

>> No.3698224


>> No.3698226


There's a video on her instagram where she sketches a big cat's eye on paper. Either she drew it, or it's a vignetted photo printed on the drawing paper. You can see some shine from the graphite around certain parts, could be drawn on top

>> No.3698549

>what's the point of painting and drawing if color photography exists?

really makes you think

>> No.3698558

old masters had colored photos and photoshop? and internet?

>> No.3698564

it's hard to type on a phone, so it makes sense to abbreviate words

>> No.3698605
File: 1.11 MB, 1791x1123, F2B26E3F-7380-461F-8F10-581DB6D9C245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


99% sure her shit is real, she has legit exhibitions and you can’t fake that.

What kind of an autist you have to be to spend so much time churning out this uninspired crap I will never understand.

>> No.3698625

It is literally a 'rent a space'. Not a proper established B&M gallery, FFS.

>> No.3698633
File: 620 KB, 1000x1281, sixandahalfhour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True artists work this way.
Spend hours on a greyscale, all wips are only coloring over already finished greyscale.

>> No.3698666

>500-1k likes per photo
what a fucking joke

>> No.3698790


>> No.3698792


>> No.3698846

You mean 17k? Lmao

>> No.3698848

women should be sent to death camps desu it's the real final solution

>> No.3698849

all social media work like that dumb shit

>> No.3698864

The giveaway here is the grill. Examine the colour channels individually in Photoshop and compare that to the rest of the image. Also only part of the picture with JPG artefacts.

>> No.3698868

I'd like to beileve this to be true.

>> No.3698869

Someone compare it to the original. I would do it but I have no computer atm

>> No.3698882
File: 401 KB, 840x1026, liarandacheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3698976

dat WIP
Couldn't make it more obvious that this is fake fucking kek

>> No.3699043

But this is what normies want to believe the art process looks like, and it's less that the "artist" is trying to trick normies as much as she is a normie herself and this was her best attempt at showing what the artistic process looks like.

Normies tricking normies

>> No.3699085

>what is prediction/auto correct

>> No.3699490


>> No.3699589

Ok? so what if they line up. I could get that kind of accuracy if I used a grid. Same thing with >>3698202 and >>3698605 you guys are so jealous that your messing with real artists and slandering their names. Does /ic stand for incel or something?

>> No.3699591

Does anyone else believe that its basically both real and fake?
as in, i think that she just went in and traced a photo in photoshop like really painstakingly and copied the colours 1/1 etectera.
lts not, imo, a filter but theres no real craftsmanship in there. I also hate all these faggot "musicians" she does art of.

>> No.3699594

no i doubt that very much. especially the second one. theres not a grid being employed here i think its more like >>3699591 samefagging so i dont have to write twice.
if theres no proper WIP, i smell bullship.

>> No.3699595

It really isn't even a trace, it's two filters pasted on top of one another. Look at the big fuckoff brush she used in her "proof".

>> No.3699604

this. she literally has patches of color in the WIP that are the same stroke and different colors. Like her "scribbles" are magically color matching the finished piece. She isn't doing it in layers, just raw dog faking it.

>> No.3699628

so youre saying its just filters? i suppose now that i think about it, the black and white drawing looks like graphite, but it wasnt supposedly done in graphite, so it doesnt really make sense that it looks like graphite does if you get my meaning. but still, can you prove it to be undoubtedly true, cause if so lets expose it to twitter or whatever!!!

>> No.3699640

Go on her Instagram. Looks like she heavily grids and colour picks/paints each individual square

>> No.3699669

I legit said her art’s not fake what the fuck are you talking about
I’m criticizing photorealist copymachine artists in general. Anyone that actually admires what they do is unenlightened. change my mind

>> No.3699672
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1200, twitch sc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

essentially correct

She has a twitch with older videos with like no views, i figure that if theres any fuckery to be found it'll be found here. shes not very good at drawing but uses tiny ass grids and as you can see on the left has the photo of the same size right next to the drawing on the same grid as she copies each square, i think. it could also be that she merges the photo and lowers the opacity of the drawing and stuff like that, but if you ask me this shows laziness and requires almost no skill, thats just me tho.

>> No.3699675

too much effort. This person is so convinced that what she's doing is somehow art, regardless of whether or not it took her two seconds, that any effort to expose her for what she is will be met by a rousing "who cares, incel" by her normie followers. If anything it'll just make them like her more. And the person is making money from it so it's in her best interest to publicly call out anyone who tells her she's a fake and get them to pitchfork mob that person on social media.

She's a liberal womyn Donald Trumping her way to success, the same way all liberals have been doing forever, but I'm sure she'd tell you we should imbeach drumpf. Meanwhile she filters photos and raging feminists across her social media until other normies start calling her an artist. The same thing that happens with every white girl on social media. Amass your white knights then go on your crusade.

>> No.3699678

that sounds so tedious, if anything that's her skill

>> No.3699682

in addition if you look at the way its drawn stuff like the detail of the sleeve is just popping out of nowhere with no point of reference other than the grid, that makes it pretty obviously just rote copying each single square which i think is pretty laughable, because you arent actually using even your ability to reproduce a photograph, youre not using your creative mind to produce anything that way.

>> No.3699683

okay anon I want you to look at that /beg/ tier symbol drawing, then look at the OP picture, then look at that /beg/ tier symbol drawing, and then I want you to tell me with a straight face that she isn't applying filters to photographs because she's given up on learning how to draw.

There is no way that /beg/ tier symbol drawing becomes OP's picture, especially given her supposed workflow in the WIP. She is a fraud, and nobody who follows her cares, because people want to believe the next great artist is anything other than another white man, and they'll accept every woman at face value until it happens, regardless of whether or not they are actually drawing it.

>> No.3699689

im not defending her lmao, and who said anything about trump shes a fucking gross english person bro. anyway im pretty positive that its not just a filter, but it is a terrible method of drawing with little skill involved. however most people probably will ignore the subtlety of it. the fact is that she cant deviate from a photo and make good art, so its pretty cheap. she's also hugely defensive on social media about this stuff which makes me suss.

>> No.3699692

okay im gonna do some comparisons. god this is kinda tedious but i want the truth of the matter

>> No.3699700

She's an NPC, don't try asking her on twitter she's not a real person, just a manufactured dime a dozen SJW screeching retard who decided she deserved free money for no work

>> No.3699706

christ all those grids

>> No.3699711

i looked at the drawing and photo side by side, its not a filter, just lots of grids.

>> No.3699715

SHE CANT FUCKING DRAW! omfg. the dumbest thing you guys seem to think in this thread is that if you had a grid, or even stupider if this person had a grid, they'd be able to do a perfect 1:1 copy of a drawing. Even if you fucking traced something it would still look shaky from the fact that it was hand drawn. OP's picture is god-like steadiness, god-like lighting, god-like colors, because it's a fucking PHOTOGRAPH! This screenshot of her twitch screen is all the proof you need that she's a beginner tier symbol drawer when it comes to drawing. If you gave her a giant grid and 1000 hours she wouldn't be able to do the OP picture. Even if I tried to do that, and I'm a pretty advanced artist, I don't think I could get the drawing so absolutely perfectly Mac Miller's likeness completely removed from any style whatsoever, to the point that it looks like a photo. There's not even a style to it for god's sake, it's literally just the exact photo.

Its. A. Fucking. Photograph. With. A. Filter.

>> No.3699724

>change my mind
Hello nazi trumptard :)

>> No.3699739

She's the real deal. I compared the pictures and even though they're very close. They're different.

>> No.3699741
File: 2.47 MB, 2045x975, Hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right i know you say its a filter but im not certain it is, thats the entire point of this conversation. here is a filter next to the drawing, they look really similar, but is that enough evidence that its not at all done by hand? i dont know.

>> No.3699744

Are you all retards or something?


She doesn't trace. She just uses grids. There are multiple clips of her process

>> No.3699748

this is tracing bro. the image is in the photoshop file lmao

>> No.3699751

go to her channel and watch it, she's literally drawing. There's no tracing going on you fucking moron

>> No.3699752

You need to learn what tracing means, dumbass

>> No.3699754

I'm actually embarrassed to share a board full of /beg/s like the people in this thread. this is going into the /ic/ cringe folder

>> No.3699774
File: 58 KB, 1058x872, Dm7ByH3W0AAVNJT.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive seen it, there is tracing going on, she brings the photo to the drawing grid and copies it. thats essentially tracing. there certainly isnt any drawing going on you silly dudes, she posted an actual freehand drawing she did and it fucking sucks. Why is this one so terrible if shes actually good at drawing?

>> No.3699790

This is just ridiculous, show me a video then where she goes through her full process from sketch to rendering. Looking through her videos you see none of this, she never shows her actual process through, just little snippets. Which by the way each video doesn’t show any progress from what she started with.

>> No.3699793

>You cant honestly expect results by just grinding something out.

post the clip of it

>there certainly isnt any drawing going on you silly dudes, she posted an actual freehand drawing she did and it fucking sucks. Why is this one so terrible if shes actually good at drawing?

that's because it wasn't referenced but because a copy cat doesn't make you a tracer

>> No.3699803

>>You cant honestly expect results by just grinding something out.
sorry, i meant to greentext this

>ive seen it, there is tracing going on, she brings the photo to the drawing grid and copies it

>> No.3699836
File: 3.74 MB, 629x778, 12i39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a layover for you guys. Make of that what you will

>> No.3699839

thats a weird effect. looks like hes breathing.

.....while growing his ear back constantly....

>> No.3699840

>If art leaves the viewer with more questions than answers, the artist was unsuccessful
Literally the first rule of art
That goes for all art
If an artist's intentions or honesty or purpose ever come into question the piece has failed
>Artist immediately defending herself from critics
Not the artist's place, never has been, that's for the viewer to decide.

>> No.3699845

see >>3699840
it's still not passing the smell test for me.
I think this might be the worst piece of art, drawn copied traced or otherwise, that I have ever seen. Absolutely confusing to behold, and all of my opinions about it are outside of the content of the actual piece.

There is no merit in it's style, execution, or content, and the artist needs to reevaluate everything their art consists of because it is possibly the most vapid thing I've ever seen, entirely unremarkable in every way, and utterly, painfully baffling in it's awful technique.

>> No.3699850

Her commission from Will Smith’s child is far worse.

>> No.3699891

Imagine being so jealous of someone's fame that you have to try to ruin it but telling bullshit. Stay jealous, assholes.

>> No.3699897

thanks for moving the goalposts you fucking autist

>> No.3699899

Stay oppressed, NPC femanon. Why don't you call us incels while you're at it

>> No.3699920

thats some real heavy truth here anon. too sad it still wont get your dick wet to whine at potential femanons on a chinese crocheting website.

>> No.3699929

omfg why are women so obsessed with sex, you guys need to channel your self worth into something other than your saggy aging bodies because yikes uwu

>> No.3699934

ahahaha cry more baby
>why are women so obsessed with sex
you are the actual only human on this planet who thinks this is actually true lmaoooo
there is an entire subculture of sexually frustrated dicklets like you and trust me its not made up of women

>> No.3699936

>anytime someone challenges me on my bullshit it must be because they're a woman

are you really that much above them? jesus, you really are an incel

>> No.3699938

owo I'm not gonna fuck you femanon stop harassing me uwu

>> No.3700002

it was referenced. it just wasnt copied verbatim, or say, traced.

>> No.3700238
File: 24 KB, 425x437, 5106806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's still anons who unironically believe this isn't traced
You people saw her "process", right? You saw her shitty lines and random, half assed chicken scratches that couldn't prove anything? Are you sure you anons have ever drawn?

>> No.3700241

Some artists work this way FTFY

>> No.3700382

How the hell do you color a greyscale image traditionally, are these some magic pencils I never heard of before?

>> No.3700384

I would say this isn't traced but just some filters on top, judging from that ridiculous WIP (as you pointed out)

>> No.3700397

I can't tell if this is ironic or not

>> No.3700656

You can tell she just painted over it and used the warp tool. Don’t understand the filter theory when the paint effect filter doesn’t look like that.

>> No.3700692

This is so clearly a Photoshop filter.

And there's no fucking way he could've done that without a least a rough sketch in the process.

>> No.3701821

who cares if it's real? it's just a fucking photocopy of some white nigger, it looks like shit

>> No.3701974

God this is seriously annoying me so much. So much promo over this fake shit has my gears grinding. She blocked me on Twitter (finally) after calling her shit out. Why are normies so god damn stupid?!?

>> No.3701986

That's how painting is done. You draw with pencil and then paint on top.