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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 76 KB, 518x442, 1537677601420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3696723 No.3696723 [Reply] [Original]

>patreonwhores keep improving cause its their ""job""
>13 year old girls keep improving because no responsibilities and they all seem to have fucking natural talent
>people working in art keep improving because its their job
>me a future wageslave will never improve because i will feel tired as shit and frustrated everytime after work
Is it over already?

>> No.3696725

>future wageslave

what are you doing now anon?

>because i will feel tired as shit

I drew a lot more during times when I worked 5 days a week than when I had 0 responsibilities.

>> No.3696728

Get some testofuel.
For real.

>> No.3696733

ive been Neet since i quit my job 3 months ago, but im pressured into working again.
What about 10 hour workdays every day every week? My dad wants to work me out in a hard job since all he thinks is to life is to work yourself to death, we have extremely different hobbies.

>> No.3696738

Do you live in some euro-poor country or something? If not and you're an adult just get a job as a stocker in a grocery store or fast food place or something and lie to him. He's not going to go through your mail is he? Because than you have a whole different problem than just art

>> No.3696782

>an enlightened NEET
>improving leaps and bounds
wageslaves get cucked

>> No.3696807

Post your’re work

>> No.3696810

not for wageslaves' eyes

>> No.3696814
File: 20 KB, 691x653, 53452346423623525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking NEETs wont show me his path to success. FUCK im forever a wageslave

>> No.3696816

recommend sleep after you eat and wake up early to practice it will help with tiredness

>> No.3696817

I bought a drawing tablet to draw while I go on the train. I also mentally trace shit I see outside to understand forms better. It's better than nothing.

>> No.3696824

Practice before work.

>> No.3696850

Just draw.

>> No.3696895

Man I fucking feel this
>I'm a 21 y/o custodian working 5 days a week
>spend 8 hours of vacumming,sweeping, cleaning toilets etc. thinking of what im going to create when i get home (music/ink drawings)
>get home
>god damnit
>go to sleep

fuck capitalism

But then again. I think I'm just an idiot.

>> No.3696902

You will never improve because instead of drawing you spend your time coming up with excuses why you'll never improve.
You are pathetic.

>> No.3696912
File: 247 KB, 600x599, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hit these random moments of mass productivity and something like this happens. but im still not satisfied.

So it goes..

>> No.3697222

That's cause you suck, otherwise you would post work. C'mon, prove me wrong..

>> No.3697233

you made this?

>> No.3697238
File: 266 KB, 750x541, 4899735221_125b87f433_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, anon. Which art discipline do you pursue? Try to find a compromise, people could paint simple pictures after work, 'cause it's not that time consuming like extensive illustrations or a full comic book.

>> No.3697277
File: 131 KB, 1582x1136, monkey-emojis-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this desperate to tell him he's bad even if he turns out to be good.
The way of the crab.

>> No.3697283

>be wageslave
>work 8 to 10 hours a day
>go to school 3 hours every 2 days after work
>still have time to draw and improve

You’re just lazy

>> No.3697285

Is this yours? I like it, except for the rainbow trail at the bottom

>> No.3697286


>> No.3697289
File: 34 KB, 375x527, 4017915-IUIIZUKN-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if you are a zoomer or just trolling, wasting all your energy in a full-time job and drawing afterwards will result in not so good drawings. Drawings are a mirror to your soul, not lying, anon.

Not mine, but hope it inspire you.

>> No.3697297

I switched over to graphic design. Having art skills really gives you an edge over the competition but it's tedious work.

>> No.3697301

>been Neet since i quit my job 3 months ago
you've had plenty of time to improve
don't push your failings onto others, lazy shitstain

>> No.3697306

Kek, pure bs

Don't listen to the underage who label you as lazy. Go just for painting loose single pictures or sketching, full illustrations or a whole comic books are incredible time consuming. Consider that full-time artist need 1 week for only ONE page of a high quality comic, same goes for high quality illustrations.

>> No.3697359

This guy gets it.

>> No.3697365

>dude just don't have a job

>> No.3697371

I wish I could stop jobbing and start drawing instead but I need job to survive.
I know what you mean, I often feel tired and find it hard to start drawing after work but often it also clears my mind, I won't be able to study very hard but I try not to mindlessly doodle.

>> No.3697389

I was a neet for 4.5 years and wasted it all mostly in the fear of it all ending.

>> No.3697398


Yes, buy a supplement and definitely don't do exercise which would raise your testosterone with a whole set of other benefits for fucking free.

>I never said not to-
You didn't have to.

>> No.3697399

This shitty discussion, telling OP to do drawings after work, then exercising? Either choose 1 hobby besides a full-time job or get fucked. Zoomer neets need to leave this discussion, find a job first.

>> No.3697412

>be me, doing IT work 40 hours a week
>study japanese during train commute
>go to the gym 4 times a week
>draw at least 2 hours every day (and double that during weekend)
>do most of house chores because girlfriend do too many extra hours at her work
>still has time to game
>still has time to go out at least once a week
>still sleeps 7 hours every night
>still has time to shitpost on 4chan during work breaks

You have a lot of time to improve, anon, you just don't know how to dedicate your time to your passion

>> No.3697452

Start your day earlier, drawing in the early morning.
Now your boss is getting tired you, and you get the fresh stuff.
Also exercise is good, if you can find the time.

>> No.3697501

How do you have the energy to do that?
Whats your schedule like?

>> No.3697508

thank you op for that pepe

>> No.3697511

Those are what I'm working and while I just started learning to draw I guarantee if you make decent use of your time then you have time to draw. If you let "time" stop you then I'll just keep in my mind as I draw my poor attempts at doing these exercises that at least Im not the shitty frogposter who probably doesnt draw in the first place.

>> No.3697625

He's either lying, or hasn't been doing it for very long.
I kept up a mentality like that for a few years, but wound up burning out. People aren't able to work literally all the time, and he's not really left much time to just rest, in there.

>> No.3697697
File: 641 KB, 705x1090, 011067CE-2C17-4FB8-A82F-FCF2F883344E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m super serious when I posted this.
I work 6 to 8 hours a day, on me feet the whole time, interacting with different people and carrying shit all day.
I get home and draw for another 2 to 5 hours depending on what I’m working on.
I draw standing up at an easel, not sitting down.

I’m older than most on this sight.
Probably 20 years older.

First take the recommended dose for a month.
You might be a little aggressive so prepare.
Then cut back to 2 pills per day.
Energy levels stay up and always in a good mood.
It works I’m telling you.

This coming from someone that was in chronic pain for 17 years and depressed for 11 years and did not know it.

Still in pain a little but am happy.

Still feel half crippled up when I get home but I have the energy to keep standing and drawing.
Sleep like a baby.

>> No.3697724


Wakes up at 7:30
Breakfast, shower, dress up, leaves the house at 8:15
go to work, work on my japanese during the 45 minutes commute
9 to 12: work
12 to 1:30 : grab a sandwich, head to the local library to binge on manga and comics (I'm a super fast reader, it helps)
1:30 to 6:30 : work
6:30 to 7:10 : get back home, play with 3ds / switch in the train (too tired to study, and yes it's faster than going to work, trains are weird)
7:10 to 8:30 either go to the gym (which is conveniently litteraly 2 minutes away from my place) or do groceries / house chores
8:30 girlfriend gets home, cooking, eating
9 to 10: gaming (currently playing dragon quest 11 after finishing to put a platinum on spiderman)
10 to 12: drawing
12: go to sleep (with a bit of sexytime if girlfriend is in the mood)
fall asleep around 12:30

wakes up around 10
either go to the gym or do house chores, then shower
12: girlfriend wakes up, breakfast
then gaming / drawing / watching series all afternoon and evening till I go to sleep
usualy either going out on saturday to go see friends or on sunday to see family, rarely both

This schedule is nothing fantastic. It's just routine, I've been doing the basic same since I started working 10 years ago, only changes where that I added japanese studies (before that I was gaming on the way to work) around 4 years ago and drawing (before that I was gaming or watching series more) 2 years ago.

The only times where I break this schedule is when I go on trips or during holidays, so I'd say it's accurate for 47 weeks a year

>> No.3697746

I'll give this a shot, thanks for sharing.
This is my schedule that i've recently adapted as I've been focusing on getting through my depression which has finally been kept under control. I now have the mentality that art is part of my life and everything relates to it in some way or the other.

I'm a little different now since I can't help but be anti-social however am social when it comes to the workplace but do whatever I can to keep myself away from people, as i'm not really interested in them besides breaking down their character for a possible new character for my comic I plan to do someday, so there will be times where i'll do an social outing if i'm invited for a party/hangout but hardly ever.

My schedule is basically this

Every single day, I wake up at 2 AM.
- Shower, brush teeth all the hygenics within 15 minutes.
- Write in my journal ( what i'm planning to do for the day and self reflection)
- Draw for the next hour and a half.
- Leave for work at 4:20 AM; during commute I'll read my textbooks because the bus gets bumpy and it's fucking impossible to draw lmao.
- Work for 6-8 hours sometimes more depending on if i have no choice but to stay OT.
- Get home by 1-2 PM; I make sure to walk half way when taking the trip back home, so i can get some fresh air and sun.
- Have dinner by 5 PM.
- Draw/Study till 8:45 PM and prepare for bed at 9 PM.

Rinse and repeat, the good thing is I almost never have to worry about socializing and can just focus on what matters to me.

Weekends is the same but in this case I'll do whatever chores I need to do and meal prep on sunday, but I have the rest of the day to go outside and draw from life and draw pretty much the whole weekend.

sometimes i'll take a break one day and just do whatever so I don't go insane, breathers are important even if I want to min-max as much as possible but it's better to avoid the burnout since that will take you out of the game for weeks and hurt you more in the long run.

>> No.3697760

Don't fall for the cutting your hours of sleep meme. Go to bed early yeah but don't shorten your sleep.

>> No.3697799

Those who say cut sleep and work after a full-time job are neets shitposting porn all the time, without even a parttime job.

>> No.3697807

when I eat I get this period where I cant do anything productive with any effort, because im full. but I don't know if sleeping straight after you've eaten it too healthy. sounds like a way to get fat.

>> No.3697821

>Wakes up at 7:30 Breakfast, shower, dress up, leaves the house at 8:15

by the time ive got up, put clothes on, brushed teeth, switched computer on, got downstairs and made a cup of tea that's another 20/25 minutes.
and I like at least some time to eat my fucking breakfast whilst reading the news headlines and checking /ic/ for new posts. 10/20 minutes.

takes me at least 20/25 minutes to have a shower.

than last 10 minutes switching clothes and making sure I got everything I need.

theres no way that can be fit into 45 minutes.

you go to the gym after work, when you haven't eaten anything and your feet are aching after a hard days work?

you cook and eat in 30 minutes? does that include washing up and putting away?
wtf do you cook in that time?!
most things take at least 25 minutes to cook.

>> No.3697926

>by the time ive got up, put clothes on, brushed teeth, switched computer on, got downstairs and made a cup of tea that's another 20/25 minutes.
and I like at least some time to eat my fucking breakfast whilst reading the news headlines and checking /ic/ for new posts. 10/20 minutes.
Don't switch the computer on, don't switch the tv on, don't switch the radio on, just check my phone for mails and texts.
Showering is 15 minutes, and I'm taking my sweet time
Eating is 5 minutes if you don't think about what you're gonna eat, and the coffee can heat while you shower.
Dressing up is litteraly the time it takes to open the closet, grab clothes and put them on.
45 minutes in the morning to get prepared is slow for me. I could get ready in 15 if I take a shorter shower and skip breakfast.

>you go to the gym after work, when you haven't eaten anything and your feet are aching after a hard days work?

I go to the gym after work, because has I stated I do IT work, meaning I spend my day seated. And there's plenty of workout machines that doesn't require you to stand.

>you cook and eat in 30 minutes? does that include washing up and putting away?
Cooking: 15 minutes, eating: 10 minutes, put dishes in the dishwashers: 5 minutes. And once again, it's slow, I can microwave something and eat it in under 5 minutes if I'm in a hurry.

Nothing you said invalided my schedule, it just made it obvious that you waste time where my routine doesn't. I put all distractions away in the morning until my first break at work, for instance. Makes discussion topics to speak of with colleagues. I basicaly don't watch TV anymore, except news that I listen in background when I draw, only reading articles during the weekend.

>> No.3697980

If you do vidya or TV shows, just drop that shit ASAP. I only do art and books for hobbies and I have plenty of time for both. Vidyas in particular are a huge rabbit hole of wasted time.

>> No.3697990

well it seems you rush and you eat like shit.
such is the life of a wageslave.

>> No.3698032

It was over the day you were born.

>> No.3698047
File: 83 KB, 1766x448, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish they'd never replied at all.

>> No.3698048

takes less than 10 mins to take a shower, u fucking jerking off or something? jesus.

food is easy for me since i wake up very early and takes less than 10 mins to have breakfast and eating it takes around 7 mins, i also prep my meals on sundays so i just reheat my brown rice + chicken with greens.

i even have time to rip a fat one before work too lol

waking up early and not playing vidya ( keeping it very exclusive like on a weekend for an hour as a reward) gives you alot of freetime.

>> No.3698103


>> No.3698110

post your work

>> No.3698116

Sorry about that anon.

>> No.3698121
File: 35 KB, 400x533, a968395a19d5093e94d58bbef426ca776ee64376_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks hes gonna make it pursing art barely even part time
there are people put 8+ hours a day into art, meanwhile you at best might put in 4 hours on a weekend into some barely acceptable anime studies, how do you expect to make it? maybe in 10 years, if you made it a job to do art 8 hours a day you'll have progressed more in a month than your current pace in a year.

>> No.3698137


"Hey shitfuck, we looked at your "work" and it blows. Frankly you lack talent, and you don't seem like you have a creative bone in your body. That you even have the audacity to waste our time just shows us how damn unprofessional you are you piece of shit. Not only is your "art" ass, you seem to lack any sort of experience
(literally ANY experience at all - still nursing mommy's udders?). As a rotten cherry on top of your shit sundae of a resume you live in some remote jerkoff place we've never even heard of. Go fuck yourself and never contact us, or anyone else again.

With warm regards,

>> No.3698145

>I just wish they'd never replied at all.
that is even worse
the reply is very polite

>> No.3698160


>> No.3698176
File: 1019 KB, 500x373, 1454372075154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After an embarrassment like this I'd better not

I'm trying to make a living out of illustration and here's my stats this month:
>32 inquiries sent by me to agencies and companies
>7 replies asking about my rates, luv your portfolio, got no project for now but will add you to the database blah blah blah
>1 trial project which I must have failed because they never gave me any feedback (on the upside it was paid)
>1 downright rejection, why would they even send this back at me wtf; thanks for ruining my day

And yes sure I'm really trying to improve every day, doing personal work, tweaking those thumbnails on portfolio website, gaining exposure from doing charity work, reaching out to people on Instagram, finding more agencies to e-mail, setting up accounts on those dumbass online communities for freelancers, sending out freaking postcards to previous clients to remind them I'm still alive... Well i'm not saying anyone owes me a project for doing all that. All i'm saying is it's getting very hard for me to go on.

>> No.3698196

you sound like you're on a good track anon. I wouldn't be too down about 1 or 2 rejections. It's best to get any feedback from companies by putting yourself out there, because then you'll know what to improve and even better they'll have your name in their systems.

>> No.3698203

Thank you Anon, I'm trying my best here.

>> No.3698205

Just out of curiosity, who are you sending portfolios to? Can you give some examples? I’ve been thinking of doing the same. Just keep studying anon. Youll get there. You got more balls than most here.

>> No.3698209

Anon, don't look at these rejections like they're failures. Companies understand that artists will always continue to grow so having your name on files is 100x better than not. And just realize this is a temporary thing, if you continue working the same as you have you'll have people lining up for your work.

>> No.3698214


Play the long game anon. Be smart. If you need to take a regular "job" job to pay the bills if you aren't already. Work on your art a little every day. Remember that quantiy beats quality. I have no idea at what level you are but regardless you will be way ahead of were you are now in a year from now if you just keep up daily studying. Look at some sketchbook of famous digital painters (assuming that's what you do) for inspiration: spoiler, they were all ass from the start. If you have passed the ass level already then even better. Push through

>> No.3698241

Have full time job.
About to go home a draw for 3-4 hours

>> No.3698250

anon, I get home at like 6am and sleep till 11am. It's easier to do when you are sleeping in direct sunlight but still, you can work on 5 hours of sleep

>> No.3698259

I mostly design vector characters and backgrounds for animated advertising videos, so I send my portfolio to companies that do just that. I also have one big project in brand illustration which I consider quite nice, so I apply to illustration studios as well.

And it's really not that I haven't got experience like that stupid agency above implied (just checked the analytics and they clearly didn't even visit my portfolio). I've been working in this very field for 1 and a half years and making decent money. I don't know what's going on, but it seems like no one needs me anymore.

Okay, thank you for that. I'm not giving up yet, I have time and savings, I hope something comes up soon. I'll keep working to make it happen.

Thanks. I don't do digital painting and it's really hard to come across "bad" projects from people who excel in the commercial illustration industry (they remove them from their portfolio, obviously). One reason why I like the community of /ic/ is because people are not afraid to post something they're not proud of or to write about their failures and frustrations. You don't see any of that on Behance. Social media gives you the idea that people do nothing but succeed in their career, make beautiful work all the time and always get the best clients, when obviously that's not the case.

>> No.3698367

I feel like there's a ceiling for each individual of how good they can get in their lifetime.
And I also feel like I hit it 5 years ago as improvement has stopped.
And it is nowhere near where I want to be.

>> No.3698368

can you post some art?

>> No.3698394

i feel the same, i mean, i'm not awful but i feel i will never a top artist even if i keep trying

>> No.3698462
File: 66 KB, 728x728, 1430182807942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope these aren't just random shitposters, I need something to laugh about

You AND OP, wake up early and draw before going to work
>8 hours sleep
>8-10 hours work
>8 or 6 hours for commuting, drawing, prepping or jerking off

Oh, and P.S.
>when I eat I get this period where I cant do anything productive with any effort, because im full. but I don't know if sleeping straight after you've eaten it too healthy. sounds like a way to get fat.
1-and why's that?
2- eat light, fatass- also you're shitposting in an infinitely large library, do you think or do you know eating before bed will make you fat?

>> No.3698463

this is p frustrating. im still a NEET so theres a chance for me wish me luck bros

>> No.3698479

you better save up lot of money for that one middle life crisis to improve your gain massively
til then keep working

>> No.3698536

>wanting to be alive in your forties or even thirties
Naah, not waiting decades to draw stupid pictures, either commit now or just drop it entirely.

>> No.3698650

This sounds very nice, good on you anon

>> No.3698652

Also me; I hope you do well on your comic, too.

>> No.3699745

It won't be hard if you are actually into drawing. There are people that didn't put it ahead of anything else when they were a child, I was one. But the thing about the people that actually have them as jobs is that they have income, and no worries about not drawing. Being a wage slave you have to worry about something you Love, and something that is providing you too That is also not making you happy. Ontop of that we don't know how much Actual Art GAINS those people have vs. Just random drawings they do. So how are they really getting better?