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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 507 KB, 1200x1320, nir02xz0bjzitklz3mu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3693577 No.3693577 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the fact that you'll never be as good or as unique as Lucian Freud????

>> No.3693673

>all those ridges
so just paint with a lot of paint and boom and use a lot of greys easy

>> No.3693675

I aam as good, and I'm as unique by definition.

>> No.3693688

Looks ugly and the face is all messed up with weird angles, not sure why id want to paint like that anon.

>> No.3694016

itt anime scum don't appreciate real art

>> No.3694021 [DELETED] 

are you even an artist?
ugly is easy
beaty is hard

you pick the easy one and call it art. wow, such high standards. much art. upvote xDD 1!

>> No.3694022

are you even an artist?
ugly is easy
beauty is hard

you pick the easy one and call it art. wow, such high standards. much art. upvote xDD 1!

>> No.3694059


you have no idea what you're talking about and it's embarrassing

>> No.3694080

>you'll never be as good or as unique as Lucian Freud
What do you even mean by this?
First of all, I am not aiming to do the same thing as Lucian Freud so how can you compare me to him as if there is some universal measurement for good or bad art?
Secondly, you don't know me, I'm gitting gud every day and I don't draw anime.

>> No.3694226
File: 117 KB, 1500x999, slade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at people who study at Slade and laugh for the amounts of money they pay to do this

>> No.3694292

by drinking every night, which will eventually lead me to drinking myself to death

>> No.3696391

I want to push that 'sculpture' over so fucking badly.

>> No.3696612

when will tradcucks realize that the way they laugh at animufags is the same way we abstractionists look at people fawning over dead white dudes?

>> No.3698082
File: 50 KB, 359x394, whyareyoufilledwithsomuchaggresionandhatred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about race or gender
>at all

epic I love art students so smart and woke to care about whoever created the art and not the art itself you are so legitness

>> No.3699382

>>3694022 you are subhuman and with this mindset your art will forever be trash. Read your history books and stay off instagram.

>> No.3699393

the sculpture is the least offensive thing in that room

>> No.3701558

I shall be better than him in that case.

>> No.3701582

>talented artist, living in England mfw

>> No.3702049


>> No.3702065

abstractionism is associated with anti white racism. sure making a poor case for your already poor art

>> No.3702115


>> No.3703734

And I don't know Lady Rothermere either.

>> No.3703752

doesnt even look good honestly

>> No.3703844

Maybe you just don't like painting.

>> No.3704002


Why would i laugh? This chicks becoming pretty successful and she's getting into galleries all over the world now.

She's a qt asian thot, i'm not gonna bother posting her instagram but it's funny you posted her cause she just had a showing in LA last month.

Arts always going to be changing if people can't accept that they'll be left behind.

>> No.3704005

Art is not about being as good as someone else, grow up and you'll understand it.

>> No.3704402

Eh it's not the art I wanna do. That art seems good but it's hard to compare realist painters to animators or comic artists or some other type of art

>> No.3704410

Lucian frwud looks like a better version of that shitpostinh acrylic painter.

>> No.3704419

Well you shouldn't be on /ic really. There are over six boards on 4flan dedicated to cartoon drawing.

>> No.3704421

As well as a graphic design board.

>> No.3704424

You may as well go to /fa and tell everyone how much you don't like clothes.

>> No.3704511

I can admire an artists work without envy. You should try it sometime, OP.
Maybe I don't want to be Lucian Freud, because I am myself.

>> No.3704567

I find it difficult to not be envious of other artists like Messrs Freud. Artists that have patrons and subject matter and a bohemian life making great culture. And lots of sex. Freedom of indulgence I suppose. Which comes with its own dangers. What will fate bring for us?

>> No.3704581

I don't peer hard at artist biographies thinking how cool and troubled their lives were. Instead, I read them as a kind of reminder that you can go down all kinds of paths to achieve something. I feel that I could be pushing my art much more aggressive and more driven than I do, but I always think that way and there might not be a point where it would be "enough".

I certainly don't have naive crap in mind, like you. I don't envy that romantic cliché image of an artists life. "Beautiful models that you can fuck, indulging in all kinds of vices, bohemian life" - bullshit. Do you know how fucking frustrating it is to work in a former storage that you rent as your studio and there is no proper heating? There is nothing romantic about that. That "artists life" was and will always be a fucking burdon. So much fucking insecurity... how will I pay my rent? ... there's nothing to envy. It's an entertaining read to study an artists life, but that struggle is a burdon.

>> No.3704627

>have naive crap in mind,
I am full of that sort of thing.

>> No.3704632

>how will I pay my rent? .
That's what I envy, the success. But I'm also mindful avoiding it might be the better thing. Destiny will do what it will.

>> No.3704720

sorry to hear.

yeah they say that success sort of corrupts. but i'd wish for just enough success to be able to afford a proper studio with good heating and more space. that sort of thing. no grandeur.

>> No.3705108

>sorry to hear.
I'll grow out of it. Maybe.

>> No.3705166
File: 830 KB, 1544x3000, mr941dt9qq121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3705735

Have a few days off the booze.

>> No.3706230

Art has been regarded as competitive since the hellenic era.

>> No.3707550

Did you paint this?

>> No.3707626

At least I'll be as good as Sigmund Freud

>> No.3707943

>At least I'll be as good as a projecting Jewish pervert

Nice aspirations

>> No.3709408

Holy shit I hope your not my art professor posting here, he showcased this dude's work about a week ago.

>> No.3710665


>> No.3710667

yeah he probably isnt. Lucian Freud is one of the most well know modern portrait painters. I bet literally hundreds of professors showcased his work in the last week.

>> No.3710741

all features are crooked, is that what's so "unique" about this? didn't you get enough of it from picasso?