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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2 KB, 210x229, 12EE4CC2-35EF-4067-A54F-6A648DE58FD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3691890 No.3691890 [Reply] [Original]

Well looks like we stayed on 4chan

Everyone please be sure to thank the porn artists and the porn thread.

>> No.3691897

I am happy and OK with this

>> No.3691902

why did last thread got deleted

>> No.3691904

eh whatever

>> No.3691914

I think this is good since the other site will probably slowly turn into a slightly more offensive redit/tumblr

>> No.3691949

>can easily go from NSFW to SFW on the top banner
>can't go from SFW to NSFW
>have to type in 4chan to get back to /ic/

Yeah fuck this. Greedy fucking asshole.

>> No.3691951
File: 159 KB, 780x960, 2697775-yotsuba_koiwai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you guyzz... have these

>> No.3691955

Ah that's what happened. I was looking for /ic/ and was confused as to why I couldn't find it. Pretty retarded change, it'll be interesting to see if this causes a schism in the board culture between 4chan and 4channel tho.

>> No.3691958
File: 117 KB, 600x504, 4chan_vtuber_winner_2018_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know she is being replaced as the mascot with the new YouTube mascot, right?

>> No.3691959

now this place will finally y die
>/a will die too

>> No.3691961

/a/ is on 4channel so it will live. The old guard will die off due to the lack of new users as /pol/ silently invades every remaining 4chan board now that the limelight has been cast away.

>> No.3691966

/a/ is going to get swamped with a ton of young and reddit type people. /a/ and /v/ are going to get REALLY bad.

>> No.3691968
File: 1.98 MB, 500x250, 1535067817264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here. You, me, we're going to get real comfy.

>> No.3691978

yeah but it's gonna funnel to 4channel, so whatever.

>> No.3691979

>green aqua

>> No.3691980

what the heck

>> No.3691981
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>> No.3691982
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>> No.3692038
File: 2.81 MB, 300x225, 1542464727798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really starting to annoy the piss out of me trying to get to 4chan from 4channel.

>> No.3692169 [DELETED] 

Sorry bros.

>> No.3692171

So i can still say: Fuck niggers and not worry?

>> No.3692197

im not a fan of the design myself but i am really curious how this vtuber stuff will work out at all. firstly, what content? are they going to do like a "pony thread simulator" for all the boards, to attract reddit?

>> No.3692227

/pol/ doesn't invade silently, they invade obviously as does /r9k/. /r9k/ threads are "dont you hate females uh I mean female artists i am an artist myself and nothing is worse than these female artists you know what i mean fellow "artists" who "draw". /pol/ is the modern art hate threads trying to convince you that 'they' are trying to destroy your culture and obviously the ones trying to get anons to draw cool art of cute girls in nazi clothes.

whatever you believe politically, don't bump /pol/it/ic/s9k/ threads if you care about being able to discuss art on /ic/ without being flooded over from off board posters wearing the fig leaf of "art"

>> No.3692231

Deleting /pol and /r9k/ would make things much worse, they'd shitpost all over.

This move was Hiro wanting as many ads as he can get.

>> No.3692238

You're 100% right, not saying to delete them. They are containment boards. Saying dont bump their thinly veiled threads choking out people trying to discuss actual git gud for the sake of butthurt feels threads from people who dont even draw mad about how many insta likes some 14 year old girl has

>> No.3692247

God help us all

>> No.3693469

people have already ramped up the edgy on 4channel by posting gore, porn and shitposting with comments consisting of either "hi advertisers :)" , "FUK U HIROSHIMOOT" or "FUCK NIGGERS LOL", i think it might be /b/ but who the fuck knows at this point

>> No.3693474

No, a lot of people from boards for weeks said they were going to do this. A lot of people are very pissed at Hiro and the mods are working overtime on gore and porn.

>> No.3693509

>working overtime

They don't get paid. Nigga how are they "working" overtime? Hahhaahahha.

>> No.3693572

And I hope they keep going.

>> No.3694568

oh shit, you're right.
how embarrassing!

>> No.3694949
File: 193 KB, 648x394, 1541080062640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God wants all NSFW artists to stop what they do to go back to the light.

>> No.3694993

i think you might be a little fucking stupid if you dont understand what the word overtime is supposed to mean here nigga HAHHHAHHAHAHALOLROFLAMAO

>> No.3695013


God is the original nsfw artist

>> No.3695060

Do all of you talk like this?