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3688223 No.3688223 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about art school?

>> No.3688395

95% of the time it's garbage.

>> No.3688398

It's useful for networking and making connections, but you can probably learn more through self-study (if you're dedicated).

>> No.3688399

I wouldn't waste money on that shit. Just get a good trade like painting houses and paint in your spare time for pleasure.

>> No.3688405

Im going to one in like a month

>> No.3688428
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I'm a first year in a school that does animation, and so far I'm positively surprised considering all the art school horror stories I've heard. We get taught actually useful shit like anatomy, layout, Photoshop/Illustrator, and there's even some Character Design thrown in there. It's pretty much what I wanted, and so far I've had a lot of free time to practice on the side.
Also, a year also costs a mere 450 bucks because yurop, and it would cost ~8k if the state wasn't backing me up. How much would this shit cost in the US? (seriously these prices are crazy). I'm telling you, if you want to do it you might want to take a look at what european schools have to offer just because of these prices.

>> No.3688431

its about 5k a year in my case

>> No.3688434

also am american

>> No.3688436

its a portfolio builder

>> No.3688439

A waste of time.

>> No.3688464
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I think you need to be 20+ and have some amount of skill in what you'd like to do before you go to art school.

Watching all the bozo kiddies fresh out of highschool burn money on figure drawing when they can barely draw a basic figure. It sounds snotty but I know they arent going home and practicing for 4+ hours a night.

>> No.3688466
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And you should only go school full time, part time just isnt productive enough,.

>> No.3688480

no one there is trying, it fucking sucked and I dont recommend it

>> No.3688509

Depends. Atelier or actual college/university? The former is 8+ hours a day of grinding fundamentals. You could easily follow the atelier type curriculum by yourself, but having a studio and friends and instructors to engage with every day helps. You’ll get good fast. Don’t have experience with college systems so I can’t really comment.

>> No.3688532

Art kids should quit using their status as "an artist" as an excuse to slack off in school. Instead they should go to a good college/uni--large endowment, lots of connections, a museum even--and get a goddamn well-rounded (but still art-intensive, given that it's their major) education for much less money

College is where you learn how to be a person and sell yourself as someone worth contacting or hiring or buying art from

>> No.3688896

Went to one of those bourgeois art schools not long ago for an exhibition.
Most of the students would just draw graffiti style abominations on canvas and take photos of themselves in a way that would make sane people feel embarassed.
No skill, no taste, little knowledge, no desire to improve whatsoever, just the sheer shocking factor.
I'd recommend online courses instead.

>> No.3689195

17k for SVA before any possible scholarships which usually chip off 3 or 4k.

Real question: would going to an art school help my degeneracy of not finishing anything I start or assist me in managing deadlines?

>> No.3689239
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~17k doesn't sound too bad.
>would going to an art school help my degeneracy of not finishing anything I start or assist me in managing deadlines?
If you're asking me, I've been a shit student my whole life, missing deadlines, being lazy with my work and whatnot... Until I entered this school I talked about, so far it has helped me with this, haven't missed anything and put a lot of work into what I did, getting good grades. That's because I'm pretty passionate about what we study and I realized that I'm quite lucky to be there. I can manage work better despite living on my own as I never did before.
That said, a few weeks into the year there were already quitters and a ton of people who did fucking nothing, partying all the time, missing too many classes or deadlines and generally not giving a fuck.
Assuming you enter a decent art school that'll offer classes that you like, befriending the right people, those that will push you forward and encourage you to work, will go a long way. So, I'd say it might help, really. But it'll require efforts on your end anon, and choosing who to stick with.

>> No.3689374

mind posting the school you go to? school in canada will permanently bankrupt me

>> No.3689415

There's programmation, 3D and a few hours or photography classes in the first year for everyone, then you get to choose a more specialized option.
I know there's schools offering similar formations in Canada and France too, but they're more expensive from what I've seen, ranging between 3k and 14k a year.

>> No.3689417

this looks great, shame I dunno french

>> No.3689429

Ah that sucks, hoped you had a bit of French in you since you talked about being from Canada.
Still, hope you'll find a good school anon. Godspeed.

>> No.3689453
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>How do you feel about art school?
Did Animation for 3-4 years. Racked up to $25k~ish in debt?

>Learning 2D Animation
You can learn everything you need with the Animation Survival Kit and understanding how programs work. Most programs like Toon Boom or Autodesk has official tutorial videos, and you can find more advanced ones on Youtube.

>2D Anatomy/Perspective
There's so much books on anatomy and perspective. And if you're near any city, there's a good chance there's some sort of figure drawing in the area for a FRACTION of the cost. Not to mention all the free sites online or just sketch people on the subway. Food for thought: the price of a skeleton replica is around ~$100-$500. Compare that to ~$25,000 and UP for school.

>Anything 3D
They gave me access to Maya and Nuke which is nice and there is a learning curve but nothing you can't learn through their official/Youtube tutorials. There's also online courses that cost 1/4 of college prices like iAnimate or Animation Mentor.

>TL;DR but not really
School gave me the knowledge of what programs are used for what along with access for them for 3 years (+extra year out of college). Plus they teach you how to comp shots to make them look professional/pretty which is actually pretty useful.

Other than that, it helps with networking and credentials but that's about it. Employer's really only give a shit about how good your portfolio is.

Bottom Line: FUCK no.

>> No.3689457

if I can go to an art school for free because yurop, should I do it?

>> No.3689462


14k in Canada for a year. and I'm talking about a good college.

I feel like it's something to invest in if you're talented already, and you're seriously not going to ever stop painting/drawing. Go for it absolutely.

Take some advice, do a lot of research about schools. I went to college for a year when I was about 19 or 20 years old and studied illustration/fundamentals, and it was great, I learned so much and progressed like a wild fire, I was dedicated, inspired and so motivated to get good, and I manged to reach a level, some class mates often came to me for advice by the time the year was over. I was one of those kids that went to life drawing sessions everyday, day and night for the entire year.(how you spend your down time will determine your progression).

Alright now all that a side. When I went into college I was not prepared emotionally, I'm talking about I still didn't really know who I was
as a person and how I viewed myself and others. I was really shy, and my self esteem was in the garbage, I struggled with confidence and self respect, but still managed to pick up a few art buddies( female and male).

Final advice to anybody going to art college. Just make sure your ready. take it seriously. If you get depressed go talk to a counselor. don't go get drunk and isolate yourself.

>> No.3689556

Yeah why not try it, it might be the right fit for you and you lose next to nothing if you drop out.

>> No.3689639

canada anon here. this isnt me >>3689417, i do know french.
that looks pretty nice but the classes contain quite a lot of stuff that sounds like a waste of time, like i think the 2d animation course had photography, art history, and html lessons. if i read it right.

>> No.3690113
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>College is where you learn how to be a person and sell yourself as someone worth contacting or hiring or buying art from

>> No.3690115
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>> No.3690833

thats a student who refused to learn.