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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, ruanjia 1534589843742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3687332 No.3687332 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw even successful artists who are lonely and want art friends, are too afraid to let anybody near them since they are aware that artists are cuthroats, deceivers and only use others for their personal gain

wtf.. are artists really that insufferable in your experience? Can they never have real friends?

>> No.3687335

I can't have friends but that's not the reason why
that would be alpha

>> No.3687337

I wouldn’t want to hang out with anyone from /ic/ in my free time, so yes.

>> No.3687354

what's that on his fingers?
what's with the handbag?
who needs friends? friends need maintenance and are needy.

>> No.3687357
File: 127 KB, 512x1000, 1364914174797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit whining
thats why you don't have any friends

>> No.3687371

look at ruan just being cute

>> No.3687371,1 [INTERNAL] 

A “successful” artist that thinks like this probably does because he is himself a cutthroat, deceiver, and user.

>> No.3687463


A “successful” artist that thinks like this probably does because he is himself a cutthroat, deceiver, and user.

>> No.3687534
File: 2.30 MB, 2746x3454, 189. pfffscht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since they are aware that artists are cuthroats, deceivers and only use others for their personal gain
this is why you're alone. You project your own malignancy at the intentions of strangers to justify to yourself why you don't make an effort. Nobody is trying to rip you off. Nobody is trying to use you. Particularly when you're some animu-drawing dingus that seeks out cancerous places like /ic/ to vent about your feelings. If you had value you probably wouldn't be here.

Point being that you're too pathetic to be rejecting possible relationships or friendships over a fear that someone may exploit you for their own gains. You have nothing to offer! Stop being paranoid!
>wtf.. are artists really that insufferable in your experience?
no you created a weird greentext strawman
> Can they never have real friends?
you might as well just ask "can I never have real friends?" And the answer is "probably not" when you go around imagining that everyone is as malignant and cynical as you've allowed yourself to become.

>> No.3687536

this is like the 5th "art friends" thread you made this week brandon
fucking stop

>> No.3687553

good taste ruan senpaitachi

>> No.3687558

I don't want friends

>> No.3687561

All the art friends I’ve tried making on here just bully me to death, so yes.

>> No.3687573
File: 172 KB, 449x437, 401310360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even successful artists who are lonely and want art friends, are too afraid to let anybody near them since they are aware that artists are cuthroats, deceivers and only use others for their personal gain
I don't know what you did to get that warped of a vision of the craft but you're wrong. My dad is (was? he's at the end of his career) a pretty successful artfag for most of his life and pretty much all the friends he met, he did it through his work. When you work for theaters and operas, you do so in tandem with lighting designers, stage directors, actors,... Same shit when working in an animation studio for example, you gotta meet sound designers, directors, work with other animators,... Imagine freelancing for a vidya, you're probably to get in touch with a person or two for that.
In any project requiring you, the artfag, you're going to group up with other creatively minded people to work with and befriend, even if they don't have the exact same job as you.

It's not about where you're working, it's about being social. >>3687534 is probably right.

>> No.3687594


>> No.3687605

it's not that artists are cutthroats and deceivers, it's that everyone is.

>> No.3687606

Is he seeking physio for that ridiculous hunchback? He's way too young to look like that already

>> No.3687616
File: 2.77 MB, 2744x3525, 182. chloeesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Imagine freelancing for a vidya, you're probably to get in touch with a person or two for that.
I have about a decade of experience working in the video production industry. Worked on a few tv shows, 3 low budget films, 1 $50 million dollar film, and a ton of industrials and training videos and stuff. I've worked in production (as a PA, AP, 2nd AD, assistant production office coordinator), art department (set dresser, props, construction, art director), I've been on camera teams pulling focus, I ran craft services on a feature, I've done assistant sound, assistant editing, I've been talent, i've done casting, budgeting, scheduling, and essentially have practical experience in every aspect of production. I've interacted with plenty of artsy production types.

Point is that irl there's no time or reason for people to be at each other's throats. They're all working together to achieve a common goal. Everyone's job is easier when everyone is working else is doing their job well.

And even when it comes to being a self-employed artist that produces your own shit, other than a few of the autists on /ic/, my real life experiences with other artists have always been positive and encouraging. They're fellow travelers. not to mention that art types are the generally pretty flaky and aloof and positive. The "cuttthroat" personality types are generally going to be drawn to "cuttthroat" industries.

/ic/ is toxic. It's full of toxic people that project a lot of bullshit that hide behind anonymity as an excuse to "be themselves" aka express and externalize their faggy feelings at strangers. not really a decent friendfinder.

people project their own worldview onto others. Malignant narcissist types always assume that everyone else is as shitty as them.

I'm very sleep deprived desu

>> No.3687618
File: 95 KB, 440x587, 5e475b33ly1fx8ktys92wj22802yoe88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a real cutie ngl

>> No.3687623

OP is clearly quoting ic, or rather faggots like u lel

>> No.3687638

>I have about a decade of experience working in the video production industry. Worked on a few tv shows

no wonder Roxanne got discarded, some retard forgot to scrub the set floor each morning. With work such as yours nobody in their right mind would put you in a "creative" position of any kind, and we're even ignoring the whole autism surrounding you jimmie.

>> No.3687646

lul tards, be friends with 3D and VFX artists.
They're equally disconnected from the world, totally into what you're doing and get your lifestyle but won't be cucks about not knowing how to draw.

>> No.3687647

A good post from Jimbo for once. Getting real tired of these projecting, evil spergs too

>> No.3687649

You don't need friends

>> No.3687660
File: 302 KB, 635x457, 1471457244008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... No one ever uses that spelling

>> No.3687719

Youre starting to annoy me.

>> No.3687727


They can have friends, how ever they usually expect their friends to make an effort to maintain the friendship, artists are usually very independent individuals and are too busy working on their craft.

Another thing too, theey dont really need friends, but will make some in life, mostly withh people who are not artists. They are loyal friends and respectful.

If you ever make a friend with an artist, treat them nice and you will forever have their hospitality and it will be the greatest friendship ever

>> No.3687735

It's not that artists are cutthroat and want to extract value from you, the issue is that they're all already making an effort to maintain their own network of friends and acquaintances on top of being busy with art. so if you don't push through, they'll never notice you and you'll never make friends. Sure, some people only care about how much value you can provide and how much exposure they can get out of you, and it really sucks when that's the case, but I don't think it's the standard. Most of the time it's an issue with yourself anon, not everyone else.
t. Antisocial artist trying to get over this problem right now

>> No.3687760
File: 2.93 MB, 3019x3855, 187. this dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting to

>> No.3687775

not if youre the needy one

>> No.3687792

why does he have a lady purse

>> No.3687796

OP is just a pathetic loser. Get off your lazy ass and go outside

>> No.3687810

from the horny artist babes he fucks on the daily