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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 64 KB, 635x309, 91BFE824-49ED-477F-9936-D9E096A2D566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3685935 No.3685935 [Reply] [Original]

Are my faces really that bad?

>> No.3685939
File: 29 KB, 280x280, A9899712-5F21-4569-87BE-94964C4D120B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like they have FAS.

>> No.3685942

They look retarded

>> No.3685945

It’s uncanny-valley bad

That’s amazing. OP drew at least 7 of these traits

>> No.3685951
File: 478 KB, 1128x1920, tumblr_phhaeujgRy1s1j5euo2_r3_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never notice
too busy staring at the stinky feets

>> No.3686003

who is the artist for this?

>> No.3686012

footfags are the worst

>> No.3686065
File: 407 KB, 1837x1486, insanity through degeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see what they say about mine, uncanny-anon.

They do look a little on the spectrum and they have the exact same face. Their hair is the one naming the character, not their faces.

>> No.3686069

The irises are too dam big for the eyes.

>> No.3686072

The ears way are off. (Position and size)

This is not loomis.

>> No.3686099
File: 305 KB, 635x309, DOA01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most glaring thing I See anon that the light on the noses seem to be reversed. There is no indication that there is a light source on the far side of their noses. (Left to the purple and right to the brown) While at the same time there is a clear light source pointed at the as it is visible around the mouth, chin, hair, neck, shoulder (hairband in mouth) etc. Mysteriously however the side of their noses that point towards this light-sources are in shadow which is the complete opposite as it should be. Same goes with the light spot in the eye.

Also the ears of the brown haired one is too bright when the arm is clearly casting a shadow on it.

>> No.3686106
File: 295 KB, 635x309, DOA02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic to show what I meant. Excuse my shitty overpaint. Your rendering is superb, like fucking hell I wish I could do HALF as good as this. Legit jealous on your skills Anon.

>> No.3686122
File: 750 KB, 1194x971, goblin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also tried yours, goblin Anon.I made her look into the camera, moved the ear back and made the face a bit more wrinkly.

>> No.3686131

Less details

>> No.3686135


>> No.3686141

It look strange to me that the eyes have the shape of a big anime eye, but it is, almost, normal sized

>> No.3686150

kek legit

>> No.3686157

>rendering well
>before understanding light and shade
Fucking digital morons i swear.

>> No.3686182

Holy fucking shit there are just awful haha.

>> No.3686184
File: 232 KB, 635x309, 91BFE824-49ED-477F-9936-D9E096A2D566W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3686191

Looks worse

>> No.3686197

Hell yeah boi, anyone is a great artists with the liquify tool right?

>> No.3686198

It's getting there. That light shapes of the noses are really weird though. The brown hair girl's cranium can be refined a bit too.

>> No.3686204

Holy shit Kyle is so overrated.

>> No.3686223

Practically sameface and almost like he copied/flipped the nose and stuck it on the other girl to save time.

>> No.3686233

>>3686184 is on the right track

>> No.3686235
File: 307 KB, 1122x589, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made it cuter no need to thank me

>> No.3686240


>> No.3686258


>> No.3686288
File: 140 KB, 600x571, xxx-d01-mad-alfred-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3686299


>> No.3686302

They look realistic. Which is not bad, but it seems you have same face syndrome. Maybe you can help that? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4

>> No.3686306


>> No.3686320

Based on that picture yes, they're terrible.

>> No.3686321

Look goofy and flat

>> No.3686330

feature placement is off too, especially on the redhead

>> No.3686347
File: 503 KB, 1620x927, redoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're good OP and if you want to continue in your current style I think you should just own it. You have a great sense of form.

I did a quick paintover that you may get some ideas from. Basically I tried to give it more weeb appeal like others have done here already.

The main point I think is that by de-emphasizing the noses on your characters, making features a bit more subtle overall, while using that rim light more consistently, you'd be on a great path forward.

>> No.3686353


you morons have no clue what proportions are and its the main thing thats still making all of these look like shit.


>> No.3686354

fuck off rush, you still haven't improved

>> No.3686356

Very nice

>> No.3686357

Show it to us Anon, post your work.

>> No.3686359

Is that you Rin?

>> No.3686360

This edit is really cute anon, I love the lashes.

That said I think most of the issue comes down to the placement of the eyes. Simply fixing the shape and placement would have been enough for a massive improvement. I will say I like the contours of yours better as well, just that the eyes would have sufficed.

>> No.3686366

"Bad" proportions, but pretty > "Good" proportions, but ugly

>> No.3686369

i just made her cuter wtf nigger?

>> No.3686372
File: 1.76 MB, 2000x2919, 1542613186026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh... I already expected that the /ic commoner would resort to animefication, disappointing.

However, I see that you (OP) have potential to become as good as me skill-wise thus here is some advice that might actually help:

Head and face perspective is incongruent. While we see the head in 3/4 view, the face seems to look straight onto the viewer. To top it off you shoehorn the farther ear into the face to throw it off completely. Just imagine, how is the farther sternocleidomastoid muscle supposed to be attached behind that ear? And how would that manifest itself onto the neck?
To fix the perspective you either adjust the face so it suits the head it is slapped on OR you change the head to suit the face. (See image with the 3D arrow).
Your faces don't look bad perse (see image with cutout face), they are just placed poorly. Revisit proportions and perspective (especially placing ears correctly).
Now where you fixed your face&head you should look forward to attach the head to the neck properly. Your chins always stick out weirdly, indicating a forced head tilt+rotation, you know, the way Jim Carrey does it...
Hair does NOT grow on the side of the neck (Sternocleidomastoid). See the green questionmark so you know what I mean and look up some references, you'll understand.
Give her eyes some pupils. They are black, they are literally holes in a muscle ring letting light shine through. You however draw blind girls with cataract or some shyte.

Last but not least: learn proper lighting. You slap highlights onto everything, it doesn't look that good tho. Less is more in this case. You can only know where to place a highlight if you know two things very well: your form and the source of light in 3D space. Angle of incidence = angle of reflection.
Chose a main light source and stick to it, add smaller light sources/ highlights afterwards.

You're welcome.
I have to go now, I've grown sick of this place.
I'm off, making it.

>> No.3686385

Imagine putting this much effort in for a shitpost

>> No.3686388

thats pretty knowledgeable even if its intended for OP

>> No.3686397
File: 747 KB, 1582x2000, x4ibfh6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is only straight on or 3/4 view
it's like there's a void between 3/4 and 4/4 in your world
sometimes head is turned just a little bit where you can see a bit of the other ear

> as good as me skill-wise
dunning-kruger detected
fucking cringe

>> No.3686418
File: 41 KB, 243x309, Fixingcrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, just be a bit more subtle with her proportions.

>> No.3686428

ITT Kyle gets blown the fuck out

>> No.3686433

post your work.

>> No.3686447
File: 511 KB, 557x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this face
on this head shape

>> No.3686451

best one by far

>> No.3686453

You know that one image of a wolf with its snout going sideways to mock the 2D illustrations of cartoon wolfs?

The right (our right) girl looks off just like in that fashion. The facial features look like they are in different planes of existence.

>> No.3686467

Hey guys Jeff Cavaliere here, today I'm gonna show you how to train your...

>> No.3686470

So the trick is the make them have child like head proportions? No wonder why I hate anime, this dude should just drop that hybrid shit and just made realistic people instead.

>> No.3686476

Bottom right looks better. It makes it apparent her head is not at the right angle in the OP, looks guessed.

>> No.3686492
File: 1.66 MB, 2048x2732, 6F45A2D8-F817-4539-A6A2-F6478FD241D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What artists are your inspiration? I always respect anyone who doesn’t resort to hiding features to make their drawings look better but it seems like though go overboard in some places. What are you going for?

>> No.3686538

His faces are so fucking bad, no wonder he never gets work

>> No.3686548


>> No.3686560

This looks a lot better. What the hell is OP doing wrong to even get those faces? You have to be really blind to start drawing those and not already see how ugly they are.

>> No.3686637
File: 290 KB, 1243x635, cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, you made her old and haggard. I still like it though.

>What artists are your inspiration?


>What are you going for?

I've always done it like this, wasn't really going for anything specifically. But I have to try and appeal to others so i've been toning it down. Pic related might not be the best example of toning it down though.

>> No.3686638

Those faces are fucking awful.

>> No.3686680
File: 176 KB, 268x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...nothin personnel....

>> No.3686683

Kyle, your faces look awful. I hope you take to heart the criticism in this thread.
My recommendation is to look at faces--real or drawings--that you consider beautiful, cute, or well-drawn, and compare them with your own, side by side, to see where you err.

>> No.3686718 [DELETED] 

Dude that's not even funny.

>> No.3686735

God damn, this made such a huge difference

TL;DR: Her face is on a 3/4 position, but her eyes are drawn like she is facing forwards, right?

>> No.3686758

>look a little on the spectrum
autism doesn't have any phenotypical traits, retard

>> No.3686817

Ah. I hate scat but I really like how Radiohead does dicks and enjoy most of his more tame stuff. If you’re going for less conventionally attractive faces then I don’t really know what to tell you other than keep doing your thing

>> No.3686836

Well said.
This looks 100x nicer than Kyles.

>> No.3686853

all this samefagging only to defend your lame redline
i'd usually get mad, but it's actually kind of sad

>> No.3686856
File: 384 KB, 692x922, SAVE45510.31.2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't posted anything in this thread until now; you're lost and mistaken friend. But now I'm posting, here.

>> No.3686891

I wish more people here gave criticisms like this bros...

>> No.3686918
File: 20 KB, 400x450, reactioncirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people thinking kyle made this thread

>> No.3687047

I saw you doing upright rows ill fucking kill you

>> No.3687079

this is unironically more appealing than the "correct" edits on this thread.
also there is nothing specifically wrong with kyles faces, pretty cool to pretend that you are him OP, really neat, keep it up.

>> No.3687096

youll never be a real woman lol

>> No.3687097

my fan theory is that the eye is just lacking in white, hence why the all the thumbnails the eyes seem soul-less

>> No.3687110

No one is that naif.

>> No.3687125

Kyle is dead, long live this guy

>> No.3687135


>> No.3687141

your theory is about as stupid as your name and art

>> No.3687144

Have you tested it?

>> No.3687169

i wanna know who's the poor soul behind those kyle threads, and why such a young man has a heart so full of bitterness and jelousy

we still love you, and hope someday you can join us in the sun

>> No.3687173

based theorycrafter

>> No.3687179

stop trying to be funny its cringey.

>> No.3687181

When you're mentally ill, shitposting can be therapeutic. At least he's not hurting anybody

>> No.3687182

Fuck Kyle. Jesus most of the people here are complete garbage when closely examined.

>> No.3687212
File: 143 KB, 657x350, kairu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His facial features are getting bigger each year.

>> No.3687232
File: 620 KB, 1255x616, drawover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright op here's a paint over with very minimal changes. All I did was use the warp tool to reposition the faces and some small paint overs like painting off the ear on the purple hair lady because it shouldn’t show. Rendering is ok and suffice enough to please normies. The only glaringly obvious problem with this piece is facial structure. The faces don’t follow the form of the heads and my suggestion is to practice drawing the skull from a bunch of different angles to improve your understanding of form. Other than that the two figures just lack variety unless they’re supposed to be twins or something.Over all, generic looking piece but I could definitely see it as some kind of hentai ad on pornhub.

>> No.3687268

dont you think its suspicious this guy had the same solution? >>3687232
You sure im not onto something?

>> No.3687276

The future is bright

>> No.3687291
File: 57 KB, 706x926, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only i could render i could prove myself right!

>> No.3687312

Hi u must be new

>> No.3687316

is right, look at
Eyes in thumbnail look beady.

>> No.3687317
File: 153 KB, 635x309, r21r1f1f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soften features, make eyes bigger and mouth+nose smaller

>> No.3687328
File: 292 KB, 593x871, 1542203983909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny cuz he can if he tries

>> No.3687331

They look like aliens now. Great work.

>> No.3687373

i hope your pic wasnt related because that head is still fucked

>> No.3687420
File: 133 KB, 235x616, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eyes just aren't in perspective.The heads are in 3/4 but the eyes don't follow. The eye closest to the viewer should be slightly bigger than the the other when the head is in 3/4 but op makes them the exact same size which is making the pic look off. Just look at the comparison. It's not so much that adding more white to the left eye gives her more soul, it’s just that it added more length to it to make it look more accurate with perspective of the head.

>> No.3687540

This thread has become like a class project.

>> No.3687562

If anything this thread is the perfect proof that /ic/ has no clue how to do paint/render a goddamn face. Since everyone saw a different problem with the OP and made different adjustments. Most of them are wrong even.

>> No.3687563

Why are the eyes always red?

>> No.3687565

Post your fix then.

>> No.3687567

Hi Kyle

>> No.3687574

Did it actually take you idiots this long to realise that the perspective of the facial features were off? I thought you guys were supposed to be good at art

>> No.3687578

I don' know who is this Kyle is but even if I were him that wouldn't make my point less true.

Already did in the thread and but even if I wouldn't have that would not my point less true. I am not claiming that I know how to fix it.

My point is
>nobody in this thread knows how to fix this picture, myself included
thus /ic/ seriously can't onto art

>> No.3687600

Different people can see different problems on the same subject, that doesn't prove anything and your point being is ridiculous.

>> No.3687607

Someone really needs to tell Kyle to fuck off.

>> No.3687608

Shut the fuck up before I rape you

>> No.3687614


>> No.3687617

ayy lmao

>> No.3687762

>those faces

Seriously. Someone paid for this and said “That looks great!”

>> No.3687801

>who's the poor soul behind those kyle threads
maybe himself? like making his haters look retarded?

>this thread is the perfect proof that /ic/ has no clue how to do paint/render
as if we need more proof

>> No.3687821

Hi Kyle

>> No.3688088

Oh Kyle.

>> No.3688092

Stop bumping you fuck let the thread die already.

>> No.3688239

Not me, I swear

>> No.3688248
File: 849 KB, 1454x889, doa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave me alone you bully buttheads

I didn't make this thread btw. some interesting paintovers in here. I actually like some of them quite a bit.

>> No.3688282

In the thumbnail it looks like she's vomiting. Does that help?

>> No.3688289
File: 108 KB, 590x797, whoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyle, come on man. You have to know your faces are creepy as shit.

>> No.3688290

Isn't Kyle black? Same thing happened as Asians trying to draw white people, it comes as off.

>> No.3688291

Those faces still look like garbage, and I like you and your style.

>> No.3688324
File: 39 KB, 524x134, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only gets commissions once a month
>only 4K notes

This image was 3 weeks ago, admit it. You don't get commissions. And if you need to know why, look at this thread. Your faces are fucking awful. I wouldn't commission you either.

>> No.3688331
File: 40 KB, 285x309, mozgpc8n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3688333

holy shit i actually jumped

>> No.3688345
File: 6 KB, 160x178, 1542614122593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot now

>> No.3688347
File: 292 KB, 659x817, 1535484650830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyle's faces make everyone look like fucking ugly goblins.

>> No.3688350

>those thighs, calves and ankles

Holy fucking shit. This looks horrid.

>> No.3688351

So you take a loli-like girl with a small frame and decide to give her giant fucking ham legs? Fucking you ruined her entire look.

>> No.3688355

I'm amazed at how many times I have seen this image without noticing the giant purple cock

>> No.3688363

How could you miss it in that ugly image that was most likely traced? Just think some faggot commissioned it and told Kyle it looked great.

>> No.3688422 [DELETED] 


>> No.3688427

It blends in with the background.

>> No.3688479
File: 772 KB, 2500x1486, ambient_occlusion_painting_tutorial_by_artspell-d79wbcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know another problem. You draw faces like anime ones, not in style, but in concept. They look like realistic body parts photoshopped onto a flat face canvas. You don't give your faces 3D space. You need more lighting and ambiant lighting to make it look more 3D.

>> No.3688481

>Kyle is now the new Pit Edits

>> No.3688484

*ambient occlusion

>> No.3688500

Does he recycle faces or something? Serious question

>> No.3688677

kyle, how did to get such a dedicated shitposter? did you break his heart or fuck his waifu?

>> No.3688699

They both look the same.

>> No.3688707

I get plenty of commissions thank you.

>> No.3688708

Wow these days Kyle get shit on with Firez get praised
how the time change

>> No.3688835

This looks good, op image aside I like your faces, changing up the eyebrow shapes/thicknes and lip shape/thickness would hep make your women more distinct though.

>> No.3688918

you dont need AO to make it realistic lol, do you even know what it is?you never see people paint that separately because the softest parts are already painted in with shadows. the only thing that would stand out on its own is where light doesnt come in crevices.

>> No.3688958

i havent laugh for a long time.

>> No.3689016

I quite like the face on the left actually, this >>3688835 anon is giving good advice though

>> No.3689022

Maybe if Kyle was actually good like firez he would get praised. Kyle’s art is just as tacky and lifeless as Simpson’s porn

>> No.3689524

Does anyone wonder if Kyle can do traditional?
I would like to see an attempt.

>> No.3689551

That's like 90% of Studio Ghibli characters.

>> No.3689584
File: 55 KB, 560x420, AAE5B491-02FE-425E-9AE9-C3D7E5F30690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creepy and cute have a fine line between them

>> No.3689591

I swear he posted one a few years ago and it was pretty terrible if I remembered correctly. Not sure if it's just an impersonation though.

>> No.3689608

the fuck? what a random, moronic thing to care for

you're mentally ill, and unhealthly obsessed with this kyle guy. get professional help before you hurt someone

>> No.3689613

Who the fuck is kyle?

>> No.3689622

A fag who was praised a lot here, but now people realize is a hack.

>> No.3689709


>> No.3689748


>> No.3689891

Good or Atleast decent porn artist that some of ic hates for being better than them while posting here. Still not as bad as the guy that has a hate boner for bbcchan.

>> No.3689998

Didn't people used to call him like oppailolifutachickenlegs guy-something or other?

>> No.3690000

no lol thats just his tumblr name