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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 506 KB, 2120x1300, 26D10726-8ABA-41A6-932A-A2C97070E60C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3678768 No.3678768 [Reply] [Original]

Why do girl draw this stuff?

>> No.3678770

why do man not speak the english

>> No.3678772


>> No.3678774

duuude is that mint chocolate?

>> No.3678776

Sure pajeet, your from nipon.

>> No.3678780

mental illness exist in both gender

>> No.3678787

why dudes get aroused with hermafrodite girls drawed by xenophobes from an archipielago?

>> No.3678790


>> No.3678818

Because it's a cute boy with a big dick. I don't know about the messy shit, but maybe it's erotic to see someone being a complete hedonist.

>> No.3678824

because it's hot, you fuckin' weirdo

>> No.3678830

i want to suck it

>> No.3678837

Women should never of been allowed to vote

They are the no balls micro dick clit version of men. All they have is degeneracy and chaos.

>> No.3678872


Clit heads are becoming a real problem.
When lgbt wins y’all are just going to be the unfortunate micro clit-dick freaks with an extra hole to fill.

>> No.3678874

its weird. i read it and understand like half of it and get a gist. but i can tell you're using some words that are meant to be laden with power.

>> No.3678878

u forgot about penis envy bro

>> No.3678882

When LGBTQWTFBBQ wins, planet earths flag will have just a big fat cock on it

>> No.3678889

Inconsequential, I'm already in a position of power over you by virtue of gender. Grovel, cuck.

>> No.3678897

It's just fetish art. Like you havent seen it before.

>> No.3678908

Women are making fetishes into something truly demonic

>> No.3678915 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 526x314, CF33A0C8-398D-43F5-BF0A-5C97B2073C1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for long cishet

>> No.3678917

>he thinks anyone is ever going to take faggots seriously

>> No.3678926
File: 131 KB, 843x474, 4CEFED3B-4978-4863-8443-F88FB307CFCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look out your window goy girl

>> No.3678932


its scary to think people who draw this shit walk freely among us in public.

>> No.3678951


>> No.3678983

>Why do girl draw this stuff?
because, me MONEY!

>> No.3678986

Dude, it is just a job what is wrong with that?

>> No.3679025

It’s her kink not commission.

>> No.3679029

That’s what the Nazis soldiers that worked the death camps said

>> No.3679071
File: 412 KB, 1280x1033, 1541910514121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT stuff drawn by girl

>> No.3679076
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1465009922627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, ShindoL is a white male from NYC now living in Nipponland.

>> No.3679078

>because of you, women are applying less makeup and becoming ugly

That’s multiple layers of delusional on the artists part.

All men hate makeup

>> No.3679081

Not the same artist

>> No.3679094

wow ShindoL looks like that?
I like make up on women
good make up ofc
especially eyeliner

>> No.3679098


>> No.3679175 [DELETED] 


>> No.3679184 [DELETED] 

>In a previous post, I explained how feminists wanted to get women to drink like men, have sex like men, and to abolish courtship and marriage. Under the influence of feminism and Hollywood celebrities, women began to choose men to have sex with without any consideration of morality, religion, marriage, etc. They thought that sex was an easy way to trick a man into committing to them without having to treat him like a real person, or to take the demands of marriage and parenting seriously. (They have been taught to value education and careers over husbands and children,). This results in a cycle of binge-drinking, one-night-stands, cheating, co-habiting, breaking-up, stalking, aborting, etc.., until the woman’s ability to trust and love anyone but herself is completely destroyed. And yet these college women somehow believe this is “adventurous”, that it makes them feel “sexy”, and that the experience of being selfish and seeing the worst kind of men acting in the worst possible ways, point blank, somehow prepares them for marriage and motherhood.

>> No.3679222

Women are less degenerate than men in every way imaginable

>> No.3679232

People that grew up with Internet have been desensitized to vanilla sex.
Hence more extreme fetishes.
Girls are also more horny, deviant and emotional. But society cannot let them express this (well, same for male fetishes, but worse or girls cause SLUUUTS). So I guess art is a good way to express those deviances.

>> No.3679239

i do dislike makeup

>> No.3679245 [DELETED] 

i have German ancestry. My great great grandpa was a jew who worked for the Russians hauling corpses.

>> No.3679262

even worse. how desperate for money are you? 50 bucks for this shit. you must have a boner the entire time. don't have kids.

>> No.3679441

Prove it.

That OP image ends your case from the get go.

>> No.3679487

But you just said this was drawn by a girl, I am not a girl and I can't even draw this good...

>> No.3679496

you dont know how ugly/plain/manly women look without makeup...

but i do hate painted eyebrows

>> No.3679502

Maybe I'm just desensitized to degeneracy, but I don't see what's especially bad about this image. It's just some guy fapping after eating a lot. It's not hardcore rape, guro, scat, etc. The worst aspects I can see are the 'messy'/slob stuff.

Like >>3678818 said, the hedonistic, decadent element isn't difficult to understand. Especially if it the hedonist is a big dicked animu guy, a fujoshi favorite.

>> No.3679528
File: 275 KB, 615x616, 6E513E97-922F-4CEB-8534-26774B5A3AA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a girl
And those are the excuses you tell yourself

>> No.3679542

no im not

>> No.3679550

Anyone know who the artist is?

>> No.3679566

are you the type who thinks subtle makeup is no makeup? kek, even phones apply filters to photographs to make them look better

the truth is, majority of girls are average
a well done makeup can add up to 3 points
a 5 can become 8 and a 2 can become 5
that's not to say natural beauties don't exist and get the most attention

>> No.3679607
File: 353 KB, 256x256, 1513823145359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the majority is average

>> No.3679608

>doesn’t understand bell curves

>> No.3679615

>doesn't understand bell curves and tells others they don't understand bell curves
To be fair, it depends on what your margin is for what you call "average"

>> No.3679646

average is when you can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl without makeup and short hair (body hidden)

>> No.3679657

>Women are applying less makeup and becoming ugly
Good, I would rather an ugly person than a fake.

>> No.3679703

>when a bunch of thirsty girls see the pic and fill the thread

>> No.3679765

Then it's much harder to find cute girls when they all look like a wasted byproduct of liberalism and capitalism.

>> No.3679778

Does OP not think that boys don't draw inflation, farting, diapers, and child porn? Is this somehow worse than furry-shit?

Please tell me OP is not some fucking furry thinking that he's above the fetishes that's in his image. That would be too ironic.

>> No.3679836

Source please?

>> No.3679841

pick one or the other bro these two do not match

>> No.3679865

Tell me more about how skirts above the knees will be the end of civilization, granpa.

>> No.3679867
File: 4 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average is androgynous

>> No.3679887

? of course
if everyone was bold, wore the same clothes, no makeup or accessories, in most cases you would only be able to tell apart women from men by size of chest or hips

>> No.3679898
File: 299 KB, 1024x711, gettyimages-BD4690-009-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely incorrect

>> No.3679902

oh look, a fucking makeup

>> No.3679910

Youre either severely genuinely retard or straight up lying to yourself if you think that without that little bit of mascara and lipstick that she would look exactly like the guy on the right

Like, i KNEW you were going to jump on that. How petty and bratty can you possibly be. Grow up

>> No.3679913

yes, without that she would look like a skinny adolescent guy

put 2 guys side by side and wow, you'll also see a difference

>> No.3679915

Im starting to think your brain is just shitty and you actually cant differentiate between men and women, are you gay by any chance

>> No.3679918

It's not like women have nicer lips, a higher brow line, smaller noses, more rounded jaw lines, different body weight distribution or any other ways to distinguish the two genders.

You can spot a trap a mile away for a reason, men and women are anatomically different on many levels

>> No.3679921

you are severely retarded if you think all guys look like the dude on the right

you just dont want to admit that your image of women is a combination of symbols that define them, makeup and long hair included

>> No.3679925

>you just dont want to admit that your image of women is a combination of symbols that define them, makeup and long hair included

I am quite literally doing the opposite of that, can you read? Youre the one saying that you cant tell the difference between them without makeup or girly clothes

??? Am i being trolled right now

>> No.3679933

you are misled by lipstick again...
lips vary greatly not only gender to gender but race as well- white men AND women have thinner lips than their negro counterparts. you cant just say one gender has fuller lips than the other.

same goes for skull shapes and noses

only thing i can agree on is tits and pelvic region, but if everyone wore baggy clothes and jackets, you wouldnt spot a difference, which is my point

>> No.3679941

then post some bold women WITHOUT makeup
cancer patients work
and tell me honestly if you REALLY want that

>> No.3679944

they're choosing to be ignorant on purpose. don't compare this idiot to gay people, that's rude to the gays

incorrect. there are reasons people can even tell asian traps apart from real women (or at the very least, be a little suspicious). here are a few.

sorry you have to learn this way but- there are physical and mental differences between men and women.

>> No.3679946
File: 118 KB, 874x1024, 2 genders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad, here's pic related i forgot to include

>> No.3679947

The sexual physical bifurcation persists within separate racial groups, you dont really have any point here.

You cant just keep narrowing the criteria down until the point where we have to determine the gender by nose shape alone. Youre being intellectually dishonest in your struggle to be right

>> No.3679948

Haha you accuse me of objectifying women and then go on to imply that women without hair or makeup are unattractive

Jesus youre genuinely dumb

>> No.3679952
File: 164 KB, 409x325, 1460871986466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if everyone wore baggy clothes and jackets, you wouldnt spot a difference
if everyone were a blob, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference!
wrong again. i could pick a roastie like you out of a crowd just from the shrill whining and bitching noises.

>Youre being intellectually dishonest in your struggle to be right
the lack of self awareness is staggering

>> No.3679984

Except that nothing ive said is incorrect, and i can clearly distinguish between genders based on physical attributes. How am i lacking self awareness again? Just namecalling because you cant handle being wrong?

>> No.3680016

Wow anatomy. You'd think people on an art board wouldn't need to see stuff like this.

>> No.3680018

>. i could pick a roastie like you out of a crowd just from the shrill whining and bitching noises.


>> No.3680055
File: 254 KB, 467x311, PAID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for M O N E Y
Weird Porn pays the bills kiddo

>> No.3680063

kek get a load of this faggot
go back to sucking your dads dick

>> No.3680103

Factually incorrect, have you ever even used the internet?

>> No.3680111

>says that
>on an art board
N. G. M. I. >>3679898

>> No.3680118

Hey faggots, who the hell is the artist? Maybe there are more of these drawings.

>> No.3680134
File: 43 KB, 600x637, what in the holy fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op's image
>all these replies
Was going to reply, but yep, hidden is the best choice

>> No.3680160

Western artists are usually better at futa.

>> No.3680162

All feminism is bad. Abolish the 19th amendment.

>> No.3680282

what other fetishes do women like to draw? And whats the difference between what lesbians draw compared to straight women?

>> No.3680301

i wish i had a daddy dick to suck ):

>> No.3680304

same reason guys draw that shit but with women

>> No.3680364

>tfw no one knows who the artist is
'Tis a sad day.

>> No.3680475


>> No.3680612

The majority of Vore art is drawn by Women

Tell me why

>> No.3680619
File: 1.04 MB, 200x150, F1C75410-EBD6-46A1-9FEF-80362301C613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl, are you telling me the OP pic is feminism? Is that the next stage of Women’s liberation?

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.3680625

You just bumped it dumb figgot. Try to Hyde it next time

>> No.3680626

this thread is far beyond degeneracy.

>> No.3680629

>The majority of Vore art is drawn by Women
Citation needed.

>> No.3680635

mock pregnancy

>> No.3680653

Look it up. Or not. I would recommend you don’t.

>> No.3680670

I always scoff at people who say NGMI for petty reasons, and Ive never told anyone NGMI myself, but damn, an artist who doesnt recognize sexual dimorphism will probably not make it. Sorry to the bro you are replying to.

>> No.3680693


>> No.3680870

Why are girls such edge heads

>> No.3681622

It’s 2018

>> No.3681729

kinda reminds me of this omegaverse stuff some fujos like

>> No.3682434
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because men have good taste

>> No.3682481
File: 485 KB, 1277x1920, tumblr_pgbbjw44Tg1tnjmmio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why men draw same, usually worse, thing?

>> No.3682487
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x1120, 0b3e3466ff85fa85c2d0287507619f02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey modeseven is an angel shut your whore mouth

>> No.3682517

You'd have to be deaf, blind and retarded to not know of countless more degenerate male artists

>> No.3682524

You'd be surprised
>t. dated a repressed catholic girl

>> No.3682625

Prove it girl.

>> No.3682629

In the same goddamn thread

>> No.3682792

While I actually agree with you, that artist is completely fucked up in the head and not representative at all. I like his style though.

>> No.3682803

The shiny and cartoonish style that he uses makes it even more bizarre. I think Mode7 deserves the respect just for drawing his unrestrained absolutely sick, twisted and weird shit and yet being in your face and completely unapologetic about it towards everyone. Going row row fight da powa against all morals, gender norms and general decency, even after tumbr deleted his account numerous times and yet he came back instantly every time. Guy got some balls of steel that is for sure.

>> No.3685488

You'd be surprised.