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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 49 KB, 640x960, 45820444_2178165059123389_2965249140600078336_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3674171 No.3674171 [Reply] [Original]

For the love of God, tell me how i can draw this position...

>> No.3674185

I'd start from the center line (it's receding back in space, so you can simplify it into one line going back for the upper torso and another coming forward for the lower part), then define both shoulder and waist with simple lines. Add some mass in whichever mannequin format you like, and only then tackle the foreshortened limbs by doing them with single lines first to get an estimate of direction and size, then turning them into cylinders/boxes/etc.

Don't overthink this, it's not that tricky of a pose if you start with a stick figure or just about anything to give you a general idea to get started. Your biggest enemy is the idea that you have to get it right in one attempt.

>> No.3674190


>> No.3674201
File: 87 KB, 598x601, gfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this a good start ?

>> No.3674204

it's a start, here are a few pointers:

>compare angle of shoulders and arms
>identify the pelvis/lower body, not the outfit for the leg placement

From that point on, analyzing and redoing it will let you do a better job with each iteration.

>> No.3674205

no the leg is short as shit
draw them as cylinder in 3D space for easier foreshorten
you lost the gesture of the body too
checking the shoulder and pelvis line

>> No.3674207
File: 1.58 MB, 502x251, BlueShamefulAfricanwilddog-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pelvis/low

>> No.3674208

Your drawing is flat - there is no depth whatsoever. Try thinking in terms of form and perspective, and how each part relates to each other in terms of 3D space. Break down the body with simple forms (eg blocks for head, torso, cylinders for limbs etc).

>> No.3674213
File: 418 KB, 704x541, 02_Rembrandt-Monk-Etching_1646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With shadow and lighter/darker colors(or crosshatching.)

>> No.3674214

just trace it

>> No.3674238

>tell me how i can draw this position...

What do you mean? You have a reference photo. What else do you need?
If you wanna draw him naked then use your imagination.

>> No.3674242

This, pretty much

>> No.3674248

try to imagine him from another angle, profilefor example
his ass seems to be pushed way behind, if you can visualize it, would be easier to understand everything

>> No.3674272
File: 628 KB, 1600x1889, IMG_2736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3674309

You guys do realize that the last 3 threads that has this similar type of ref is someone just trying to trick people into working for free, right? Lmfao.

>> No.3674312

Why would he want random drawings of Asian dudes in kung fu poses?

>> No.3674328
File: 45 KB, 444x444, 4sta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no! im gonna have to actually draw instead of shitpost now

>> No.3674331

>implying anyone has ever paid me for my work
Jokes on you, douchebag

>> No.3674353

If you drew a photrealistic replica of this people would tell you your perspective is shit and it looks like he's a midget with one giant leg.

>> No.3674355
File: 227 KB, 560x720, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should focus on seeing the pose in large geometric shapes, and then decompose in small shapes, and dont forget to use values, it will help you a lot to see the distance of one thing over the other

>> No.3674373
File: 366 KB, 1800x800, 3674171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3674376

After all these years now I know exactly what gesture method you've been using all along...

>> No.3674378


>> No.3674379

fuckinn based

>> No.3674387

there is no gesture here, its shapes going from bigger to smaller keeping negative space accurate

>> No.3674399

That's some nice pencil work there. Did you do this on an ipad?

>> No.3674406


>> No.3674419

All of first step is a gesture. it's just very simple because it's drawn from a reference.

Sai on Wacom. I don't think Sai is on iPad, nor ever will be.

>> No.3674423

>All of first step is a gesture.

I knew it. It's just instead of using step 2 in the step 1 (minus the muscles because obviously you've done it long enough) you're keeping it loose. I'm onto you now, boi.

>> No.3674430

I’ve been drawing all day. For myself and not something that someone wants done for them. Y’all are stupid

>> No.3674443

>feel good about my day
>see this thread
>do 4 gestures and give up

Fuck you kung fu man

>> No.3674495

Anon try to remember the base of anatomy and perspective!

>> No.3674730


Teach me sensei

>> No.3674745

why would you? you know you're allowed to choose what to draw right. like you don't need to have unclear poses with bad silhouettes and ambiguous masses, you can make good drawings just as easily.

>> No.3674755

Which is?

>> No.3674760

You'll figure it out eventually. The spaghetti noodle thing is uniquely his, though. However the simplification through his steps is clear as day how he learned.

>> No.3674762

>The spaghetti noodle thing is uniquely his, though
I mean, it's the same process but he's leaving out extra lines which makes it uniquely "his" while keeping loose. Now figure it out yourself.

>> No.3674763

You mean that Hitokaku book?

>> No.3674765

lol no

>> No.3674766


>> No.3674767

no, you have 1 guess left

>> No.3674768


>> No.3674769

You seem to be under the impression from a crab mindset that teal is holding that one big secret resource from everybody, when in reality it's a combined result of years of study from multiple sources

>> No.3674770


It's not a secret. It's just the source isn't popular on /ic/. And I'm no crab. I just don't want to spoon feed you and give away my findings and hard research that you should go through yourself.

>> No.3674772

Animator Jukuryuu Saisoku de Egakeru You ni Naru Kyara Sakuga no Gijutsu?

>> No.3674775

No, and come on that book is fairly new and teal has been drawing for a while now. Use your noggin. Unless you were trying to trap me by thinking I'm some kind of newfaggot then you failed.

Look at this way, there is a reason why these people are so good and it isn't just due to "years of training" but years of practice with the right trainer.

>> No.3674776

Give me a hint here, there's a ton of books that fits the bill. Is the teacher American or not?

>> No.3674779

it's western and that is all the hint I will give

>> No.3674785
File: 737 KB, 1063x722, 1539796648567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3674790

Karl Gnass?

>> No.3674792

These are all pretty good teachers (sycra not as much)

>> No.3674894


blog ? twitter ? something ?

>> No.3674902


>> No.3674903

He is the Messiah /ic/ has dubbed, Teal. His real handle is Simon and I'm pretty sure he frequents /co/ so you'll find his blog there if you lurk more.

>> No.3674904

That Monk is killing someone quick help

>> No.3674906

Does he still post on /co/? Is there where he post his lewd stuff? Cause it's full on SFW on his blog

>> No.3674929



>> No.3674936

isn't that the guy /ic/ chased off years ago?

>> No.3674958


>> No.3674970


>> No.3675128


>> No.3675193

>he draws loli so his advice is invalid

>> No.3675198
File: 178 KB, 348x477, 1443308320317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine unironically thinking that

>> No.3675202

>yes, by inflating his own ego as a mysterious talented pedophile that the animu artists like to jerk off to.

GOD I want to be this so badly. What does it take to be like this man? Where did he learn his shit?

>> No.3675278

You’re the hero we don’t deserve Teal. I’ve been using this process for the past few weeks and my figures look a lot better (before I used to skip to the form stage from the start)

>> No.3675285

Are his initials WW? He does a similar thing as Teal, progressing from line to shape to form

>> No.3675337

thanks for the compilation my dude. this shit is so useful.

>> No.3675349

Stop drawing from pictures if this you're struggling. Go look at real life 3d shapes to understand how foreshortening works...

>> No.3675350

Look at this fag and his fleeting moment of importance.... K Y S

>> No.3675358

Scared I know how you learned Tealy Weely? Don't worry, I won't share your secret. After all...it's just years and years of practice am I right?

And when I get to your level I'll stay silent and post redlines and smother myself in all that weeb glory.

>> No.3675382

You don’t know shit anon, my uncle works at a famous animation studio and taught me secret techniques that you’ll never learn

>> No.3675384


>> No.3675415


Oh yeah? Well my Dad works at Trigger and when he retires he will give me lead role in anime directions. Beat that.

>> No.3675421

Anyone happen to have 3d software handy? Post a picture of this pose here please

>> No.3675449

lmao you believe in art cheatcodes

>> No.3675458

stay scared teally weaaaly

>> No.3675576
File: 2.16 MB, 2682x3835, imaginary menagerie manager drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk i just look at it and draw things in general proportional relations with the things I already drew

>> No.3675586
File: 1.62 MB, 2649x3851, spaghetti man confusing sign drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and fore the record i think it looks like doodoo thats a hard dang thing to draw tbphwyf

>> No.3675614

Get a feeling for the general shape, first. The pose is already obscure, so do away with any preconceived goals of perfection.

Draw what's there. Learn anatomy.

>> No.3675619

They're not particularly good but at least you're trying not to rely on grids for once bubbi. Keep practicing and in time your "inner grid" in the form of plumb lines, negative/positive space relationships et al will be just as effective as the real thing.

>> No.3675668
File: 2.53 MB, 2395x3891, ERIKA poster drawing 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nice to be hand drawing on paper again for awhile

>> No.3675754


>> No.3675824

I like this one

>> No.3678141
File: 3.56 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181113_221016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, for complicated figure like this I like to start with the silhouette instead of the figure drawing blocks. I think it makes keeping the proportion in check easier

>> No.3678142

do you think you managed to keep the proportions in check?

>> No.3678154

Kinda? What looks off?

>> No.3678157

everything above the waist is far too big, and even taking that enlargement into account, the neck is far too long.

good job on the lower body though

>> No.3678197

Hmm right,bad habit I should stop doing,thanks.

>> No.3680287

>he draws loli so his advice is valid

>> No.3680701

you wouldn't happen to know what the source of that image is, would you?

>> No.3680704

that's not how it works

>> No.3680754

Obviously not Teal, but for every faggot that's gonna whine on some basic bitch first day on the internet shit like drawn loli i'll personally start making loli pieces.

I don't care about your mental illness regarding fictional characters and drawings, i'm gonna do it just to spite faggots like you.

>> No.3681080

If I'm desperate, need result soon because I have fixed deadline or something, and found the exact pose I need for reference, I'll fucking trace that.

>> No.3681171

>thats how it works

>> No.3681557
File: 91 KB, 898x1600, 4df7f923-d710-4b06-9217-ce36a987fdbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That slightly foreshortened arm is the reason why I have nightmares.

>> No.3681999
File: 176 KB, 1500x1489, andrew loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think Loomis gets his powers?

>> No.3682010

all the cubes and cylinders artists/students drawings over the history empower him