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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 322 KB, 591x716, mio k on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3672828 No.3672828 [Reply] [Original]

why cant i imagine someone turning their head? why cant i visualize a rotated cube?
i can barely even picture someones face in my head how am i meant to draw it???

>> No.3672836 [DELETED] 

>why cant i imagine someone turning their head? why cant i visualize a rotated cube?
Maybe you just haven't trained enough anon. Start by drawing more cubes into perspective (do rows of cubes rotating in each direction to help you visualize, it doesn't take too long), then you'll be able to construct forms and fit heads within these cubes.
>i can barely even picture someones face in my head how am i meant to draw it???
Using reference? Do a preliminary sketch if you don't have any?

>> No.3672837

fucking hell the npc meme is real

>> No.3672990

too much porn

>> No.3672994

i dont watch porn

>> No.3673003

Not enough porn

>> No.3673007

>using reference
>when you have to draw by imagination

>> No.3673069


>> No.3673145

Solve it in the paper and not in your head, like >>3672836 said. Thats what the rules of perspective are for. And all those books that show 10+ steps just to draw a cube.

No one said OP should force himself to draw from imagination, tard.
Op it's trying to be Kim Jung Gi when he can't even remember how a face looks, he needs to learn to walk before trying to run in the fucking Olympics.

>> No.3673269

try no fap
the memejuices are real and impreve imagination and lucid dreams (and daydreaming)

>> No.3673273

Cause you lack talent, i'm sorry but you need to be born with that.

>> No.3673289

think for yourself once in your life ffs

>> No.3673293

are you sure you don't have that condition where people can visualize shit in their head
or just average brainlet

>> No.3673455

You are an NPC.

>> No.3673503 [DELETED] 
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, 158. hindsight benefit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe meditate and train your mind to be less retarded or something? How can you not "visualize a rotated cube?"

>> No.3673507


Start taking diphenhydramine regularly for a few days and sleep less. This will force yourself to hallucinate and see shadow demons. Once you get scared for the first time your third eye will awaken and you can finally see visions in your head.

You're basically an NPC on standby in your case.

>> No.3674223

>i can barely even picture someones face in my head how am i meant to draw it???
Jesus I had trouble with that too but not to that extent.
The best advice I can give you is LOOK at real people/objects from every angle and perspective you can, and ENGRAVE that shit to your mind. Study everything till you can "save" it in your memory.

What I also did that I feel helped is using DesignDoll. Its free so just download it, customize the 3D models and look at them from different angles and stuff. That helped me to draw without references.
If you still cant do it then you are just not focusing hard enough.

>> No.3674282

If you can't visualize things in your head then you can't draw. It's why I gave up, literally not able to visualize.

>> No.3674534

does anyon know any exercises to help improve your vizalization skill?

>> No.3674657
File: 630 KB, 1665x1376, IMG_20181111_094348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have aphantasia but I only recently discovered that other people can visualize things. I can do pretty ok when it comes to drawing from life but drawing without any reference depends on hand..memory? I'm not sure if it's correct term but I feel how things should look during drawing. It's still way worse compared to seeing reference.

>> No.3676012

Search the web, plenty of sites claiming you can learn to visualize through various exercises. I have never got anything out of them, though. They're pretty much the psychological equivalent to "draw a circle, now draw the fucking owl."

It sucks because art REQUIRES you to visualize things in your head. People that can imagine things will blow right past you in learning how to draw, kids included.
>tfw all those years I studied art books and videos
>tfw every time they would say stuff like "now picture an apple, a box, a circle, etc" or "feel the form in your mind, try to visualize the picture you want to draw"
>tfw I thought they were just saying fluff, not that people can literally do that

>> No.3676018
File: 367 KB, 652x596, 1539164229300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees drawing from guy that has drawn for 20 years
>cant do the same progress in 2 days
>"muh visulization doesnt work properly, born this way"

>> No.3676022

>"Now picture a circle"
Wait, I get that some people wouldn't be able to picture complexes scenes or poses, but not even a simple circle? That seems surreal to me.

>> No.3676067

maybe try and read some books and visualize some of the scenes? I think it helped me

>> No.3676115

Reading this thread made me realize I'm actually NGMI. I can't even picture a circle in my mind.

>> No.3676192

just take some nootropics
there are some that help with that

>> No.3676594

You ain't a fucking computer mate, if you weren't born this way that you see 3d cubes everywhere it means you have to work for it.

Your mind uses tricks when you are imagining things, like you don't fully see things, you 'perceive' with your mind eyes fragments of the whole, but when it comes to the rest of whole your mind says 'don't worry about it, it's all there and just correct', but fucker is lying to you.
He is lazy and doesn't want to work too hard and you won't know till you try to draw something.
BTW the way he works is consistent with how real sight works: you have a dot of about of an inch in size vision in focus, but normally you don't see what you see out of focus unless you make a conscious effort.

Long story short, you need to force yourself to see and understand proportions & angles, notice the details like an a(u/r)tist, both on conscious and subconscious levels.
Here are some pointers:
1. you don't see in your head when you draw, you see on the page; more exactly when drawing imagine the thing you draw behind the plane of page, then draw as if you are tracing the image
2. there is this exercise
a. look at simple scene, like a box or a bottle, then close your eyes then project(see) the image on the back of your eyelids, now open your eyes, compare with original, repeat till you're satisfied with mental image and you see it clearly
b. do the same thing with but project onto a page
c. do b, but also trace it, then compare, then do it again
3. try drawing something in perspective, then in your mind try to rotate it, repeat until you're happy then move on to drawing another thing
4. check some videos on youtube on design drawing, these people are professionals in imagining things, they do it every day all day.

If you follow advice no.4 you'll soon find out that getting some things are *extremely hard* to do without construction and technical knowledge. Like faces or perspective.

>> No.3676597

>no circle, possible NPC
Try meditation, it has increased my visualisation 10x.
The Mind Illuminated book is fast becoming the meditation bible, read it and work yourself up to an hour a day.

>> No.3676598
File: 26 KB, 500x381, Jagan_Eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna sound weird but i noticed a bump in my visualization skills after messing with psychedelics
open your third eye

>> No.3677190

Is this why autistic people can't draw?

>> No.3677493

What do you guys recommend process-wise for the head? Picked up loomis but it doesn't seem to gel well for me. Found a tutorial a couple years ago posted by conoghi that use triangles but haven't been able to find it again.

>> No.3677494

James Gurney.jpg

>> No.3677506
File: 2.15 MB, 3503x2753, 165. Drinking bitter better drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

>> No.3677509

I think the only thing you unlocked is Dunning Kruger effect.

>> No.3677529
File: 26 KB, 500x449, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have aphantasia, so no visualisation skill whatsoever. There is nothing to improve because it's just how the brain is wired.
So far my drawings improved a lot even without visual thinking but I wonder how far I'll make it before killing myself.

>> No.3677651

Was that diagnosed by a doctor or something?
Or is this just another case of "Uhh it's hard, must be I'm not genetically prepared for doing this"

>> No.3677660

Aphantasia isnt real. Nobody physically sees real images in their head.

>> No.3677680

>I have aphantasia
how did you come to that conclusion?
and have you tried
> a. look at simple scene, like a box or a bottle, then close your eyes then project(see) the image on the back of your eyelids, now open your eyes, compare with original, repeat till you're satisfied with mental image and you see it clearly

I don't know you but right mindset in drawing is very important, often we can psych ourselves out and fuck ourselves up when all we should be doing is focus, have you tried meditation yet? ( >>3676597 ) I've heard Headspace has some decent intro for normies.
Anyway, imagination isn't for free, if you can't focus generating images in mind is like drawing on the water, when you can focus it's only a tiny bit better (my experience), but it's workable.

If you cant imagine anything, start doodling, worm up, let your pareidolia kick in.
In the end there is no substitute for drawing, drawing will teach you all that you need for drawing.

>> No.3677705

I remember pictures of a girl at different angles and switch between them as necessary when visualizing her, letting my brain fill in the blanks. Can't draw her but can fap to her.

>> No.3679290

fuck you

>> No.3679330

I mean, he's not wrong.

>> No.3679346
File: 19 KB, 552x202, Rotational-Task.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a woman?
There are two particular cognitive tasks that men and women differ greatly in.

If you test a mixed group: list as many words starting with the letter B as fast as possible. Women are more likely to come out on top.

If you test a mixed group with questions such as the attached one, Men are more likely to come out on top.

>> No.3679348

draw more
it comes with practice

>> No.3679445

B & D

>> No.3679489

you kidding? it's A and C

>> No.3679491

its all of them, you dinguses

>> No.3679522

it's a trick question, none of them fit