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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 116 KB, 900x715, ml goes hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3668681 No.3668681 [Reply] [Original]

You probably gonna say "but anon, this only gonna pull more normies that dont draw to the board" yeah, the diference is that at least the new normies would pay for the art instead of being crabs like the 90% of /ic/ posters,

>> No.3668685

No. There’s no point.

>> No.3668686
File: 70 KB, 848x941, 1456936952129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks normies would begin to flock here and pay
I'll tell you exactly what would occur and that would be an influx of gibsmedat and begging threads for free OC art.

>> No.3668816

Would be nice but anon is used to free art from /a/,/v/,etc

>> No.3668820

You simply won't get any customers from here. Maybe 1-2 per year, but that's about it.

>> No.3668897
File: 101 KB, 539x960, EdwardScissorhands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use that brain of yours and think again. Why would artists (well, aspiring artists) here pay other artists to make drawings? It won't happen except once or twice a year to the top of the crop, like that one dude from the /draw/ thread who did a D&D painting for a friends and some anon I think wanted to comission him but he's god tier.

/a/ should just transform the Drawing requests thread into a comission one. 90% people there are asking for lewds, they should be paying for it if they really want it. Getting paid is the only thing that would make me take on those shitty requests.

I fucking became an artist to draw people beating the shit out of each other. Why has /a/ such shit taste. Pic related though was a good request.

>> No.3668984

Be the change you want. Go ahead and start one. There isn't any moderation here and the Janitor is a cluckle boy who doesn't mind so as long as you use anime in the OP.

>> No.3669013

who's stopping you from making one?

It's not about having a thread, it's about who would possibly even commission stuff here

That being said if you want to have a "offical" sticky type of thread, /ic will have to become much more well known/popular on 4chan. Only then will fags from all over flood in to commission shit from art anons

>> No.3669810

>who's stopping you from making one?
board rules, also because it would get shat on by... I dunno... 99% of the board's population with the rest just doesn't care.

>> No.3669814

it could just be a thread

>> No.3669818

great way to rip each other off.

>> No.3669878

op said commissions not requests retard

>> No.3669981

It would work great since no board other than /aco/ will tolerate them. If the people on /h/ and /a/ and /co/ and all that would be made aware that the general existed here, that would be great.

>> No.3669982

The whole commissions culture is only really suited to porn, either furry or hentai
, like >>3669981 said, either /aco/ or /trash/, that's where the market it
/ic/ is more focussed on art as a respectable career with job security and the option to tell your family what you do
Porn commissions are easy money but it's not a future

>> No.3669988

No, never, shut the fuck up.

If you're not able to get commissions on your own, you're not gonna make it. The board is for making artwork and getting critique, fuck off with that shit.

>> No.3670003

nobody gets jobs from here, they just go to /co/,/h/,or /d/ for the commission threads. The only thing I think would happen here is that people would post thair comission page and get mocked for their prices/quality of work

>> No.3670004

>Draw my fortnite fanart I have thousands of followers and I'll make sure to give you a shout out :)

>> No.3670422

>I dunno... 99% of the board's population
So you and your 3 friends? You do know a lot of the generals on this board did not exist 2...4 years ago, right? You don't know until you try.

If you're competent and diligent you can make a general stay. See a recent example, the anime study thread.

>> No.3670477
File: 12 KB, 645x773, 1444541757416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijacking even though it's only slightly related to the OP

I started to do porn commissions and recently someone sent me a payment as "goods and services" (as opposed to using the "friends/family" option, which I thought was the norm/etiquette) and paypal put a restriction on my account since 1. it thinks i'm a business now and 2. its automatic security system detected it as suspicious, and the only option to lift the restriction is to upload photo ID which I can't do because since I used a fake name when I made the account. Safe to say that account is bricked, so my question is exactly what do lewd artists put as their legal name on paypal if they're a dumbass and have to remake their account like me?

>> No.3670513

>So you and your 3 friends?
I don't have friends anon

>> No.3670578

I'm your friend. You just don't know it.

>> No.3670579
File: 20 KB, 310x470, connor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let say I wanted to commission some art. It would be of Connor from Detroit: Become Human.

It would be a bust drawing, Id like to see his little thing that says RK800 on his suit. and it would be split, a red and black color scheme on the left and a white and blue on the right. He would a bit torn between choosing become deviant and stay a machine.

What would you guys charge and do you guys have samples so I can see if you are actually good at what you do.

>> No.3671837

My legal name is on my PayPal because it's attached to my bank card. I only did that recently though when the account got over a thousand in there and I didn't feel safe having it in paypal anymore.
I've been using invoices the entire time. Paypal allows you to use invoices without a true "business" account because it wants people to use it if they sell something on facebook or etsy and aren't a company. Goods and Services should only be used for physical objects and it probably thinks you're frauding people because you're not sending something.
If you use invoices, you can hide your name from your client in the business information section and select "hide on invoice". Also don't put anything porn related in the fucking details because that's the first step to getting your shit flagged.
If you want to try and make a fake ID, I can't stop you, but I know from stories other have told that they best way to resolve any paypal issue is to call them, explain your situation (but don't mention NSFW materials or that you were taking commissions through friends and family.) It may be best to say that you did a picture for someone and they sent you money and this happened. Maybe mention that you wanted to change your account name and try to work with them and change it on their end.

>> No.3671867

Thanks for this. I actually tested that yesterday and sent an invoice to a second account (hiding name/email/address on said invoice) and although my name was hidden on the invoice (and was replaced with a FAKE name in the business information tab) my legal name still on Paypal showed up on their feed which was a little scary. How did you completely hide it?

>> No.3672134

You should be able to fully hide it with an upgrade to a business account. Not the premium one, but the free business one.

>> No.3672190

Gaia Online already has a similar forum board (not anonymous) that is popular, I suggest you go there if you want free art, or random people to practice on without the stress of deadlines

>> No.3672340
File: 113 KB, 500x465, 1501036689453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for a thread like this to appear, asking for a friend

What sites would be best suited for commissions at this point? What could you do/use to get yourself noticed by people that actually want to pay for your work instead of constantly request you for free shit? /aco/'s one is basically dying, and no other board has one.

>> No.3672366

Just make a thread showcasing your art and... if it is good enough, the beggars will come a knockin'. Tell them no, you're commission only, and some of them may take you up on your offer. You'll also get critiqued by other anons and won't be breaking board rules.

Do the same on Reddit, Twitter, DA, Tumblr, facebook, linkedin, whatever.

Spam links to each account on every other account. Simple. The key is being a decent artist with original ideas and a modicum of skill... and time.

>> No.3672456

GOtcha. Thanks I'll look into it.

>> No.3672460

advertise everywhere, without spamming, including real-world locations/companies.

>> No.3672721
File: 3.72 MB, 3063x4430, 1530760306216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post if you want an /ic/ commission general where you can offer your art skills & ask for PAID requests.

>> No.3672765
File: 225 KB, 383x348, 1501029428958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say no if it works out so...

>> No.3672804

there's not enough stupid people in the internet to pay for comissions in this bottom-of-the-barrel, beg-tier board. at least i hope there aren't

>> No.3672898

And how will it work out? We post an image of or drawings, our current skills, and post a way of contacting us?

>> No.3673750
File: 662 KB, 845x1160, 1524285903438takahiro imai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys complain 85% of the time with "waaah I'm getting no client, I'm NGMI & will die poor or be a wageslave forever" greentexts but you do Nothing about it. THIS is an opportunity to change that miserable state, within an environment you're already familiar with!!

Something like that, or a link to the artist blog. (there's a promotion thread already) If you're good you get more traffic on your portfolio AND you get potential clients.

There's no benefit Not to try, and if enough people are on board it WILL work out,anon...

>> No.3673763 [DELETED] 

>There's no benefit Not to try, and if enough people are on board it WILL work out,anon...

this really, everyone is so afraid to make a step even though they WANT the change

>> No.3673767

Post up a commission thread, why bother speculating when you can just test reality?

>> No.3673775

now that's a very accurate analysis

>> No.3673821

there is a clear benefit, not shitting up board culture and ruining one of the few places online where you can get decent critique as opposed to dicksucking

rest assured whatever attempt at a thread like this will be met with overwhelming trolling to this board and individual artists alike, and not all of it is going to come from jelly artists

>> No.3673833 [DELETED] 

>implying you get critique from actual artists

just lmao, this board will remain in it's circle fuckery until it introduces actual namefagging

>> No.3673835

How will you stop receiving decent critique/ spread a circlejerk if there's a commission general thread in a catalog of 20+ threads?
It's not incompatible at all, you know.
At this point you're just afraid of the "unknown"...
Let's just try = if it happens like your second sentence says, you win, and it will show that this place is hopeless for commission work. If I win, any artist who comes here & wants to get paid / requester who wants art made by anons who know what they're doing has a specific place for that.

>> No.3673892
File: 11 KB, 480x360, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but you have to think like an businessman
Do you need "assessment"?

>> No.3673947

OP here. Reading the replies i think this should happen but we need to set some sort of rules and create a standard "commission sheet" format, i think this template is really good and you can download the psd file to make a custom one

The only board rule we are "breaking" is the first one, but 1 of every 3 threads is doing the same, so a try would not hurt anyone. about the rules for the thread, i think we should use some system of "trust" where commissioners can leave comments for review about speed, quality and comunication for the artist.

>> No.3673956

Using /aco/'s commission thread, just put everyones' info in an excel sheet.

And for the love of god, don't use Discord. Every place I go to that ends up with those just kill all point to using the thread its attached to.

>> No.3673961 [DELETED] 

>requester who wants art made by anons who know what they're doing has a specific place for that.
>a place for commissions

sounds comfy, you do that anon

>> No.3673983
File: 55 KB, 1500x928, free_commission_prices_template_by_jenny2_point_0-d6fsz9n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about the sheet i was thinking of this one.

as i remember there are at least 3 discords focused in /aco/'s commission thread, the problem with discord is that people become "friends" and then for stupid reasons they start hating other people too, talking about politics, games, music or even sexual preferences can lead the whole discord to bad situations.

>> No.3674087

I barely come to this board but EVERYTIME I come all I see you faggots doing is either nothing or calling each others art shit, so I will be surprised if anything comes out of that.

>> No.3674120 [DELETED] 

ok but there is a bit too much unnecessary info in there, it's like one of those DA ones. Most professional artists just have an example of a couple full pieces, and one that is more in a "fast" sketch fashion. The prices then vary solely based on the content in each illustration, like how many characters etc. and fully rendered or flat if the artist uses more styles. In actually nobody cares how you specify your rendering, they just want YOUR artwork in your style.

So maybe drop stuff like base, color, complex features, it's kinda weird do dissect a piece and choose what to cut off based on the price, it's not meat, and nobody wants such a treatment. Maybe beginner artists like to have it this way to cut corners and time, so idk maybe keep it for them.