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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 20 KB, 252x584, goi2xci6ylo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3667704 No.3667704 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think of bodybuilding do you think it's a legitimate form of art?

>> No.3667721

define legitimate and art first

>> No.3667731
File: 44 KB, 450x450, b8bbe9ccbb91d1d085f5fbbc5eca3d46--d-nail-art-d-nails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's as much of an art as nail designing is, take from that what you will.

>> No.3667770 [DELETED] 

Yes. You can even listen to golden age bodybuilders' take on it as well. You're taking a human body and adding mass in appropriate places to enhance proportion. Cutting fat for definition. The result is an aesthetically pleasing human specimen. It's like using your body as clay.

>> No.3667801 [DELETED] 


No idea, but learning a bit of bodybuilding concepts has helped inform my drawing. I recently learned of low vs high insertions and I've always instinctively prefered low insertions when drawing without thinking about it.

>> No.3667803
File: 234 KB, 800x1296, fist-of-the-north-star-1007417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit

>> No.3667876

Art is the craft of illusion. You have to make something look like something that it's not. A lump of clay or marble that's been formed to look like a human body is art. A human body that's been formed to look like a slightly different human body is not art. Bodybuilding is still cool and impressive but it's just not art

>> No.3667943

Bodybuilders can be art, or made into art, but it's hard to say the bodybuilder himself is an artist.
Bodybuilding as an artform is something you have no control over. if you do everything right, get 5-8% bf at your peak possible physique, and you still have wide hips, there's nothing you can do about that, your "art" is stuck there. It's a bullshit artform, there's no creativity, you can't choose how your muscle bellies look, or your insertions, the same dude wins mr. olympia every year until they get old or retire and it's not like the other guys could have done anything different (it's a pretty stupid competition).

The only creative decision in bodybuilding is the choice to be a bodybuilder, there's no choice in what you get in the end.

>> No.3667961

I dont agree, genetics play a certain role but people also choose specific workouts to get specific results. You may never look like Arnold but you do have significant input on how yout body turns out. Im very skinny because of genetics but I could still put on muscle mass or stick with a slender but cut physique. That part is up to me.

>> No.3668276

You have never watched a classic posing routine its not just genetics the art is in the display and posing

>> No.3668281

I don't think it matters, if you apply this sort of logic to it then simply working towards any given body type can be considered "art".

There are some things you simply can't change naturally, you'd need surgery, which you may call art where the surgeon is the artist, but not the patient. A man choosing to build mass in specific places and cut fat is not art, surely? There is an amount of applied effort to it, and you can end up with an aesthetically pleasing result, but you can say the same for flat pack furniture, but I wouldn't call my mum an artist for putting together a table.

>> No.3668290

Clay can take any shape, as can marble, ice, wood etc. the human body cannot. The human body is a canvas or tool to be used in art in my opinion, it isn't art itself simply by choosing to change your body naturally in some way. You can't exactly express your thoughts through building muscle or cutting fat. It is respectable, the dedication it takes, and I'd never take that away from anyone, but I don't see it as a form of expression in the same way I see other art.

>> No.3668316
File: 99 KB, 500x335, strongsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I started lifting weights 5 months ago and I've been more consistent with it than drawing

>> No.3668366
File: 49 KB, 490x490, CZhX8hxWIAA1P15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Hikoriko araki is a good example

>> No.3668368
File: 422 KB, 600x699, AnCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny this is, women find these types of bodies extremely unflattering. They typically just prefer skinny lmao.

>> No.3668370 [DELETED] 


c o p e

>> No.3668372
File: 502 KB, 2048x427, Balkanites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only cope is body lifting. You can lift all you want, on all the steroids you want, but it still won't fix your ugly face.

Regardless, if you have female friends and you start trying to get buff, they will hint at you not to, since women don't like it. Women want something soft to hold onto. Skinny is the best because it's aesthetically the nicest(I look hot af in black skinny jeans also :3 ) and you are still soft and cute, unless you are fucking diagnosably anorexic.

>> No.3668375

Nobody cares

>> No.3668376 [DELETED] 


Fuck off homo

>> No.3668382
File: 1.40 MB, 2000x2500, Albanians are Egyptians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you. The only people attracted to buff men are fags. That's why the majority of Greek statues are buff as hell, but then the Romans, a non-fag society, scaled them back.

>> No.3668388

have you ever interacted with a woman? they like dad bods and guys who are big and lean, but not ridiculously big and lean to where it's jarring to look at. at least in my experience, these guys fuck like no tomorrow, ugly face or not. guys who are skinny with a 10/10 face also fuck like no tomorrow. but most importantly, guys i know who are skinny and not even very attractive also fuck like no tomorrow, but thats much less common and i dont know the secret to that one.

>> No.3668391

It's a retarded hobby for faggots and narcissists, and mostly just self-destructive. Also full of steroid junkies.

>> No.3668393

it might be, if only there wasn't steroid abuse

>> No.3668395
File: 51 KB, 326x640, Be THINN Like Hermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatevs dude. I'm tall, skinny, look like an Aquiline Aryan Sun God, and I fucking can't keep women off of me.

>guys i know who are skinny and not even very attractive also fuck like no tomorrow, but thats much less common and i dont know the secret to that one.
LONG HAIR IS THE SECRET. Especially if you have natural light blonde hair such as yours truly.

This guy gets it.

>> No.3668402

if theres no pencil or paint involved its not art.

>> No.3668412
File: 41 KB, 498x341, 1522973010627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this to a better board fucko

>> No.3668416

I'd say yes.
Not a bodybuilder, but I have started working out again.
I see the body as a kind of clay we can shape. Not to the same degree of flexibility as clay, but we can achieve physical looks humans find pleasing (to some degree).
It's kind of a waste seeing all the people who let their bodies become an amorphous goo.
I get people live busy lives or just don't have the motivation to work out, but it feels wasteful that we have these malleable bodies and we choose to do nothing with it.
I'll never have the ideal body type because I'm short and skinny, but doing research on health and just doing basic exercises for any amount of increase in physique is better than staying in my current state. Although I can't do anything about height, but whatever.
On the plus side, my stomach is looking a lot more toned.

>> No.3668441

anon respond to this
if you're interested. some people consider fat people more visually appealing, just like some people consider a bunch of paint splats on a canvas more appealing than the old classic renaissance works. why is bodybuilding specifically different to working towards any given body type?

>> No.3668453

i did and i've almost die laughing.

>> No.3668460
File: 22 KB, 615x409, pure art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is shyntol like digital art then?

>> No.3668464

The one extremely buff guy I know's tinder inbox looks like a woman's in that it's a constant stream of thirsty 8/10 bimbos trying to get with him. Even though I'm short and bald I started getting much more attention when my physique filled out as well. Being skinny isn't in itself appealing to women in the same way being fit is.

Everything is secondary to height, at any rate; hair too, probably. Even though both my friend and I are as bald as bowling balls that hasn't really slowed him down any. Being tall and fit are a good combination but if you're short and bald you have to have something going for you and "not being fat" isn't enough.

>> No.3668466

>Women want something soft to hold onto
yeah until they get bored and fuck a big guy
I know because my female friends talk about it, they realize this once they have more physical contact. Woman don´t know what they want just like when they crave for a baby doggo and abandon them once the poor creature served a purpose

>> No.3668481


>> No.3668491
File: 40 KB, 380x536, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3668495

Bad tangent with the beard on the left side, I'd try to avoid that next time, but other than nice.

>> No.3668525
File: 45 KB, 550x357, Bedouins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my female friends
Traps on your shitty incel discord server don't count as women. Try again next time.

Jokes on you. Jewesses crave my Aryan-Albanian cock more than any other race.

There's also a bit of a tangent with the nose lining up with where the mouth starts. It's a much minor issue, when compared to the hair and bear, but just something I noticed.

>> No.3668526


>> No.3668528
File: 67 KB, 828x604, BurzumHub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm turning 21 at the end of the month so yeah... I'm pretty young still.

>> No.3668697

>You may never look like Arnold but you do have significant input on how yout body turns out
You really don't. It mostly comes down to where your muscle insertions are which you can't help. The same with a 6 or 8 pack, some people will never be able to develop one while others can. Most people will have a 4 pack at best.

That's not to say you can't still get ripped with effort and diet but bodybuilding really is just genetics and how your body responds to some regiments. That said, this thread is gay and stupid like most of the other bait threads here although it slightly grabbed my attention to see the dumb shit posted inside.

>> No.3668726

Just be lean bro.

>> No.3668727

You don't even need to do that. Women literally can't tell the difference. Men can only tell the difference if you have your shirt off (and it's not like I'm going to be walking around with no shirt, nor am I trying to attract men.) Just THINN is the way to go; plus, you look great in skinny jeans, especially when you are 6'2".

>> No.3668873


>> No.3668878

What if I body build because I want to look and feel strong

>> No.3668894

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3668996
File: 298 KB, 768x1024, 2803470123_8da60dfd7a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women have shit taste
Really? Didn't knew that. Color me surprised.
Only us fags are the chosen ones to keep the Greek heritage alive.

>> No.3669012

That's not a bad thing if you love both, but lifting will have long term health benefits we 're all gonna make it bro

>> No.3669015


>> No.3669039


>> No.3669043

kek yes

>> No.3669045

Women prefer otter-mode.

>> No.3669047

see >>3668727

>> No.3669494
File: 53 KB, 480x600, 1514811056957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3669569


>> No.3669652
File: 81 KB, 750x493, Varg Stop Sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching porn.

>> No.3670146


>> No.3670899

Oh shit, can you elaborate on that? I like drawing muscle even to huge sizes and definitions and this concept is unknown to me

>> No.3670906

some artists i really like have said that weight training, especially lifting with the arms an shiz has helped make their hand much steadier while drawing, makes me think i should get back to what little upper body work i was doing, i mostly just work my legs/core

>> No.3670987

I'm sorry Uncle Varg. I will try. But when I work out I get super horny. Maybe next time I'll try taking a cold shower and slapping myself in the face until the degeneracy fades.

>> No.3671084

5'8", 125lbs, balding badly at 24. I relate. I just started working out so I can shave my head without looking like an Auschwitz survivor.

>> No.3671088

If you dress right you could look okay thin and shaved I'm sure.

>> No.3671093

Sculpting then is also not art?

>> No.3671096

Eh, probably. My face is also not the prettiest, so I kinda feel like a faggot trying to dress nicer. Like an imposter or something. I'd just like to at least look decent naked.

>> No.3671125

The human body itself is art. It's an amazing product of evolution.

>> No.3671323

>It's an amazing product of evolution.
Not art.

>> No.3671369

its not. anything hands on is not art.

>> No.3671391

I'd say evolution is art.
The beauty of nature is art.
But dat just my opinion.

>> No.3671404

Nah nature is beautiful, but it's not art, art is a human concept.

>> No.3673224

o fug pls no

>> No.3674653
