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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 138 KB, 814x768, 1540728489573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3657747 No.3657747 [Reply] [Original]

why do fan arts like this one make me angry

>> No.3657752

Imitating the master's works as a practice to learn and develop your own art has always been done since centuries ago, you illiterate retard.

>> No.3657757

The only thing that makes me angry about this is using those gay ass Breath of the Wild designs.

>> No.3657764

i personally like them t bh

>> No.3657765
File: 156 KB, 850x629, __julius_caesar_and_vercingetorix_real_life_and_vercingetorix_jette_ses_armes_aux_pieds_de_jules_cesar_drawn_by_nogami_takeshi__sample-1d9b685d6f99f5b107140a81c01920f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more examples op?

>> No.3657766
File: 601 KB, 1280x1800, Real Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not an excuse for anything. If they wanted to study the work, they should copy it, carefully, like a student. What we have here is a impotent travesty done for likes and reblogs, not for developing an artistic ability.

>> No.3657772

It's not that, they aren't really studying the master, it's more them taking a timeless piece and adding their own cheesy style on it.

>> No.3657776
File: 13 KB, 617x170, parody definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3657777

bc you're a whiny necromantic-traditionalist faggot.

>> No.3657787


>> No.3657798

having fun is PROHIBITED
art should be deep and serous
digital art is not real art

>> No.3657807

You nailed it, thanks for that.

>> No.3657808
File: 54 KB, 715x850, Intimacy, oil on linen, 31,5x26,5in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your overreacting, but I also think that artists like Cesar Santos are lame

>> No.3657837
File: 614 KB, 1200x1920, pavel-ryzhenko-let-everything-that-breathes-praise-the-lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newsflash, 99% of art these days is done from reference or a combination of references. What matters is if the artist uses them in an interesting way. An homage like this is fun and interesting, so go fuck yourself

>> No.3657840

>why does something that does not affect my life negatively whatsoever makes me mad
poor emotional control

>> No.3657844

religious pieces being used for cartoon characters makes people angry? gee i would have never thought

>> No.3657846

Oof. shouldn't have read the replies. lot of funko-pop collectors on this board

>> No.3657859

Good, people who get upset about their religion over the internet deserved to be mocked.

>> No.3657860
File: 81 KB, 645x671, 1506788998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religious piece

>> No.3657862


>> No.3657890
File: 1.22 MB, 1700x2267, Vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect lewd anime figures, thank you very much.

>> No.3657932
File: 139 KB, 250x399, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there, NOW it's art

>> No.3657959

so did the "artist" clarify that he was copying the original piece, or did he straight out steal the concept?

>> No.3657961

By replacing characters and motifs with modern equivalents, we are forced to reexamine classical art in its native, contemporary context and view it for what is is. It's kitsch. It's entertainment.

That's not a bad thing in and of itself. I'm pro-kitsch. But it does highlight the hypocrisy of the classical fine art world and academia, which distances itself from illustration and commercial art. We've been taught to look down on kitsch and worship fine art, based on semantics. It's arbitrary.

>> No.3657967

>If they wanted to study the work, they should copy it, carefully
You don't know shit about studying.

>> No.3657992

You're in the right place
95% of /ic is kitsch

>> No.3658018

99% of art is shit

>> No.3658021

This man speaks truth. Great insight.

>> No.3658023

>What we have here is a impotent travesty done for likes and reblogs, not for developing an artistic ability.
What if the person was not seeking to develop artistic ability and just wanted to draw some cheesy Zelda art for fun?

>> No.3658024

actually this artist's speciality is making fanart versions of old paintings. she makes bank from normies at conventions.

>> No.3658026

'cause the original had a historical background and the fanart is probably done by a fat basedmilk drining switch fanboy.

>> No.3658028


This explains everything.

>> No.3658049

because you are a pseud

>> No.3658063

that's why, i'm right with you anon.

no respect for the source material.

>> No.3658260

>ITT: seething Sony autists
Must of gotten banned from /v/ for being a console warring cocksucker. Poor you. :_(

>> No.3658330

have you had your daily onions yet, goy?

>> No.3658640

oh vvovv, someone saved what I've typed out.
That's exactly what master study is.

>> No.3658643


>> No.3658677

what a pc-peasant faggot

>> No.3658687


The depth of feeling and intention is different?

>> No.3658689


The original artist poured his soul into producing the original piece and turning the characters into animals in battle ready position, undermines the reverence of the original conception?

It has lost its very essence?

>> No.3658697

Idiot, doing master studies is just a tool for learning, you can copy a painting or reimagine it, you are still learning. It might even be more effective, depending on what exactly you're trying to achieve.

>> No.3658703
File: 463 KB, 512x875, mona lisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are autistic and can't stand other people having fun.

>> No.3658719

Hey hot stuff, careful with the namecalling. Let's extrapolate your point and say that any kind of drawing whatsoever is learning. And if drawing fanart over classic paintings, it's a very inefficient one indeed. As we say here, to chase two rabbits at once, or to sit on a dick and feast on a fish simulataneously, but let's be honest here and without unnecessary hypocrisy let's acknowledge the fact that there is no intention to learn in the process of creating these kind of pictures on the part of the artist. It's merely a play on brand recognition, of mashing up the old, revered, "great" and the new, popular, hip in hopes that people would find it cool. So what I want to say is that defending it on the grounds that it is a study seems like a really far strung argument to me, you would do much better, if you have the sincerity, to simply acknowledge it for what it is: fanart, made to appeal and not a study, meant to learn from. I hope I could get my point across and I wash my hands, and I will not engage in any more unnecessary demagogia with you.

>> No.3658720


>> No.3658901

>make me angry
Probably because you're an autist. The painting on the left isn't even that good it's just your generic run of the mill knight painting. And the one on the right isn't hanging on a museum, it's probably something someone did out of boredom and posted it on tumblr or whatever.

>> No.3658933

>imagine being that out of touch

>> No.3658939


>> No.3659025

And the complex, non-repetitive symphonies of Rimsky-Korsakov and Shostakovich are the same as a Kanye West or Britney Spears single? And Dante's Inferno or Goethe's Faust is the same as 50 shades of gray or whatever ya novel is popular now? Do you even realize what your fingers are doing when you put them on the keyboard or do you actually believe what you're saying? You relativists are the worst.
>"...Scream in their ears, shake them on their shoulders, tell them the dearest names, - nothing will help. In the face of the damned irony - all is the same to them: the good and the evil, the clear sky and the fetid pit, Dante's Beatrice and the roadside whore. All is mixed like in the pub and in the dark. The wine truth "in vino Veritas" - is revealed to the world, everything - is one, one - is the world; I'm drunk, ergo - if I wish - I'll "embrace" the world wholly, fall on my knees before the whore, seduce Beatrice; wallowing in the ditch I'll presume I soar in the skies; if I wish - I'll "reject" the world: I'll prove that the Beatrice and the whore are one and the same. Such is my fancy for I am drunk. And what can you ask from a drunk man? Drunk with irony, with laughter, like with vodka; just like that all is "defaced", all is "disgraced", all - all the same."

>> No.3659051

>it's good because it's complicated
I see tell me more

>> No.3659053

Because you're a raving autist.

>> No.3659061

>Drunk with irony, with laughter, like with vodka; just like that all is "defaced", all is "disgraced", all - all the same."

>> No.3659062

1. He didn't say that it's all the same.
2. Don't compare different types of art. Or at least don't compare Dante with Edmund Leighton. Compare Dante with El Greco or someone like that, and Edmund Leighton is more like some late 19th century writer of historical fiction.

>> No.3659073

...Do you know what "more" means? I can't even pretend to take you seriously now.

>> No.3659082

You're drunk with irony, everything is the same to you, why bother.

>> No.3659088

Eh it’s cringy. But I don’t think having respect for classics is really a criticism that holds up these days. Not sure it ever did. People like poking fun at our classics and usually the criticism that you shouldn’t because classic comes off as sorta stodgy. There are times when it just comes off as incredibly lazy and “parody” is used as an excuse for not really having any idea wtf you wanna draw.
>E.g. all the hundreds of Simpsons retellings of bible stories, fairy tales, plays, historical events, etc.
It’s just cringy, low effort filler

>porn artists who are obviously just tracing over stills from 3D porn
I-it’s a reference!!

>> No.3659092

I would tell you about the variation, the imagination and the real emotion and values that goes into a single Rimsky-Korsakov symphony, not to mention the ability of both the composer and the performers all of which dwarf the entirety of modern pop music industry, but you'll shrug it off, you're just gonna laugh at me for it because you're poisoned, you're numb and you haven't even listened to what I'm talking about. So why bother.

>> No.3659093

Look, two pseuds with sticks up their asses. Jerk each off, why don't you.

>> No.3659094

I have sent the second message as a follow up. And you keep throwing names, as if it means anything at all to any of us. You're numb.

>> No.3659100

There's good art and bad art and all sorts of art and entertainment that serves different purposes. In the 1500s there were shitty writers too and all sorts of artists who dwelled in cheap vulgarity we don't remember them because they didn't leave an impact. Also comparing Leighton to Dante is a huge overstretch, Dante is leaps and bounds on a different level.

>> No.3659101

Dude you totally dodged the kitsch guys point. He was saying that all classical paintings were just kitschy wall decor. Anon saying he was lumping Rimsky in with Kanye is exactly what kitschbro was getting at. Which is a retarded claim.

>> No.3659102

>any of us
It's just you lol. How can I argue with a guy that admitted to samefagging, jeez

>> No.3659104

Can't you read?
>second message as a follow up.
>to the first message
i wash my hands.

>> No.3659105

You're making a qualitative comparison, I was not. The similarity is context. The difference is that classical art has been vetted by time and there is a long standing consensus to their value. Doesn't change what they are: broadly understood entertainment, often commercial, done in the popular style of the time.

>> No.3659106

>broadly understood entertainment, often commercial, done in the popular style of the time
Even if that, it is better in all respects disregardless than the
>broadly understood entertainment, often commercial, done in the popular style
of our time.

>> No.3659114

>better in all respects
Again, you keep going to a qualitative comparison. No one was arguing that point. Of course the "classical" stuff is qualitatively better.

I'm only attempting to explain why OP feels the anger he feels independent of quality. I'm assuming that even if a master of traditional art repainted this with zelda characters, he'd have the same reaction.

>> No.3659180

Probably autism.

>> No.3659215

At least it isn't another Art Nouveau vidya piece

>> No.3659216

>drawing is fun they said

>> No.3659247

As a huge fan of Mucha I unironically like those.

>> No.3660882

It's almost insulting that they take a classical piece and devoid it of meaning by turning into a "le generic pop culture reference." They are imitating something they don't understand.

>> No.3660981
File: 55 KB, 661x465, 216r3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also hate how some people think they're creative by taking an established piece of art and then combining it with something else.

Turning Michelangelo fat for example, changing Adam and God into robots is another example, making Mona Lisa into a blonde bimbo for some banal social statement.

They're nothing but lazy hacks who lack the creativity to make something new and so they have to piggyback on the coattails of the old masters to make something decent.

>> No.3660988

>why does this one make me angry
extreme autism

>> No.3660990

soul, soulless

>> No.3660999

or a black guy in a Scottish museum doing an obnoxious spoken word piece whining about how all the paintings are of white men. Funded by the state with the tax payers dollar of course.

>> No.3661012

Autism, obviously.

>> No.3661251

Because you are a gay boy with a girls sensitivity.
Art tributes have been done for centuries.
Pop culture art is cringey and retarded but there is a market for it so ignore it and then it's no longer a part of your life.
Also the Zelda pic looks awful, but he probably got paid/had fun making it so what does it matter

>> No.3661456

Because you're pretentious and insecure, so nobody is allowed to have fun with their art.

>> No.3661462

Go back to playing the gaystation

>ITT: "No one is allowed to draw anything I don't like!"
Imaging crying this hard over something as stupid as this. This board is infested with crabs.

>> No.3663076

Scotland doesn't go by the dollar. Try again.

>> No.3663092
File: 685 KB, 1768x1204, controversial appropriation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art like this has a word. Appropriation. It just means to take for your own use without permission from the original creator. The more popular the image, the more likely to be appropriated.

It's actually a big topic for debate, so i'm not surprised a lot of people disagree. Is it straight up theft, or parody? or both? What do you think of the infamous Walker Evans appropriation? (see pic)


>> No.3663094

shoot. wrong link

>> No.3663095

That's pretty funny ngl

>> No.3663137

tax payer's Irn Bru Units you pedantic shitstain